{"id":182056,"date":"2009-03-30T00:00:00","date_gmt":"2009-10-31T09:19:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/msr-research-item\/computational-thinking-for-a-modern-kidney-exchange\/"},"modified":"2016-09-09T10:02:31","modified_gmt":"2016-09-09T17:02:31","slug":"computational-thinking-for-a-modern-kidney-exchange","status":"publish","type":"msr-video","link":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/en-us\/research\/video\/computational-thinking-for-a-modern-kidney-exchange\/","title":{"rendered":"Computational Thinking for a Modern Kidney Exchange"},"content":{"rendered":"

In kidney exchanges, patients with kidney disease can obtain compatible donors by swapping their own willing but incompatible donors. The clearing problem involves finding a social welfare maximizing set of non-overlapping short cycles. We proved this NP-hard. It was one of the main obstacles to a national kidney exchange. We presented the first algorithm capable of clearing these exchanges optimally on a nationwide scale. The key was incremental problem formulation. We adapted two paradigms for this: constraint generation and column generation. For each, we developed techniques that dramatically improve runtime and memory usage.<\/p>\n

Furthermore, clearing is an online problem where patient-donor pairs and altruistic donors appear and expire over time. We developed trajectory-based online stochastic optimization algorithms (that use our optimal offline solver as a subroutine) for this. I will discuss design parameters and tradeoffs. Our best online algorithms outperform the current practice of solving each batch separately.<\/p>\n

I will share my experiences from using these algorithms in real kidney exchanges, and the generalizations we introduced. For one, we used them to launch the first never-ending altruistic donor chains. I am also helping UNOS design the nationwide kidney exchange; I will discuss current design considerations.<\/p>\n

The talk will cover the following papers:<\/p>\n