Adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) News and Insights | Microsoft Security Blog Expert coverage of cybersecurity topics Mon, 27 Jan 2025 16:07:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Frequent freeloader part I: Secret Blizzard compromising Storm-0156 infrastructure for espionage Wed, 04 Dec 2024 17:00:00 +0000 Microsoft has observed Secret Blizzard compromising the infrastructure and backdoors of the Pakistan-based threat actor we track as Storm-0156 for espionage against the Afghanistan government and Indian Army targets.

The post Frequent freeloader part I: Secret Blizzard compromising Storm-0156 infrastructure for espionage appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Based on both Microsoft Threat Intelligence’s findings and those reported by governments and other security vendors, we assess that the Russian nation-state actor tracked as Secret Blizzard has used the tools and infrastructure of at least six other threat actors during the past seven years. They also have actively targeted infrastructure where other threat actors have staged exfiltrated data from victims with the intention of collecting this data for their own espionage program. We assess that Secret Blizzard’s use of other actors’ infrastructure and tools, both state-sponsored and cybercriminal, is exclusively for facilitating espionage operations.

In this first of a two-part blog series, we discuss how Secret Blizzard has used the infrastructure of the Pakistan-based threat activity cluster we call Storm-0156 — which overlaps with the threat actor known as SideCopy, Transparent Tribe, and APT36 — to install backdoors and collect intelligence on targets of interest in South Asia. Microsoft Threat Intelligence partnered with Black Lotus Labs, the threat intelligence arm of Lumen Technologies, to confirm that Secret Blizzard command-and-control (C2) traffic emanated from Storm-0156 infrastructure, including infrastructure used by Storm-0156 to collate exfiltrated data from campaigns in Afghanistan and India. We thank the Black Lotus Team for recognizing the impact of this threat and collaborating on investigative efforts. In the second blog, Microsoft Threat Intelligence will be detailing how Secret Blizzard has used Amadey bots and the PowerShell backdoor of two other threat actors to deploy the Tavdig backdoor and then use that foothold to install their KazuarV2 backdoor on target devices in Ukraine.

Microsoft Threat Intelligence tracks Secret Blizzard campaigns and, when we are able, directly notifies customers who have been targeted or compromised, providing them with the necessary information to help secure their environments. As part of our continuous monitoring, analysis, and reporting on the threat landscape, we are sharing our research on Secret Blizzard’s activity to raise awareness of this threat actor’s tradecraft and to educate organizations on how to harden their attack surfaces against this and similar activity. In addition, we highlight that, while Secret Blizzard’s use of infrastructure and access by other threat actors is unusual, it is not unique. Therefore, organizations compromised by one threat actor may also find themselves compromised by another through the initial intrusion.

Who is Secret Blizzard?

The United States Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has attributed Secret Blizzard to Center 16 of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), which is one of Russia’s Signals Intelligence and Computer Network Operations (CNO) services responsible for intercepting and decrypting electronic data as well as the technical penetration of foreign intelligence targets. Secret Blizzard overlaps with the threat actor tracked by other security vendors as Turla, Waterbug, Venomous Bear, Snake, Turla Team, and Turla APT Group.

Secret Blizzard is known for targeting a wide array of verticals, but most prominently ministries of foreign affairs, embassies, government offices, defense departments, and defense-related companies worldwide. Secret Blizzard focuses on gaining long-term access to systems for intelligence collection using extensive resources such as multiple backdoors, including some with peer-to-peer functionality and C2 communication channels. During intrusions, the threat actor collects and exfiltrates documents, PDFs, and email content. In general, Secret Blizzard seeks out information of political importance with a particular interest in advanced research that might impact international political issues. Campaigns where Secret Blizzard has used the tools or compromised infrastructure of other threat adversaries that have been publicly reported by other security vendors include:

  • Accessing tools and infrastructure of Iranian state-sponsored threat actor Hazel Sandstorm (also called OilRig, APT-34 and Crambus) in 2017, as reported by Symantec and the US and UK intelligence services
  • Reusing Andromeda malware to deploy the KopiLuwak and QuietCanary backdoors in 2022, as reported by Mandiant.
  • Using the backdoor of the Kazakhstan-based threat actor tracked by Microsoft Threat Intelligence as Storm-0473, also called Tomiris, in an attempt to deploy QuietCanary in 2022, as reported by Kaspersky.

While not unique, leveraging the access of other adversaries is a somewhat unusual attack vector for threat actors in general. Secret Blizzard’s use of this technique highlights their approach to diversifying attack vectors, including using strategic web compromises (watering holes) and adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) campaigns likely facilitated via legally mandated intercept systems in Russia such as the “System for Operative Investigative Activities” (SORM). More commonly, Secret Blizzard uses server-side and edge device compromises as initial attack-vectors to facilitate further lateral movement within a network of interest.

Compromise and post-compromise activities

Since November 2022, Microsoft Threat Intelligence has observed Secret Blizzard compromising the C2 infrastructure of a Pakistan-based espionage cluster that we track as Storm-0156. Secret Blizzard has used Storm-0156’s backdoors to deploy their own backdoors to compromised devices. In addition, Secret Blizzard tools have been deployed to virtual private servers (VPS) staging Storm-0156’s exfiltrated data.

The initial access mechanism used by Secret Blizzard to compromise Storm-0156 infrastructure is currently not known. In some instances, observed by Microsoft Threat Intelligence, Storm-0156 appeared to have used the C2 server for a considerable amount of time, while in other observed incidents Storm-0156 began accessing the VPS when Secret Blizzard deployed tools.

On the VPS used for C2, Storm-0156 operators consistently deploy a tool with the filename ArsenalV2%.exe. This is a server-side C2 tool that Microsoft Threat Intelligence refers to as Arsenal. Arsenal is an executable built on top of the cross-platform application development framework QtFramework, indicating it may also be deployed on operating systems other than Windows. Upon execution, Arsenal listens over a hardcoded port for incoming requests from controlled devices. Once connected, the tool enables threat actors to upload or download files to or from the device on which it is deployed.

When Arsenal is deployed, at least two SQLite3 databases, named ConnectionInfo.db and DownloadPriority.db, are set up. Arsenal uses these databases to store and look up information in different tables, such as:

  • Uploaded files and a distinct username of the uploader
  • Affected device information, including IP address, location, operating system version, and installed antivirus software
  • Network connection events, duration of the session, and timestamps like the disconnect and connect time

Initially, Secret Blizzard deployed a fork of the TinyTurla backdoor to Storm-0156 C2 servers. However, since October 2023, Secret Blizzard predominantly has been using a .NET backdoor that Microsoft Threat Intelligence refers to as TwoDash alongside a clipboard monitoring tool referred to as Statuezy. Shortly after we observed the deployment of these capabilities, our partner Black Lotus Labs observed C2 communication from the Storm-0156 C2 infrastructure to dedicated Secret Blizzard C2s. This privileged position on Storm-0156 C2s has allowed Secret Blizzard to commandeer Storm-0156 backdoors such as CrimsonRAT, which was previously observed in Storm-0156 campaigns in 2023 and earlier, and a Storm-0156 Golang backdoor we refer to as Wainscot.

Storm-0156 extensively uses a renamed version (cridviz.exe, crezly.exe) of the Credential Backup and Restore Wizard, credwiz.exe which is vulnerable to DLL-sideloading, to load malicious payloads using a file name DUser.dll. Secret Blizzard often drops their own malicious payloads into a directory separate from that used by Storm-0156, but also uses credwiz.exe to load their malicious payload in a file called duser.dll. This DLL may contain a simple Meterpreter-like backdoor referred to as MiniPocket or the previously referenced TwoDash .NET backdoor. Secret Blizzard’s use of DLL-sideloading using the same legitimate executable and malicious payloads having similar names to those used by Storm-0156 may indicate Secret Blizzard attempts to masquerade as Storm-0156. Another Search-Order-Hijack used by Secret Blizzard is the deployment of TwoDash into the directory c:\windows\system32 with the filename oci.dll and then using the default Windows installation Distributed Transaction Coordinator, msdtc.exe, to DLL-sideload the malicious payload in oci.dll as described by a Penetration Testing Lab blog published in 2020.

Diagram depicting Secret Blizzard first compromising Storm-0156 C2 infrastructure to deploy either TinyTurla or TwoDash, alongside Statuezy to the server. Second, Secret Blizzard implants are deployed to Storm-0156 C2 servers, and beacon to known Secret Blizzard C2 servers. Secret Blizzard then commandeers Storm-0156 backdoors to deploy TwoDash or Minipocket into existing victim networks, which have been observed within the Afghanistan government and other victim networks. Finally, Secret Blizzard implants and establishes a C2 channel with Secret Blizzard infrastructure, completing deployment.
Figure 1. Secret Blizzard and Storm-0156 chain of compromise

In August 2024, Microsoft observed Secret Blizzard using a CrimsonRAT compromise that Storm-0156 had established in March 2024. Secret Blizzard is assessed to have commandeered the CrimsonRAT backdoor to download and execute Secret Blizzard’s TwoDash backdoor. Additionally, Microsoft observed instances of Secret Blizzard accessing Storm-0156’s CrimsonRAT on target devices in India. One of these CrimsonRAT deployments was configured with a C2 server at Contabo (ur253.duckdns[.]org: 45.14.194[.]253), where Secret Blizzard had deployed the clipboard monitor tool in January, February, and September 2024. Between May and August 2024, Black Lotus Labs confirmed network activity indicating backdoor communication from this same CrimsonRAT C2 to known Secret Blizzard infrastructure.

Secret Blizzard backdoors deployed on Storm-0156 infrastructure

TinyTurla variant

Similar to the TinyTurla backdoor reported by Cisco Talos in 2021, the TinyTurla variant is installed using a batch file and disguises itself as a Windows-based service. The batch file also configures a variety of registry keys used by the malware including Delay (sleep time), Key (public key), and Hosts (C2 addresses).

Screenshot of code depicting the mp.bat file containing configuring parameters for the TinyTurla variant
Figure 2. mp.bat file containing configuring parameters for the TinyTurla variant

While there is not complete feature parity between the TinyTurla variant sample and the sample analyzed by Cisco Talos, there are significant functional and code overlaps.


TwoDash is a custom downloader comprised of two main components: a native Win32/64 PE file and a .NET application. The native binary acts as a loader for the .NET application which it decrypts and executes. The .NET application conducts a basic device survey and sends this information to the configured C2 servers. Finally, it waits for follow-on tasks, which are compiled as additional .NET assemblies/modules.


Statuezy is a custom trojan that monitors and logs data saved to the Windows clipboard. Each time the clipboard is updated with new data, the trojan saves the current timestamp, associated clipboard format (such as CF_TEXT), and the clipboard data itself to a temporary file which we assess is exfiltrated by a separate malware family.


MiniPocket is a small custom downloader that connects to a hardcoded IP address/port using TCP to retrieve and execute a second-stage binary.

Storm-0156 backdoors used in this campaign


Wainscot is a Golang-based backdoor seen in the wild since at least October 2023. This backdoor can handle various commands from C2, including launching arbitrary commands, uploading and downloading files, and taking screenshots on the target host. Though Microsoft Threat Intelligence has primarily observed this backdoor targeting Windows users, we also have identified public reports of a possible Wainscot variant targeting Linux-based platforms. Interestingly, this Linux variant has far more features than the Windows variant.


CrimsonRAT is a .NET-based backdoor with varied capabilities that has gone through multiple iterations over the years. The most recent variant of CrimsonRAT analyzed by Microsoft Threat Intelligence can gather system information, list running processes, file information, download or upload files, and execute arbitrary commands on target. We also have observed CrimsonRAT dropping additional modules to act as a keylogger on the target host.

Who has been affected by Secret Blizzard’s compromises using Storm-0156 infrastructure?

In Afghanistan, Secret Blizzard generally has used their positions on Storm-0156 C2 servers to deploy backdoors to devices within the extended Afghan government—including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI), and foreign consulates of the government of Afghanistan. In each of these cases, we observed the deployment of Storm-0156 backdoors which were subsequently used to download the Secret Blizzard tools to target devices in Afghanistan.

In India, Secret Blizzard generally appears to have avoided direct deployment via Storm-0156 backdoors, instead deploying Secret Blizzard backdoors to C2 servers or Storm-0156 servers hosting data exfiltrated from Indian military and defense-related institutions. We observed only one instance of Secret Blizzard using a Storm-0156 backdoor to deploy the TwoDash backdoor to a target desktop in India. The difference in Secret Blizzard’s approach in Afghanistan and India could reflect political considerations within the Russian leadership, differing geographical areas of responsibility within the FSB, or a collection gap on Microsoft Threat Intelligence’s part.    


The frequency of Secret Blizzard’s operations to co-opt or commandeer the infrastructure or tools of other threat actors suggests that this is an intentional component of Secret Blizzard’s tactics and techniques. Leveraging this type of resource has both advantages and drawbacks. Taking advantage of the campaigns of others allows Secret Blizzard to establish footholds on networks of interest with relatively minimal effort. However, because these initial footholds are established on another threat actor’s targets of interest, the information obtained through this technique may not align entirely with Secret Blizzard’s collection priorities. In addition, if the threat actor that established the initial foothold has poor operational security, this technique might trigger endpoint or network security alerts on the tools deployed by the actor conducting the initial compromise, resulting in unintended exposure of Secret Blizzard activity.

Mitigation and protection guidance

To harden networks against the Secret Blizzard activity listed above, defenders can implement the following:

Strengthen Microsoft Defender for Endpoint configuration

Strengthen Microsoft Defender Antivirus configuration

Strengthen operating environment configuration

Microsoft Defender XDR detections

Microsoft Defender Antivirus 

Microsoft Defender Antivirus detects this threat as the following malware: 

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

The following Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts can indicate associated threat activity:

  • Secret Blizzard Actor activity detected

The following alerts might also indicate threat activity related to this threat. Note, however, these alerts also can be triggered by unrelated threat activity. 

  • An executable file loaded an unexpected DLL file
  • Process loaded suspicious .NET assembly

Threat intelligence reports

Microsoft customers can use the following reports in Microsoft products to get the most up-to-date information about the threat actor, malicious activity, and techniques discussed in this blog. These reports provide the intelligence, protection information, and recommended actions to prevent, mitigate, or respond to associated threats found in customer environments. Microsoft Security Copilot customers can also use the Microsoft Security Copilot integration in Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence to get more information about this threat actor.

Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence

Hunting queries  

Microsoft Defender XDR

The following sample queries let you search for a week’s worth of events. To explore up to 30 days’ worth of raw data to inspect events in your network and locate potential PowerShell-related indicators for more than a week, go to the Advanced hunting page > Query tab, select the calendar dropdown menu to update your query to hunt for the Last 30 days.

Storm-0156 compromise-associated malware

Surface events that may have involved Storm-0156 compromise-associated malware.

let fileHashes = dynamic(["e298b83891b192b8a2782e638e7f5601acf13bab2f619215ac68a0b61230a273", "08803510089c8832df3f6db57aded7bfd2d91745e7dd44985d4c9cb9bd5fd1d2", "aba8b59281faa8c1c43a4ca7af075edd3e3516d3cef058a1f43b093177b8f83c", "7c4ef30bd1b5cb690d2603e33264768e3b42752660c79979a5db80816dfb2ad2", "dbbf8108fd14478ae05d3a3a6aabc242bff6af6eb1e93cbead4f5a23c3587ced", "7c7fad6b9ecb1e770693a6c62e0cc4183f602b892823f4a451799376be915912", "e2d033b324450e1cb7575fedfc784e66488e342631f059988a9a2fd6e006d381", "C039ec6622393f9324cacbf8cfaba3b7a41fe6929812ce3bd5d79b0fdedc884a", "59d7ec6ec97c6b958e00a3352d38dd13876fecdb2bb13a8541ab93248edde317"
   | where SHA256 in (fileHashes)
   | project Timestamp, FileHash = SHA256, SourceTable = "DeviceFileEvents"
   | where SHA256 in (fileHashes)
   | project Timestamp, FileHash = SHA256, SourceTable = "DeviceEvents"
   | where SHA256 in (fileHashes)
   | project Timestamp, FileHash = SHA256, SourceTable = "DeviceImageLoadEvents"
   | where SHA256 in (fileHashes)
   | project Timestamp, FileHash = SHA256, SourceTable = "DeviceProcessEvents"
| order by Timestamp desc

Microsoft Sentinel 

Microsoft Sentinel customers can use the TI Mapping analytics (a series of analytics all prefixed with ‘TI map’) to automatically match the malicious domain indicators mentioned in this blog post with data in their workspace. If the TI Map analytics are not currently deployed, customers can install the Threat Intelligence solution from the Microsoft Sentinel Content Hub to have the analytics rule deployed in their Sentinel workspace.  

Search for file-based IOCs:

let selectedTimestamp = datetime(2024-10-17T00:00:00.0000000Z); 
let fileName = dynamic(["hubstck.exe","auddrv.exe","lustsorelfar.exe","duser.dll","mfmpef.exe","MpSvcS.dll","WinHttpSvc.dll","regsvr.exe"]); 
let FileSHA256 = dynamic(["e298b83891b192b8a2782e638e7f5601acf13bab2f619215ac68a0b61230a273","08803510089c8832df3f6db57aded7bfd2d91745e7dd44985d4c9cb9bd5fd1d2","aba8b59281faa8c1c43a4ca7af075edd3e3516d3cef058a1f43b093177b8f83c","7c4ef30bd1b5cb690d2603e33264768e3b42752660c79979a5db80816dfb2ad2","dbbf8108fd14478ae05d3a3a6aabc242bff6af6eb1e93cbead4f5a23c3587ced","7c7fad6b9ecb1e770693a6c62e0cc4183f602b892823f4a451799376be915912","e2d033b324450e1cb7575fedfc784e66488e342631f059988a9a2fd6e006d381","C039ec6622393f9324cacbf8cfaba3b7a41fe6929812ce3bd5d79b0fdedc884a","59d7ec6ec97c6b958e00a3352d38dd13876fecdb2bb13a8541ab93248edde317"]); 
search in (AlertEvidence,BehaviorEntities,CommonSecurityLog,DeviceBaselineComplianceProfiles,DeviceEvents,DeviceFileEvents,DeviceImageLoadEvents, 
TimeGenerated between ((selectedTimestamp - 1m) .. (selectedTimestamp + 90d)) // from October 17th runs the search for last 90 days, change the selectedTimestamp or 90d accordingly. 
(FileName in (fileName) or OldFileName in (fileName)  or ProfileName in (fileName)  or InitiatingProcessFileName in (fileName)  or InitiatingProcessParentFileName in (fileName)  
or InitiatingProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName in (fileName)  or InitiatingProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName in (fileName)  or PreviousFileName in (fileName)  
or ProcessVersionInfoInternalFileName in (fileName) or ProcessVersionInfoOriginalFileName in (fileName) or DestinationFileName in (fileName) or SourceFileName in (fileName)
or ServiceFileName in (fileName) or SHA256 in (FileSHA256)  or InitiatingProcessSHA256 in (FileSHA256))

Search for network IOCs:

let selectedTimestamp = datetime(2024-10-17T00:00:00.0000000Z);
let ip = dynamic(["","","","","","","","","","",
"","",""," ","","","","","","",""]);
let url = dynamic(["","",””]);
search in (AlertEvidence,BehaviorEntities,CommonSecurityLog,DeviceInfo,DeviceNetworkEvents,DeviceNetworkInfo,DnsEvents,SecurityEvent,VMConnection,WindowsFirewall)
TimeGenerated between ((selectedTimestamp - 1m) .. (selectedTimestamp + 90d)) // from October 17th runs the search for last 90 days, change the above selectedTimestamp or 90d accordingly.
(RemoteIP in (ip) or DestinationIP in (ip) or DeviceCustomIPv6Address1 in (ip) or DeviceCustomIPv6Address2 in (ip) or DeviceCustomIPv6Address3 in (ip) or DeviceCustomIPv6Address4 in (ip) or 
MaliciousIP in (ip) or SourceIP in (ip) or PublicIP in (ip) or LocalIPType in (ip) or RemoteIPType in (ip) or IPAddresses in (ip) or IPv4Dhcp in (ip) or IPv6Dhcp in (ip) or IpAddress in (ip) or 
NASIPv4Address in (ip) or NASIPv6Address in (ip) or RemoteIpAddress in (ip) or RemoteUrl in (url))

Indicators of compromise

Storm-0156 compromise-associated malware

IndicatorTypeAssociationLast seen
e298b83891b192b8a2782e638e7f5601acf13bab2f619215ac68a0b61230a273Wainscot SHA-256 (hubstck.exe)Storm-0156 
08803510089c8832df3f6db57aded7bfd2d91745e7dd44985d4c9cb9bd5fd1d2Wainscot SHA-256 (auddrv.exe)Storm-0156 
aba8b59281faa8c1c43a4ca7af075edd3e3516d3cef058a1f43b093177b8f83cCrimsonRAT SHA-256 (lustsorelfar.exe)Storm-0156 
7c4ef30bd1b5cb690d2603e33264768e3b42752660c79979a5db80816dfb2ad2Minipocket SHA-256 (duser.dll)Secret Blizzard 
dbbf8108fd14478ae05d3a3a6aabc242bff6af6eb1e93cbead4f5a23c3587cedTwoDash backdoor SHA-256 (mfmpef.exe)Secret Blizzard 
7c7fad6b9ecb1e770693a6c62e0cc4183f602b892823f4a451799376be915912TwoDash backdoor SHA-256 (duser.dll)Secret Blizzard 
e2d033b324450e1cb7575fedfc784e66488e342631f059988a9a2fd6e006d381TinyTurla variant SHA-256 (MpSvcS.dl)Secret Blizzard 
C039ec6622393f9324cacbf8cfaba3b7a41fe6929812ce3bd5d79b0fdedc884aTinyTurla variant SHA-256 (WinHttpSvc.dll)Secret Blizzard 
59d7ec6ec97c6b958e00a3352d38dd13876fecdb2bb13a8541ab93248edde317Clipboard monitor SHA-256 (regsvr.exe)Secret Blizzard 
connectotels[.]netTinyTurla C2 domainSecret BlizzardApril 2022
hostelhotels[.]netTinyTurla C2 domainSecret BlizzardFebruary 2023
94.177.198[.]94TinyTurla C2 IP addressSecret BlizzardSeptember2022
162.213.195[.]129TinyTurla C2 IP addressSecret BlizzardFebruary 2023
46.249.58[.]201TinyTurla C2 IP addressSecret BlizzardFebruary 2023
95.111.229[.]253TinyTurla C2 IP addressSecret BlizzardSeptember 2022
146.70.158[.]90MiniPocket and TwoDash C2 IP addressSecret BlizzardMay 2024
143.198.73[.]108TwoDash C2 IP addressSecret BlizzardSeptember2023
161.35.192[.]207TwoDash C2 IP addressSecret BlizzardApril 2024
91.234.33[.]48TwoDash C2 IP addressSecret BlizzardApril 2024
154.53.42[.]194ReverseRAT C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureJuly 2024
38.242.207[.]36ReverseRAT C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureMay 2023
167.86.118[.]69ReverseRAT C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureMay 2023
164.68.108[.]153ReverseRAT C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureAugust 2024
144.91.72[.]17Action RAT C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureFebruary 2023
130.185.119[.]198Wainscot C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureAugust 2024
176.57.184[.]97Wainscot C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureSeptember 2024
173.212.252[.]2Wainscot C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureAugust 2024
209.126.11[.]251Wainscot C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureJune 2024
45.14.194[.]253CrimsonRAT C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureSeptember 2024
37.60.236[.]186CrimsonRAT C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureAugust 2024
5.189.183[.]63CrimsonRAT C2 IP addressCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureAugust 2024
109.123.244[.]46C2 Server hosting exfiltrated target dataCompromised Storm-0156 infrastructureAugust 2024


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The post Frequent freeloader part I: Secret Blizzard compromising Storm-0156 infrastructure for espionage appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

File hosting services misused for identity phishing Tue, 08 Oct 2024 16:00:00 +0000 Since mid-April 2024, Microsoft has observed an increase in defense evasion tactics used in campaigns abusing file hosting services like SharePoint, OneDrive, and Dropbox. These campaigns use sophisticated techniques to perform social engineering, evade detection, and compromise identities, and include business email compromise (BEC) attacks.

The post File hosting services misused for identity phishing appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Microsoft has observed campaigns misusing legitimate file hosting services increasingly use defense evasion tactics involving files with restricted access and view-only restrictions. While these campaigns are generic and opportunistic in nature, they involve sophisticated techniques to perform social engineering, evade detection, and expand threat actor reach to other accounts and tenants. These campaigns are intended to compromise identities and devices, and most commonly lead to business email compromise (BEC) attacks to propagate campaigns, among other impacts such as financial fraud, data exfiltration, and lateral movement to endpoints.

Legitimate hosting services, such as SharePoint, OneDrive, and Dropbox, are widely used by organizations for storing, sharing, and collaborating on files. However, the widespread use of such services also makes them attractive targets for threat actors, who exploit the trust and familiarity associated with these services to deliver malicious files and links, often avoiding detection by traditional security measures.

Importantly, Microsoft takes action against malicious users violating the Microsoft Services Agreement in how they use apps like SharePoint and OneDrive. To help protect enterprise accounts from compromise, by default both Microsoft 365 and Office 365 support multi-factor authentication (MFA) and passwordless sign-in. Consumers can also go passwordless with their Microsoft account. Because security is a team sport, Microsoft also works with third parties like Dropbox to share threat intelligence and protect mutual customers and the wider community.

In this blog, we discuss the typical attack chain used in campaigns misusing file hosting services and detail the recently observed tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), including the increasing use of certain defense evasion tactics. To help defenders protect their identities and data, we also share mitigation guidance to help reduce the impact of this threat, and detection details and hunting queries to locate potential misuse of file hosting services and related threat actor activities. By understanding these evolving threats and implementing the recommended mitigations, organizations can better protect themselves against these sophisticated campaigns and safeguard digital assets.

Attack overview

Phishing campaigns exploiting legitimate file hosting services have been trending throughout the last few years, especially due to the relative ease of the technique. The files are delivered through different approaches, including email and email attachments like PDFs, OneNote, and Word files, with the intent of compromising identities or devices. These campaigns are different from traditional phishing attacks because of the sophisticated defense evasion techniques used.

Since mid-April 2024, we observed threat actors increasingly use these tactics aimed at circumventing defense mechanisms:

  • Files with restricted access: The files sent through the phishing emails are configured to be accessible solely to the designated recipient. This requires the recipient to be signed in to the file-sharing service—be it Dropbox, OneDrive, or SharePoint—or to re-authenticate by entering their email address along with a one-time password (OTP) received through a notification service.
  • Files with view-only restrictions: To bypass analysis by email detonation systems, the files shared in these phishing attacks are set to ‘view-only’ mode, disabling the ability to download and consequently, the detection of embedded URLs within the file.

An example attack chain is provided below, depicting the updated defense evasion techniques being used across stages 4, 5, and 6:

Attack chain diagram. Step 1, attacker compromises a user of a trusted vendor via password spray/AiTM​ attack. Step 2, attacker replays stolen token a few hours later to sign into the user’s file hosting app​. Step 3, attacker creates a malicious file in the compromised user’s file hosting app​. Step 4, attacker shares the file with restrictions to a group of targeted recipients. Step 5, targeted recipient accesses the automated email notification with the suspicious file. Step 6, recipient is required to re-authenticate before accessing the shared file​. Step 7, recipient accesses the malicious shared file link​, directing to an AiTM page. Step 8, recipient submits password and MFA, compromising the user’s session token. Lastly, step 9, file shared on the compromised user’s file hosting app is used for further AiTM and BEC attack​s.
Figure 1. Example attack chain

Initial access

The attack typically begins with the compromise of a user within a trusted vendor. After compromising the trusted vendor, the threat actor hosts a file on the vendor’s file hosting service, which is then shared with a target organization. This misuse of legitimate file hosting services is particularly effective because recipients are more likely to trust emails from known vendors, allowing threat actors to bypass security measures and compromise identities. Often, users from trusted vendors are added to allow lists through policies set by the organization on Exchange Online products, enabling phishing emails to be successfully delivered.

While file names observed in these campaigns also included the recipients, the hosted files typically follow these patterns:

  • Familiar topics based on existing conversations
    • For example, if the two organizations have prior interactions related to an audit, the shared files could be named “Audit Report 2024”.
  • Familiar topics based on current context
    • If the attack has not originated from a trusted vendor, the threat actor often impersonates administrators or help desk or IT support personnel in the sender display name and uses a file name such as “IT Filing Support 2024”, “Forms related to Tax submission”, or “Troubleshooting guidelines”.
  • Topics based on urgency
    • Another common technique observed by the threat actors creating these files is that they create a sense of urgency with the file names like “Urgent:Attention Required” and “Compromised Password Reset”.

Defense evasion techniques

Once the threat actor shares the files on the file hosting service with the intended users, the file hosting service sends the target user an automated email notification with a link to access the file securely. This email is not a phishing email but a notification for the user about the sharing action. In scenarios involving SharePoint or OneDrive, the file is shared from the user’s context, with the compromised user’s email address as the sender. However, in the Dropbox scenario, the file is shared from no-reply@dropbox[.]com. The files are shared through automated notification emails with the subject: “<User> shared <document> with you”. To evade detections, the threat actor deploys the following additional techniques:

  • Only the intended recipient can access the file
    • The intended recipient needs to re-authenticate before accessing the file
    • The file is accessible only for a limited time window
  • The PDF shared in the file cannot be downloaded

These techniques make detonation and analysis of the sample with the malicious link almost impossible since they are restricted.

Identity compromise

When the targeted user accesses the shared file, the user is prompted to verify their identity by providing their email address:

Screenshot of the SharePoint identity verification page
Figure 2. Screenshot of SharePoint identity verification

Next, an OTP is sent from[.]com. Once the OTP is submitted, the user is successfully authorized and can view a document, often masquerading as a preview, with a malicious link, which is another lure to make the targeted user click the “View my message” access link.

graphical user interface, application
Figure 3. Final landing page post authorization

This link redirects the user to an adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing page, where the user is prompted to provide the password and complete multifactor authentication (MFA). The compromised token can then be leveraged by the threat actor to perform the second stage BEC attack and continue the campaign.

Microsoft recommends the following mitigations to reduce the impact of this threat:


Microsoft Defender XDR detections

Microsoft Defender XDR raises the following alerts by combining Microsoft Defender for Office 365 URL click and Microsoft Entra ID Protection risky sign-ins signal.

  • Risky sign-in after clicking a possible AiTM phishing URL
  • User compromised through session cookie hijack
  • User compromised in a known AiTM phishing kit

Hunting queries

Microsoft Defender XDR 

The file sharing events related to the activity in this blog post can be audited through the CloudAppEvents telemetry. Microsoft Defender XDR customers can run the following query to find related activity in their networks: 

Automated email notifications and suspicious sign-in activity

By correlating the email from the Microsoft notification service or Dropbox automated notification service with a suspicious sign-in activity, we can identify compromises, especially from securely shared SharePoint or Dropbox files.

let usersWithSuspiciousEmails = EmailEvents
    | where SenderFromAddress in ("", "") or InternetMessageId startswith "<OneTimePasscode"
    | where isnotempty(RecipientObjectId)
    | distinct RecipientObjectId;
| where AccountObjectId in (usersWithSuspiciousEmails)
| where RiskLevelDuringSignIn == 100

Files share contents and suspicious sign-in activity

In the majority of the campaigns, the file name involves a sense of urgency or content related to finance or credential updates. By correlating the file share emails with suspicious sign-ins, compromises can be detected. (For example: Alex shared “Password Reset Mandatory.pdf” with you). Since these are observed as campaigns, validating that the same file has been shared with multiple users in the organization can support the detection.

let usersWithSuspiciousEmails = EmailEvents
    | where Subject has_all ("shared", "with you")
    | where Subject has_any ("payment", "invoice", "urgent", "mandatory", "Payoff", "Wire", "Confirmation", "password")
    | where isnotempty(RecipientObjectId)
    | summarize RecipientCount = dcount(RecipientObjectId), RecipientList = make_set(RecipientObjectId) by Subject
    | where RecipientCount >= 10
    | mv-expand RecipientList to typeof(string)
    | distinct RecipientList;
| where AccountObjectId in (usersWithSuspiciousEmails)
| where RiskLevelDuringSignIn == 100

BEC: File sharing tactics based on the file hosting service used

To initiate the file sharing activity, these campaigns commonly use certain action types depending on the file hosting service being leveraged. Below are the action types from the audit logs recorded for the file sharing events. These action types can be used to hunt for activities related to these campaigns by replacing the action type for its respective application in the queries below this table.

ApplicationAction typeDescription
AnonymousLinkCreatedLink created for the document, anyone with the link can access, prevalence is rare since mid-April 2024
SharingLinkCreatedLink created for the document, accessible for everyone, prevalence is rare since mid-April 2024
AddedToSharingLinkComplete list of users with whom the file is shared is available in this event
SecureLinkCreatedLink created for the document, specifically can be accessed only by a group of users. List will be available in the AddedToSecureLink Event
AddedToSecureLinkComplete list of users with whom the file is securely shared is available in this event
DropboxCreated shared linkA link for a file to be shared with external user created
Added shared folder to own DropboxA shared folder was added to the user’s Dropbox account
Added users and/or groups to shared file/folderThese action types include the list of external users with whom the files have been shared.
Changed the audience of the shared link
Invited user to Dropbox and added them to shared file/folder

OneDrive or SharePoint: The following query highlights that a specific file has been shared by a user with multiple participants. Correlating this activity with suspicious sign-in attempts preceding this can help identify lateral movements and BEC attacks.

let securelinkCreated = CloudAppEvents
    | where ActionType == "SecureLinkCreated"
    | project FileCreatedTime = Timestamp, AccountObjectId, ObjectName;
let filesCreated = securelinkCreated
    | where isnotempty(ObjectName)
    | distinct tostring(ObjectName);
| where ActionType == "AddedToSecureLink"
| where Application in ("Microsoft SharePoint Online", "Microsoft OneDrive for Business")
| extend FileShared = tostring(RawEventData.ObjectId)
| where FileShared in (filesCreated)
| extend UserSharedWith = tostring(RawEventData.TargetUserOrGroupName)
| extend TypeofUserSharedWith = RawEventData.TargetUserOrGroupType
| where TypeofUserSharedWith == "Guest"
| where isnotempty(FileShared) and isnotempty(UserSharedWith)
| join kind=inner securelinkCreated on $left.FileShared==$right.ObjectName
// Secure file created recently (in the last 1day)
| where (Timestamp - FileCreatedTime) between (1d .. 0h)
| summarize NumofUsersSharedWith = dcount(UserSharedWith) by FileShared
| where NumofUsersSharedWith >= 20

Dropbox: The following query highlights that a file hosted on Dropbox has been shared with multiple participants.

| where ActionType in ("Added users and/or groups to shared file/folder", "Invited user to Dropbox and added them to shared file/folder")
| where Application == "Dropbox"
| where ObjectType == "File"
| extend FileShared = tostring(ObjectName)
| where isnotempty(FileShared)
| mv-expand ActivityObjects
| where ActivityObjects.Type == "Account" and ActivityObjects.Role == "To"
| extend SharedBy = AccountId
| extend UserSharedWith = tostring(ActivityObjects.Name)
| summarize dcount(UserSharedWith) by FileShared, AccountObjectId
| where dcount_UserSharedWith >= 20

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel customers can use the resources below to find related activities similar to those described in this post:

The following query identifies files with specific keywords that attackers might use in this campaign that have been shared through OneDrive or SharePoint using a Secure Link and accessed by over 10 unique users. It captures crucial details like target users, client IP addresses, timestamps, and file URLs to aid in detecting potential attacks:

let OperationName = dynamic(['SecureLinkCreated', 'AddedToSecureLink']);
| where Operation in (OperationName)
| where OfficeWorkload in ('OneDrive', 'SharePoint')
| where SourceFileName has_any ("payment", "invoice", "urgent", "mandatory", "Payoff", "Wire", "Confirmation", "password", "paycheck", "bank statement", "bank details", "closing", "funds", "bank account", "account details", "remittance", "deposit", "Reset")
| summarize CountOfShares = dcount(TargetUserOrGroupName), 
            make_list(SourceRelativeUrl) by SourceFileName, OfficeWorkload
| where CountOfShares > 10

Considering that the attacker compromises users through AiTM,  possible AiTM phishing attempts can be detected through the below rule:

In addition, customers can also use the following identity-focused queries to detect and investigate anomalous sign-in events that may be indicative of a compromised user identity being accessed by a threat actor:

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For the latest security research from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence community, check out the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Blog:

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To hear stories and insights from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence community about the ever-evolving threat landscape, listen to the Microsoft Threat Intelligence podcast:

The post File hosting services misused for identity phishing appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Octo Tempest crosses boundaries to facilitate extortion, encryption, and destruction Wed, 25 Oct 2023 16:30:00 +0000 Microsoft has been tracking activity related to the financially motivated threat actor Octo Tempest, whose evolving campaigns represent a growing concern for many organizations across multiple industries.

The post Octo Tempest crosses boundaries to facilitate extortion, encryption, and destruction appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Microsoft has been tracking activity related to the financially motivated threat actor Octo Tempest, whose evolving campaigns represent a growing concern for organizations across multiple industries. Octo Tempest leverages broad social engineering campaigns to compromise organizations across the globe with the goal of financial extortion. With their extensive range of tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), the threat actor, from our perspective, is one of the most dangerous financial criminal groups.

OCTO TEMPEST: Hybrid identity compromise recovery

Read the Microsoft Incident Response playbook

Octo Tempest is a financially motivated collective of native English-speaking threat actors known for launching wide-ranging campaigns that prominently feature adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) techniques, social engineering, and SIM swapping capabilities. Octo Tempest, which overlaps with research associated with 0ktapus, Scattered Spider, and UNC3944, was initially seen in early 2022, targeting mobile telecommunications and business process outsourcing organizations to initiate phone number ports (also known as SIM swaps). Octo Tempest monetized their intrusions in 2022 by selling SIM swaps to other criminals and performing account takeovers of high-net-worth individuals to steal their cryptocurrency.

A graphical representation of Octo Tempest's evolution from early 2022 to mid 2023.
Figure 1. The evolution of Octo Tempest’s targeting, actions, outcomes, and monetization

Building on their initial success, Octo Tempest harnessed their experience and acquired data to progressively advance their motives, targeting, and techniques, adopting an increasingly aggressive approach. In late 2022 to early 2023, Octo Tempest expanded their targeting to include cable telecommunications, email, and technology organizations. During this period, Octo Tempest started monetizing intrusions by extorting victim organizations for data stolen during their intrusion operations and in some cases even resorting to physical threats.

In mid-2023, Octo Tempest became an affiliate of ALPHV/BlackCat, a human-operated ransomware as a service (RaaS) operation, and initial victims were extorted for data theft (with no ransomware deployment) using ALPHV Collections leak site. This is notable in that, historically, Eastern European ransomware groups refused to do business with native English-speaking criminals. By June 2023, Octo Tempest started deploying ALPHV/BlackCat ransomware payloads (both Windows and Linux versions) to victims and lately has focused their deployments primarily on VMWare ESXi servers. Octo Tempest progressively broadened the scope of industries targeted for extortion, including natural resources, gaming, hospitality, consumer products, retail, managed service providers, manufacturing, law, technology, and financial services.  

In recent campaigns, we observed Octo Tempest leverage a diverse array of TTPs to navigate complex hybrid environments, exfiltrate sensitive data, and encrypt data. Octo Tempest leverages tradecraft that many organizations don’t have in their typical threat models, such as SMS phishing, SIM swapping, and advanced social engineering techniques. This blog post aims to provide organizations with an insight into Octo Tempest’s tradecraft by detailing the fluidity of their operations and to offer organizations defensive mechanisms to thwart the highly motivated financial cybercriminal group.


The well-organized, prolific nature of Octo Tempest’s attacks is indicative of extensive technical depth and multiple hands-on-keyboard operators. The succeeding sections cover the wide range of TTPs we observed being used by Octo Tempest.

A graphical image summarizing the list of TTPs used by Octo Tempest as discussed in this blog post.
Figure 2. Octo Tempest TTPs

Initial access 

Social engineering with a twist

Octo Tempest commonly launches social engineering attacks targeting technical administrators, such as support and help desk personnel, who have permissions that could enable the threat actor to gain initial access to accounts. The threat actor performs research on the organization and identifies targets to effectively impersonate victims, mimicking idiolect on phone calls and understanding personal identifiable information to trick technical administrators into performing password resets and resetting multifactor authentication (MFA) methods. Octo Tempest has also been observed impersonating newly hired employees in these attempts to blend into normal on-hire processes.

Octo Tempest primarily gains initial access to an organization using one of several methods:

  • Social engineering
    • Calling an employee and socially engineering the user to either:
      • Install a Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) utility
      • Navigate to a site configured with a fake login portal using an adversary-in-the-middle toolkit
      • Remove their FIDO2 token
    • Calling an organization’s help desk and socially engineering the help desk to reset the user’s password and/or change/add a multi-factor authentication token/factor
  • Purchasing an employee’s credentials and/or session token(s) on a criminal underground market
  • SMS phishing employee phone numbers with a link to a site configured with a fake login portal using an adversary-in-the-middle toolkit
  • Using the employee’s pre-existing access to mobile telecommunications and business process outsourcing organizations to initiate a SIM swap or to set up call number forwarding on an employee’s phone number. Octo Tempest will initiate a self-service password reset of the user’s account once they have gained control of the employee’s phone number.

In rare instances, Octo Tempest resorts to fear-mongering tactics, targeting specific individuals through phone calls and texts. These actors use personal information, such as home addresses and family names, along with physical threats to coerce victims into sharing credentials for corporate access.

Two screenshots of a phone screen presented side by side. The screens present a series of threatening text messages sent by Octo Tempest to their targets/
Figure 3. Threats sent by Octo Tempest to targets

Reconnaissance and discovery 

Crossing borders for identity, architecture, and controls enumeration

In the early stage of their attacks, Octo Tempest performs various enumeration and information gathering actions to pursue advanced access in targeted environments and abuses legitimate channels for follow-on actions later in the attack sequence. Initial bulk-export of users, groups, and device information is closely followed by enumerating data and resources readily available to the user’s profile within virtual desktop infrastructure or enterprise-hosted resources. 

Frequently, Octo Tempest uses their access to carry out broad searches across knowledge repositories to identify documents related to network architecture, employee onboarding, remote access methods, password policies, and credential vaults.

Octo Tempest then performs exploration through multi-cloud environments enumerating access and resources across cloud environments, code repositories, server and backup management infrastructure, and others. In this stage, the threat actor validates access, enumerates databases and storage containers, and plans footholds to aid further phases of the attack.

Additional tradecraft and techniques:

  • PingCastle and ADRecon to perform reconnaissance of Active Directory 
  • Advanced IP Scanner to probe victim networks
  • Govmomi Go library to enumerate vCenter APIs 
  • PureStorage FlashArray PowerShell module to enumerate storage arrays 
  • AAD bulk downloads of user, groups, and devices

Privilege escalation and credential access

Octo Tempest commonly elevates their privileges within an organization through the following techniques:

  • Using their pre-existing access to mobile telecommunications and business process outsourcing organizations to initiate a SIM swap or to set up call number forwarding on an employee’s phone number. Octo Tempest will initiate a self-service password reset of the user’s account once they have gained control of the employee’s phone number.
  • Social engineering – calling an organization’s help desk and socially engineering the help desk to reset an administrator’s password and/or change/add a multi-factor authentication token/factor

Further masquerading and collection for escalation

Octo Tempest employs an advanced social engineering strategy for privilege escalation, harnessing stolen password policy procedures, bulk downloads of user, group, and role exports, and their familiarity with the target organizations procedures. The actor’s privilege escalation tactics often rely on building trust through various means, such as leveraging possession of compromised accounts and demonstrating an understanding of the organization’s procedures. In some cases, they go as far as bypassing password reset procedures by using a compromised manager’s account to approve their requests.

Octo Tempest continually seeks to collect additional credentials across all planes of access. Using open-source tooling like Jercretz and TruffleHog, the threat actor automates the identification of plaintext keys, secrets, and credentials across code repositories for further use.

Additional tradecraft and techniques:

  • Modifying access policies or using MicroBurst to gain access to credential stores
  • Using open-source tooling: Mimikatz, Hekatomb, Lazagne, gosecretsdump,, LinPEAS, ADFSDump
  • Using VMAccess Extension to reset passwords or modify configurations of Azure VMs
  • Creating snapshots virtual domain controller disks to download and extract NTDS.dit
  • Assignment of User Access Administrator role to grant Tenant Root Group management scope

Defense evasion

Security product arsenal sabotage

Octo Tempest compromises security personnel accounts within victim organizations to turn off security products and features and attempt to evade detection throughout their compromise. Using compromised accounts, the threat actor leverages EDR and device management technologies to allow malicious tooling, deploy RMM software, remove or impair security products, data theft of sensitive files (e.g. files with credentials, signal messaging databases, etc.), and deploy malicious payloads.

To prevent identification of security product manipulation and suppress alerts or notifications of changes, Octo Tempest modifies the security staff mailbox rules to automatically delete emails from vendors that may raise the target’s suspicion of their activities.

A screenshot of the inbox rule created by Octo Tempest.
Figure 4. Inbox rule created by Octo Tempest to delete emails from vendors

Additional tradecraft and techniques:

  • Using open-source tooling like framework to disable security products
  • Enrolling actor-controlled devices into device management software to bypass controls
  • Configuring trusted locations in Conditional Access Policies to expand access capabilities
  • Replaying harvested tokens with satisfied MFA claims to bypass MFA


Sustained intrusion with identities and open-source tools

Octo Tempest leverages publicly available security tools to establish persistence within victim organizations, largely using account manipulation techniques and implants on hosts. For identity-based persistence, Octo Tempest targets federated identity providers using tools like AADInternals to federate existing domains, or spoof legitimate domains by adding and then federating new domains. The threat actor then abuses this federation to generate forged valid security assertion markup language (SAML) tokens for any user of the target tenant with claims that have MFA satisfied, a technique known as Golden SAML. Similar techniques have also been observed using Okta as their source of truth identity provider, leveraging Okta Org2Org functionality to impersonate any desired user account.

To maintain access to endpoints, Octo Tempest installs a wide array of legitimate RMM tools and makes required network modifications to enable access. The usage of reverse shells is seen across Octo Tempest intrusions on both Windows and Linux endpoints. These reverse shells commonly initiate connections to the same attacker infrastructure that deployed the RMM tools.

A screenshot of reverse shellcode used by Octo Tempest
A screenshot of reverse shellcode used by Octo Tempest
Figure 5. Reverse shellcode used by Octo Tempest

A unique technique Octo Tempest uses is compromising VMware ESXi infrastructure, installing the open-source Linux backdoor Bedevil, and then launching VMware Python scripts to run arbitrary commands against housed virtual machines.

Additional tradecraft and techniques:

Actions on objectives

Common trifecta: Data theft, extortion, and ransomware

The goal of Octo Tempest remains financially motivated, but the monetization techniques observed across industries vary between cryptocurrency theft and data exfiltration for extortion and ransomware deployment.

Like in most cyberattacks, data theft largely depends on the data readily available to the threat actor. Octo Tempest accesses data from code repositories, large document management and storage systems, including SharePoint, SQL databases, cloud storage blobs/buckets, and email, using legitimate management clients such as DBeaver, MongoDB Compass, Azure SQL Query Editor, and Cerebrata for the purpose of connection and collection. After data harvesting, the threat actor employs anonymous file-hosting services, including,, StorjShare,, MegaSync,, Backblaze, and AWS S3 buckets for data exfiltration.

Octo Tempest employs a unique technique using the data movement platform Azure Data Factory and automated pipelines to extract data to external actor hosted Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) servers, aiming to blend in with typical big data operations. Additionally, the threat actor commonly registers legitimate Microsoft 365 backup solutions such as Veeam, AFI Backup, and CommVault to export the contents of SharePoint document libraries and expedite data exfiltration.

Ransomware deployment closely follows data theft objectives. This activity targets both Windows and Unix/Linux endpoints and VMware hypervisors using a variant of ALPHV/BlackCat. Encryption at the hypervisor level has shown significant impact to organizations, making recovery efforts difficult post-encryption.

Octo Tempest frequently communicates with target organizations and their personnel directly after encryption to negotiate or extort the ransom—providing “proof of life” through samples of exfiltrated data. Many of these communications have been leaked publicly, causing significant reputational damage to affected organizations.

Additional tradecraft and techniques:

  • Use of the third-party services like FiveTran to extract copies of high-value service databases, such as SalesForce and ZenDesk, using API connectors
  • Exfiltration of mailbox PST files and mail forwarding to external mailboxes


Hunting methodology

Octo Tempest’s utilization of social engineering, living-off-the land techniques, and diverse toolsets could make hunting slightly unorthodox. Following these general guidelines alongside robust deconfliction with legitimate users will surface their activity:


  • Understand authentication flows in the environment.
  • Centralize visibility of administrative changes in the environment into a single pane of glass.
  • Scrutinize all user and sign-in risk detections for any administrator within the timeframe. Common alerts that are surfaced during an Octo Tempest intrusion include (but not limited to): Impossible Travel, Unfamiliar Sign-in Properties, and Anomalous Token
  • Review the coverage of Conditional Access policies; scrutinize the use of trusted locations and exclusions.
  • Review all existing and new custom domains in the tenant, and their federation settings.
  • Scrutinize administrator groups, roles, and privileges for recent modification.
  • Review recently created Microsoft Entra ID users and registered device identities.
  • Look for any anomalous pivots into organizational apps that may hold sensitive data, such as Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive.


  • Leverage and continuously monitor Defender for Cloud for Azure Workloads, providing a wealth of information around unauthorized resource access.
  • Review Azure role-based access control (RBAC) definitions across the management group, subscription, resource group and resource structure.
  • Review the public network exposure of resources and revoke any unauthorized modifications.
  • Review both data plane and management plane access control for all critical workloads such as those that hold credentials and organizational data, like Key Vaults, storage accounts, and database resources.
  • Tightly control access to identity workloads that issue access organizational resources such as Active Directory Domain Controllers.
  • Review the Azure Activity log for anomalous modification of resources.


  • Look for recent additions to the indicators or exclusions of the EDR solution in place at the organization.
  • Review any generation of offboarding scripts.
  • Review access control within security products and EDR software suites.
  • Scrutinize any tools used to manage endpoints (SCCM, Intune, etc.) and look for recent rule additions, packages, or deployments.
  • Scrutinize use of remote administration tools across the environment, paying particular attention to recent installations regardless of whether they are used legitimately within the network already.
  • Ensure monitoring at the network boundary is in place, that alerting is in place for connections with common anonymizing services and scrutinize the use of these services.

Defending against Octo Tempest activity

Align privilege in Microsoft Entra ID and Azure

Privileges spanning Microsoft Entra ID and Azure need to be holistically aligned, with purposeful design decisions to prevent unauthorized access to critical workloads. Reducing the number of users with permanently assigned critical roles is paramount to achieving this. Segregation of privilege between on-premises and cloud is also necessary to sever the ability to pivot within the environment.

It is highly recommended to implement Microsoft Entra Privileged Identity Management (PIM) as a central location for the management of both Microsoft Entra ID roles and Azure RBAC. For all critical roles, at minimum:

  • Implement role assignments as eligible rather than permanent.
  • Review and understand the role definition Actions and NotActions – ensure to select only the roles with actions that the user requires to do their role (least privileged access).
  • Configure these roles to be time-bound, deactivating after a specific timeframe.
  • Require users to perform MFA to elevate to the role.
  • Optionally require users to provide justification or a ticket number upon elevation.
  • Enable notifications for privileged role elevation to a subset of administrators.
  • Utilize PIM Access Reviews to reduce standing access in the organization on a periodic basis.

Every organization is different and, therefore, roles will be classified differently in terms of their criticality. Consider the scope of impact those roles may have on downstream resources, services, or identities in the event of compromise. For help desk administrators specifically, ensure to scope privilege to exclude administrative operations over Global Administrators. Consider implementing segregation strategies such as Microsoft Entra ID Administrative Units to segment administrative access over the tenant. For identities that leverage cross-service roles such as those that service the Microsoft Security Stack, consider implementing additional service-based granular access control to restrict the use of sensitive functionality, like Live Response and modification of IOC allow lists.

Segment Azure landing zones

For organizations yet to begin or are early in their modernization journey, end-to-end guidance for cloud adoption is available through the Microsoft Azure Cloud Adoption Framework. Recommended practice and security are central pillars—Azure workloads are segregated into separate, tightly restricted areas known as landing zones. When deploying Active Directory in the cloud, it is advised to create a platform landing zone for identity—a dedicated subscription to hold all Identity-related resources such as Domain Controller VM resources. Employ least privilege across this landing zone with the aforementioned privilege and PIM guidance for Azure RBAC.

Implement Conditional Access policies and authentication methods

TTPs outlined in this blog leverage strategies to evade multifactor authentication defenses. However, it is still strongly recommended to practice basic security hygiene by implementing a baseline set of Conditional Access policies:

  • Require multifactor authentication for all privileged roles with the use of authentication strengths to enforce phish-resistant MFA methods such as FIDO2 security keys
  • Require phishing-resistant multifactor authentication for administrators
  • Enforce MFA registration from trusted locations from a device that also meets organizational requirements with Intune device compliance policies
  • User and sign-in risk policies for signals associated to Microsoft Entra ID Protection

Organizations are recommended to keep their policies as simple as possible. Implementing complex policies might inhibit the ability to respond to threats at a rapid pace or allow threat actors to leverage misconfigurations within the environment.

Develop and maintain a user education strategy

An organization’s ability to protect itself against cyberattacks is only as strong as its people—it is imperative to put in place an end-to-end cybersecurity strategy highlighting the importance of ongoing user education and awareness. Targeted education and periodic security awareness campaigns around common cyber threats and attack vectors such as phishing and social engineering not only for users that hold administrative privilege in the organization, but the wider user base is crucial. A well-maintained incident response plan should be developed and refined to enable organizations to respond to unexpected cybersecurity events and rapidly regain positive control.

Use out-of-band communication channels

Octo Tempest has been observed joining, recording, and transcribing calls using tools such as OtterAI, and sending messages via Slack, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams, taunting and threatening targets, organizations, defenders, and gaining insights into incident response operations/planning. Using out-of-band communication channels is strongly encouraged when dealing with this threat actor.


Microsoft 365 Defender

Microsoft 365 Defender is becoming Microsoft Defender XDR. Learn more.

NOTE: Several tools mentioned throughout this blog are remote administrator tools that have been utilized by Octo Tempest to maintain persistence. While these tools are abused by threat actors, they can have legitimate use cases by normal users, and are updated on a frequent basis. Microsoft recommends monitoring their use within the environment, and when they are identified, defenders take the necessary steps for deconfliction to verify their use.

Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Microsoft Defender Antivirus detects this threat as the following malware:

Turning on tamper protection, which is part of built-in protection, prevents attackers from stopping security services.

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

The following Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts can indicate associated threat activity:

  • Octo Tempest activity group

The following alerts might also indicate threat activity related to this threat. Note, however, that these alerts can also be triggered by unrelated threat activity.

  • Suspicious usage of remote management software
  • Mimikatz credential theft tool
  • BlackCat ransomware
  • Activity linked to BlackCat ransomware
  • Tampering activity typical to ransomware attacks
  • Possible hands-on-keyboard pre-ransom activity

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

Using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps connectors, Microsoft 365 Defender raises AitM-related alerts in multiple scenarios. For Microsoft Entra ID customers using Microsoft Edge, attempts by attackers to replay session cookies to access cloud applications are detected by Microsoft 365 Defender through Defender for Cloud Apps connectors for Microsoft Office 365 and Azure. In such scenarios, Microsoft 365 Defender raises the following alerts:

  • Backdoor creation using AADInternals tool
  • Suspicious domain added to Microsoft Entra ID
  • Suspicious domain trust modification following risky sign-in
  • User compromised via a known AitM phishing kit
  • User compromised in AiTM phishing attack
  • Suspicious email deletion activity

Similarly, the connector for Okta raises the following alerts:

  • Suspicious Okta account enumeration
  • Possible AiTM phishing attempt in Okta

Microsoft Defender for Identity

Microsoft Defender for Identity raises the following alerts for TTPs used by Octo Tempest such as NTDS stealing and Active Directory reconnaissance:

  • Account enumeration reconnaissance
  • Network-mapping reconnaissance (DNS)
  • User and IP address reconnaissance (SMB)
  • User and Group membership reconnaissance (SAMR)
  • Suspected DCSync attack (replication of directory services)
  • Suspected AD FS DKM key read
  • Data exfiltration over SMB

Microsoft Defender for Cloud

The following Microsoft Defender for Cloud alerts relate to TTPs used by Octo Tempest. Note, however, that these alerts can also be triggered by unrelated threat activity.

  • MicroBurst exploitation toolkit used to enumerate resources in your subscriptions
  • MicroBurst exploitation toolkit used to execute code on your virtual machine
  • MicroBurst exploitation toolkit used to extract keys from your Azure key vaults
  • MicroBurst exploitation toolkit used to extract keys to your storage accounts
  • Suspicious Azure role assignment detected
  • Suspicious elevate access operation (Preview)
  • Suspicious invocation of a high-risk ‘Initial Access’ operation detected (Preview)
  • Suspicious invocation of a high-risk ‘Credential Access’ operation detected (Preview)
  • Suspicious invocation of a high-risk ‘Data Collection’ operation detected (Preview)
  • Suspicious invocation of a high-risk ‘Execution’ operation detected (Preview)
  • Suspicious invocation of a high-risk ‘Impact’ operation detected (Preview)
  • Suspicious invocation of a high-risk ‘Lateral Movement’ operation detected (Preview)
  • Unusual user password reset in your virtual machine
  • Suspicious usage of VMAccess extension was detected on your virtual machines (Preview)
  • Suspicious usage of multiple monitoring or data collection extensions was detected on your virtual machines (Preview)
  • Run Command with a suspicious script was detected on your virtual machine (Preview)
  • Suspicious Run Command usage was detected on your virtual machine (Preview)
  • Suspicious unauthorized Run Command usage was detected on your virtual machine (Preview)

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel customers can use the following Microsoft Sentinel Analytics template to identify potential AitM phishing attempts:

  • Possible AitM Phishing Attempt Against Azure AD

This detection uses signals from Microsoft Entra ID Identity Protection and looks for successful sign-ins that have been flagged as high risk. It combines this with data from web proxy services, such as ZScaler, to identify where users might have connected to the source of those sign-ins immediately prior. This can indicate a user interacting with an AitM phishing site and having their session hijacked. This detection uses the Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) Web Session schema. Refer to this article for more details on the schema and its requirements. 

Threat intelligence reports

Microsoft customers can use the following reports in Microsoft products to get the most up-to-date information about the threat actor, malicious activity, and techniques discussed in this blog. These reports provide the intelligence, protection info, and recommended actions to prevent, mitigate, or respond to associated threats found in customer environments.

Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence

Microsoft 365 Defender Threat analytics  

Hunting queries

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel customers can use the TI Mapping analytics (a series of analytics all prefixed with ‘TI map’) to automatically match the malicious domain indicators mentioned in this blog post with data in their workspace. If the TI Map analytics are not currently deployed, customers can install the Threat Intelligence solution from the Microsoft Sentinel Content Hub to have the analytics rule deployed in their Sentinel workspace.

Microsoft Sentinel also has a range of detection and threat hunting content that customers can use to detect the post exploitation activity detailed in this blog in addition to Microsoft 365 Defender detections list above.

Further reading

Listen to Microsoft experts discuss Octo Tempest TTPs and activities on The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Podcast.

Visit this page for more blogs from Microsoft Incident Response.

For more security research from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence community, check out the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Blog:

To get notified about new publications and to join discussions on social media, follow us on X (formerly Twitter) at

November 1, 2023 update: Updated the Actions of objectives section to fix the list of anonymous file-hosting services used by Octo Tempest for data exfiltration, which incorrectly listed Sh.Azl. It has been corrected to

The post Octo Tempest crosses boundaries to facilitate extortion, encryption, and destruction appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Detecting and mitigating a multi-stage AiTM phishing and BEC campaign Thu, 08 Jun 2023 16:00:00 +0000 Microsoft Defender Experts observed a multi-stage adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) and business email compromise (BEC) attack targeting banking and financial services organizations over two days. This attack originated from a compromised trusted vendor, involved AiTM and BEC attacks across multiple supplier/partner organizations for financial fraud, and did not use a reverse proxy like typical AiTM attacks.

The post Detecting and mitigating a multi-stage AiTM phishing and BEC campaign appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Microsoft Defender Experts uncovered a multi-stage adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing and business email compromise (BEC) attack against banking and financial services organizations. The attack originated from a compromised trusted vendor and transitioned into a series of AiTM attacks and follow-on BEC activity spanning multiple organizations. This attack shows the complexity of AiTM and BEC threats, which abuse trusted relationships between vendors, suppliers, and other partner organizations with the intent of financial fraud.

Diagram depicting an attacker compromising Organization A via AiTM attack, which is used to launch a BEC campaign and further AiTM attacks against Organization B. Once compromised via AiTM attack, Organization B is used for a follow-on BEC campaign and further AiTM attacks against Organization C, and additional target organizations.
Figure 1. AiTM and BEC attacks spanning multiple suppliers and partner organizations  

While the attack achieved the end goal of a typical AiTM phishing attack followed by business email compromise, notable aspects, such as the use of indirect proxy rather than the typical reverse proxy techniques, exemplify the continuous evolution of these threats. The use of indirect proxy in this campaign provided attackers control and flexibility in tailoring the phishing pages to their targets and further their goal of session cookie theft. After signing in with the stolen cookie through a session replay attack, the threat actors leveraged multifactor authentication (MFA) policies that have not been configured using security best practices in order to update MFA methods without an MFA challenge. A second-stage phishing campaign followed, with more than 16,000 emails sent to the target’s contacts.

This attack highlights the complexity of AiTM attacks and the comprehensive defenses they necessitate. This sophisticated AiTM attack requires beyond the typical remediation measures for identity compromise such as a password reset. Affected organizations need to revoke session cookies and roll back MFA modifications made by the threat actor. The incident also highlights the importance of proactive threat hunting to discover new TTPs on previously known campaigns to surface and remediate these types of threats.

To launch this attack, the attackers used an AiTM phishing kit developed, maintained, and operated by a threat actor that Microsoft tracks as Storm-1167. As part of our threat actor tracking and naming taxonomy, Microsoft uses Storm-#### designations as a temporary name given to an unknown, emerging, or developing cluster of threat activity, allowing Microsoft to track it as a unique set of information until we reach high confidence about the origin or identity of the actor behind the activity.

AiTM with indirect proxy

Adversary-in-the-middle (T1557, T1111) is a type of attack that aims to intercept authentication between users and a legitimate authentication service for the purpose of compromising identities or performing other actions. The attackers position themselves between a user and the service to steal credentials and intercept MFA in order to capture the session cookie. The attackers can then replay the session with the stolen session cookie before the token expiration time and impersonate the user without user intervention or MFA. With this session, the attackers could access the affected user’s resources and applications and perform business email compromise attacks and other malicious activities. More details about AiTM campaigns can be found on the blog Attackers use AiTM phishing sites as entry point to further financial fraud.

Unlike campaigns we have previously reported, this attack did not use the reverse proxy method that AiTM kits like EvilProxy and NakedPages use, in which the attacker’s server proxies the request from the application’s legitimate sign-in page. Instead, the attack used AiTM attack with indirect proxy method, in which the attacker presented targets with a website that mimicked the sign-in page of the targeted application, as in traditional phishing attacks, hosted on a cloud service. The said sign-in page contained resources loaded from an attacker-controlled server, which initiated an authentication session with the authentication provider of the target application using the victim’s credentials.

In this AiTM attack with indirect proxy method, since the phishing website is set up by the attackers, they have more control to modify the displayed content according to the scenario. In addition, since the phishing infrastructure is controlled by the attackers, they have the flexibility to create multiple servers to evade detections. Unlike typical AiTM attacks, there are no HTTP packets proxied between the target and the actual website.

When MFA is requested after successful password validation, the server displays a fake MFA page. Once the MFA is provided by the user, the attacker uses the same MFA token in the initiated session with the authentication provider. Following successful authentication, the session token is granted to the attacker, and victim is redirected to another page. The following diagram illustrates the AiTM attack observed in this scenario:

Diagram depicting an AiTM attack using indirect proxy, starting when a user visits the attack-created phishing web page and the attacker initiates authentication session with the target website. The user puts their credentials into the phishing site, which the attacker captures and provides to the target website. The target website returns an MFA screen while the attacker dynamically creates a forged MFA page to display to the user. The user inputs the additional authentication, and the attack provides that additional authentication to the target website. The website returns a session cookie and the phishing site redirects the user to another page.
Figure 2. AiTM with indirect proxy

Attack chain: AiTM phishing attack leads to second-stage BEC

Our investigation into an AiTM phishing attack using the Storm-1167 AiTM kit uncovered details of a campaign that led to BEC activity. In the following sections, we present our in-depth analysis of the end-to-end attack chain.

Diagram depicting an attacker using a compromised network and trusted source to send a phishing email to a target user in another network. The email leads the user to a legitimate web page with a phishing URL, which redirects to the AiTM phishing page that compromises credentials and steals session cookies. The attacker can then authenticate via the stolen session cookie to read emails and files, add mailbox rules, tamper with MFA, and create new sessions before launching a BEC campaign to internal and external recipients, resulting in a second-stage BEC campaign from compromised targets.
Figure 3. Attack chain from AiTM phishing attack to BEC

Stage 1: Initial access via trusted vendor compromise

The attack started with a phishing email from one of the target organizations’ trusted vendors. The phishing email was sent with a seven-digit code as the subject. This code was unique for every target organization, which is likely a tracking mechanism for the attacker. The email body included a link to view or download a fax document. The link pointed to a malicious URL hosted on canva[.]com.

Sending phishing emails from a trusted vendor was one of the common behaviors that was observed for this threat actor across multiple targeted organizations. The intent of this behavior is to abuse the trusted vendor relationship and to blend with legitimate email traffic. A few of the target organizations had policies that automatically allow emails from trusted vendors, enabling the attacker to slip past detections.

Stage 2: Malicious URL click

Threat actors often abuse legitimate services and brands to avoid detection. In this scenario, we observed that the attacker leveraged the legitimate service Canva for the phishing campaign. Canva is a graphic design platform that allows users to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, and other visual content. Attackers abused the Canva platform to host a page that shows a fake OneDrive document preview and links to a phishing URL:

A screenshot of the fake OneDrive intermediary page leading to a AiTM landing page.
Figure 4. Screenshot of the intermediary page leading to AiTM landing page

Stage 3: AiTM attack

Accessing the URL redirected the user to a phishing page hosted on the Tencent cloud platform that spoofed a Microsoft sign-in page. The final URL was different for every user but showed the same spoofed sign-in page.

A screenshot of the fake Microsoft sign-in page requesting targets' passwords.
Figure 5. Fake Microsoft sign-in page requesting the target’s password

After the target provided the password on the phishing page, the attacker then used the credentials in an authentication session created on the target website. When the attacker is prompted with MFA in the authentication session, the attacker modified the phishing page into a forged MFA page (as seen below). Once the target completed the multifactor authentication, the session token was then captured by the attacker.

Screenshot of the fake Microsoft MFA page requesting a verification code.
Figure 6. Fake Microsoft MFA page requesting a verification code

The phishing pages for the AiTM attack were hosted on IP addresses located in Indonesia. The follow-on sign-ins described in the following sections were also observed from the same IP addresses.

In a stolen session cookie replay attack, the attacker uses the valid stolen cookie to impersonate the user, circumventing authentication mechanisms of passwords and MFA. In this campaign, we observed that the attacker signed in with the stolen cookie after a few hours from an IP address based in the United States. The attacker masqueraded as the target with this session replay attack and accessed email conversations and documents hosted in the cloud. In addition, the attacker generated a new access token, allowing them to persist longer in the environment.

Stage 5: MFA method modification

The attacker then proceeded to add a new MFA method for the target’s account, which was through phone based one-time password (OTP), in order to sign in using the user’s stolen credentials undetected. Adding a new MFA method, by default, does not require re-authentication. In this campaign, a common behavior that was observed was the attacker adding OneWaySMS, a phone-based OTP service, as a new MFA method in addition to the existing method used by the target. A phone number with the Iranian country code was observed added as the number used to receive the phone-based OTP.

Screenshot of the MFA configuration change from cloud application activity logs.
Figure 7. MFA configuration change from cloud application activity logs

Stage 6: Inbox rule creation

The attacker later signed in with the new session token and created an Inbox rule with parameters that moved all incoming emails on the user’s mailbox to the Archive folder and marked all the emails as read.

Screenshot of the attacker's inbox rule creation.
Figure 8. Inbox rule creation

Stage 7: Phishing campaign

Followed by Inbox rule creation, the attacker initiated a large-scale phishing campaign involving more than 16,000 emails with a slightly modified Canva URL. The emails were sent to the compromised user’s contacts, both within and outside of the organization, as well as distribution lists. The recipients were identified based on the recent email threads in the compromised user’s inbox. The subject of the emails contained a unique seven-digit code, possibly a tactic by the attacker to keep track of the organizations and email chains.

Stage 8: BEC tactics

The attacker then monitored the victim user’s mailbox for undelivered and out of office emails and deleted them from the Archive folder. The attacker read the emails from the recipients who raised questions regarding the authenticity of the phishing email and responded, possibly to falsely confirm that the email is legitimate. The emails and responses were then deleted from the mailbox. These techniques are common in any BEC attacks and are intended to keep the victim unaware of the attacker’s operations, thus helping in persistence.

Stage 9: Accounts compromise

The recipients of the phishing emails from within the organization who clicked on the malicious URL were also targeted by another AiTM attack. Microsoft Defender Experts identified all compromised users based on the landing IP and the sign-in IP patterns. 

Stage 10: Second-stage BEC

The attacker was observed initiating another phishing campaign from the mailbox of one of the users who was compromised by the second AiTM attack. Microsoft revoked the compromised user’s session cookie, intervening with the second-stage attack.  

Microsoft Defender Experts: Extending security and threat defense

This AiTM attack’s use of indirect proxy is an example of the threat’s increasingly complex and evolving TTPs to evade and even challenge conventional solutions and best practices. Proactively hunting for and quickly responding to threats thus becomes an even more important aspect in securing organization networks because it provides an added layer to other security remediations and can help address areas of defense evasion.

Microsoft Defender Experts is part of Microsoft’s global network of more than 8,000 security analysts and researchers who, through our managed services like Microsoft Defender Experts for Hunting, help extend organizations’ ability to defend their environment, manage security, and even augment SOC teams. Our experts also enrich our vast cross-domain signals and let us deliver coordinated threat defense in our security products and solutions.

In this incident, because our experts actively research for new AiTM and BEC techniques, they were able to create advanced hunting detections for the Defender Experts service. These detections, combined with our experts’ own analyses of the anomalous emails and user behavior, enabled them to uncover the attack at its early stages, analyze the entire attack chain, and identify and promptly reach out to affected and targeted customers through Defender Experts Notifications. They then continuously monitored the attack for any additional compromised users or changes in the phishing patterns as it rapidly unfolded into a large-scale campaign.

Defender Experts also initiated rapid response with Microsoft 365 Defender to contain the attack including:

  • Automatically disrupting the AiTM attack on behalf of the impacted users based on the signals observed in the campaign
  • Initiating zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 to find and take automated actions on the emails that are a part of the phishing campaign

Defender Experts further worked with customers to remediate compromised identities through the following recommendations:

  • Revoking session cookies in addition to resetting passwords
  • Revoking the MFA setting changes made by the attacker on the compromised user’s accounts
  • Require re-challenging MFA for MFA updates as the default

Mitigation and protection guidance

Microsoft 365 Defender detects suspicious activities related to AiTM phishing attacks and their follow-on activities, such as session cookie theft and attempts to use the stolen cookie to sign into Exchange Online. To further protect themselves from similar attacks, organizations should also consider complementing MFA with conditional access policies, where sign-in requests are evaluated using additional identity-driven signals like user or group membership, IP location information, and device status, among others.

Mitigating AiTM phishing attacks

The general remediation measure for any identity compromise is to reset the password for the compromised user. However, in AiTM attacks, since the sign-in session is compromised, password reset is not an effective solution. Additionally, even if the compromised user’s password is reset and sessions are revoked, the attacker can set up persistence methods to sign-in in a controlled manner by tampering with MFA. For instance, the attacker can add a new MFA policy to sign in with a one-time password (OTP) sent to attacker registered mobile number. With this persistence mechanisms in place, the attacker can have control over the victim’s account despite conventional remediation measures.

While AiTM phishing attempts to circumvent MFA, implementation of MFA still remains an essential pillar in identity security and highly effective at stopping a wide variety of threats. MFA is the reason that threat actors developed the AiTM session cookie theft technique in the first place. Organizations are advised to work with their identity provider to ensure security controls like MFA are in place. Microsoft customers can implement through various methods, such as using the Microsoft Authenticator, FIDO2 security keys, and certificate-based authentication. 

Defenders can also complement MFA with the following solutions and best practices to further protect their organizations from such attacks: 

  • Use security defaults as a baseline set of policies to improve identity security posture. For more granular control, enable conditional access policies, especially risk-based access policies. Conditional access policies evaluate sign-in requests using additional identity-driven signals like user or group membership, IP location information, and device status, among others, and are enforced for suspicious sign-ins. Organizations can protect themselves from attacks that leverage stolen credentials by enabling policies such as compliant devices, trusted IP address requirements, or risk-based policies with proper access control.
  • Implement continuous access evaluation.
  • Invest in advanced anti-phishing solutions that monitor and scan incoming emails and visited websites. For example, organizations can leverage web browsers that automatically identify and block malicious websites, including those used in this phishing campaign, and solutions that detect and block malicious emails, links, and files.
  • Continuously monitor suspicious or anomalous activities. Hunt for sign-in attempts with suspicious characteristics (for example, location, ISP, user agent, and use of anonymizer services). 


Because AiTM phishing attacks are complex threats, they require solutions that leverage signals from multiple sources. Microsoft 365 Defender uses its cross-domain visibility to detect malicious activities related to AiTM, such as session cookie theft and attempts to use stolen cookies for signing in.

Using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps connectors, Microsoft 365 Defender raises AiTM-related alerts in multiple scenarios. For Azure AD customers using Microsoft Edge, attempts by attackers to replay session cookies to access cloud applications are detected by Defender for Cloud Apps connectors for Office 365 and Azure. In such scenarios, Microsoft 365 Defender raises the following alert:

  • Stolen session cookie was used

In addition, signals from these Defender for Cloud Apps connectors, combined with data from the Defender for Endpoint network protection capabilities, also triggers the following Microsoft 365 Defender alert on Azure AD environments:

  • Possible AiTM phishing attempt

A specific Defender for Cloud Apps connector for Okta, together with Defender for Endpoint, also helps detect AiTM attacks on Okta accounts using the following alert:

  • Possible AiTM phishing attempt in Okta

Other detections that show potentially related activity are the following:

Microsoft Defender for Office 365

  • Email messages containing malicious file removed after delivery​
  • Email messages from a campaign removed after delivery​
  • A potentially malicious URL click was detected
  • A user clicked through to a potentially malicious URL​
  • Suspicious email sending patterns detected

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps

  • Suspicious inbox manipulation rule
  • Impossible travel activity
  • Activity from infrequent country
  • Suspicious email deletion activity

Azure AD Identity Protection

  • Anomalous Token
  • Unfamiliar sign-in properties
  • Unfamiliar sign-in properties for session cookies

Microsoft 365 Defender

  • BEC-related credential harvesting attack
  • Suspicious phishing emails sent by BEC-related user

Hunting queries

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel customers can use the following analytic templates to find BEC related activities similar to those described in this post:

In addition to the analytic templates listed above Microsoft Sentinel customers can use the following hunting content to perform Hunts for BEC related activities:

Further reading

For the latest security research from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence community, check out the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Blog:

To get notified about new publications and to join discussions on social media, follow us on Twitter at

The post Detecting and mitigating a multi-stage AiTM phishing and BEC campaign appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

DEV-1101 enables high-volume AiTM campaigns with open-source phishing kit Mon, 13 Mar 2023 16:00:00 +0000 DEV-1101 is an actor tracked by Microsoft responsible for the development, support, and advertising of several AiTM phishing kits, including an open-source kit capable of circumventing MFA through reverse-proxy functionality.

The post DEV-1101 enables high-volume AiTM campaigns with open-source phishing kit appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.


April 2023 update – Microsoft Threat Intelligence has shifted to a new threat actor naming taxonomy aligned around the theme of weather. DEV-1101 is now tracked as Storm-1101.

To learn more about this evolution, how the new taxonomy represents the origin, unique traits, and impact of threat actors, and a complete mapping of threat actor names, read this blog: Microsoft shifts to a new threat actor naming taxonomy.

Adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing kits are part of an increasing trend that is observed supplanting many other less advanced forms of phishing. AiTM phishing is capable of circumventing multifactor authentication (MFA) through reverse-proxy functionality. DEV-1101 is an actor tracked by Microsoft responsible for the development, support, and advertising of several AiTM phishing kits, which other cybercriminals can buy or rent. The availability of such phishing kits for purchase by attackers is part of the industrialization of the cybercriminal economy and lowers the barrier of entry for cybercrime.

DEV-1101 offers an open-source kit that automates setting up and launching phishing activity and provides support services to attackers. The threat actor group began offering their AiTM phishing kit in 2022, and since then has made several enhancements to their kit, such as the capability to manage campaigns from mobile devices, as well as evasion features like CAPTCHA pages. These attributes make the kit attractive to many different actors who have continually put it to use since it became available in May 2022. Actors using this kit have varying motivations and targeting and might target any industry or sector.

Microsoft 365 Defender detects suspicious activities related to AiTM phishing attacks and follow-on activities, such as session cookie theft and attempts to use the stolen cookies to sign in.

In this blog post, we share information on DEV-1101, the tool they offer, and details on related AiTM campaigns. We also share best practices and detection details to further protect organizations from AiTM phishing attacks.

AiTM tool promotion

DEV-1101 began advertising their AiTM kit around May 2022 through a Telegram channel and an advertisement in exploit[.]in, a popular cybercrime forum. The advertisement describes the AiTM kit as a phishing application written in NodeJS with PHP reverse-proxy capabilities, automated setup, detection evasion through an antibot database, management of phishing activity through Telegram bots, and a wide range of ready-made phishing pages mimicking services such as Microsoft Office or Outlook.

On June 12, 2022, DEV-1101 announced that the kit would be open source with a $100 monthly licensing fee. The actor also provided links to additional Telegram channels and a now-defunct GitHub page.

DEV-1101 AiTM tool announcement noting a license as $100 along with contact information and links.
Figure 1. DEV-1101 announcement on their AiTM tool license

In September 2022, DEV-1101 added the ability to manage servers running their kit through a Telegram bot rather than requiring the use of cPanel, further facilitating phishing activities and letting their customers manage campaigns from mobile devices.

DEV-1101 was able to increase the price of their tool multiple times due to the rapid growth of their user base from July through December 2022. This allowed DEV-1101 to dedicate themselves fully to the development and support of their tool. As of this writing, DEV-1101 offers their tool for $300, with VIP licenses at $1,000. Legacy users were permitted to continue purchasing licenses at $200 prior to January 1, 2023.

DEV-1101 announcement noting price increases for regular, VIP, and legacy user licenses.
Figure 2. DEV-1101 increased their prices repeatedly due to rapid growth.

Microsoft observed several high-volume phishing campaigns from various actors using the tool offered by DEV-1101, comprising millions of phishing emails per day. DEV-0928, an actor Microsoft has tracked since September 2022, is one of DEV-1101’s more prominent patrons and was observed launching a phishing campaign involving over one million emails.

DEV-1101 phishing sequence

DEV-1101’s many different patrons take different approaches to phishing attacks. The example below is of an initial phishing message from a campaign launched by DEV-0928 using the DEV-1101 phishing kit. Clicking the Open button in the email leads to the next step in the sequence.

Example phishing email from DEV-0928's campaign using a malicious PDF link.
Figure 3. Malicious link shared in a phishing message for an AiTM campaign.

Two different evasions might result from clicking the link in the phishing message. The DEV-1101 kit’s antibot functionality might trigger an href redirection to a benign page. In this example, the DEV-0928 domain o365987656898087[.]xyz redirects to

DEV-1101 benign redirect response headers
Figure 4. DEV-1101 benign redirect response headers

The default redirection domain defined in the source code is; however, any actor using the kit may define a different redirection domain.

DEV-1101 benign redirect in source-code
Figure 5. DEV-1101 benign redirect in source-code

The kit also allows threat actors to use CAPTCHA to evade detection. Inserting a CAPTCHA page into the phishing sequence could make it more difficult for automated systems to reach the final phishing page, while a human could easily click through to the next page.

Figure 6. Evasion through CAPTCHA page

While evasion through CAPTCHA was introduced in August 2022, the functionality then required active engagement from DEV-1101’s support to complete the setup for any requesting users. DEV-1101 later added CAPTCHA as a core functionality.

After the evasion pages, a phishing landing page is presented to the target from an actor-controlled host through the phishing actor’s reverse proxy setup:

DEV-1101 credential harvester mimicking a Microsoft sign-in portal
Figure 7. Credential harvester mimicking a Microsoft sign-in portal.

At this point, the actor’s server captures credentials entered by the user. If the user has MFA enabled, the AiTM kit continues to function as a proxy between the user and the user’s sign-in service, meaning, as the user completes an MFA sign-in, the server captures the resulting session cookie. The attacker can then bypass MFA with the session cookie and the user’s stolen credentials.

The following diagram illustrates the AiTM phishing attack chain: 

DEV-1101 attack diagram
Figure 8. AiTM phishing attack diagram

For additional in-depth information on how AiTM phishing works, refer to the blog, From cookie theft to BEC: Attackers use AiTM phishing sites as entry point to further financial fraud.

Mitigating AiTM phishing attacks

While AiTM phishing attempts to circumvent MFA, MFA implementation remains an essential pillar in identity security and highly effective at stopping a wide variety of threats. MFA is the reason that threat actors developed the AiTM session cookie theft technique in the first place. Organizations are advised to work with their identity provider to ensure security controls like MFA are in place. Microsoft customers can implement MFA in Azure AD through various methods, such as using the Microsoft Authenticator, FIDO2 security keys, and certificate-based authentication. 

Defenders can also complement MFA with the following solutions and best practices to further protect their organizations from such attacks: 

  • Use security defaults as a baseline set of policies to improve identity security posture. For more granular control, enable conditional access policies. Conditional access policies evaluate sign-in requests using additional identity-driven signals like user or group membership, IP location information, and device status, among others, and are enforced for suspicious sign-ins. Organizations can protect themselves from attacks that leverage stolen credentials by enabling policies such as compliant devices or trusted IP address requirements.
  • Implement continuous access evaluation.
  • Invest in advanced anti-phishing solutions thatmonitor and scan incoming emails and visited websites. For example, organizations can leverage web browsers that automatically identify and block malicious websites, including those used in this phishing campaign, and solutions that detect and block malicious emails, links, and files.
  • Continuously monitor suspicious or anomalous activities. Hunt for sign-in attempts with suspicious characteristics (for example, location, ISP, user agent, and use of anonymizer services). 

Detection details and hunting queries 

Microsoft 365 Defender 

Because AiTM phishing attacks are complex threats, they require solutions that leverage signals from multiple sources. Microsoft 365 Defender uses its cross-domain visibility to detect malicious activities related to AiTM, such as session cookie theft and attempts to use stolen cookies for signing in.

Using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps connectors, Microsoft 365 Defender raises AiTM-related alerts in multiple scenarios. For Azure AD customers using Microsoft Edge, attempts by attackers to replay session cookies to access cloud applications are detected by Defender for Cloud Apps connectors for Office 365 and Azure. In such scenarios, Microsoft 365 Defender raises the following alert:

  • Stolen session cookie was used

In addition, signals from these Defender for Cloud Apps connectors, combined with data from the Defender for Endpoint network protection capabilities, also triggers the following Microsoft 365 Defender alert on Azure AD environments:

  • Possible AiTM phishing attempt 

A specific Defender for Cloud Apps connector for Okta, together with Defender for Endpoint, also helps detect AiTM attacks on Okta accounts using the following alert:

  • Possible AiTM phishing attempt in Okta

In addition, Microsoft 365 Defender has the following related alerts for activity related to the DEV-0928 threat actor, as well as high-risk Azure AD sign-in activity:

  • DEV-0928 activity group 
  • Suspicious network connection to AiTM phishing site 
  • Connection to Adversary-in-the-Middle (AiTM) phishing site

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel customers can use the following Microsoft Sentinel Analytics template to identify potential AiTM phishing attempts:

This detection uses signals from Azure AD Identity Protection, specifically it looks for successful sign ins that have been flagged as high risk, and then combines this with data from Web Proxy services such as ZScaler to identify where users might have connected to the source of those sign ins immediately prior. This can indicate a user interacting with a AiTM phishing site and having their session hijacked. This detection uses the Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) Web Session schema. More details on the schema and its requirements can be found in the documentation:

In addition, customers can use the following identity-focused Analytics and Hunting Queries to detect and investigate anomalous sign-in events that may be indicative of a compromised user identity being accessed by a threat actor:

Microsoft Sentinel customers can also use the data provided by Microsoft Sentinel’s UEBA engine to hunt for anomalous login events such as where the ISP being logged in from is not commonly seen in the tenant, or if the user agent is uncommon amongst the user’s peer group. More details on Microsoft Sentinel UEBA feature can be found here:

The post DEV-1101 enables high-volume AiTM campaigns with open-source phishing kit appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Token tactics: How to prevent, detect, and respond to cloud token theft Wed, 16 Nov 2022 16:00:00 +0000 As organizations increase their coverage of multifactor authentication (MFA), threat actors have begun to move to more sophisticated techniques to allow them to compromise corporate resources without needing to satisfy MFA. Recently, the Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART) has seen an increase in attackers utilizing token theft for this purpose.

The post Token tactics: How to prevent, detect, and respond to cloud token theft appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

As organizations increase their coverage of multifactor authentication (MFA), threat actors have begun to move to more sophisticated techniques to allow them to compromise corporate resources without needing to satisfy MFA. Recently, the Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART) has seen an increase in attackers utilizing token theft for this purpose. By compromising and replaying a token issued to an identity that has already completed multifactor authentication, the threat actor satisfies the validation of MFA and access is granted to organizational resources accordingly. This poses to be a concerning tactic for defenders because the expertise needed to compromise a token is very low, is hard to detect, and few organizations have token theft mitigations in their incident response plan.

Why it matters

In the new world of hybrid work, users may be accessing corporate resources from personally owned or unmanaged devices which increases the risk of token theft occurring. These unmanaged devices likely have weaker security controls than those that are managed by organizations, and most importantly, are not visible to corporate IT. Users on these devices may be signed into both personal websites and corporate applications at the same time, allowing attackers to compromise tokens belonging to both.

As far as mitigations go, publicly available open-source tools for exploiting token theft already exist, and commodity credential theft malware has already been adapted to include this technique in their arsenal. Detecting token theft can be difficult without the proper safeguards and visibility into authentication endpoints. Microsoft DART aims to provide defenders with the knowledge and strategies necessary to mitigate this tactic until permanent solutions become available.

Tokens are at the center of OAuth 2.0 identity platforms, such as Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). To access a resource (for example, a web application protected by Azure AD), a user must present a valid token. To obtain that token, the user must sign into Azure AD using their credentials. At that point, depending on policy, they may be required to complete MFA. The user then presents that token to the web application, which validates the token and allows the user access.

Flowchart for Azure Active Directory issuing tokens.
Figure 1. OAuth Token flow chart

When Azure AD issues a token, it contains information (claims) such as the username, source IP address, MFA, and more. It also includes any privilege a user has in Azure AD. If you sign in as a Global Administrator to your Azure AD tenant, then the token will reflect that. Two of the most common token theft techniques DART has observed have been through adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) frameworks or the utilization of commodity malware (which enables a ‘pass-the-cookie’ scenario).

With traditional credential phishing, the attacker may use the credentials they have compromised to try and sign in to Azure AD. If the security policy requires MFA, the attacker is halted from being able to successfully sign in. Though the users’ credentials were compromised in this attack, the threat actor is prevented from accessing organizational resources.

Flowchart describing how credential phishing attacks are mitigated by multifactor authentication.
Figure 2. Common credential phishing attack mitigated by MFA

Adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) phishing attack

Attacker methodologies are always evolving, and to that end DART has seen an increase in attackers using AitM techniques to steal tokens instead of passwords. Frameworks like Evilginx2 go far beyond credential phishing, by inserting malicious infrastructure between the user and the legitimate application the user is trying to access. When the user is phished, the malicious infrastructure captures both the credentials of the user, and the token.

Flowchart describing how an adversary in the middle attack works.
Figure 3. Adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) attack flowchart

If a regular user is phished and their token stolen, the attacker may attempt business email compromise (BEC) for financial gain. If a token with Global Administrator privilege is stolen, then they may attempt to take over the Azure AD tenant entirely, resulting in loss of administrative control and total tenant compromise.

Pass-the-cookie attack

A “pass-the-cookie” attack is a type of attack where an attacker can bypass authentication controls by compromising browser cookies. At a high level, browser cookies allow web applications to store user authentication information. This allows a website to keep you signed in and not constantly prompt for credentials every time you click a new page.

“Pass-the-cookie” is like pass-the-hash or pass-the-ticket attacks in Active Directory. After authentication to Azure AD via a browser, a cookie is created and stored for that session. If an attacker can compromise a device and extract the browser cookies, they could pass that cookie into a separate web browser on another system, bypassing security checkpoints along the way. Users who are accessing corporate resources on personal devices are especially at risk. Personal devices often have weaker security controls than corporate-managed devices and IT staff lack visibility to those devices to determine compromise. They also have additional attack vectors, such as personal email addresses or social media accounts users may access on the same device. Attackers can compromise these systems and steal the authentication cookies associated with both personal accounts and the users’ corporate credentials.

Flowchart describing how pass-the-cookie attack works
Figure 4. Pass-the-cookie attack flowchart

Commodity credential theft malware like Emotet, Redline, IcedID, and more all have built-in functionality to extract and exfiltrate browser cookies. Additionally, the attacker does not have to know the compromised account password or even the email address for this to work those details are held within the cookie.



Organizations can take a significant step toward reducing the risk of token theft by ensuring that they have full visibility of where and how their users are authenticating. To access critical applications like Exchange Online or SharePoint, the device used should be known by the organization. Utilizing compliance tools like Intune in combination with device based conditional access policies can help to keep devices up to date with patches, antivirus definitions, and EDR solutions. Allowing only known devices that adhere to Microsoft’s recommended security baselines helps mitigate the risk of commodity credential theft malware being able to compromise end user devices.

For those devices that remain unmanaged, consider utilizing session conditional access policies and other compensating controls to reduce the impact of token theft:

Protect your users by blocking initial access:

  • Plan and implement phishing resistant MFA solutions such as FIDO2 security keys, Windows Hello for Business, or certificate-based authentication for users.
    • While this may not be practical for all users, it should be considered for users of significant privilege like Global Admins or users of high-risk applications.
  • Users that hold a high level of privilege in the tenant should have a segregated cloud-only identity for all administrative activities, to reduce the attack surface from on-premises to cloud in the event of on-premises domain compromise and abuse of privilege. These identities should also not have a mailbox attached to them to prevent the likelihood of privileged account compromise via phishing techniques.

We recognize that while it may be recommended for organizations to enforce location, device compliance, and session lifetime controls to all applications it may not always be practical. Decisionmakers should instead focus on deploying these controls to applications and users that have the greatest risk to the organization which may include:

  • Highly privileged users like Global Administrators, Service Administrators, Authentication Administrators, and Billing Administrators among others.
  • Finance and treasury type applications that are attractive targets for attackers seeking financial gain.
  • Human capital management (HCM) applications containing personally identifiable information that may be targeted for exfiltration.
  • Control and management plane access to Microsoft 365 Defender, Azure, Office 365 and other cloud app administrative portals.
  • Access to Office 365 services (Exchange, SharePoint, and Teams) and productivity-based cloud apps.
  • VPN or remote access portals that provide external access to organizational resources.


When a token is replayed, the sign-in from the threat actor can flag anomalous features and impossible travel alerts. Azure Active Directory Identity Protection and Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps both alert on these events. Azure AD Identity Protection has a specific detection for anomalous token events. The token anomaly detection in Azure AD Identity Protection is tuned to incur more noise than other alerts. This helps ensure that genuine token theft events aren’t missed.

DART recommends focusing on high severity alerts and focusing on those users who trigger multiple alerts rapidly. Detection rules that map to the MITRE ATT&CK framework can help detect genuine compromise. For example, a risky sign-in followed closely by indicators of persistence techniques, such as mailbox rule creation.

Response and investigation

If a user is confirmed compromised and their token stolen, there are several steps DART recommends evicting the threat actor. Azure AD provides the capability to revoke a refresh token. Once a refresh token is revoked, it’s no longer valid. When the associated access token expires, the user will be prompted to re-authenticate. The following graphic outlines the methods by which access is terminated entirely:

Chart showing refresh revocation by type
Figure 5. Refresh token revocation by type

It’s crucial to use both the Azure AD portal, Microsoft Graph, or Azure AD PowerShell in addition to resetting the users’ passwords to complete the revocation process.

Importantly, revoking refresh tokens via the above methods doesn’t invalidate the access token immediately, which can still be valid for up to an hour. This means the threat actor may still have access to a compromised user’s account until the access token expires. Azure AD now supports continuous access evaluation for Exchange, SharePoint and Teams, allowing access tokens to be revoked in near real time following a ‘critical event’. This helps to significantly reduce the up to one hour delay between refresh token revocation and access token expiry.

Microsoft DART also recommends checking the compromised user’s account for other signs of persistence. These can include:

  • Mailbox rules – threat actors often create specific mailbox rules to forward or hide email. These can include rules to hide emails in folders that are not often used. For example, a threat actor may forward all emails containing the keyword ‘invoice’ to the Archive folder to hide them from the user or forward them to an external email address.
  • Mailbox forwarding – email forwarding may be configured to send a copy of all email to an external email address. This allows the threat actor to silently retrieve a copy of every email the user receives.
  • Multifactor authentication modification – DART has detected instances of threat actors registering additional authentication methods against compromised accounts for use with MFA, such as phone numbers or authenticator apps.
  • Device enrollment – in some cases, DART has seen threat actors add a device to an Azure AD tenant they control. This is an attempt to bypass conditional access rules with exclusions such as known devices.
  • Data exfiltration – threat actors may use the inbuilt sharing functionality in SharePoint and OneDrive to share important or sensitive documents and organizational resources externally.

To strengthen your security posture, you should configure alerts to review high-risk modifications to a tenant. Some examples of this are:

  • Modification or creation of security configurations
  • Modification or creation of Exchange transport rules
  • Modification or creation of privileged users or roles

Incident responders should review any audit logs related to user activity to look for signs of persistence. Logs available in the Unified Audit Log, Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, or SIEM solutions like Microsoft Sentinel can aid with investigations.


Although tactics from threat actors are constantly evolving, it is important to note that multifactor authentication, when combined with other basic security hygiene—utilizing antimalware, applying least privilege principals, keeping software up to date and protecting data—still protects against 98% of all attacks.

Fundamentally, it is important to consider the identity trust chain for the organization, spanning both internally and externally. The trust chain includes all systems (such as identity providers, federated identity providers, MFA services, VPN solutions, cloud-service providers, and enterprise applications) that issue access tokens and grant privilege for identities both cloud and on-premises, resulting in implicit trust between them.

In instances of token theft, adversaries insert themselves in the middle of the trust chain and often subsequently circumvent security controls. Having visibility, alerting, insights, and a full understanding of where security controls are enforced is key. Treating both identity providers that generate access tokens and their associated privileged identities as critical assets is strongly encouraged.

Adversaries have and will continue to find ways to evade security controls. The tactics utilized by threat actors to bypass controls and compromise tokens present additional challenges to defenders. However, by implementing the controls presented in this blog DART believes that organizations will be better prepared to detect, mitigate, and respond to threats of this nature moving forward.

The post Token tactics: How to prevent, detect, and respond to cloud token theft appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Uncovering a ChromeOS remote memory corruption vulnerability Fri, 19 Aug 2022 21:38:06 +0000 Microsoft discovered a memory corruption vulnerability in a ChromeOS component that could have been triggered remotely, allowing attackers to perform either a denial-of-service (DoS) or, in extreme cases, remote code execution (RCE).

The post Uncovering a ChromeOS remote memory corruption vulnerability appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Microsoft discovered a memory corruption vulnerability in a ChromeOS component that can be triggered remotely, allowing attackers to perform either a denial-of-service (DoS) or, in extreme cases, remote code execution (RCE). Following our D-Bus blog post that focused on Linux, we searched for similar D-Bus patterns on other platforms by auditing D-Bus services and their handler code. After locating a local memory corruption issue, we discovered the vulnerability could be remotely triggered by manipulating audio metadata. Attackers could have lured users into meeting these conditions, such as by simply playing a new song in a browser or from a paired Bluetooth device, or leveraged adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) capabilities to exploit the vulnerability remotely.

After carefully reviewing the implications, a Microsoft security researcher shared the vulnerability with Google in April 2022 and also reported it with the Chromium bug tracking system. Fixes for the vulnerability, which is assigned as CVE-2022-2587 and has a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score of 9.8 (classifying the vulnerability as critical), were quickly released and have been successfully deployed to end users. We’d like to thank the Google team and the Chromium community for their professional resolution and collaborative efforts.

This research coupled with the recent release of ChromeOS Flex, which can convert various legacy PCs and Macs into Chromebooks, emphasizes the importance of analyzing and monitoring security for devices running ChromeOS. Moreover, as even the most hardened operating systems might contain security bugs, we emphasize the need for strong monitoring of all cross-platform devices and operating systems. The best approach for protecting unmanaged devices is by using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint’s device discovery capabilities to monitor suspicious traffic and help detect attacker activities on such devices.

In this blog post, we share some information about the vulnerability and examine how it could be triggered as well as the possible implications. Displaying how our cross-domain expertise helps us uncover new and unknown threats in the effort to continually improve security for all, we also share details from our research with the larger security community to emphasize the importance of collaboration to secure platforms and devices.

An overview of ChromeOS security

One well-known operating system that uses D-Bus is ChromeOS. ChromeOS is a Google-proprietary Linux-based operating system that runs on Chromebooks, Chromeboxes, Chromebits and Chromebases. ChromeOS is a closed-source system with open-source components that are derived from ChromiumOS, and the operating system uses Google’s own Chrome browser as its principal user interface.

In terms of security, ChromeOS is well hardened; some of the security features on ChromeOS include:

  • Hardened sandbox (called minijail)
  • Verified boot
  • Locked-down filesystem (mounted with noexec, nosuid, nodev) and dm-verity
  • Root user restrictions (SECURE_NOROOT)
  • When development mode is entered, all locally stored data is wiped

As with other modern browsers, exploiting ChromeOS usually requires chaining vulnerabilities together. Due to hardening measures in ChromeOS, discovering vulnerabilities became a specific niche and, therefore, the number of public vulnerabilities is quite low compared to other operating systems. ChromeOS vulnerabilities generally fall into one of three different classes:

  1. ChromeOS-specific logic vulnerabilities
  2. ChromeOS-specific memory-corruption vulnerabilities
  3. Broader threats such as Chrome browser vulnerabilities

In this case, the discovered vulnerability falls under the second class, ChromeOS-specific memory-corruption vulnerabilities.

Bug hunting

Having discussed and extensively researched D-Bus, we continued this analysis by enumerating the D-Bus services offered on ChromeOS. In general, D-Bus is an Inter-Process-Communication (IPC) mechanism that’s popular on desktop platforms, specifically Linux.

ChromeOS’s developer mode offers the dbus-send utility to send messages over D-bus. As there are many D-Bus services offered on ChromeOS (usually identified by the “org.chromium” prefix), we automated the process and used the dbus-send utility to fetch the full tree of services and their exported methods and signals.

Because most D-Bus services support the org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable interface, it’s possible to dynamically fetch exported methods and signals without reading the source code or reverse-engineering the binaries.

Fetching all the exported service names can be performed using the following command:

dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus --type=method_call --print-reply /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames

Using org.chromium.ResourceManager as an example, each service can then be enumerated for its declared methods and signals via the following command:

dbus-send --system --dest=org.chromium.ResourceManager --type=method_call --print-reply /org/chromium/ResourceManager org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect

Considering that the more input a method receives, the higher the probability of finding a security issue, we then focused on methods that export arbitrarily large inputs, such as strings or arrays. It wasn’t long before we found an interesting service: org.chromium.cras.

The vulnerability

The org.chromium.cras D-Bus name is owned by CRAS (ChromiumOS Audio Server), which has a well-documented architecture under the ChromiumOS wiki pages. In essence, CRAS is a server that resides between the operating system and ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) as a means of routing audio to newly attached audio-supporting peripherals, like USB speakers and Bluetooth headsets.

Reviewing the exported methods uncovered one method with a particularly interesting handling function: SetPlayerIdentity, which gets one string (an argument called identity) as an input. Since ChromiumOS is open-sourced, tracking the calls is straightforward:

  1. In cras_dbus_control.c, the handler function for SetPlayerIdentity is handle_set_player_identity, which extracts the identity argument from the D-Bus message and invoke the cras_bt_player_update_identity function.
  2. In cras_bt_player.c, the function cras_bt_player_update_identity that was called checks that the identity input value is not null and is different than the current player identity string (saved under player.identity). If so, it copies the identity variable to player.identity using the C library function strcpy. Of note, “player” is a global variable in the cras_bt_player module and includes an identity field in it, among others.

To the experienced security engineer, the mention of the strcpy function immediately raises red flags. The strcpy function is known to cause various memory corruption vulnerabilities since it doesn’t perform any bounds check and is therefore considered unsafe. As there are no bounds checks on the user-supplied identity argument before invoking strcpy (besides the default message length limitations for D-Bus messages), we were confident we could trigger a heap-based buffer overflow, therefore triggering a memory corruption vulnerability.

Heap-based buffer overflows can be the cause of multiple vulnerabilities, most notoriously leading to arbitrary code execution through various means. This could include overriding a function callback in an allocated object or overriding chunk metadata, which can trigger other unexpected behavior during the lifetime of a program.

Checking how the player.identity string is initialized shows that it’s set in the cras_bt_player_init function as the result of malloc(128), which means it’s allocated on the user’s heap with 128 bytes.

Code depicting the vulnerable function with the strcpy invocation in it
Figure 1. The vulnerable function with the strcpy invocation in it

Therefore, the vulnerability could be triggered using a single command line by sending the identity user-controlled D-Bus argument with more than 128 bytes, as displayed in our example code below:


As most users don’t need to enable ChromeOS’s developer mode and, thus, can’t use the dbus-send utility, our next task was to find a way to trigger the bug without using developer mode.

Triggering the bug remotely

Thinking we spotted a local memory corruption issue, we wanted to better understand how to trigger the bug. Since the involved functions exclusively get triggered from D-Bus, we looked for functions that trigger the SetPlayerIdentity D-Bus method—if the arguments to those don’t have bounds checks, then those functions could be used to trigger the vulnerability.

Examining the open-source ChromiumOS repositories found that the CRAS audio client invokes the SetPlayerIdentity method (and exports a function with the same name). In turn, it’s called by the CRAS audio handler component’s method MediaSessionMetadataChanged, which extracts the identity from a metadata structure representing a song’s title:

Code depicting SetPlayerIdentity triggered from metadata changes
Figure 2. SetPlayerIdentity triggered from metadata changes

At this point, it was clear that the vulnerability could be triggered via changes to the audio metadata. Looking for MediaSessionMetadataChanged invocations revealed two interesting cases that could both be triggered remotely:

  1. From the browser: the browser’s media component invokes the function when metadata is changed, such as when playing a new song in the browser.
  2. From Bluetooth: the media session service in the operating system invokes the function when a song’s metadata changes, which can happen when playing a new song from a paired Bluetooth device.
Call tree depicting how browser or bluetooth devices can trigger MediaSessionMetadataChanged, then SetPlayerIdentity to be sent over D-Bus, triggering handle_control_message, then handle_set_player_identity, and finally the vulnerable function: cras_bt_player_update_identity.
Figure 3. Call tree displaying how browser or Bluetooth media metadata changes ultimately trigger the vulnerable function

Implications and reporting

We reported the vulnerability to Google in April 2022 as a part of the Chromium bug tracking system and were assigned Issue 1320917, which immediately got assigned as a priority 1 security bug. In parallel, we tracked the issue internally in Microsoft Security Vulnerability Research (MSVR), while using OSINT to look for indications of that vulnerability being used in the wild. We did not find any indications of in-the-wild exploitation.

The impact of heap-based buffer overflow ranges from simple DoS to full-fledged RCE. Although it’s possible to allocate and free chunks through media metadata manipulation, performing the precise heap-grooming is not trivial in this case and attackers would need to chain the exploit with other vulnerabilities to successfully execute any arbitrary code. Given the potential impact of the vulnerability, coupled with the fact that it could be remotely triggered, it’s a security risk that justifies the bug priority and how fast the fix was issued.

We were impressed with the speed of the fix and the effectiveness of the overall process. Within less than a week, the code was committed and, after several merges, made generally available to users. We thank the Google team and the Chromium community for their efforts in addressing the issue.

Improving security for all through research and threat intelligence sharing

As the threat and computing landscape continues to evolve, Microsoft strives to continuously improve security for all through research-driven protections and collaboration with customers, partners, and industry experts, regardless of the device or platform in use.

To defend against the evolving threat landscape, organizations must closely monitor all devices and operating systems across platforms, including unmanaged devices. Unmanaged devices are sometimes ignored or missed by security teams at join time, making them attractive targets for compromising, quietly performing lateral movements, jumping network boundaries, and achieving persistence for the sake of launching broader attacks. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint’s device discovery capabilities help organizations find certain unmanaged devices, including those running ChromeOS, and can detect if they are being operated by attackers when they start performing network interactions with servers and other managed devices.

Microsoft security researchers continually work to discover new vulnerabilities and threats, turning knowledge of a variety of wide-reaching issues into improved solutions that protect users and organizations across platforms every single day. This case displays how vulnerability disclosures and threat intelligence sharing are essential to effectively mitigate issues and protect users against present and future threats. Moreover, by expanding upon our prior research, we can also continue to make positive contributions to the overall security of devices worldwide, even on platforms we currently don’t directly support.

Jonathan Bar Or

Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team

The post Uncovering a ChromeOS remote memory corruption vulnerability appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Disrupting SEABORGIUM’s ongoing phishing operations Mon, 15 Aug 2022 16:00:00 +0000 The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) has observed and taken actions to disrupt campaigns launched by SEABORGIUM in campaigns involve persistent phishing and credential theft campaigns leading to intrusions and data theft.

The post Disrupting SEABORGIUM’s ongoing phishing operations appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.


April 2023 update – Microsoft Threat Intelligence has shifted to a new threat actor naming taxonomy aligned around the theme of weather. SEABORGIUM is now tracked as Star Blizzard and ACTINIUM is now tracked as Aqua Blizzard.

To learn about how the new taxonomy represents the origin, unique traits, and impact of threat actors, and to get a complete mapping of threat actor names, read this blog: Microsoft shifts to a new threat actor naming taxonomy.

The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) has observed and taken actions to disrupt campaigns launched by SEABORGIUM, an actor Microsoft has tracked since 2017. SEABORGIUM is a threat actor that originates from Russia, with objectives and victimology that align closely with Russian state interests. Its campaigns involve persistent phishing and credential theft campaigns leading to intrusions and data theft. SEABORGIUM intrusions have also been linked to hack-and-leak campaigns, where stolen and leaked data is used to shape narratives in targeted countries. While we cannot rule out that supporting elements of the group may have current or prior affiliations with criminal or other nonstate ecosystems, MSTIC assesses that information collected during SEABORGIUM intrusions likely supports traditional espionage objectives and information operations as opposed to financial motivations.

This blog provides insights into SEABORGIUM’s activities and technical methods, with the goal of sharing context and raising awareness about a significant threat to Microsoft customers. MSTIC would like to acknowledge the Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) and the Proofpoint Threat Research Team for their collaboration on tracking and disrupting this actor. Microsoft’s ability to detect and track SEABORGIUM’s abuse of Microsoft services, particularly OneDrive, has provided MSTIC sustained visibility into the actor’s activities and enabled us to notify impacted customers. As an outcome of these service abuse investigations, MSTIC partnered with abuse teams in Microsoft to disable accounts used by the actor for reconnaissance, phishing, and email collection. Microsoft Defender SmartScreen has also implemented detections against the phishing domains represented in SEABORGIUM’s activities.


SEABORGIUM is a highly persistent threat actor, frequently targeting the same organizations over long periods of time. Once successful, it slowly infiltrates targeted organizations’ social networks through constant impersonation, rapport building, and phishing to deepen their intrusion. SEABORGIUM has successfully compromised organizations and people of interest in consistent campaigns for several years, rarely changing methodologies or tactics. Based on known indicators of compromise and actor tactics, SEABORGIUM overlaps with the threat groups tracked as Callisto Group (F-Secure), TA446 (Proofpoint) and COLDRIVER (Google). Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has associated Callisto with Gamaredon Group (tracked by Microsoft as ACTINIUM); however, MSTIC has not observed technical intrusion links to support the association. 

Since the beginning of 2022, Microsoft has observed SEABORGIUM campaigns targeting over 30 organizations, in addition to personal accounts of people of interest. SEABORGIUM primarily targets NATO countries, particularly the US and the UK, with occasional targeting of other countries in the Baltics, the Nordics, and Eastern Europe. Such targeting has included the government sector of Ukraine in the months leading up to the invasion by Russia, and organizations involved in supporting roles for the war in Ukraine. Despite some targeting of these organizations, Microsoft assesses that Ukraine is likely not a primary focus for this actor; however, it is most likely a reactive focus area for the actor and one of many diverse targets.

Within the target countries, SEABORGIUM primarily focuses operations on defense and intelligence consulting companies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), think tanks, and higher education. SEABORGIUM has a high interest in targeting individuals as well, with 30% of Microsoft’s nation-state notifications related to SEABORGIUM activity being delivered to Microsoft consumer email accounts. SEABORGIUM has been observed targeting former intelligence officials, experts in Russian affairs, and Russian citizens abroad. As with any observed nation-state actor activity, Microsoft directly notifies customers of Microsoft services that have been targeted or compromised, providing them with the information they need to secure their accounts.

Observed actor activity

Over many years of tracking, Microsoft has observed a consistent methodology from SEABORGIUM with only slight deviations in their social engineering approaches and in how they deliver the initial malicious URL to their targets. In this section, we provide detailed analysis of SEABORBIUM’s operational tactics as well as several examples of their campaigns.

Impersonation and establishing contact

Before starting a campaign, SEABORGIUM often conducts reconnaissance of target individuals, with a focus on identifying legitimate contacts in the targets’ distant social network or sphere of influence. Based on some of the impersonation and targeting observed, we suspect that the threat actor uses social media platforms, personal directories, and general open-source intelligence (OSINT) to supplement their reconnaissance efforts. MSTIC, in partnership with LinkedIn, has observed fraudulent profiles attributed to SEABORGIUM being used sporadically for conducting reconnaissance of employees from specific organizations of interest. In accordance with their policies, LinkedIn terminated any account (including the one shown below) identified as conducting inauthentic or fraudulent behavior.

A screenshot of a LinkedIn profile identified for fraudulent behavior. The fake profile uses the name Westley Dyck, who allegedly identifies as a research assistant.
Figure 1: Example profile used by SEABORGIUM to conduct industry-specific reconnaissance

SEABORGIUM also registers new email accounts at various consumer email providers, with the email address or alias configured to match legitimate aliases or names of impersonated individuals. While the creation of new consumer accounts is common, we have also observed SEABORGIUM returning to and reusing historical accounts that match the industry of the ultimate target. In one case, we observed SEABORGIUM returning to an account it had not used in a year, indicating potential tracking and reusing of accounts if relevant to targets’ verticals.

After registering new accounts, SEABORGIUM proceeds to establish contact with their target. In cases of personal or consumer targeting, MSTIC has mostly observed the actor starting the conversation with a benign email message, typically exchanging pleasantries before referencing a non-existent attachment while highlighting a topic of interest to the target. It’s likely that this additional step helps the actor establish rapport and avoid suspicion, resulting in further interaction. If the target replies, SEABORGIUM proceeds to send a weaponized email.

A screenshot of an email exchange between the SEABORGIUM actors and their target. The initial email from the actors mentions a file attachment, but there is no file attached to the message. Subsequent replies involve the target asking for the file, and then actors sending back a weaponized email.
Figure 2: Example email showing the multi-email approach and rapport building frequently used by the actors.

MSTIC has also documented several cases where the actor focuses on a more organizational approach to phishing. In these cases, the actor uses an authoritative approach in their social engineering and typically goes to directly sending malicious content.

A screenshot of a phishing email sent by SEABORGIUM to their target. The email impersonates the lead of an organization and informs the recipient of possible attackers against their organization. The email then tells the recipient to open an attached PDF file, disguised as analytical material for safety and informational awareness.
Figure 3: Example phishing email from 2022 where the actor impersonates the lead of an organization and emails select members of the organization with a cybersecurity themed lure.

These examples serve to demonstrate the actors’ capability to be dynamic and to adapt their social engineering approach to gain the trust of their victims.

Delivery of malicious content

Microsoft has identified several variations in the way that SEABORGIUM delivers a link that directs targets to their credential stealing infrastructure. 

URL in body of email

In the simplest case, SEABORGIUM directly adds a URL to the body of their phishing email. Occasionally, the actor leverages URL shorteners and open redirects to obfuscate their URL from the target and inline protection platforms. The email varies between fake personal correspondence with a hyperlinked text and fake file sharing emails that imitate a range of platforms.

A screenshot of a fake OneDrive email notification sent by SEABORGIUM to their target. The email informs the recipient of a file shared with them, followed by a link. The link leads to a phishing URL controlled by SEABORGIUM actors.
Figure 4: Example follow-up email impersonating a OneDrive share. The link embedded takes the user to actor-controlled infrastructure.

PDF file attachment that contains a URL

MSTIC has observed an increase in the use of attachments in SEABORGIUM campaigns. These attachments typically imitate a file or document hosting service, including OneDrive, and request the user to open the document by clicking a button.

A screenshot of an email sent by SEABORGIUM which used the Ukraine conflict as a social engineering lure. The email contains a PDF file, which the email sender mentions as a new paper about Ukraine they’d like the recipient to check.
Figure 5: Campaign from 2022 using the war in Ukraine as a ruse. Example of SEABORGIUM directly attaching a PDF file to the email.
A screenshot of the content of the PDF file mentioned in figure 5. The PDF file displays a PDF file icon, a message saying that the file can’t be previewed, and a rectangular box with the text “open in OneDrive”. The box with the text contains a hyperlink to a URL controlled by SEABORGIUM.
Figure 6: Example PDF file used in campaigns. The PDF files appear to be a failed preview, redirecting the users to click a link which takes the user to actor-controlled infrastructure.

OneDrive link to PDF file that contains a URL

SEABORGIUM also abuses OneDrive to host PDF files that contain a link to the malicious URL. This activity does not represent any security issues or vulnerabilities on the OneDrive platform. The actors include a OneDrive link in the body of the email that when clicked directs the user to a PDF file hosted within a SEABORGIUM-controlled OneDrive account. As seen in the previous example, the victim is presented with what appears to be a failed preview message, enticing the target to click the link to be directed to the credential-stealing infrastructure. Occasionally, SEABORGIUM makes use of open redirects within the PDF file to further disguise their operational infrastructure. In the example below, SEABORGIUM uses a Google URL for redirection.

A screenshot of a PDF file hosted on a OneDrive account controlled by SEABORGIUM, like the one mentioned on figure 6. A box with the text “try again” is displayed, which is hyperlinked to a Google redirect link, further leading to a phishing page.
Figure 7: Example document hosted on OneDrive that uses a Google redirect link to send users to actor-controlled infrastructure.

Credential theft

Regardless of the method of delivery, when the target clicks the URL, the target is directed to an actor-controlled server hosting a phishing framework, most often EvilGinx. On occasion, Microsoft has observed attempts by the actor to evade automated browsing and detonation by fingerprinting browsing behavior. Once the target is redirected to the final page, the framework prompts the target for authentication, mirroring the sign-in page for a legitimate provider and intercepting any credentials. After credentials are captured, the target is redirected to a website or document to complete the interaction.  

A screenshot of a phishing page used by SEABORGIUM. The phishing page impersonates a victim organization and asks the target to sign in with their account details.
Figure 8: Example cloned phishing portal used by SEABORGIUM to directly impersonate a victim organization.

Data exfiltration and impact

SEABORGIUM has been observed to use stolen credentials and directly sign in to victim email accounts. Based on our experience responding to intrusions from this actor on behalf of our customers, we have confirmed that the following activities are common:

  • Exfiltration of intelligence data: SEABORGIUM has been observed exfiltrating emails and attachments from the inbox of victims.
  • Setup of persistent data collection: In limited cases, SEABORGIUM has been observed setting up forwarding rules from victim inboxes to actor-controlled dead drop accounts where the actor has long-term access to collected data. On more than one occasion, we have observed that the actors were able to access mailing-list data for sensitive groups, such as those frequented by former intelligence officials, and maintain a collection of information from the mailing-list for follow-on targeting and exfiltration.
  • Access to people of interest: There have been several cases where SEABORGIUM has been observed using their impersonation accounts to facilitate dialog with specific people of interest and, as a result, were included in conversations, sometimes unwittingly, involving multiple parties. The nature of the conversations identified during investigations by Microsoft demonstrates potentially sensitive information being shared that could provide intelligence value.

Based on the specific victimology, documents stolen, conversations fostered, and sustained collection observed, we assess that espionage is likely a key motivation of the actor.

Sporadic involvement with information operations

In May 2021, MSTIC attributed an information operation to SEABORGIUM based on observations and technical overlaps with known phishing campaigns. The operation involved documents allegedly stolen from a political organization in the UK that were uploaded to a public PDF file-sharing site. The documents were later amplified on social media via known SEABORGIUM accounts, however MSTIC observed minimal engagement or further amplification. Microsoft was unable to validate the authenticity of the material.  

In late May 2022, Reuters along with Google TAG disclosed details about an information operation, specifically using hack and leak, that they attributed to COLDRIVER/SEABORGIUM. Microsoft independently linked SEABORGIUM to the campaign through technical indicators and agrees with the assessment by TAG on the actor responsible for the operation. In the said operation, the actors leaked emails/documents from 2018 to 2022, allegedly stolen from consumer Protonmail accounts belonging to high-level proponents of Brexit, to build a narrative that the participants were planning a coup. The narrative was amplified using social media and through specific politically themed media sources that garnered quite a bit of reach.

While we have only observed two cases of direct involvement, MSTIC is not able to rule out that SEABORGIUM’s intrusion operations have yielded data used through other information outlets. As with any information operation, Microsoft urges caution in distributing or amplifying direct narratives, and urges readers to be critical that the malicious actors could have intentionally inserted misinformation or disinformation to assist their narrative. With this in mind, Microsoft will not be releasing the specific domain or content to avoid amplification.  

The techniques used by the actor and described in the “Observed actor activity” section can be mitigated by adopting the security considerations provided below:

  • Check your Office 365 email filtering settings to ensure you block spoofed emails, spam, and emails with malware.
  • Configure Office 365 to disable email auto-forwarding.
  • Use the included indicators of compromise to investigate whether they exist in your environment and assess for potential intrusion.
  • Review all authentication activity for remote access infrastructure, with a particular focus on accounts configured with single factor authentication, to confirm authenticity and investigate any anomalous activity.
  • Require multifactor authentication (MFA) for all users coming from all locations including perceived trusted environments, and all internet-facing infrastructure–even those coming from on-premises systems.
  • Leverage more secure implementations such as FIDO Tokens, or Microsoft Authenticator with number matching. Avoid telephony-based MFA methods to avoid risks associated with SIM-jacking.

For Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Customers:

  • Use Microsoft Defender for Office 365 for enhanced phishing protection and coverage against new threats and polymorphic variants.
  • Enable Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Office 365 to quarantine sent mail in response to newly acquired threat intelligence and retroactively neutralize malicious phishing, spam, or malware messages that have already been delivered to mailboxes.
  • Configure Defender for Office 365 to recheck links on click. Safe Links provides URL scanning and rewriting of inbound email messages in mail flow, and time-of-click verification of URLs and links in email messages, other Office applications such as Teams, and other locations such as SharePoint Online. Safe Links scanning occurs in addition to the regular anti-spam and anti-malware protection in inbound email messages in Exchange Online Protection (EOP). Safe Links scanning can help protect your organization from malicious links that are used in phishing and other attacks.
  • Use the Attack Simulator in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 to run realistic, yet safe, simulated phishing and password attack campaigns within your organization. Run spear-phishing (credential harvest) simulations to train end-users against clicking URLs in unsolicited messages and disclosing their credentials.

Indicators of compromise (IOCs)

The below list provides IOCs observed during our investigation. We encourage our customers to investigate these indicators in their environments and implement detections and protections to identify past related activity and prevent future attacks against their systems.

IndicatorTypeConfidencePublic References (if Applicable)
cache-dns[.]comDomain nameHighGoogle TAG,
cache-dns-forwarding[.]comDomain nameHigh 
cache-dns-preview[.]comDomain nameHigh 
cache-pdf[.]comDomain nameHigh 
cache-pdf[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
cache-services[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
cloud-drive[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
cloud-storage[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
docs-forwarding[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
docs-shared[.]comDomain nameHighGoogle TAG,
docs-shared[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
docs-view[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
document-forwarding[.]comDomain nameHigh 
document-online[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
document-preview[.]comDomain nameHigh 
documents-forwarding[.]comDomain nameHighGoogle TAG
document-share[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
documents-online[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
documents-preview[.]comDomain nameHighGoogle TAG
documents-view[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
document-view[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
drive-share[.]liveDomain nameHighGoogle TAG,
goo-link[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
mail-docs[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
officeonline365[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
online365-office[.]comDomain nameHigh 
online-document[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
online-storage[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
pdf-cache[.]comDomain nameHigh 
pdf-cache[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
pdf-forwarding[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
protection-checklinks[.]xyzDomain nameHigh 
protection-link[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
protection-office[.]liveDomain nameHighGoogle TAG,
protect-link[.]onlineDomain nameHighGoogle TAG,
proton-reader[.]comDomain nameHigh 
proton-viewer[.]comDomain nameHighGoogle TAG,
relogin-dashboard[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
safe-connection[.]onlineDomain nameHigh 
safelinks-protect[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
secureoffice[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
webresources[.]liveDomain nameHighGoogle TAG
word-yand[.]liveDomain nameHigh 
yandx-online[.]cloudDomain nameHigh 
y-ml[.]coDomain nameHigh 
docs-info[.]onlineDomain nameModerate 
cloud-mail[.]onlineDomain nameModerate 
onlinecloud365[.]liveDomain nameModerate 
proton-pdf[.]onlineDomain nameModerate 
office365-online[.]liveDomain nameLow 
doc-viewer[.]comDomain nameLow 

NOTE: These indicators should not be considered exhaustive for this observed activity.


Intelligence gathered by the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) is used within Microsoft security products to provide protection against associated actor activity.

Microsoft Defender for Office 365

Microsoft Defender for Office offers enhanced solutions for blocking and identifying malicious emails. Signals from Microsoft Defender for Office inform Microsoft 365 Defender, which correlate cross-domain threat intelligence to deliver coordinated defense, when this threat has been detected. These alerts, however, can be triggered by unrelated threat activity. Example alerts:

  • A potentially malicious URL click was detected
  • Email messages containing malicious URL removed after delivery
  • Email messages removed after delivery
  • Email reported by user as malware or phish

Microsoft 365 Defender

Aside from the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 alerts above, customers can also monitor for the following Microsoft 365 Defender alerts for this attack. Note that these alerts can also be triggered by unrelated threat activity. Example alerts:

  • Suspicious URL clicked
  • Suspicious URL opened in web browser
  • User accessed link in ZAP-quarantined email

Microsoft 365 Defender customers should also investigate any “Stolen session cookie was used” alerts that would betriggered for adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) attacks.

Microsoft Defender SmartScreen

Microsoft Defender SmartScreen has implemented detections against the phishing domains represented in the IOC section above.

Advanced hunting queries

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel customers can run the following advanced hunting queries to locate IOCs and related malicious activity in their environments.

The query below identifies matches based on domain IOCs related to SEABORGIUM actor across a range of common Microsoft Sentinel data sets:

Microsoft 365 Defender

Microsoft 365 Defender customers can run the following advanced hunting queries to locate IOCs and related malicious activity in their environments.

This query identifies matches based on domain IOCs related to SEABORGIUM against Microsoft Defender for Endpoint device network connections

The post Disrupting SEABORGIUM’s ongoing phishing operations appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

From cookie theft to BEC: Attackers use AiTM phishing sites as entry point to further financial fraud Tue, 12 Jul 2022 16:00:00 +0000 A large-scale phishing campaign that attempted to target over 10,000 organizations since September 2021 used adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing sites to steal passwords, hijack a user’s sign-in session, and skip the authentication process, even if the user had enabled multifactor authentication (MFA).

The post From cookie theft to BEC: Attackers use AiTM phishing sites as entry point to further financial fraud appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

A large-scale phishing campaign that used adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) phishing sites stole passwords, hijacked a user’s sign-in session, and skipped the authentication process even if the user had enabled multifactor authentication (MFA). The attackers then used the stolen credentials and session cookies to access affected users’ mailboxes and perform follow-on business email compromise (BEC) campaigns against other targets. Based on our threat data, the AiTM phishing campaign attempted to target more than 10,000 organizations since September 2021.

Diagram containing icons and arrows illustrating the sequence of steps in an AiTM phishing campaign.
Figure 1. Overview of AiTM phishing campaign and follow-on BEC

Phishing remains to be one of the most common techniques attackers use in their attempts to gain initial access to organizations. According to the 2021 Microsoft Digital Defense Report, reports of phishing attacks doubled in 2020, and phishing is the most common type of malicious email observed in our threat signals. MFA provides an added security layer against credential theft, and it is expected that more organizations will adopt it, especially in countries and regions where even governments are mandating it. Unfortunately, attackers are also finding new ways to circumvent this security measure. 

In AiTM phishing, attackers deploy a proxy server between a target user and the website the user wishes to visit (that is, the site the attacker wishes to impersonate). Such a setup allows the attacker to steal and intercept the target’s password and the session cookie that proves their ongoing and authenticated session with the website. Note that this is not a vulnerability in MFA; since AiTM phishing steals the session cookie, the attacker gets authenticated to a session on the user’s behalf, regardless of the sign-in method the latter uses.

Microsoft 365 Defender detects suspicious activities related to AiTM phishing attacks and their follow-on activities, such as session cookie theft and attempts to use the stolen cookie to sign into Exchange Online. However, to further protect themselves from similar attacks, organizations should also consider complementing MFA with conditional access policies, where sign-in requests are evaluated using additional identity-driven signals like user or group membership, IP location information, and device status, among others. 

While AiTM phishing isn’t new, our investigation allowed us to observe and analyze the follow-on activities stemming from the campaign—including cloud-based attack attempts—through cross-domain threat data from Microsoft 365 Defender. These observations also let us improve and enrich our solutions’ protection capabilities. This campaign thus also highlights the importance of building a comprehensive defense strategy. As the threat landscape evolves, organizations need to assume breach and understand their network and threat data to gain complete visibility and insight into complex end-to-end attack chains.

In this blog, we’ll share our technical analysis of this phishing campaign and the succeeding payment fraud attempted by the attackers. We’ll also provide guidance for defenders on protecting organizations from this threat and how Microsoft security technologies detect it.

How AiTM phishing works

Every modern web service implements a session with a user after successful authentication so that the user doesn’t have to be authenticated at every new page they visit. This session functionality is implemented through a session cookie provided by an authentication service after initial authentication. The session cookie is proof for the web server that the user has been authenticated and has an ongoing session on the website. In AiTM phishing, an attacker attempts to obtain a target user’s session cookie so they can skip the whole authentication process and act on the latter’s behalf.  

To do this, the attacker deploys a webserver that proxies HTTP packets from the user that visits the phishing site to the target server the attacker wishes to impersonate and the other way around. This way, the phishing site is visually identical to the original website (as every HTTP is proxied to and from the original website). The attacker also doesn’t need to craft their own phishing site like how it’s done in conventional phishing campaigns. The URL is the only visible difference between the phishing site and the actual one. 

Figure 2 below illustrates the AiTM phishing process:

Diagram with icons illustrates a phishing site, which is connected to a malicious proxy server, in between a user and the target website the user is trying to access. Texts and arrows describe the process of how the AiTM phishing website intercepts the authentication process.
Figure 2. AiTM phishing website intercepting the authentication process

The phishing page has two different Transport Layer Security (TLS) sessions—one with the target and another with the actual website the target wants to access. These sessions mean that the phishing page practically functions as an AiTM agent, intercepting the whole authentication process and extracting valuable data from the HTTP requests such as passwords and, more importantly, session cookies. Once the attacker obtains the session cookie, they can inject it into their browser to skip the authentication process, even if the target’s MFA is enabled. 

The AiTM phishing process can currently be automated using open-source phishing toolkits and other online resources. Among the widely-used kits include Evilginx2Modlishka, and Muraena.  

Tracking an AiTM phishing campaign

Using Microsoft 365 Defender threat data, we detected multiple iterations of an AiTM phishing campaign that attempted to target more than 10,000 organizations since September 2021. These runs appear to be linked together and target Office 365 users by spoofing the Office online authentication page.

Based on our analysis, these campaign iterations use the Evilginx2 phishing kit as their AiTM infrastructure. We also uncovered similarities in their post-breach activities, including sensitive data enumeration in the target’s mailbox and payment frauds.

Initial access

In one of the runs we’ve observed, the attacker sent emails with an HTML file attachment to multiple recipients in different organizations. The email message informed the target recipients that they had a voice message.

Screenshot of a phishing email message with an HTML file attachment.
Figure 3. Sample phishing email with HTML file attachment

When a recipient opened the attached HTML file, it was loaded in the user’s browser and displayed a page informing the user that the voice message was being downloaded. Note, however, that the download progress bar was hardcoded in the HTML file, so no MP3 file was being fetched.

Partial screenshot of an HTML page with the text "Please Wait while we fetch your voice message." Below the text is a progress bar indicator with the label "Downloading progress:".
Figure 4. HTML file attachment loaded in the target’s browser
Screenshot of an HTML source code with redacted email address.
Figure 5. Source code of the HTML attachment

Instead, the page redirected the user to a redirector site:

Partial screenshot of a web page that has the Microsoft logo and the following message:
"You will be redirected back to your mail box with audio sent in 1 hour...

to continue".
Figure 6. Screenshot of the redirector site

This redirector acted as a gatekeeper to ensure the target user was coming from the original HTML attachment. To do this, it first validated if the expected fragment value in the URL—in this case, the user’s email address encoded in Base64—exists. If the said value existed, this page concatenated the value on the phishing site’s landing page, which was also encoded in Base64 and saved in the “link” variable (see Figure 7 below).

Screenshot of an HTML source code containing redirection logic.
Figure 7. A redirection logic included in the <script> tag of the redirector site

By combining the two values, the succeeding phishing landing page automatically filled out the sign-in page with the user’s email address, thus enhancing its social engineering lure. This technique was also the campaign’s attempt to prevent conventional anti-phishing solutions from directly accessing phishing URLs.

Note that on other instances, we observed that the redirector page used the following URL format:

hxxp://[username].[wildcard domain].[tld]/#[user email encoded in Base64]

In this format, the target’s username was used as part of an infinite subdomains technique, which we have previously discussed in other phishing campaigns.

Partial screenshot of a web page that has the Microsoft logo and a "please wait..." message.
Figure 8. Evasive redirector site loaded on the target’s browser

After the redirection, the user finally landed on an Evilginx2 phishing site with their username as a fragment value. For example:

Screenshot of a spoofed sign-in page with Microsoft logo.
Figure 9. Sample phishing landing page

The phishing site proxied the organization’s Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) sign-in page, which is typically If the organization had configured their Azure AD to include their branding, the phishing site’s landing page also contained the same branding elements.

Partial screenshot of a mockup sign-in page with Contoso logo.
Figure 10. A mockup of a phishing landing page that retrieves the Azure AD branding of an organization

Once the target entered their credentials and got authenticated, they were redirected to the legitimate page. However, in the background, the attacker intercepted the said credentials and got authenticated on the user’s behalf. This allowed the attacker to perform follow-on activities—in this case, payment fraud—from within the organization.

Post-breach BEC

Payment fraud is a scheme wherein an attacker tricks a fraud target into transferring payments to attacker-owned accounts. It can be achieved by hijacking and replying to ongoing finance-related email threads in the compromised account’s mailbox and luring the fraud target to send money through fake invoices, among others.

Based on our analysis of Microsoft 365 Defender threat data and our investigation of related threat alerts from our customers, we discovered that it took as little time as five minutes after credential and session theft for an attacker to launch their follow-on payment fraud. From our observation, after a compromised account signed into the phishing site for the first time, the attacker used the stolen session cookie to authenticate to Outlook online ( In multiple cases, the cookies had an MFA claim, which means that even if the organization had an MFA policy, the attacker used the session cookie to gain access on behalf of the compromised account.

Finding a target

The following days after the cookie theft, the attacker accessed finance-related emails and file attachments files every few hours. They also searched for ongoing email threads where payment fraud would be feasible. In addition, the attacker deleted from the compromised account’s Inbox folder the original phishing email they sent to hide traces of their initial access.

These activities suggest the attacker attempted to commit payment fraud manually. They also did this in the cloud—they used Outlook Web Access (OWA) on a Chrome browser and performed the abovementioned activities while using the compromised account’s stolen session cookie.

Once the attacker found a relevant email thread, they proceeded with their evasion techniques. Because they didn’t want the compromised account’s user to notice any suspicious mailbox activities, the attacker created an Inbox rule with the following logic to hide any future replies from the fraud target:

“For every incoming email where sender address contains [domain name of the fraud target], move the mail to “Archive” folder and mark it as read.”

Conducting payment fraud

Right after the rule was set, the attacker proceeded to reply to ongoing email threads related to payments and invoices between the target and employees from other organizations, as indicated in the created Inbox rule. The attacker then deleted their replies from the compromised account’s Sent Items and Deleted Items folders.

Several hours after the initial fraud attempt was performed, the attacker signed in once every few hours to check if the fraud target replied to their email. In multiple instances, the attacker communicated with the target through emails for a few days. After sending back responses, they deleted the target’s replies from the Archive folder. They also deleted their emails from the Sent Items folder.

On one occasion, the attacker conducted multiple fraud attempts simultaneously from the same compromised mailbox. Every time the attacker found a new fraud target, they updated the Inbox rule they created to include these new targets’ organization domains.

Below is a summary of the campaign’s end-to-end attack chain based on threat data from Microsoft 365 Defender:

Timeline with bulleted text lists summarizing the phishing campaign's post-breach BEC activities. The lists contain additional technical details, application client IDs, properties, and events.
Figure 11. AiTM phishing campaign and follow-on BEC in the context of Microsoft 365 Defender threat data

Defending against AiTM phishing and BEC

This AiTM phishing campaign is another example of how threats continue to evolve in response to the security measures and policies organizations put in place to defend themselves against potential attacks. And since credential phishing was leveraged in many of the most damaging attacks last year, we expect similar attempts to grow in scale and sophistication.

While AiTM phishing attempts to circumvent MFA, it’s important to underscore that MFA implementation remains an essential pillar in identity security. MFA is still very effective at stopping a wide variety of threats; its effectiveness is why AiTM phishing emerged in the first place. Organizations can thus make their MFA implementation “phish-resistant” by using solutions that support Fast ID Online (FIDO) v2.0 and certificate-based authentication.

Defenders can also complement MFA with the following solutions and best practices to further protect their organizations from such types of attacks:

  • Enable conditional access policies. Conditional access policies are evaluated and enforced every time an attacker attempts to use a stolen session cookie. Organizations can protect themselves from attacks that leverage stolen credentials by enabling policies such as compliant devices or trusted IP address requirements.
  • Invest in advanced anti-phishing solutions thatmonitor and scan incoming emails and visited websites. For example, organizations can leverage web browsers that can automatically identify and block malicious websites, including those used in this phishing campaign.
  • Continuously monitor for suspicious or anomalous activities:
    • Hunt for sign-in attempts with suspicious characteristics (for example, location, ISP, user agent, use of anonymizer services).
    • Hunt for unusual mailbox activities such as the creation of Inbox rules with suspicious purposes or unusual amounts of mail item access events by untrusted IP addresses or devices.

Coordinated threat defense with Microsoft 365 Defender

Microsoft 365 Defender provides comprehensive protection against this AiTM phishing campaign by correlating threat data from various domains. It also coordinates threat defense against the end-to-end attack chain using multiple solutions and has advanced hunting capabilities that allow analysts to inspect their environments further and surface this threat.

Leveraging its cross-signal capabilities, Microsoft 365 Defender alerts customers using Microsoft Edge when a session cookie gets stolen through AiTM phishing and when an attacker attempts to replay the stolen session cookie to access Exchange Online:

Partial screenshot of Microsoft 365 Defender displaying the alert "Stolen session cookie was used".
Figure 12. Microsoft 365 Defender detecting an attempt to use a stolen session cookie to sign into Exchange Online

Microsoft 365 Defender’s unique incident correlation technology also lets defenders see all the relevant alerts related to an AiTM phishing attack pieced together into a single comprehensive view, thus allowing them to respond to such incidents more efficiently:

Graphical user interface of Microsoft 365 Defender portal. The left panel displays a bar graph of active alerts. The right panel provides details of the alerts' scope and supporting evidence.
Figure 13. Microsoft 365 Defender incident page correlating all relevant alerts related to an AiTM phishing attempt

Microsoft 365 Defender is backed by threat experts who continuously monitor the computing landscape for new attacker tools and techniques. Their expert monitoring not only helps alert customers of a possible incident (such as a potential cookie theft during an authentication session), their research on the constantly evolving phishing techniques also enriches the threat intelligence that feeds into the abovementioned protection technologies.

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 detects threat activity associated with this phishing campaign through the following email security alerts. Note, however, that these alerts may also be triggered by unrelated threat activity. We’re listing them here because we recommend that these alerts be investigated and remediated immediately.

  • Email messages containing malicious file removed after delivery​. This alert is generated when any messages containing a malicious file are delivered to mailboxes in an organization. Microsoft removes the infected messages from Exchange Online mailboxes using zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) if this event occurs.
  • Email messages from a campaign removed after delivery​. This alert is generated when any messages associated with a campaign are delivered to mailboxes in an organization. Microsoft removes the infected messages from Exchange Online mailboxes using ZAP if this event occurs.

Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps detects this AiTM phishing and BEC campaigns through the following alerts:

  • Suspicious inbox manipulation rule. The attackers set an Inbox rule to hide their malicious activities. Defender for Cloud Apps identifies such suspicious rules and alerts users when detected.
  • Impossible travel activity. The attackers used multiple proxies or virtual private networks (VPNs) from various countries or regions. Sometimes, their attack attempts happen at the same time the actual user is signed in, thus raising impossible travel alerts.
  • Activity from infrequent country. Because the attackers used multiple proxies or VPNs, on certain occasions, the egress endpoints of these VPN and proxy servers are uncommon for the user, thus raising this alert.

Azure AD Identity Protection automatically detects and remediates identity-based risks. It detects suspicious sign-in attempts and raises any of the following alerts:

  • Anomalous Token. This alert flags a token’s unusual characteristics, such as its token lifetime or played from an unfamiliar location.
  • Unfamiliar sign-in properties. In this phishing campaign, the attackers used multiple proxies or VPNs originating from various countries or regions unfamiliar to the target user.
  • Unfamiliar sign-in properties for session cookies. This alert flags anomalies in the token claims, token age, and other authentication attributes.
  • Anonymous IP address. This alert flags sign-in attempts from anonymous IP addresses (for example, Tor browser or anonymous VPN).

In addition, Continuous Access evaluation (CAE) revokes access in real time when changes in user conditions trigger risks, such as when a user is terminated or moves to an untrusted location.

Learn how you can stop attacks through automated, cross-domain security with Microsoft 365 Defender.

Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team

Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)


Indicators of compromise (IOCs)

Redirector domains

  • 32sssaawervvvv[.]biz
  • adminmmi[.]biz
  • auth2022[.]live
  • cleanifl[.]com
  • docpmsi[.]us
  • vrtlsrvmapp[.]biz
  • vrtofcvm[.]live

Phishing site domains  

  • login[.]actionspsort[.]cam
  • login[.]akasmisoft[.]xyz
  • login[.]aueuth11[.]live
  • login[.]auth009[.]xyz
  • login[.]auth2022[.]live
  • login[.]auth83kl[.]live
  • login[.]bittermann-hh[.]co
  • login[.]cbhbanlc[.]com
  • login[.]cleanifl[.]com
  • login[.]clfonl365[.]xyz
  • login[.]gddss36[.]live
  • login[.]grodno-pl[.]com
  • login[.]hfs923[.]shop
  • login[.]karlandpearson[.]com
  • login[.]klm2136[.]click
  • login[.]login-micro[.]mcrsfts-passwdupdate[.]com
  • login[.]mcrosfts-updata[.]live
  • login[.]mcrosfts-update[.]cloud
  • login[.]mcrosfts-update[.]digital
  • login[.]mcrosftts-update[.]cloud
  • login[.]mcrsft-audio[.]xyz
  • login[.]mcrsfts-cloud[.]live
  • login[.]mcrsfts-passwd[.]cloud
  • login[.]mcrsfts-passwd[.]digital
  • login[.]mcrsfts-passwdupdate[.]com
  • login[.]mcrsfts-update[.]cloud
  • login[.]mcrsfts-update[.]digital
  • login[.]mcrsfts-virtualofficevm[.]com
  • login[.]mcrsftsvm-app[.]digital
  • login[.]mcrsftsvm-app[.]live
  • login[.]mcrsfts-voiceapp[.]digital
  • login[.]mcrsftsvoice-mail[.]cloud
  • login[.]microsecurity[.]us
  • login[.]microstoff[.]xyz
  • login[.]mljs365[.]xyz
  • login[.]mwhhncndn[.]xyz
  • login[.]mycrsfts-passwd[.]live
  • login[.]qwwxthn[.]xyz
  • login[.]seafoodsconnection[.]com
  • login[.]sunmarks[.]co[.]uk
  • login[.]tfosorcimonline[.]xyz
  • login[.]whitmanlab[.]uk
  • login[.]yi087011[.]xyz

Advanced hunting queries  

When an attacker uses a stolen session cookie, the “SessionId” attribute in the AADSignInEventBeta table will be identical to the SessionId value used in the authentication process against the phishing site. Use this query to search for cookies that were first seen after OfficeHome application authentication (as seen when the user authenticated to the AiTM phishing site) and then seen being used in other applications in other countries:

let OfficeHomeSessionIds = 
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where ErrorCode == 0
| where ApplicationId == "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca" //OfficeHome application 
| where ClientAppUsed == "Browser" 
| where LogonType has "interactiveUser" 
| summarize arg_min(Timestamp, Country) by SessionId;
| where Timestamp > ago(1d)
| where ApplicationId != "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca"
| where ClientAppUsed == "Browser" 
| project OtherTimestamp = Timestamp, Application, ApplicationId, AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName, OtherCountry = Country, SessionId
| join OfficeHomeSessionIds on SessionId
| where OtherTimestamp > Timestamp and OtherCountry != Country

Use this query to summarize for each user the countries that authenticated to the OfficeHome application and find uncommon or untrusted ones:  

| where Timestamp > ago(7d) 
| where ApplicationId == "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca" //OfficeHome application 
| where ClientAppUsed == "Browser" 
| where LogonType has "interactiveUser" 
| summarize Countries = make_set(Country) by AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName 

Use this query to find new email Inbox rules created during a suspicious sign-in session:

//Find suspicious tokens tagged by AAD "Anomalous Token" alert
let suspiciousSessionIds = materialize(
| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
| where Title == "Anomalous Token"
| join (AlertEvidence | where Timestamp > ago(7d) | where EntityType == "CloudLogonSession") on AlertId
| project sessionId = todynamic(AdditionalFields).SessionId);
//Find Inbox rules created during a session that used the anomalous token
let hasSuspiciousSessionIds = isnotempty(toscalar(suspiciousSessionIds));
| where hasSuspiciousSessionIds
| where Timestamp > ago(21d)
| where ActionType == "New-InboxRule"
| where RawEventData.SessionId in (suspiciousSessionIds)

The post From cookie theft to BEC: Attackers use AiTM phishing sites as entry point to further financial fraud appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Android apps with millions of downloads exposed to high-severity vulnerabilities Fri, 27 May 2022 16:00:00 +0000 Microsoft uncovered high-severity vulnerabilities in a mobile framework used by multiple large mobile service providers in pre-installed Android System apps that potentially exposed users to remote or local attacks.

The post Android apps with millions of downloads exposed to high-severity vulnerabilities appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Microsoft uncovered high-severity vulnerabilities in a mobile framework owned by mce Systems and used by multiple large mobile service providers in pre-installed Android System apps that potentially exposed users to remote (albeit complex) or local attacks. The vulnerabilities, which affected apps with millions of downloads, have been fixed by all involved parties. Coupled with the extensive system privileges that pre-installed apps have, these vulnerabilities could have been attack vectors for attackers to access system configuration and sensitive information.

As it is with many of pre-installed or default applications that most Android devices come with these days, some of the affected apps cannot be fully uninstalled or disabled without gaining root access to the device. We worked with mce Systems, the developer of the framework, and the affected mobile service providers to solve these issues. We commend the quick and professional resolution from the mce Systems engineering teams, as well as the relevant providers in fixing each of these issues, ensuring that users can continue using such a crucial framework.

Collaboration among security researchers, software vendors, and the security community is important to continuously improve defenses for the larger ecosystem. As the threat and computing landscape continues to evolve, vulnerability discoveries, coordinated response, and other forms of threat intelligence sharing are paramount to protecting customers against present and future threats, regardless of the platform or device they are using.

Uncovering the vulnerabilities

Our research on the framework vulnerabilities began while trying to better understand how a pre-installed System application could affect the overall security of mobile devices. We discovered that the framework, which is used by numerous apps, had a “BROWSABLE” service activity that an attacker could remotely invoke to exploit several vulnerabilities that could allow adversaries to implant a persistent backdoor or take substantial control over the device.

The framework seemed to be designed to offer self-diagnostic mechanisms to identify and resolve issues impacting the Android device, indicating its permissions were inherently broad with access to valuable resources. For example, the framework was authorized to access system resources and perform system-related tasks, like adjusting the device’s audio, camera, power, and storage controls. Moreover, we found that the framework was being used by default system applications to leverage its self-diagnostic capabilities, demonstrating that the affiliated apps also included extensive device privileges that could be exploited via the vulnerable framework.

According to mce Systems, some of these vulnerabilities also affected other apps on both Android and iOS devices. Moreover, the vulnerable framework and affiliated apps were found on devices from large international mobile service providers. mce Systems, which offers “Mobile Device Lifecycle and Automation Technologies,” also permitted providers to customize and brand their respective mobile apps and frameworks. Pre-installed frameworks and mobile apps such as mce Systems’ are beneficial to users and providers in areas like simplifying the device activation process, troubleshooting device issues, and optimizing performance. However, their extensive control over the device to deliver these kinds of services could also make them an attractive target for attackers. 

Our analysis further found that the apps were embedded in the devices’ system image, suggesting that they were default applications installed by phone providers. All of the apps are available on the Google Play Store where they go through Google Play Protect’s automatic safety checks, but these checks previously did not scan for these types of issues. As part of our effort to help ensure broad protection against these issues, we shared our research with Google, and Google Play Protect now identifies these types of vulnerabilities.

We initially discovered the vulnerabilities in September 2021 and shared our findings with mce Systems and affected mobile service providers through Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) via Microsoft Security Vulnerability Research (MSVR). We worked closely with mce Systems’ security and engineering teams to mitigate these vulnerabilities, which included mce Systems sending an urgent framework update to the impacted providers and releasing fixes for the issues. At the time of publication, there have been no reported signs of these vulnerabilities being exploited in the wild.

The high-severity vulnerabilities, which have a Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) score of 7.0-8.9, are now identified as CVE-2021-42598, CVE-2021-42599, CVE-2021-42600, and CVE-2021-42601. We want to thank mce Systems’ engineering teams for collaborating quickly and efficiently in resolving these issues as well as to AT&T for proactively working with Microsoft to ensure customers can safely continue to use the framework.

Several other mobile service providers were found using the vulnerable framework with their respective apps, suggesting that there could be additional providers still undiscovered that may be impacted. The affected providers linked below have made updated app versions available to users before this disclosure, ensuring devices can be protected before these vulnerabilities could be exploited. We encourage these providers’ customers to update to the latest versions of these apps from the Google Play store, which include but are not limited to: com.telus.checkup, com.att.dh, com.fivemobile.myaccount, com.freedom.mlp,uat, and

Additionally, the package com.mce.mceiotraceagent might be installed by several mobile phone repair shops. Mobile users are advised to look for that app name and remove it from their phone, if found.

Analyzing apps that use the mce framework

App manifest and permissions

When analyzing an Android application, the first thing that comes to mind is checking its manifest, maintained under the AndroidManifest.xml file. The manifest describes the application itself and its components, such as the following:

  • Permissions (for example, camera access, internet access, and others)
  • Activities and how they respond to Intents sent to them
  • Content providers
  • Receivers and the kind of content they expect to receive
  • Services

Checking the manifest of an app affiliated with mce Systems’ framework shed light on some of its features and capabilities but did not immediately indicate that any vulnerabilities or security issues were present. Therefore, further research into the app’s functionality was needed by understanding its permissions.

Analysis of the app’s permissions on the mobile device revealed authorizations that could lead to powerful access and capabilities for an attacker. Those permissions included control over the following:

  • Networking: access the internet, modify Wi-Fi state, network state, NFC, and Bluetooth
  • File access: read and write to the external storage
  • Peripherals: access the camera, record audio, get fingerprint information, and get the device’s physical location
  • Private information: read phone numbers, account information, and contacts
  • Management: install apps and modify device settings

With access to these valuable resources, the app could be abused by an attacker to implant a persistent backdoor on the device.

BROWSABLE activities

The “Activities” section of the app’s manifest detailed that the Intent-filter element included activities with a “BROWSABLE” category. While most Intents do not require a category, category strings detail the components that should handle the Intent. In particular, the BROWSABLE category allows the target Activity to be triggered from a web browser to display data referenced by a link, like an image. BROWSABLE activities appeal to attackers as the latter can exploit them via malicious web pages and other Intent-based attacks.

Figure 1:  BROWSABLE Activity with the “mcedigital://” scheme

The Intent-filter element in the manifest dictates how the Activity can be triggered. In the app’s case, the Activity could be triggered by simply clicking a link with the “mcedigital://” scheme. This would start the com.mce.sdk.AppActivity Activity with an Intent with arbitrary data (besides the scheme).

Digging deeper: Reviewing the mce framework’s main functionality

We reviewed the effects of triggering the com.mce.sdk.AppActivity. Also known as appActivity, this Activity refers to the different functionalities provided by the app. AppActivity extends Activity and therefore has an onCreate method, which traditionally handles the creating Intent.


Here’s a brief description of AppActivity:

  1. AppActivity has a member called “webView” and type “JarvisWebView,” a specialized class that extends WebView.
  2. Upon creation, AppActivity has some optional display choices from the Intent (if they exist) and then loads a predefined web page to the WebView. That predefined page can get arbitrary query parameters from the Intent’s data; that is, everything after a “\?” will be added to the web page.

Thus, if a user clicks this:


The App’s WebView loads the following web page:


The app’s index.html web page (which is an asset built into the Android app) loads two JavaScript files:

  • config.js: a nonexistent file
  • bundle.js: contains much of the app’s logic

Since we wanted to understand the interplay between bundle.js (JarvisJSInterface) and the WebView (JarvisWebView), we analyzed both.

JarvisWebView and JarvisJSInterface

The main features of the WebView, JarvisWebView class, are the following:

A JavaScript Interface is a conspicuous target to look for security issues, as it uses a JavaScript Bridge to allow invoking specific methods inside an Android app. In the case of JarvisJSInterface, three methods are exported:

  • init(String): takes a string that will be used as a JavaScript callback method; in our case, it will always be window.AndroidCallback
  • windowClose(): runs a callback registered by the Android app
  • request(String): sends a service request from the JavaScript client to the server (Android app)

The request method is by far the most interesting, as it performs the following:

  1. Interprets the given string as a JSON object
  2. Extracts the following pieces from the JSON object:
    • Context: a random GUID generated by the client, used to link requests and responses
    • Service: the service we are about to call to
    • Command: an integer
    • Data: optional parameters sent to the service call
  3. Invokes the method serviceCall, which finds the registered service, gets the method based on the command number, and eventually invokes that method using Java reflection
Figure 2: Service::callServiceMethod

The serviceCall is a powerful method, as it allows the WebView to invoke “services” freely. But what are these services, exactly?

Services offered by the mce framework

After we examined the services offered by this framework per the app manifest, we then obtained a list of services that practically give the WebView complete control over the device. The most notable services include:

  • Audio: access and manipulate volume levels, as well as play a tone with a given duration and frequency
  • Camera: take a silent snapshot
  • Connectivity: control and obtain valuable information from NFC, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth
  • Device: includes various device controlling mechanisms like battery drainage, performing a factory reset, and obtaining information on apps, addresses, sensor data, and much more
  • Discovery: set the device to discoverable
  • Location: obtain the location in various modes and set the location state
  • PackageManager: acquire package info and silently install a new app
  • Power: obtain charging state
  • Sensor: acquire sensor data such as barometer data, light data, proximity data, and whether fingerprinting is working
  • Storage: obtain content such as documents, media, images, and videos

These services inherit from a base class named “Service” and implement two methods:

  • setServiceName: for service identification purposes
  • setServiceMethodMap: for setting up the mapping between the command integer and the method name, argument names, and argument types

For example, here is the Camera service setting its methods:

  • Method 0 is “getCameraList” and expects no arguments.
  • Method 1 is “captureStillImageNoPreview” and expects one String argument.
Figure 3: The Camera service setting its methods

Vulnerability findings

Based on our analysis of the mce framework, we discovered several vulnerabilities. It should be noted that while mobile service providers can customize their apps respective to mce framework so as not to be identical, the vulnerabilities we discovered can all be exploited in the same manner—by injecting code into the web view. Nonetheless, as their apps and framework customization use different configurations and versions, not all providers are necessarily vulnerable to all the discovered vulnerabilities.

Outdated command-injection vulnerability (CVE-2021-42599)

We found a command-injection vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2021-42599, in the Device service mentioned in the previous section. This service offers rich functionality, including the capability to stop activities of a given package. The client fully controls the argument “value,” and simply runs the following command:

am force-stop "value"

Since the argument is not sanitized, an attacker could add backticks or quotation marks to run arbitrary code, like the following:

am force-stop "a"; command-to-run; echo "a"
Figure 4: Command injection proof-of-concept (POC) exploit code implemented in the Device service

According to mce Systems, they have since removed the functionality behind this vulnerability and it is no longer present in more advanced framework versions.

Exploitation by JavaScript injection with PiTM in certain apps

The services offered by the mce framework further indicated that the following vulnerability resided in the logic of the JavaScript client for apps that are configured to enable plaintext communications such as the app that we initially analyzed. Interestingly, the code for the client is a heavily-obfuscated dynamic JavaScript code that is implemented over several files, mainly bundle.js. Due to the blind trust between the JavaScript client and the JarvisJSInterface server, an attacker who could inject JavaScript contents into the WebView would inherit the permissions that the app already has.

We conceived two injection strategies most likely to be leveraged by attackers:

  1. Affect the JavaScript client behavior by supplying specific GET parameters from the BROWSABLE Intent.
  2. Trigger an app with the BROWSABLE Intent to become an adversary-in-the-middle (AiTM) and view the device’s entire traffic. Inject JavaScript code if the client ever tries to fetch external content and interpret it as a script or HTML.

Once we reverse-engineered the client’s obfuscated code, we discovered that it could not inject JavaScript from the GET parameters. The only capability permitted was to affect some of the client’s self-tests upon initialization, such as a battery-draining test or a Wi-Fi connectivity test. However, the WebView-fetched plaintext pages that we discovered could be injected into with a PiTM attack.

Our proof-of-concept (POC) exploit code was therefore:

  1. Perform a PiTM for the target device and lure the user into clicking a link with the “mcesystems://” schema.
  2. Inject JavaScript into one of the plaintext page responses that does the following:
    • Hijack the JavaScript interface by calling init with our callback method
    • Use the JavaScript interface request method to get servicing
    • Send the data to our server for information gathering using XHR (XMLHttpRequest)
Figure 5: Injecting a similar JavaScript code to the WebView could allow an attacker to call arbitrary services and methods

Local elevation of privilege with deserialization followed by injection (CVE-2021-42601)  

Some of the apps we analyzed did not pull plaintext pages. Thus, we looked for a local elevation of privilege vulnerability, allowing a malicious app to gain the system apps’ privileges, tracked as CVE-2021-42601.

In the apps mentioned above, we discovered that the main Activity attempted to handle a deep link (a link that launches an app instead of a browser on click) with Google Firebase. Interestingly, this deep-link handling tried to deserialize a structure called PendingDynamicLinkData (representing a link) from an Intent Extra byte array with the key This structure was used later by the mce framework to generate various JSON Objects that might contain data from a categoryId query parameter in the original link, and eventually ended up in the member mFlowSDKInput to be injected into the JarvisWebView instance in an unsafe way:

Figure 6: Unsanitized JavaScript loading allowed arbitrary code injection to the WebView

Since the categoryId query parameter might contain apostrophes, one could inject arbitrary JavaScript code into the WebView. We decided to inject a code that would reach out to a server and load a second-stage code, which was the exact one we used for our PiTM scenario.

Figure 7: Local injection POC exploit

Software design against JavaScript injection vulnerabilities

We worked closely with the mce Systems engineering team and discovered that the reason for unsafe loadUrl invocations with JavaScript injections was that the framework used an asynchronous model of operation. When the JavaScript client performs a request, it expects to be notified later when there are results. Since Android JavaScript Bridge only allows primitive types to be sent (for example, Strings), the mce framework notified the JavaScript client by injecting JavaScript with potentially unsafe arguments (the results themselves).

We offered mce Systems a slightly different software design that prevents unsafe JavaScript injection. The description of the flow of information in our proposal is as follows:

  1. The JavaScript client invokes the request method on the Android JavaScript Bridge, supplying the request itself along with a request ID.
  2. The Java server performs the request and stores the result in a cache. The said cache then maps request IDs to results.
  3. The Java server notifies the client by carefully injecting the JavaScript loadUrl(“javascript:window.onMceResult(<requestID>);”) into the WebView. Note that the only non-constant string is the request ID, which can easily be sanitized. This method “wakes the client up”
  4. The JavaScript client implementation of onMceResult invokes the Android JavaScript Bridge with the method String fetchResult(String requestId). Note that this method returns a string (which contains the result).

This way, the JavaScript client does not need to poll for asynchronous results while data is safely transferred between the client and the server.

Interestingly, Google AndroidX offers a very similar API: webMessageListener. While the said API works quite similarly to our suggestion, it only supports Android versions greater than Lollipop. Thus, the new mce framework now checks the Android version and uses this new Google API if supported or our offered solution for older devices.

The above is just one example of our collaboration to help secure our cross-platform ecosystem. According to mce Systems, all of our reported vulnerabilities were addressed.

Improving security for all through threat intelligence sharing and research-driven protections

Microsoft strives to continuously improve security by collaborating with customers, partners, and industry experts. Responding to the evolving threat landscape requires us to expand our capabilities into other devices and non-Windows platforms in addition to further coordinating research and threat intelligence sharing among the larger security community. This case highlighted the need for expert, cross-industry collaboration to effectively mitigate issues.

Moreover, collaborative research such as this informs our seamless protection capabilities across platforms. For example, intelligence from this analysis helped us ensure that Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management can identify and remediate devices that have these vulnerabilities, providing security operations teams with comprehensive visibility into their organizational exposure and enabling them to reduce the attack surface. In addition, while we’re not aware of any active exploitation of these mobile vulnerabilities in the wild, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint’s mobile threat defense capabilities significantly improve security on mobile devices by detecting potential exploits, malware, and post-exploitation activity.

We will continue to work with the security community to share intelligence about threats and build better protection for all. Microsoft security researchers continually work to discover new vulnerabilities and threats, turning a variety of wide-reaching issues into tangible results and improved solutions that protect users and organizations across platforms every single day. Similarly inquisitive individuals are encouraged to check opportunities to join the Microsoft research team here:  

Jonathan Bar Or, Sang Shin Jung, Michael Peck, Joe Mansour, and Apurva Kumar
Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team

The post Android apps with millions of downloads exposed to high-severity vulnerabilities appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
