Forest Blizzard (STRONTIUM) News and Insights | Microsoft Security Blog Expert coverage of cybersecurity topics Tue, 30 Jul 2024 10:47:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Analyzing Forest Blizzard’s custom post-compromise tool for exploiting CVE-2022-38028 to obtain credentials Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:00:00 +0000 Since 2019, Forest Blizzard has used a custom post-compromise tool to exploit a vulnerability in the Windows Print Spooler service that allows elevated permissions. Microsoft has issued a security update addressing this vulnerability as CVE-2022-38028.

The post Analyzing Forest Blizzard’s custom post-compromise tool for exploiting CVE-2022-38028 to obtain credentials appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Microsoft Threat Intelligence is publishing results of our longstanding investigation into activity by the Russian-based threat actor Forest Blizzard (STRONTIUM) using a custom tool to elevate privileges and steal credentials in compromised networks. Since at least June 2020 and possibly as early as April 2019, Forest Blizzard has used the tool, which we refer to as GooseEgg, to exploit the CVE-2022-38028 vulnerability in Windows Print Spooler service by modifying a JavaScript constraints file and executing it with SYSTEM-level permissions. Microsoft has observed Forest Blizzard using GooseEgg as part of post-compromise activities against targets including Ukrainian, Western European, and North American government, non-governmental, education, and transportation sector organizations. While a simple launcher application, GooseEgg is capable of spawning other applications specified at the command line with elevated permissions, allowing threat actors to support any follow-on objectives such as remote code execution, installing a backdoor, and moving laterally through compromised networks.

Forest Blizzard often uses publicly available exploits in addition to CVE-2022-38028, such as CVE-2023-23397. Linked to the Russian General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) by the United States and United Kingdom governments, Forest Blizzard primarily focuses on strategic intelligence targets and differs from other GRU-affiliated and sponsored groups, which Microsoft has tied to destructive attacks, such as Seashell Blizzard (IRIDIUM) and Cadet Blizzard (DEV-0586). Although Russian threat actors are known to have exploited a set of similar vulnerabilities known as PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-34527 and CVE-2021-1675), the use of GooseEgg in Forest Blizzard operations is a unique discovery that had not been previously reported by security providers. Microsoft is committed to providing visibility into observed malicious activity and sharing insights on threat actors to help organizations protect themselves. Organizations and users are to apply the CVE-2022-38028 security update to mitigate this threat, while Microsoft Defender Antivirus detects the specific Forest Blizzard capability as HackTool:Win64/GooseEgg.

This blog provides technical information on GooseEgg, a unique Forest Blizzard capability. In addition to patching, this blog details several steps users can take to defend themselves against attempts to exploit Print Spooler vulnerabilities. We also provide additional recommendations, detections, and indicators of compromise. As with any observed nation-state actor activity, Microsoft directly notifies customers that have been targeted or compromised, providing them with the necessary information to secure their accounts.

Who is Forest Blizzard?

Forest Blizzard primarily targets government, energy, transportation, and non-governmental organizations in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. Microsoft has also observed Forest Blizzard targeting media, information technology, sports organizations, and educational institutions worldwide. Since at least 2010, the threat actor’s primary mission has been to collect intelligence in support of Russian government foreign policy initiatives. The United States and United Kingdom governments have linked Forest Blizzard to Unit 26165 of the Russian Federation’s military intelligence agency, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU). Other security researchers have used GRU Unit 26165, APT28, Sednit, Sofacy, and Fancy Bear to refer to groups with similar or related activities.


Microsoft Threat Intelligence assesses Forest Blizzard’s objective in deploying GooseEgg is to gain elevated access to target systems and steal credentials and information. While this actor’s TTPs and infrastructure specific to the use of this tool can change at any time, the following sections provide additional details on Forest Blizzard tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) in past compromises.

Launch, persistence, and privilege escalation

Microsoft has observed that, after obtaining access to a target device, Forest Blizzard uses GooseEgg to elevate privileges within the environment. GooseEgg is typically deployed with a batch script, which we have observed using the name execute.bat and doit.bat. This batch script writes the file servtask.bat, which contains commands for saving off/compressing registry hives. The batch script invokes the paired GooseEgg executable and sets up persistence as a scheduled task designed to run servtask.bat.

Screenshot of the batch file code
Figure 1. Batch file

The GooseEgg binary—which has included but is not limited to the file names justice.exe and DefragmentSrv.exe—takes one of four commands, each with different run paths. While the binary appears to launch a trivial given command, in fact the binary does this in a unique and sophisticated manner, likely to help conceal the activity.

The first command issues a custom return code 0x6009F49F and exits; which could be indicative of a version number. The next two commands trigger the exploit and launch either a provided dynamic-link library (DLL) or executable with elevated permissions. The fourth and final command tests the exploit and checks that it has succeeded using the whoami command.

Microsoft has observed that the name of an embedded malicious DLL file typically includes the phrase “wayzgoose”; for example, wayzgoose23.dll. This DLL, as well as other components of the malware, are deployed to one of the following installation subdirectories, which is created under C:\ProgramData. A subdirectory name is selected from the list below:

  • Microsoft
  • Adobe
  • Comms
  • Intel
  • Kaspersky Lab
  • Bitdefender
  • ESET
  • UbiSoft
  • Steam

A specially crafted subdirectory with randomly generated numbers and the format string \v%u.%02u.%04u is also created and serves as the install directory. For example, a directory that looks like C:\ProgramData\Adobe\v2.116.4405 may be created. The binary then copies the following driver stores to this directory:

  • C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\pnms003.inf_*
  • C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\pnms009.inf_*
Screenshot of code depicting the GooseEgg binary adding driver stores to an actor-controlled directory
Figure 2. GooseEgg binary adding driver stores to an actor-controlled directory

Next, registry keys are created, effectively generating a custom protocol handler and registering a new CLSID to serve as the COM server for this “rogue” protocol. The exploit replaces the C: drive symbolic link in the object manager to point to the newly created directory. When the PrintSpooler attempts to load C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\pnms009.inf_amd64_a7412a554c9bc1fd\MPDW-Constraints.js, it instead is redirected to the actor-controlled directory containing the copied driver packages.

Screenshot of the registry key creation code
Figure 3. Registry key creation
Screenshot of the C: drive symbolic link hijack code
Figure 4. C: drive symbolic link hijack

The “MPDW-constraints.js” stored within the actor-controlled directory has the following patch applied to the convertDevModeToPrintTicket function:

function convertDevModeToPrintTicket(devModeProperties, scriptContext, printTicket)
{try{ printTicket.XmlNode.load('rogue9471://go'); } catch (e) {}

The above patch to the convertDevModeToPrintTicket function invokes the “rogue” search protocol handler’s CLSID during the call to RpcEndDocPrinter. This results in the auxiliary DLL wayzgoose.dll launching in the context of the PrintSpooler service with SYSTEM permissions. wayzgoose.dll is a basic launcher application capable of spawning other applications specified at the command line with SYSTEM-level permissions, enabling threat actors to perform other malicious activities such as installing a backdoor, moving laterally through compromised networks, and remotely executing code.


Microsoft recommends the following mitigations defend against attacks that use GooseEgg.

Reduce the Print Spooler vulnerability

Microsoft released a security update for the Print Spooler vulnerability exploited by GooseEgg on October 11, 2022 and updates for PrintNightmare vulnerabilities on June 8, 2021 and July 1, 2021. Customers who have not implemented these fixes yet are urged to do so as soon as possible for their organization’s security. In addition, since the Print Spooler service isn’t required for domain controller operations, Microsoft recommends disabling the service on domain controllers. Otherwise, users can install available Windows security updates for Print Spooler vulnerabilities on Windows domain controllers before member servers and workstations. To help identify domain controllers that have the Print Spooler service enabled, Microsoft Defender for Identity has a built-in security assessment that tracks the availability of Print Spooler services on domain controllers.

Be proactively defensive

  • For customers, follow the credential hardening recommendations in our on-premises credential theft overview to defend against common credential theft techniques like LSASS access.
  • Run Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) in block mode so that Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can block malicious artifacts, even when your non-Microsoft antivirus does not detect the threat or when Microsoft Defender Antivirus is running in passive mode. EDR in block mode works behind the scenes to remediate malicious artifacts that are detected post-breach.    
  • Configure investigation and remediation in full automated mode to let Microsoft Defender for Endpoint take immediate action on alerts to resolve breaches, significantly reducing alert volume. 
  • Turn on cloud-delivered protection in Microsoft Defender Antivirus, or the equivalent for your antivirus product, to cover rapidly evolving attacker tools and techniques. Cloud-based machine learning protections block a majority of new and unknown variants.

Microsoft Defender XDR customers can turn on the following attack surface reduction rule to prevent common attack techniques used for GooseEgg. Microsoft Defender XDR detects the GooseEgg tool and raises an alert upon detection of attempts to exploit Print Spooler vulnerabilities regardless of whether the device has been patched.

Detecting, hunting, and responding to GooseEgg

Microsoft Defender XDR detections

Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Microsoft Defender Antivirus detects threat components as the following malware:

  • HackTool:Win64/GooseEgg

Microsoft Defender for Endpoint

The following alerts might also indicate threat activity related to this threat. Note, however, that these alerts can be also triggered by unrelated threat activity.

  • Possible exploitation of CVE-2021-34527
  • Possible source of PrintNightmare exploitation
  • Possible target of PrintNightmare exploitation attempt
  • Potential elevation of privilege using print filter pipeline service
  • Suspicious behavior by spoolsv.exe
  • Forest Blizzard Actor activity detected

Microsoft Defender for Identity

The following alerts might also indicate threat activity related to this threat. Note, however, that these alerts can be also triggered by unrelated threat activity.

  • Suspected Windows Print Spooler service exploitation attempt (CVE-2021-34527 exploitation)

Threat intelligence reports

Microsoft customers can use the following reports in Microsoft products to get the most up-to-date information about the threat actor, malicious activity, and techniques discussed in this blog. These reports provide the intelligence, protection information, and recommended actions to prevent, mitigate, or respond to associated threats found in customer environments.

Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence

Hunting queries

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel customers can use the TI Mapping analytics (a series of analytics all prefixed with ‘TI map’) to automatically match the malicious domain indicators mentioned in this blog post with data in their workspace. If the TI Map analytics are not currently deployed, customers can install the Threat Intelligence solution from the Microsoft Sentinel Content Hub to have the analytics rule deployed in their Sentinel workspace. More details on the Content Hub can be found here:

Hunt for filenames, file extensions in ProgramData folder and file hash

let filenames = dynamic(["execute.bat","doit.bat","servtask.bat"]);
  | where TimeGenerated > ago(60d) // change the duration according to your requirement
  | where ActionType == "FileCreated"
  | where FolderPath == "C:\\ProgramData\\"
  | where FileName in~ (filenames) or FileName endswith ".save" or FileName endswith ".zip" or ( FileName startswith "wayzgoose" and FileName endswith ".dll") or SHA256 == "7d51e5cc51c43da5deae5fbc2dce9b85c0656c465bb25ab6bd063a503c1806a9" // hash value of execute.bat/doit.bat/servtask.bat
  | project TimeGenerated, DeviceId, DeviceName, ActionType, FolderPath, FileName, InitiatingProcessAccountName,InitiatingProcessAccountUpn

Hunt for processes creating scheduled task creation

| where TimeGenerated > ago(60d) // change the duration according to your requirement
| where InitiatingProcessSHA256 == "6b311c0a977d21e772ac4e99762234da852bbf84293386fbe78622a96c0b052f" or SHA256 == "6b311c0a977d21e772ac4e99762234da852bbf84293386fbe78622a96c0b052f" //hash value of justice.exe
or InitiatingProcessSHA256 == "c60ead92cd376b689d1b4450f2578b36ea0bf64f3963cfa5546279fa4424c2a5" or SHA256 == "c60ead92cd376b689d1b4450f2578b36ea0bf64f3963cfa5546279fa4424c2a5" //hash value of DefragmentSrv.exe
or ProcessCommandLine contains "schtasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /TN \\Microsoft\\Windows\\WinSrv /TR C:\\ProgramData\\servtask.bat /SC MINUTE" or
   ProcessCommandLine contains "schtasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /TN \\Microsoft\\Windows\\WinSrv /TR C:\\ProgramData\\execute.bat /SC MINUTE" or
   ProcessCommandLine contains "schtasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /TN \\Microsoft\\Windows\\WinSrv /TR C:\\ProgramData\\doit.bat /SC MINUTE" or
   ProcessCommandLine contains "schtasks /DELETE /F /TN \\Microsoft\\Windows\\WinSrv" or
   InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains "schtasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /TN \\Microsoft\\Windows\\WinSrv /TR C:\\ProgramData\\servtask.bat /SC MINUTE" or
   InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains "schtasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /TN \\Microsoft\\Windows\\WinSrv /TR C:\\ProgramData\\execute.bat /SC MINUTE" or
   InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains "schtasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /TN \\Microsoft\\Windows\\WinSrv /TR C:\\ProgramData\\doit.bat /SC MINUTE" or
   InitiatingProcessCommandLine contains "schtasks /DELETE /F /TN \\Microsoft\\Windows\\WinSrv"
| project TimeGenerated, AccountName,AccountUpn,ActionType, DeviceId, DeviceName,FolderPath, FileName

Hunt for JavaScript constrained file

  | where TimeGenerated > ago(60d) // change the duration according to your requirement
  | where ActionType == "FileCreated"
  | where FolderPath startswith "C:\\Windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\"
  | where FileName endswith ".js" or FileName == "MPDW-constraints.js"

Hunt for creation of registry key / value events

  | where TimeGenerated > ago(60d) // change the duration according to your requirement
  | where ActionType == "RegistryValueSet"
  | where RegistryKey contains "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\{026CC6D7-34B2-33D5-B551-CA31EB6CE345}\\Server"
  | where RegistryValueName has "(Default)"
  | where RegistryValueData has "wayzgoose.dll" or RegistryValueData contains ".dll"

 Hunt for custom protocol handler

  | where TimeGenerated > ago(60d) // change the duration according to your requirement
  | where ActionType == "RegistryValueSet"
  | where RegistryKey contains "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Classes\\PROTOCOLS\\Handler\\rogue"
  | where RegistryValueName has "CLSID"
  | where RegistryValueData contains "{026CC6D7-34B2-33D5-B551-CA31EB6CE345}"

Indicators of compromise

Batch script artifacts:

  • execute.bat
  • doit.bat
  • servtask.bat
  • 7d51e5cc51c43da5deae5fbc2dce9b85c0656c465bb25ab6bd063a503c1806a9

GooseEgg artifacts:

  • justice.pdb
  • wayzgoose.pdb
c60ead92cd376b689d1b4450f2578b36ea0bf64f3963cfa5546279fa4424c2a5SHA-256Hash of GooseEgg binary DefragmentSrv.exe
6b311c0a977d21e772ac4e99762234da852bbf84293386fbe78622a96c0b052fSHA-256Hash of GooseEgg binary justice.exe
41a9784f8787ed86f1e5d20f9895059dac7a030d8d6e426b9ddcaf547c3393aaSHA-256Hash of wayzgoose[%n].dll – where %n is a random number


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The post Analyzing Forest Blizzard’s custom post-compromise tool for exploiting CVE-2022-38028 to obtain credentials appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Staying ahead of threat actors in the age of AI Wed, 14 Feb 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Microsoft, in collaboration with OpenAI, is publishing research on emerging threats in the age of AI, focusing on identified activity associated with known threat actors Forest Blizzard, Emerald Sleet, Crimson Sandstorm, and others. The observed activity includes prompt-injections, attempted misuse of large language models (LLM), and fraud.

The post Staying ahead of threat actors in the age of AI appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Over the last year, the speed, scale, and sophistication of attacks has increased alongside the rapid development and adoption of AI. Defenders are only beginning to recognize and apply the power of generative AI to shift the cybersecurity balance in their favor and keep ahead of adversaries. At the same time, it is also important for us to understand how AI can be potentially misused in the hands of threat actors. In collaboration with OpenAI, today we are publishing research on emerging threats in the age of AI, focusing on identified activity associated with known threat actors, including prompt-injections, attempted misuse of large language models (LLM), and fraud. Our analysis of the current use of LLM technology by threat actors revealed behaviors consistent with attackers using AI as another productivity tool on the offensive landscape. You can read OpenAI’s blog on the research here. Microsoft and OpenAI have not yet observed particularly novel or unique AI-enabled attack or abuse techniques resulting from threat actors’ usage of AI. However, Microsoft and our partners continue to study this landscape closely.

The objective of Microsoft’s partnership with OpenAI, including the release of this research, is to ensure the safe and responsible use of AI technologies like ChatGPT, upholding the highest standards of ethical application to protect the community from potential misuse. As part of this commitment, we have taken measures to disrupt assets and accounts associated with threat actors, improve the protection of OpenAI LLM technology and users from attack or abuse, and shape the guardrails and safety mechanisms around our models. In addition, we are also deeply committed to using generative AI to disrupt threat actors and leverage the power of new tools, including Microsoft Copilot for Security, to elevate defenders everywhere.

A principled approach to detecting and blocking threat actors

The progress of technology creates a demand for strong cybersecurity and safety measures. For example, the White House’s Executive Order on AI requires rigorous safety testing and government supervision for AI systems that have major impacts on national and economic security or public health and safety. Our actions enhancing the safeguards of our AI models and partnering with our ecosystem on the safe creation, implementation, and use of these models align with the Executive Order’s request for comprehensive AI safety and security standards.

In line with Microsoft’s leadership across AI and cybersecurity, today we are announcing principles shaping Microsoft’s policy and actions mitigating the risks associated with the use of our AI tools and APIs by nation-state advanced persistent threats (APTs), advanced persistent manipulators (APMs), and cybercriminal syndicates we track.

These principles include:   

  • Identification and action against malicious threat actors’ use: Upon detection of the use of any Microsoft AI application programming interfaces (APIs), services, or systems by an identified malicious threat actor, including nation-state APT or APM, or the cybercrime syndicates we track, Microsoft will take appropriate action to disrupt their activities, such as disabling the accounts used, terminating services, or limiting access to resources.           
  • Notification to other AI service providers: When we detect a threat actor’s use of another service provider’s AI, AI APIs, services, and/or systems, Microsoft will promptly notify the service provider and share relevant data. This enables the service provider to independently verify our findings and take action in accordance with their own policies.
  • Collaboration with other stakeholders: Microsoft will collaborate with other stakeholders to regularly exchange information about detected threat actors’ use of AI. This collaboration aims to promote collective, consistent, and effective responses to ecosystem-wide risks.
  • Transparency: As part of our ongoing efforts to advance responsible use of AI, Microsoft will inform the public and stakeholders about actions taken under these threat actor principles, including the nature and extent of threat actors’ use of AI detected within our systems and the measures taken against them, as appropriate.

Microsoft remains committed to responsible AI innovation, prioritizing the safety and integrity of our technologies with respect for human rights and ethical standards. These principles announced today build on Microsoft’s Responsible AI practices, our voluntary commitments to advance responsible AI innovation and the Azure OpenAI Code of Conduct. We are following these principles as part of our broader commitments to strengthening international law and norms and to advance the goals of the Bletchley Declaration endorsed by 29 countries.

Microsoft and OpenAI’s complementary defenses protect AI platforms

Because Microsoft and OpenAI’s partnership extends to security, the companies can take action when known and emerging threat actors surface. Microsoft Threat Intelligence tracks more than 300 unique threat actors, including 160 nation-state actors, 50 ransomware groups, and many others. These adversaries employ various digital identities and attack infrastructures. Microsoft’s experts and automated systems continually analyze and correlate these attributes, uncovering attackers’ efforts to evade detection or expand their capabilities by leveraging new technologies. Consistent with preventing threat actors’ actions across our technologies and working closely with partners, Microsoft continues to study threat actors’ use of AI and LLMs, partner with OpenAI to monitor attack activity, and apply what we learn to continually improve defenses. This blog provides an overview of observed activities collected from known threat actor infrastructure as identified by Microsoft Threat Intelligence, then shared with OpenAI to identify potential malicious use or abuse of their platform and protect our mutual customers from future threats or harm.

Recognizing the rapid growth of AI and emergent use of LLMs in cyber operations, we continue to work with MITRE to integrate these LLM-themed tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) into the MITRE ATT&CK® framework or MITRE ATLAS™ (Adversarial Threat Landscape for Artificial-Intelligence Systems) knowledgebase. This strategic expansion reflects a commitment to not only track and neutralize threats, but also to pioneer the development of countermeasures in the evolving landscape of AI-powered cyber operations. A full list of the LLM-themed TTPs, which include those we identified during our investigations, is summarized in the appendix.

Summary of Microsoft and OpenAI’s findings and threat intelligence

The threat ecosystem over the last several years has revealed a consistent theme of threat actors following trends in technology in parallel with their defender counterparts. Threat actors, like defenders, are looking at AI, including LLMs, to enhance their productivity and take advantage of accessible platforms that could advance their objectives and attack techniques. Cybercrime groups, nation-state threat actors, and other adversaries are exploring and testing different AI technologies as they emerge, in an attempt to understand potential value to their operations and the security controls they may need to circumvent. On the defender side, hardening these same security controls from attacks and implementing equally sophisticated monitoring that anticipates and blocks malicious activity is vital.

While different threat actors’ motives and complexity vary, they have common tasks to perform in the course of targeting and attacks. These include reconnaissance, such as learning about potential victims’ industries, locations, and relationships; help with coding, including improving things like software scripts and malware development; and assistance with learning and using native languages. Language support is a natural feature of LLMs and is attractive for threat actors with continuous focus on social engineering and other techniques relying on false, deceptive communications tailored to their targets’ jobs, professional networks, and other relationships.

Importantly, our research with OpenAI has not identified significant attacks employing the LLMs we monitor closely. At the same time, we feel this is important research to publish to expose early-stage, incremental moves that we observe well-known threat actors attempting, and share information on how we are blocking and countering them with the defender community.

While attackers will remain interested in AI and probe technologies’ current capabilities and security controls, it’s important to keep these risks in context. As always, hygiene practices such as multifactor authentication (MFA) and Zero Trust defenses are essential because attackers may use AI-based tools to improve their existing cyberattacks that rely on social engineering and finding unsecured devices and accounts.

The threat actors profiled below are a sample of observed activity we believe best represents the TTPs the industry will need to better track using MITRE ATT&CK® framework or MITRE ATLAS™ knowledgebase updates.

Forest Blizzard 

Forest Blizzard (STRONTIUM) is a Russian military intelligence actor linked to GRU Unit 26165, who has targeted victims of both tactical and strategic interest to the Russian government. Their activities span across a variety of sectors including defense, transportation/logistics, government, energy, non-governmental organizations (NGO), and information technology. Forest Blizzard has been extremely active in targeting organizations in and related to Russia’s war in Ukraine throughout the duration of the conflict, and Microsoft assesses that Forest Blizzard operations play a significant supporting role to Russia’s foreign policy and military objectives both in Ukraine and in the broader international community. Forest Blizzard overlaps with the threat actor tracked by other researchers as APT28 and Fancy Bear.

Forest Blizzard’s use of LLMs has involved research into various satellite and radar technologies that may pertain to conventional military operations in Ukraine, as well as generic research aimed at supporting their cyber operations. Based on these observations, we map and classify these TTPs using the following descriptions:

  • LLM-informed reconnaissance: Interacting with LLMs to understand satellite communication protocols, radar imaging technologies, and specific technical parameters. These queries suggest an attempt to acquire in-depth knowledge of satellite capabilities.
  • LLM-enhanced scripting techniques: Seeking assistance in basic scripting tasks, including file manipulation, data selection, regular expressions, and multiprocessing, to potentially automate or optimize technical operations.

Microsoft observed engagement from Forest Blizzard that were representative of an adversary exploring the use cases of a new technology. All accounts and assets associated with Forest Blizzard have been disabled.

Emerald Sleet

Emerald Sleet (THALLIUM) is a North Korean threat actor that has remained highly active throughout 2023. Their recent operations relied on spear-phishing emails to compromise and gather intelligence from prominent individuals with expertise on North Korea. Microsoft observed Emerald Sleet impersonating reputable academic institutions and NGOs to lure victims into replying with expert insights and commentary about foreign policies related to North Korea. Emerald Sleet overlaps with threat actors tracked by other researchers as Kimsuky and Velvet Chollima.

Emerald Sleet’s use of LLMs has been in support of this activity and involved research into think tanks and experts on North Korea, as well as the generation of content likely to be used in spear-phishing campaigns. Emerald Sleet also interacted with LLMs to understand publicly known vulnerabilities, to troubleshoot technical issues, and for assistance with using various web technologies. Based on these observations, we map and classify these TTPs using the following descriptions:

  • LLM-assisted vulnerability research: Interacting with LLMs to better understand publicly reported vulnerabilities, such as the CVE-2022-30190 Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) vulnerability (known as “Follina”).
  • LLM-enhanced scripting techniques: Using LLMs for basic scripting tasks such as programmatically identifying certain user events on a system and seeking assistance with troubleshooting and understanding various web technologies.
  • LLM-supported social engineering: Using LLMs for assistance with the drafting and generation of content that would likely be for use in spear-phishing campaigns against individuals with regional expertise.
  • LLM-informed reconnaissance: Interacting with LLMs to identify think tanks, government organizations, or experts on North Korea that have a focus on defense issues or North Korea’s nuclear weapon’s program.

All accounts and assets associated with Emerald Sleet have been disabled.

Crimson Sandstorm

Crimson Sandstorm (CURIUM) is an Iranian threat actor assessed to be connected to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Active since at least 2017, Crimson Sandstorm has targeted multiple sectors, including defense, maritime shipping, transportation, healthcare, and technology. These operations have frequently relied on watering hole attacks and social engineering to deliver custom .NET malware. Prior research also identified custom Crimson Sandstorm malware using email-based command-and-control (C2) channels. Crimson Sandstorm overlaps with the threat actor tracked by other researchers as Tortoiseshell, Imperial Kitten, and Yellow Liderc.

The use of LLMs by Crimson Sandstorm has reflected the broader behaviors that the security community has observed from this threat actor. Interactions have involved requests for support around social engineering, assistance in troubleshooting errors, .NET development, and ways in which an attacker might evade detection when on a compromised machine. Based on these observations, we map and classify these TTPs using the following descriptions:

  • LLM-supported social engineering: Interacting with LLMs to generate various phishing emails, including one pretending to come from an international development agency and another attempting to lure prominent feminists to an attacker-built website on feminism. 
  • LLM-enhanced scripting techniques: Using LLMs to generate code snippets that appear intended to support app and web development, interactions with remote servers, web scraping, executing tasks when users sign in, and sending information from a system via email.
  • LLM-enhanced anomaly detection evasion: Attempting to use LLMs for assistance in developing code to evade detection, to learn how to disable antivirus via registry or Windows policies, and to delete files in a directory after an application has been closed.

All accounts and assets associated with Crimson Sandstorm have been disabled.

Charcoal Typhoon

Charcoal Typhoon (CHROMIUM) is a Chinese state-affiliated threat actor with a broad operational scope. They are known for targeting sectors that include government, higher education, communications infrastructure, oil & gas, and information technology. Their activities have predominantly focused on entities within Taiwan, Thailand, Mongolia, Malaysia, France, and Nepal, with observed interests extending to institutions and individuals globally who oppose China’s policies. Charcoal Typhoon overlaps with the threat actor tracked by other researchers as Aquatic Panda, ControlX, RedHotel, and BRONZE UNIVERSITY.

In recent operations, Charcoal Typhoon has been observed interacting with LLMs in ways that suggest a limited exploration of how LLMs can augment their technical operations. This has consisted of using LLMs to support tooling development, scripting, understanding various commodity cybersecurity tools, and for generating content that could be used to social engineer targets. Based on these observations, we map and classify these TTPs using the following descriptions:

  • LLM-informed reconnaissance: Engaging LLMs to research and understand specific technologies, platforms, and vulnerabilities, indicative of preliminary information-gathering stages.
  • LLM-enhanced scripting techniques: Utilizing LLMs to generate and refine scripts, potentially to streamline and automate complex cyber tasks and operations.
  • LLM-supported social engineering: Leveraging LLMs for assistance with translations and communication, likely to establish connections or manipulate targets.
  • LLM-refined operational command techniques: Utilizing LLMs for advanced commands, deeper system access, and control representative of post-compromise behavior.

All associated accounts and assets of Charcoal Typhoon have been disabled, reaffirming our commitment to safeguarding against the misuse of AI technologies.

Salmon Typhoon

Salmon Typhoon (SODIUM) is a sophisticated Chinese state-affiliated threat actor with a history of targeting US defense contractors, government agencies, and entities within the cryptographic technology sector. This threat actor has demonstrated its capabilities through the deployment of malware, such as Win32/Wkysol, to maintain remote access to compromised systems. With over a decade of operations marked by intermittent periods of dormancy and resurgence, Salmon Typhoon has recently shown renewed activity. Salmon Typhoon overlaps with the threat actor tracked by other researchers as APT4 and Maverick Panda.

Notably, Salmon Typhoon’s interactions with LLMs throughout 2023 appear exploratory and suggest that this threat actor is evaluating the effectiveness of LLMs in sourcing information on potentially sensitive topics, high profile individuals, regional geopolitics, US influence, and internal affairs. This tentative engagement with LLMs could reflect both a broadening of their intelligence-gathering toolkit and an experimental phase in assessing the capabilities of emerging technologies.

Based on these observations, we map and classify these TTPs using the following descriptions:

  • LLM-informed reconnaissance: Engaging LLMs for queries on a diverse array of subjects, such as global intelligence agencies, domestic concerns, notable individuals, cybersecurity matters, topics of strategic interest, and various threat actors. These interactions mirror the use of a search engine for public domain research.
  • LLM-enhanced scripting techniques: Using LLMs to identify and resolve coding errors. Requests for support in developing code with potential malicious intent were observed by Microsoft, and it was noted that the model adhered to established ethical guidelines, declining to provide such assistance.
  • LLM-refined operational command techniques: Demonstrating an interest in specific file types and concealment tactics within operating systems, indicative of an effort to refine operational command execution.
  • LLM-aided technical translation and explanation: Leveraging LLMs for the translation of computing terms and technical papers.

Salmon Typhoon’s engagement with LLMs aligns with patterns observed by Microsoft, reflecting traditional behaviors in a new technological arena. In response, all accounts and assets associated with Salmon Typhoon have been disabled.

In closing, AI technologies will continue to evolve and be studied by various threat actors. Microsoft will continue to track threat actors and malicious activity misusing LLMs, and work with OpenAI and other partners to share intelligence, improve protections for customers and aid the broader security community.

Appendix: LLM-themed TTPs

Using insights from our analysis above, as well as other potential misuse of AI, we’re sharing the below list of LLM-themed TTPs that we map and classify to the MITRE ATT&CK® framework or MITRE ATLAS™ knowledgebase to equip the community with a common taxonomy to collectively track malicious use of LLMs and create countermeasures against:

  • LLM-informed reconnaissance: Employing LLMs to gather actionable intelligence on technologies and potential vulnerabilities.
  • LLM-enhanced scripting techniques: Utilizing LLMs to generate or refine scripts that could be used in cyberattacks, or for basic scripting tasks such as programmatically identifying certain user events on a system and assistance with troubleshooting and understanding various web technologies.
  • LLM-aided development: Utilizing LLMs in the development lifecycle of tools and programs, including those with malicious intent, such as malware.
  • LLM-supported social engineering: Leveraging LLMs for assistance with translations and communication, likely to establish connections or manipulate targets.
  • LLM-assisted vulnerability research: Using LLMs to understand and identify potential vulnerabilities in software and systems, which could be targeted for exploitation.
  • LLM-optimized payload crafting: Using LLMs to assist in creating and refining payloads for deployment in cyberattacks.
  • LLM-enhanced anomaly detection evasion: Leveraging LLMs to develop methods that help malicious activities blend in with normal behavior or traffic to evade detection systems.
  • LLM-directed security feature bypass: Using LLMs to find ways to circumvent security features, such as two-factor authentication, CAPTCHA, or other access controls.
  • LLM-advised resource development: Using LLMs in tool development, tool modifications, and strategic operational planning.

Learn more

Read the sixth edition of Cyber Signals, spotlighting how we are protecting AI platforms from emerging threats related to nation-state cyberthreat actors: Navigating cyberthreats and strengthening defenses in the era of AI.

For the latest security research from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence community, check out the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Blog:

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To hear stories and insights from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence community about the ever-evolving threat landscape, listen to the Microsoft Threat Intelligence podcast:

The post Staying ahead of threat actors in the age of AI appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2023-23397 Fri, 24 Mar 2023 18:30:00 +0000 This guide provides steps organizations can take to assess whether users have been targeted or compromised by threat actors exploiting CVE-2023-23397.

The post Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2023-23397 appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.


February 15, 2024 update – On January 20, 2024, the US government conducted a disruption operation against infrastructure used by a threat actor we track as Forest Blizzard (STRONTIUM), a Russian state-sponsored threat actor, as detailed here:

December 4, 2023 update – Microsoft has identified a nation-state activity group tracked as Forest Blizzard (STRONTIUM), based in Russia, actively exploiting CVE-2023-23397 to provide secret, unauthorized access to email accounts within Exchange servers. The Polish Cyber Command (DKWOC) partnered with Microsoft to take action against Forest Blizzard actors, and to identify and mitigate techniques used by the actor: Users should ensure Microsoft Outlook is patched and kept up to date to mitigate this threat. Microsoft Defender XDR detects the exploitation and known post-compromise activity of CVE-2023-23397. The only updates to the original blog below are in the “Who is Forest Blizzard” section, reflecting our updated attribution, and added links to our product Threat Intelligence reports.

Who is Forest Blizzard?

The group Microsoft tracks as Forest Blizzard (STRONTIUM) is a Russian state-sponsored threat actor that primarily targets government, energy, transportation, and non-governmental organizations in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East. The United States and United Kingdom governments have linked Forest Blizzard to Unit 26165 of the Russian Federation’s military intelligence agency: Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU).

Forest Blizzard commonly seeks and employs publicly available exploits in addition to CVE-2023-23397. Beginning in at least the first half of September 2023, Forest Blizzard actors leveraged the WinRAR CVE 2023-38831 vulnerability to adapt spear-phishing operations against chiefly Ukrainian government targets. Other known exploits leveraged by Forest Blizzard include CVE-2021-40444, CVE-2021-42292, CVE-2021-42321, CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2020-17144, and CVE-2020-0688.

Forest Blizzard continually refines its footprint by employing new custom techniques and malware, suggesting that it is a well-resourced and well-trained group posing long-term challenges to attribution and tracking its activities. Microsoft continually updates detections and protections against this threat group based on our telemetry and research. Other security researchers have used GRU Unit 26165, APT28, Sednit, Sofacy, and Fancy Bear to refer to groups with similar or related activities.

This guide provides steps organizations can take to assess whether users have been targeted or compromised by threat actors exploiting CVE-2023-23397. A successful exploit of this vulnerability can result in unauthorized access to an organization’s environment by triggering a Net-NTLMv2 hash leak. Understanding the vulnerability and how it has been leveraged by threat actors can help guide the overall investigative process.

This document covers:

  • An overview of the vulnerability
  • Exploit scenarios
  • Post-exploit activities observed in attacks
  • Techniques for determining if an organization was targeted or compromised via this vulnerability
  • Mitigations available to protect your environment

Exploitation of CVE-2023-23397 leaves very few forensic artifacts to discover in traditional endpoint forensic analysis. This blog describes how Microsoft Incident Response (previously known as Microsoft Detection and Response Team – DART) was able to detect the abuse of CVE-2023-23397 and how organizations can identify historical and present evidence of compromise through this vulnerability.

This vulnerability triggers a Net-NTLMv2 hash leak. Abuse of the leaked Net-NTLMv2 hash is post-exploitation activity. In this blog, we emphasize specific observed post-exploitation activity that targeted Microsoft Exchange Server. However, there are numerous ways that a leaked Net-NTLMv2 hash could be used by a threat actor.

Understanding the CVE-2023-23397 vulnerability

CVE-2023-23397 is a critical elevation of privilege vulnerability in Microsoft Outlook on Windows. It is exploited when a threat actor delivers a specially crafted message to a user. This message includes the PidLidReminderFileParameter extended Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) property, which must be set to a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path share on a threat actor-controlled server (via Server message block (SMB)/transmission control protocol (TCP) port 445).

In exploitation of CVE-2023-23397, threat actors can specify the value for the PidLidReminderFileParameter in specially crafted messages to trigger a Net-NTLMv2 hash leak to threat actor-controlled servers.

The user does not need to interact with the message: if Outlook on Windows is open when the reminder is triggered, it allows exploitation. The connection to the remote SMB server sends the user’s Net-NTLMv2 hash in a negotiation message, which the threat actor can either a) relay for authentication against other systems that support NTLMv2 authentication or b) perform offline cracking to extract the password. As these are NTLMv2 hashes, they cannot be leveraged as part of a Pass-the-Hash technique. All versions of Microsoft Outlook on Windows are impacted. Outlook for Android, iOS, Mac, and users who use Outlook on the web (OWA) without using the Outlook client are not affected.

Microsoft has traced evidence of potential exploitation of this vulnerability as early as April 2022.

This technique leverages the Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF). TNEF is a Microsoft-specific format for transmitting formatted email messages. A TNEF message contains a plaintext version of the message and an attachment that packages the original formatted version of the message. Typically, this attachment is named Winmail.dat. The Winmail.dat attachment includes formatting, attachments, and Outlook-specific features such as meeting requests including extended MAPI Properties. Details about TNEF can be found here:

Outlook on Windows is designed to enable a user to specify a custom sound file associated with a reminder.

Screenshots of Outlook on Windows showing how to set a custom sound that plays when a reminder is triggered
Figure 1. Setting a custom sound to play when a reminder is triggered in Outlook on Windows client

Modifying this value sets the PidLidReminderFileParameter extended MAPI property, which is stored as a property associated with the specific mail object. A tool such as MFCMAPI (see can be used to view extended MAPI properties associated with an object. In the following screenshot, the value of the PidLidReminderFileParameter is shown set to reminder.wav, the PidLidReminderSet is “True”, and the reminder times are set to occur in the past.

Screenshot of message MAPI properties and their values
Figure 2. Resulting extended MAPI Properties and their values as a result of customizing the sound to play when reminders are triggered as seen using MFCMAPI.

To further deceive users, threat actors may also set the PidLidReminderTime property to remain dormant in the mailbox until a future date.

The affected Net-NTLMv2 hash belongs to the user signed in to the Windows device where the Outlook client application is running, regardless of the identity that received the malicious message. If the user does not dismiss the reminder/task Outlook alert or the reminder is recurring (i.e., fires multiple times), the user’s Net-NTLMv2 hash can be leaked multiple times.

Note: Interaction based on the WebDAV protocol is not at risk of leaking credentials to external IP addresses via this exploit technique. While the threat actor infrastructure might request Net-NTLMv2 authentication, Windows will honor the defined internet security zones and will not send Net-NTLMv2 hashes. In other words, an external threat actor can only exploit this vulnerability via the SMB protocol. If a target device can communicate to external threat actor infrastructure over port 445 (SMB), Net-NTLMv2 hashes might be sent; however, if this communication via SMB is not possible, Windows will fall back to leveraging WebDAV. WebDAV will set up a connection with the threat actor infrastructure, but Net-NTLMv2 hashes will not be sent.

Observed post-exploitation actions

In a recent engagement, Microsoft Incident Response has observed additional post-exploitation activities following exploitation of CVE-2023-23397. The presence of artifacts associated with these post-exploitation activities can strongly suggest compromise of user accounts. These post-exploitation activities include:

Initial access (authentication bypass):

Using a Net-NTLMv2 Relay attack against Exchange Servers (NOTE: Azure Active Directory, the default authentication service for Exchange Online, is not directly susceptible to a Net-NTLMv2 relay attack. However, it is possible that a federated identity provider may be susceptible).

Credential access/lateral movement:

Using the Exchange Web Services (EWS) API to send additional messages with the malicious value of the PidLidReminderFileParameter extended MAPI property to users inside and external to the organization.


Using the EWS API to enumerate folders in a compromised user’s mailbox and changing the mailbox folder permissions using the UpdateFolder API so that any authenticated user can access all mailbox folder content with “owner” privileges. This technique established additional persistent access to contents of user’s mailboxes even if a password was reset or otherwise remediated.

The following diagrams show initial access using a Net-NTLMv2 Relay attack, persistence via modifying mailbox folder permissions, and lateral movement by sending additional malicious messages.

Diagram showing exploitation of the vulnerability
Figure 3. Observed threat actor exploitation of CVE-2023-23397 to gain unauthorized access to Exchange Server and modify mailbox folder permissions for persistent access to the mailbox.
Diagram showing threat actor extending access to a compromised environment
Figure 4. Observed threat actor activity to extend their access in a compromised environment by using a compromised e-mail account to target other members of the same organization.

Threat hunting guidance: Evidence of targeting

Organizations should use an in-depth and comprehensive threat hunting strategy to identify potential credential compromise through CVE-2023-23397. While running the Exchange scanning script provided by Microsoft is an effective first step, this script does not provide visibility into malicious messages for all scenarios.

  • Outlook allows users to open multiple mailboxes at the same time. If a user has configured their Outlook to open mailboxes from multiple e-mail services, a malicious message received through one of those other services will still trigger the vulnerability but that message is not in the scanned mailboxes. (Note: Independent of what mailbox or the identity used to access the mailbox, if a malicious message is received, the credential that will leak belongs to the identity currently signed in to the Windows device.)
  • Users may move messages to a local file (PST). Local e-mail stores are not scanned when scanning the Exchange environment. Archived messages may show evidence of a prior compromise. If the local files are open in Outlook, messages can still trigger the vulnerability.

If messages have been deleted from Exchange (some organizations may have a policy limiting data retention), then the messages will no longer be available in Exchange.

If no suspicious or malicious values are identified through the Exchange scanning script, organizations should also hunt for known threat actor indicators of compromise (IOCs) related to the exploitation of this vulnerability.

For example, if IP addresses and URIs are extracted from the PidLidReminderFileParameter values, incident responders should review all available security telemetry for presence of these newly identified indicators. Data sources can include:

  • Firewall logs
  • Proxy logs
  • Azure Active Directory sign-in logs for users of Exchange Online
  • IIS Logs for Exchange Server
  • VPN logs
  • RDP Gateway logs
  • Endpoint telemetry from an endpoint detection and response (EDR) solution if available
  • Forensic endpoint data such as windows event logs from end user systems

For example, using advanced hunting in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, multiple tables can be queried simultaneously to uncover activities related to IP address indicators:

//Search for activity around IoAs
let IoCs = dynamic(["<IP Address 1>","<IP Address 2>"]);
let range = ago(30d);
union (DeviceProcessEvents | where Timestamp > range | where ProcessCommandLine has_any (IoCs)),
     (DeviceNetworkEvents | where Timestamp > range | where RemoteIP in (IoCs) or LocalIP in (IoCs)),
     (DeviceLogonEvents | where Timestamp > range | where RemoteIP in (IoCs))
| extend SignatureName = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).SignatureName)
| project-reorder Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, LocalIP,RemoteIP, RemotePort,SignatureName,ProcessCommandLine
| sort by Timestamp desc

Hunting strategically

There are several approaches to identifying whether your organization was targeted, including the following (ordered from the most high-fidelity to more anomaly-based approach):

  • Review suspicious messages, calendar items, or tasks with reminders that were reported by users
  • Examine network logging and endpoint logging for evidence of known atomic indicators
  • Scan Exchange for delivered messages with the PidLidReminderFileParameter set
  • Hunt for anomalous behaviors based on:
    • NTLM authentication involving untrusted or external resources. This can be observed in Exchange Server logging, Microsoft Defender for Identity, and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint telemetry.
    • WebDAV connection attempts through process execution events.
    • SMBClient event log entries.
    • Firewall logs for suspicious outbound SMB connections.

Review suspicious messages, calendar items, or tasks reported by users

Users in targeted organizations will have received messages with the malicious value of the PidLidReminderFileParameter value set. In some cases, users may have reported these suspicious messages, tasks, or calendar invitations to their security team. A high-level investigation of messages potentially exploiting CVE-2023-23397 may not reveal any overt malicious elements, as embedding malicious URLs or other content in the message body itself is not necessary. A deeper analysis of the message’s extended MAPI properties (specifically, the PidLidReminderFileParameter value) is required to confirm if it is malicious.

Scan for messages with malicious properties

Organizations should search their Exchange environment for messages where the PidLidReminderFileParameter value is set. Microsoft has provided a script to enable organizations perform this search here, including instructions:

The script produces a CSV file enumerating each message that has the PidLidReminderFileParameter property set, and will report on targets that are local on the computer, internal to the network, or on the internet. Any messages identified where this property references a server in the “InternetZone” should be considered malicious. References to intranet servers should also be carefully analyzed. Figure 5 depicts a sample output from this script.

Screenshot of sample output of the detection script
Figure 5. Sample output for PidLidReminderFileParameter detection script.

Customers with a large number of mailboxes in Exchange may consider customizing the script logic strategically, by:

  • Initially targeting high-value users by specifying a list of mailboxes of interest.
  • Timeboxing: As the first known exploitation of this vulnerability was in April 2022 performance can be improved by prioritizing a search from 2022 onwards. It is still recommended to search further historically as well, however with lower priority, as it is possible this exploit was used prior to April 2022.
  • Running multiple concurrent scans across different user mailbox sets by using batching (see script documentation).

If any suspicious or malicious messages are identified via this script, organizations should further triage their environment, including:

  • examination of the targeted users’ logon behaviors
  • hunting for further presence of any malicious domains or IP addresses in available network and endpoint logging.

Artifacts on endpoints

Organizations should review SMBClient event logging, Process Creation events, and other available network telemetry to identify potential exploitation via CVE-2023-23397. To determine whether any such exploitation led to a threat actor gaining unauthorized access to the environment, analysis of authentication events, network perimeter logging, and Exchange Server logging (if Exchange Server is used by the organization) will be instrumental.

Microsoft-Windows-SMBClient/Connectivity event logs

This event logging channel records server errors and warnings for both SMB and WebDAV connections, and provides a source to identify potential compromise through CVE-2023-23397, as it may reveal failed outbound connection attempts to threat actor-controlled infrastructure.

The ServerName field in EventIds 30800, 30803, 30806, 30804, and 31001 should be monitored for non-trusted servers, as illustrated in Figure 6.  

Screenshot of a sample event showing SMB traffic blocked in the firewall
Figure 6: Sample event where SMB traffic was blocked in the firewall.

It is critical to note that the presence of these events cannot be used to confirm whether credentials were leaked, and can only be used as evidence that an outbound connection attempt was made by the device but failed (due to a protocol or network error). Microsoft Incident Response observed during an engagement that a device affected by CVE-2023-23397 attempted to connect multiple times to threat actor infrastructure, failing occasionally and producing these event log entries, but otherwise successfully leaking credentials to the threat actor.

WebDAV Process Creation events

If SMB traffic to the internet is blocked by your organization or otherwise fails, Windows will fall back to using WebDAV to attempt to complete the connection. This behavior, paired with CVE-2023-23397 execution, results in a potentially unique Process Creation event and command line parameters that organizations can hunt in endpoint detection and response (EDR) telemetry or other endpoint logging (such as Sysmon logs, as depicted in Figure 7):

  • Parent process command line: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalService -p -s WebClient
  • Child process command line: rundll32.exe C:\Windows\system32\davclnt.dll,DavSetCookie <IP Address> hxxp://<Threat actor IP>/folder/sound.wav

It is possible that the filesystem URL may not have a traditional .wav file extension.

Screenshot of WebDAV process create event
Figure 7: Sample WebDAV process create event

It is critical to note that the presence of this process tree in your environment cannot be used to confirm whether credentials were leaked. It can only be used as evidence that a message exploiting CVE-2023-23397 was delivered, triggered an attempted outbound SMB connection/credential leak to threat actor infrastructure, but failed in the given instance as credentials cannot be leaked through WebDAV with this vulnerability. If this failure was the result of a transient network issue (rather than SMB being blocked deliberately and systemically), it is still possible that credentials may have been leaked.

Exchange Server logs

For organizations using Exchange Server, there are several log sources that can provide value in hunting for indicators of attack or compromise through CVE-2023-23397. These log sources may potentially reveal unauthorized access to Exchange Server via a Net-NTLMv2 Relay attack, as well as possible post-exploitation activities. These logs do not provide value in determining whether a NTLMv2 hash was leaked, however.

Microsoft provides this tool to enable organizations to collect relevant Exchange Server logs:

Microsoft Incident Response recommends collecting all logs with the -AllPossibleLogs command line flag; however, a more minimal collection can be obtained using the following flags:

  • -EWSLogs
  • -IISLogs
  • -PowerShellLogs
  • -ServerInformation
  • -ExchangeServerInformation
  • -MessageTrackingLogs
  • -OWALogs

Collected logs can be reviewed by ingesting them into Azure Data Explorer, Log Analytics in Azure Monitor, or another SIEM or log parsing utility (such as Log Parser Studio).

Exchange IIS logs

Analysis of IIS logs from Exchange Server (or, if the server is behind a reverse proxy, the IIS logs from the proxy server) can provide insight into potential threat actor behavior.

NOTE: If Exchange Server is protected by a reverse proxy, client IP values (cIP) in logging will only show the IP address of the proxy server. In this case, access to logs from the proxy is critical to determine if connections originated from untrusted IP addresses.

Reverse Proxy Logs

If a reverse proxy is implemented and configured to register headers, such as those that include authentication methods and Net-NTLMv2 negotiations, it is possible to identify Net-NTLMv2 Relay behavior. Microsoft Incident Response was able to leverage these logs in a recent engagement: certain users appeared to authenticate from their appropriate and expected workstations, but the authentications originated from IP addresses associated with threat actor infrastructure.


Exchange Web Services (EWS) logs include the AuthenticationType. If a Net-NTLMv2 Relay attack was leveraged against an EWS Endpoint, it can often be seen in these logs. Strategies to hunt for anomalies in these logs include:

  • Filtering EWSLogs by AuthenticationType for NTLM
  • Grouping by ClientIpAddress (NOTE: The external client IP address may need to be parsed from the field, as it can contain the results of proxying the ClientIP to the Exchange Server backend component. Fields will be in the form <ClientIP>:<PortNumber> <ProxiedIPAddress>).
  • Group by the AuthenticatedUser

Any authentications using NTLMv2 originating from unknown or untrusted IP addresses should be further examined. If a single external IP address is associated with multiple users’ authentications, and the IP address is not consistent with those users’ typical patterns of behavior (based on factors such as geolocation, hosting provider, or User Agent string), events associated with such an IP should be investigated further.

If a threat actor changes mailbox permissions or mailbox folder permissions as part of their post-exploitation behaviors, SoapActions including “GetFolder”, “UpdateFolder”, and “FindFolder” may be observed for the combination of the authenticated user and IP address.

If a threat actor attempts to access email for a compromised user, SoapActions including “ResolveNames”,”GetDelegate”,”GetFolder”,”FindFolder”,”FindItem”, and “GetItem” may be observed for the combination of the authenticated user and IP address.

The following Kusto Query Language (KQL) query can assist with parsing and summarizing EWS logging for the purposes described above, if the relevant logs have been ingested into Azure Data Explorer.

| where AuthenticationType == 'NTLM'
| extend IpAddress = tostring(split(ClientIpAddress,":")[0])
| summarize count(), min(['DateTime']),max(['DateTime']), 
    make_set(SoapAction), make_set(UserAgent) by AuthenticatedUser, IpAddress
Exchange HTTP Proxy EWS Logs

HTTP Proxy EWS logs can be useful to identify the details of NTLMv2 authentications. The user name, workstation name, and domain name can be extracted from those values using the techniques described in  

Exchange Server Message Tracking Logs

Exchange Server Message Tracking Logs are useful to identify messages with certain subjects or from certain sender IP address values. Refer to the following Microsoft Learn pages for more details:

Additional indicators of compromise

Potential registry key modification

Microsoft Incident Response identified a registry key that can indicate that a reminder was triggered for a Note or Task item. This registry key holds certain properties (e.g., location and size) of the UI window that is created when the reminder triggered. If a user has not used the reminder functionality within Tasks or Notes, these registry keys will not exist. Figure 8 depicts the Task key as viewed in RegEdit:

  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\<VERSION OF OUTLOOK>\Outlook\Tasks
  • HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\<VERSION OF OUTLOOK>\Outlook\Notes
Screenshot of registry key for a task
Figure 8: Example registry key for a Task item.

The presence of these keys provides evidence that a user has received a reminder for a Task or Note. If the presence of this registry key is identified, and appears to be anomalistic for your organization, threat hunters should examine the user’s mailbox as well as network/endpoint telemetry for further evidence of compromise using the techniques described in this blog, especially by performing temporal analysis around the LastModified timestamp of the registry keys.

Hunting for outbound SMB connections

Network perimeter telemetry and/or EDR data can be investigated for SMB connections involving external IP addresses as part of a larger threat hunting strategy.

The following query can be used in the advanced hunting portal of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to further align SMB connections with Net-NTLMv2 behavior.

The query will identify connections involving port 445 (standard for SMB) involving remote public IP addresses. By filtering on both Local and Remote parameters, the query will also include records of the NetworkSignatureInspected ActionType. If threat actor infrastructure is attempting to harvest Net-NTLMv2 credentials, the NetworkSignatureInspected ActionType should include a SignatureName of NTLM-Challenge. This indicates a Net-NTLMv2 negotiation was attempted.

For more information about the NetworkSignatureInspected actions, check Hunting for network signatures in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

//Hunt for SMB to the internet
let range = ago(30d);
| where Timestamp > range
//Connections have RemotePort set to 445
//NetworkSignatureInspected have LocalPort set to 445
| where RemotePort == 445 or LocalPort == 445
| where not(ipv4_is_private(RemoteIP)) or not(ipv4_is_private(LocalIP))
| extend SignatureName = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).SignatureName)
| project-reorder Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, LocalIP,RemoteIP, LocalPort, RemotePort,SignatureName
| sort by Timestamp desc

NOTE: Organizations may consider filtering out their own public IP address space from the query above.

Microsoft product detections

Organizations using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint or Microsoft Defender for Office 365 can identify threats using the following detections.

  • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint provides detections with the following titles in the security center can indicate threat activity on your network:
    • Possible target of Net-NTLMv2 credential theft – This detects specific attacks observed by Microsoft prior to disclosure of the vulnerability and might not detect variations on the attack after publishing.
  • Microsoft Defender for Office 365 detects messages exploiting this vulnerability and shows administrators the following alerts to indicate that the file contains a critical elevation of privilege exploit related to CVE-2023-23397:
    • Exploit_Office_CVE_2023_23397_A
    • Exploit_Office_CVE_2023_23397_B
    • Exploit_Office_CVE_2023_23397_C
    • Exploit_Office_CVE_2023_23397_D
    • Exploit_Office_CVE_2023_23397_E
    • Exploit_Office_CVE_2023_23397_F
    • Exploit_Office_CVE_2023_23397_G
    • Exploit_Office_CVE_2023_23397_H


Microsoft Incident Response recommends the following steps to mitigate this type of attack and the observed post-exploitation behavior:

  • Ensure Microsoft Outlook is updated as soon as possible to mitigate the issue. If patching is not immediately possible, ensuring you have implemented these security best practices can help mitigate this threat:
    • Add users to the Protected Users group, which prevents the use of NTLM as an authentication mechanism. This might impact applications that require NTLM, but the settings will revert once the user is removed from the Protected Users group. This makes troubleshooting easier than other methods of disabling NTLM authentication. The Protected Users group provides credential protections beyond disabling NTLM and should be used for high-value accounts, such as domain administrators, when possible.
    • Block TCP 445/SMB outbound from your network by using a perimeter firewall, local firewall, and through your VPN settings. This helps prevent the exploitation of CVE-2023-23397 to send NTLM authentication messages to remote file shares. For remote users, it is important to check split tunnel VPN settings to ensure outbound traffic is blocked when they are not on your corporate network.
  • For organizations leveraging on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server, apply the latest security updates to ensure that defense-in-depth mitigations are active.
  • Where suspicious or malicious reminder values are observed, make sure to use the script to remove either the messages or just the properties, and consider initiating incident response activities.
  • For any targeted or compromised user, reset the passwords of any account logged in to computers of which the user received suspicious reminders and initiate incident response activities.
  • Use multifactor authentication to mitigate the impact of potential Net-NTLMv2 Relay attacks. NOTE: This will not prevent a threat actor from leaking credentials and cracking them offline.
  • Disable unnecessary services on Exchange.
  • Limit SMB traffic by blocking connections on ports 135 and 445 from all inbound IP addresses except those on a controlled allowlist.
  • Disable NTLM in your environment.

Understanding mitigations

To address this vulnerability, you must install the Outlook security update, regardless of where your mail is hosted (e.g., Exchange Online, Exchange Server, some other platform) or your organization’s support for NTLM authentication.

When using Exchange Online or Exchange server as your mail host, you can take the following additional actions:

  • Determine if your organization was targeted by actors attempting to use this vulnerability
  • Provide defense in depth for new messages received outside your organization 

Protections in Outlook

Outlook for Windows first checks if the path specified by the  PidLidReminderFileParameter message property is to a location that is not in the local or trusted network. If the path points outside of the local or trusted network locations, the parameter is not honored when updates are installed.

Protections in Exchange Online

Exchange Online drops the PidLidReminderFileParameter message property at TNEF conversion when a new message is received.

Protections for Exchange Server

Exchange Server (with March 2023 SU) drops the PidLidReminderFileParameter message property at TNEF conversion when a new message is received.


While leveraging NTLMv2 hashes to gain unauthorized access to resources is not a new technique, the exploitation of CVE-2023-23397 is novel and stealthy. Even when users reported suspicious reminders on tasks, initial security review of the messages, tasks, or calendar items involved did not result in detection of the malicious activity. Furthermore, the lack of any required user interaction contributes to the unique nature of this vulnerability. In this document, Microsoft Incident Response has highlighted threat hunting techniques and strategy for exploitation of this CVE, alongside some hunting techniques for observed post-exploitation threat actor behaviors. Furthermore, a broad threat hunting for anomalous user activity consistent with credential compromise is advised.

Observed indicators of attack

Several malicious samples have been uploaded to and a signature has been created that identifies potentially malicious messages associated with exploitation of CVE-2023-23397.

VirusTotal subscribers can review those results here:

Known IP addresses associated with exploitation of this vulnerability in the above VirusTotal results are listed below. NOTE: These IP addresses were assessed by Microsoft Threat Intelligence to be compromised infrastructure.

  • 101.255.119[.]42
  • 213.32.252[.]221
  • 168.205.200[.]55
  • 185.132.17[.]160
  • 69.162.253[.]21
  • 113.160.234[.]229
  • 181.209.99[.]204
  • 82.196.113[.]102
  • 85.195.206[.]7
  • 61.14.68[.]33

Threat intelligence reports

Microsoft customers can use the following reports in Microsoft products to get the most up-to-date information about the threat actor, malicious activity, and techniques discussed in this blog. These reports provide the intelligence, protection information, and recommended actions to prevent, mitigate, or respond to associated threats found in customer environments.

Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence

Microsoft 365 Defender Threat analytics

Further reading

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The post Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2023-23397 appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

STRONTIUM: Detecting new patterns in credential harvesting Thu, 10 Sep 2020 18:45:52 +0000 Microsoft has tied STRONTIUM to a newly uncovered pattern of Office365 credential harvesting activity aimed at US and UK organizations directly involved in political elections.

The post STRONTIUM: Detecting new patterns in credential harvesting appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Microsoft has tied STRONTIUM to a newly uncovered pattern of Office365 credential harvesting activity aimed at US and UK organizations directly involved in political elections. Analysts from Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) and Microsoft Identity Security have been tracking this new activity since April 2020. Credential harvesting is a known tactic used by STRONTIUM to obtain valid credentials that enable future surveillance or intrusion operations. Subsequent analysis revealed that between September 2019 and June 2020, STRONTIUM launched credential harvesting attacks against tens of thousands of accounts at more than 200 organizations. In the two weeks between August 18 and September 3, the same attacks targeted 6,912 accounts belonging to 28 organizations. None of these accounts were successfully compromised.

Not all the targeted organizations were election-related. However, we felt it important to highlight a potential emerging threat to the 2020 US Presidential Election and future electoral contests in the UK.

Microsoft CVP Customer Security and Trust, Tom Burt provided some additional details on this campaign in his recent On The Issues blog post. The purpose of this post is to provide defenders in any organization, but especially those directly or indirectly affiliated with electoral systems, insight into the technical nature of this activity. By providing these details, we hope to enable better defense against future attacks and share best practices for securing cloud environments against this type of activity.

Tactical Details

STRONTIUM relied heavily upon spear phishing in its credential harvesting efforts leading up to the 2016 US presidential election. In 2016, spear-phishing was the most common tactic for stealing credentials from targeted accounts. This time around, STRONTIUM appears to be taking a different approach, namely, brute-force/password-spray tooling. This shift in tactics, also made by several other nation-state actors, allows them to execute large-scale credential harvesting operations in a more anonymized manner. The tooling STRONTIUM is using routes its authentication attempts through a pool of approximately 1,100 IPs, the majority associated with the Tor anonymizing service. This pool of infrastructure has evolved over time, with an average of approximately 20 IPs added and removed from it per day. STRONTIUM’s tooling alternates its authentication attempts amongst this pool of IPs approximately once per second. Considering the breadth and speed of this technique, it seems likely that STRONTIUM has adapted its tooling to use an anonymizer service to obfuscate its activity, evade tracking, and avoid attribution.

During the two-week period, August 19 – September 3, STRONTIUM’s credential harvesting tooling utilized a daily average of 1,294 IPs associated with 536 netblocks and 273 ASNs. Of these netblocks, some were much more heavily utilized by the tooling than others, both in terms of the total number of authentications attempted from them and the total number of IPs utilized within them. Figure 1 below represents the 5 netblocks from which the highest number of total auth attempts were observed. As highlighted in the table, several of these netblocks had much higher IP utilization rates than the rest. This observed behavior indicates that the underlying anonymization services providing the infrastructure backbone for STRONTIUM auth attempts are, in a sense, over-serving IPs in these specific netblocks.

Highest volume netblocks used in STRONTIUM auth attempts.

Figure 1: Highest volume netblocks used in STRONTIUM auth attempts.

The fact that the anonymization service is over-serving specific netblocks gives defenders an opportunity to hunt for activity associated both with this STRONTIUM activity or other malicious tooling that is utilizing the same anonymization service. The following Azure Sentinel query (GitHub link) is designed to identify failed authentication attempts from the three highest-signal, highest-utilization netblocks highlighted above, and group the results by UserAgent.


Microsoft Threat Protection (MTP) also provides a platform for users to identify failed authentication attempts. The following query will give MTP users the ability to hunt and address these threats as well:

An image of code. MSTIC has observed that the STRONTIUM tooling operates in two modes when targeting accounts: brute-force and password-spray.

In password-spray mode, the tooling attempts username: password combinations in a ‘low-‘n-slow’ manner. Organizations targeted by the tooling running in this mode typically see approximately four authentication attempts per hour per targeted account over the course of several days or weeks, with nearly every attempt originating from a different IP address.

In brute-force mode, the tooling attempts many username: password attempts very rapidly for a much shorter time period. Organizations targeted by the tooling running in this mode typically see over 300 authentication attempts per hour per targeted account over the course of several hours or days.

Tooling Operating ModeAvg ## of Attempts Per Account Per HourAvg # Of IPs Utilized for Auth Attempts Per Account Per Hour Avg Length of Attack

Organizations targeted by STRONTIUM using this tooling saw auth attempts against an average of 20% of their total accounts. In some instances, MSTIC assesses the tooling may have discovered these accounts simply by attempting authentications against a large number of possible account names until it found ones that were valid.

Guidance: Proactive defense 

There are some very simple steps businesses and targeted individuals can take to significantly improve the security of their accounts and make these types of attacks much more difficult.

1. Enable multi-factor authentication

We have seen clear proof that enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) across both business and personal email accounts successfully thwarts the majority of credential harvesting attacks. Our colleagues in Azure Active Directory put it more precisely—

“… doing any form of MFA takes you out of reach of most attacks. MFA (using any mechanism) is just too costly to break – unless a highly motivated attacker is after that high-value account or asset.”

However, most enterprise accounts have not implemented this simple protection:

“When we evaluate all the tokens issued with MFA claims, we see that less than 10% of users use MFA per month in our enterprise accounts (and that includes on-premises and third-party MFA). Until MFA is more broadly adopted, there is little reason for attackers to evolve.”

2. Actively monitor failed authentications

When monitoring login activity in your accounts, look for any type of discernable patterns in these failed authentications and track them over time. Password spray is an increasingly common tactic of nation-state actors.

You can also maintain broader visibility into behavioral anomalies like failed login attempts by running detections and monitoring using Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS) which monitors user sessions for third-party cloud apps, including G-Suite, AWS, and Salesforce. The MCAS detection engine looks for anomalous user activity for indicators of compromise. One indicator, “multiple failed login attempts,” can be used to create a dynamic baseline per user, across the tenant, and alert on anomalous login behavior that may represent an active brute force or password spray attack.

Microsoft Threat Protection (MTP) can help to automatically track and rebuild the Incident view of all the compromised identities by password-spray leveraged later by the attacker to expand the breach to endpoint or cloud assets.

3. Test your organization’s resilience

Attack Simulator in Office 365 ATP lets you run realistic, but simulated phishing and password attack campaigns in your organization. Pick a password and then run the campaign against as many users as you want. The results will let you know how many people are using that password. Use the data to train users and build your custom list of banned passwords.

The post STRONTIUM: Detecting new patterns in credential harvesting appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Delivering security innovation that puts Microsoft’s experience to work for you Mon, 24 Sep 2018 13:00:20 +0000 Cybersecurity is the central challenge of our digital age. Without it, everything from our personal email accounts and privacy to the way we do business, and all types of critical infrastructure, are under threat. As attackers evolve, staying ahead of these threats is getting harder. Microsoft can help. We focus on three areas: running security operations that work for you, building enterprise-class technology, and driving partnerships for a heterogeneous world. We can tip the scales in favor of the good guys and make the world a safer place.

The post Delivering security innovation that puts Microsoft’s experience to work for you appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Cybersecurity is the central challenge of our digital age. Without it, everything from our personal email accounts and privacy to the way we do business, and all types of critical infrastructure, are under threat. As attackers evolve, staying ahead of these threats is getting harder.

Microsoft can help. We focus on three areas: running security operations that work for you, building enterprise-class technology, and driving partnerships for a heterogeneous world. We can tip the scales in favor of the good guys and make the world a safer place.

Security operations that work for you

Every day, we practice security operations at a global scale to protect our customers, in the process analyzing more than 6.5 trillion signals. This is the most recent chapter in a journey down the experience curve that we have been on for more than a decade. Beginning with securing the operating system platform, our Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) learned to build multi-dimensional telemetry to support security use cases, and to spot that rogue exploit in a distant crash dump bucket. Today, more than 3,500 full-time security professionals work to secure datacenters, run our Cyber Defense Operations Center, hack our own defenses, and hunt down attackers. We block more than 5 billion distinct malware threats per month. Just one recent example shows the power of the cloud. Microsoft’s cloud-based machine learning models detected a stealthy and highly targeted attack on small businesses across the U.S. with only 200 discrete targets called Ursnif and neutralized the threat. We surface this operational experience and the insights we derived in the security technology we build.

Building enterprise-class technology

It is the cloud that enables us to take all this signal, intelligence, and operational experience and use it to help our customers be more secure, with enterprise-class security technology. For example, we use the insights from processing hundreds of billions of authentications to cloud services a month to deliver risk-based conditional access for customers in Azure Active Directory (AD).

The end of the password era

We are not only protecting the Microsoft platform though. Our security helps protect hundreds of thousands of line-of-business and SaaS apps as they connect to Azure AD. We are delivering new support for password-less sign-in to Azure AD-connected apps via Microsoft Authenticator. The Authenticator app replaces your password with a more secure multi-factor sign-in that combines your phone and your fingerprint, face, or PIN. Using a multi-factor sign-in method, you can reduce compromise by 99.9 percent, and you can make the user experience simpler by eliminating passwords. No company lets enterprises eliminate more passwords than Microsoft. Today, we are declaring an end to the era of passwords.

Improving your security posture with a report card

Microsoft Secure Score is the only enterprise-class dynamic report card for cybersecurity. By using it, organizations get assessments and recommendations that typically reduce their chance of a breach by 30-fold. It guides you to take steps like securing admin accounts with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), securing user accounts with MFA, and turning off client-side email forwarding rules. Starting today, we’re expanding Secure Score to cover all of Microsoft 365. We are also introducing Secure Score for your hybrid cloud workloads in the Azure Security Center, so you have full visibility across your estate.

Putting cloud intelligence in your hands with Microsoft Threat Protection

By connecting our cloud intelligence to our threat protection solutions, we can stem a mass outbreak or find a needle in a haystack. A recent highly localized malware campaign, for example, targeted just under 200 home users and small businesses in a few U.S. cities. It was designed to fly under the radar, but Windows Defender’s cloud-based machine learning models detected the malicious behavior and stopped it cold.

To help security operations professionals benefit from our experience, we created a community where our researchers and others from the industry can share advanced queries to hunt attackers and new threats, giving us all more insight and better protection.

Today, we’re announcing Microsoft Threat Protection, an integrated experience for detection, investigation, and remediation across endpoints, email, documents, identity, and infrastructure in the Microsoft 365 admin console. This will let analysts save thousands of hours as they automate the more mundane security tasks.

Protecting data wherever it goes

Cloud workloads are often targeted by cybercriminals because they operate on some of the most sensitive data an organization has. We made Azure the first cloud platform to offer confidentiality and integrity of data while in use—adding to the protections already in place to encrypt data in transit and at rest. Azure confidential computing benefits will be available soon on a new DC series of virtual machines in Azure, enabling trusted execution environments using Intel SGX chipsets to protect data while it is computed on.

Sensitive data isn’t only in databases and cloud workloads. A huge amount of the information we share in email and documents is private or sensitive too. To effectively protect your most important data, you need intelligent solutions that enable you to automatically discover, classify, label, protect, and monitor it—no matter where it lives or travels. The Microsoft Information Protection solutions we announced last year help to do just that. Today, we are rolling out a unified labeling experience in the Security & Compliance center, which gives you a single, integrated approach to creating data sensitivity and data retention labels. We are also previewing labeling capabilities that are built right into Office apps across all major platforms, and extending labeling and protection capabilities to include PDF documents. The Microsoft Information Protection SDK, now generally available, enables other software creators to enhance and build their own applications that understand, apply, and act on Microsoft’s sensitivity labels.

Driving partnerships for a heterogenous world

To address a challenge as big as cybersecurity, we do more than only drive technological innovation. We invest in a broad set of technology and policy partnership initiatives.

We work across the industry to advance the state of the art and to lead on standards through organizations like the FIDO alliance, and to tackle emerging new ecosystem challenges like security for MCU-powered devices with innovations such as Azure Sphere, now available for preview.

We also work with our fellow security vendors to integrate the variety of security tools that our mutual customers use through our Microsoft Intelligent Security Association. Specifically, the Microsoft Graph Security API, generally available starting today, helps our partners work with us and each other to give you better threat detection and faster incident response. It connects a broad heterogeneous ecosystem of security solutions via a standard interface to help integrate security alerts, unlock contextual information, and simplify security automation.

Microsoft is working with tech companies, policymakers, and institutions—critical to the democratic process—on strategies to protect our midterm elections. The Defending Democracy program is working to protect political campaigns from hacking, increase security of the electoral process, defend against disinformation, and bring greater transparency to political advertising online. Part of this program is the AccountGuard initiative that provides state-of-the-art cybersecurity protection at no extra cost to all candidates and campaign offices at the federal, state, and local level, as well as think tanks and political organizations. We’ve had strong interest in AccountGuard and in the first month onboarded more than 30 organizations. We’ve focused on onboarding large national party operations first and have successfully done so for committees representing both major U.S. parties as well as high profile campaigns and think tanks, and we are working to onboard additional groups each week. Microsoft is developing plans to extend our Defending Democracy program to democracies around the world.

Since participating in the establishment of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord, an agreement to defend all customers everywhere from malicious attacks by cybercriminal enterprises and nation states, we have seen that group nearly double in size with 27 new organizations joining from around the globe, including Panasonic, Salesforce, Swisscom, and Rockwell Automation to name a few, bringing total signatories to 61. Our Digital Crimes Unit has worked with global law enforcement agencies to bring criminals to justice: to date, taking down 18 criminal bot-nets and rescuing nearly 500 million devices from secret bot-net control. In partnership with security teams across the company, the Digital Crimes Unit has also combatted nation-state hackers, using innovative legal approaches 12 times in two years to shut down 84 fake websites, often used in phishing attacks and set up by a group known as Strontium that is widely associated with the Russian government.

Our unique leadership and unmatched breadth of impact in security comes with a unique responsibility to make the world a safer place. We embrace it, and I am optimistic about what we can do. Together with our customers, we are turning the tide in cybersecurity.

I’ll be talking about these announcements and more today in my session at Ignite. If you’re not in Orlando, you can live stream it. To learn more about Microsoft’s security offerings, visit

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Microsoft Security Intelligence Report: Strontium Mon, 16 Nov 2015 22:02:11 +0000 The Microsoft Security Intelligence Report (SIR) provides a regular snapshot of the current threat landscape, using data from more than 600 million computers worldwide. The latest report (SIRv19) was released this week and includes a detailed analysis of the actor group STRONTIUM – a group that uses zero-day exploits to collect the sensitive information of […]

The post Microsoft Security Intelligence Report: Strontium appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.


The Microsoft Security Intelligence Report (SIR) provides a regular snapshot of the current threat landscape, using data from more than 600 million computers worldwide.

The latest report (SIRv19) was released this week and includes a detailed analysis of the actor group STRONTIUM – a group that uses zero-day exploits to collect the sensitive information of high-value targets in government and political organizations.

Since 2007, the group has targeted:

  • Government bodies
  • Diplomatic institutions
  • Military forces and installations
  • Journalists
  • Political advisors and organizations

Attack vectors: How they manage to get in

A STRONTIUM actor attack usually has two components:

  1. A spear phishing attempt that targets specific individuals within an organization. This phishing attempt is used to gather information about potential high-value targets and steal their login credentials.
  2. A second phase that attempts to download malware using software vulnerabilities to further infect the target computers and spread through networks.

Spear phishing

We estimate the STRONTIUM actor targeted several thousand people with spear phishing attacks during the first half of 2015. The goal of the spam email attack is to get a list of high-value individuals with access to sensitive information.

The phishing email usually attempts to trick the target into believing there has been an unauthorized user accessing their account.

The email includes a link to a website under the attacker’s control that prompts the victim to change their password. If the attack is successful, the stolen credentials can be used to access the victim’s email account.

Visiting the malicious website can also send sensitive information to the attacker, even when no credentials are entered. The sensitive information can include details of the victim’s PC -including its IP address, browser and operating system versions, and any browser add-ons installed. This information can be used to target the individual with software exploits.

Malware downloads

The second phase of a STRONTIUM actor attack is to install malware on the compromised machine in an attempt to gain access to other machines on the network.

Usually, the malware is installed through a malicious link in an email. However, we have also seen social networks used to spread malicious links. The highly-targeted emails use current events, such as an upcoming conference, to entice the victim to click a link for “additional information”. The email is sent from well-known email providers and sender names that are designed to look credible.

When the link is clicked, a drive-by-download attack is launched using software vulnerabilities. The attacks often use zero-day exploits that target vulnerabilities for which the affected software vendor has not yet released a security update.

If the attack is successful the attacker tries to compromise other machines within the targeted organization to gather more sensitive information.

See the Microsoft Security Intelligence Report (SIRv19) for more technical details on the methods used by STRONTIUM.

Preventing attacks

You can reduce the likelihood of a successful compromise in a number of ways. Use an up-to-date real-time security product, such as Windows Defender for Windows 10.

In an enterprise environment you should also:

  • Keep all your software up-to-date and deploy security updates as soon as possible
  • Enforce segregation of privileges on user accounts and apply all possible safety measures to protect administrator accounts from compromise
  • Conduct enterprise software security awareness training, and build awareness about malware infection prevention
  • Institute multi-factor authentication

TheMicrosoft Security Intelligence Report (SIRv19) has more advice and detailed analysis of STRONTIUM, as well as other information about malware and unwanted software.

The Microsoft Malware Protection Center’s November Threat Intelligence Report also includes detailed information, resources, and advice to mitigate the risk of advanced persistent threats (APTs).

Talk to us

Questions, concerns, or insights on this story? Join discussions at the Microsoft community and Windows Defender Security Intelligence.

Follow us on Twitter @WDSecurity.

The post Microsoft Security Intelligence Report: Strontium appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
