Threat trends Insights | Microsoft Security Blog Expert coverage of cybersecurity topics Wed, 26 Jun 2024 15:37:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Microsoft discovers and mitigates evolving attacks against AI guardrails Thu, 11 Apr 2024 16:00:00 +0000 Read about some of the key issues surrounding AI harms and vulnerabilities, and the steps Microsoft is taking to address the risk.

The post How Microsoft discovers and mitigates evolving attacks against AI guardrails appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

As we continue to integrate generative AI into our daily lives, it’s important to understand the potential harms that can arise from its use. Our ongoing commitment to advance safe, secure, and trustworthy AI includes transparency about the capabilities and limitations of large language models (LLMs). We prioritize research on societal risks and building secure, safe AI, and focus on developing and deploying AI systems for the public good. You can read more about Microsoft’s approach to securing generative AI with new tools we recently announced as available or coming soon to Microsoft Azure AI Studio for generative AI app developers.

We also made a commitment to identify and mitigate risks and share information on novel, potential threats. For example, earlier this year Microsoft shared the principles shaping Microsoft’s policy and actions blocking the nation-state advanced persistent threats (APTs), advanced persistent manipulators (APMs), and cybercriminal syndicates we track from using our AI tools and APIs.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the key issues surrounding AI harms and vulnerabilities, and the steps we are taking to address the risk.

The potential for malicious manipulation of LLMs

One of the main concerns with AI is its potential misuse for malicious purposes. To prevent this, AI systems at Microsoft are built with several layers of defenses throughout their architecture. One purpose of these defenses is to limit what the LLM will do, to align with the developers’ human values and goals. But sometimes bad actors attempt to bypass these safeguards with the intent to achieve unauthorized actions, which may result in what is known as a “jailbreak.” The consequences can range from the unapproved but less harmful—like getting the AI interface to talk like a pirate—to the very serious, such as inducing AI to provide detailed instructions on how to achieve illegal activities. As a result, a good deal of effort goes into shoring up these jailbreak defenses to protect AI-integrated applications from these behaviors.

While AI-integrated applications can be attacked like traditional software (with methods like buffer overflows and cross-site scripting), they can also be vulnerable to more specialized attacks that exploit their unique characteristics, including the manipulation or injection of malicious instructions by talking to the AI model through the user prompt. We can break these risks into two groups of attack techniques:

  • Malicious prompts: When the user input attempts to circumvent safety systems in order to achieve a dangerous goal. Also referred to as user/direct prompt injection attack, or UPIA.
  • Poisoned content: When a well-intentioned user asks the AI system to process a seemingly harmless document (such as summarizing an email) that contains content created by a malicious third party with the purpose of exploiting a flaw in the AI system. Also known as cross/indirect prompt injection attack, or XPIA.
Diagram explaining how malicious prompts and poisoned content.

Today we’ll share two of our team’s advances in this field: the discovery of a powerful technique to neutralize poisoned content, and the discovery of a novel family of malicious prompt attacks, and how to defend against them with multiple layers of mitigations.

Neutralizing poisoned content (Spotlighting)

Prompt injection attacks through poisoned content are a major security risk because an attacker who does this can potentially issue commands to the AI system as if they were the user. For example, a malicious email could contain a payload that, when summarized, would cause the system to search the user’s email (using the user’s credentials) for other emails with sensitive subjects—say, “Password Reset”—and exfiltrate the contents of those emails to the attacker by fetching an image from an attacker-controlled URL. As such capabilities are of obvious interest to a wide range of adversaries, defending against them is a key requirement for the safe and secure operation of any AI service.

Our experts have developed a family of techniques called Spotlighting that reduces the success rate of these attacks from more than 20% to below the threshold of detection, with minimal effect on the AI’s overall performance:

  • Spotlighting (also known as data marking) to make the external data clearly separable from instructions by the LLM, with different marking methods offering a range of quality and robustness tradeoffs that depend on the model in use.
Diagram explaining how Spotlighting works to reduce risk.

Mitigating the risk of multiturn threats (Crescendo)

Our researchers discovered a novel generalization of jailbreak attacks, which we call Crescendo. This attack can best be described as a multiturn LLM jailbreak, and we have found that it can achieve a wide range of malicious goals against the most well-known LLMs used today. Crescendo can also bypass many of the existing content safety filters, if not appropriately addressed. Once we discovered this jailbreak technique, we quickly shared our technical findings with other AI vendors so they could determine whether they were affected and take actions they deem appropriate. The vendors we contacted are aware of the potential impact of Crescendo attacks and focused on protecting their respective platforms, according to their own AI implementations and safeguards.

At its core, Crescendo tricks LLMs into generating malicious content by exploiting their own responses. By asking carefully crafted questions or prompts that gradually lead the LLM to a desired outcome, rather than asking for the goal all at once, it is possible to bypass guardrails and filters—this can usually be achieved in fewer than 10 interaction turns. You can read about Crescendo’s results across a variety of LLMs and chat services, and more about how and why it works, in our research paper.

While Crescendo attacks were a surprising discovery, it is important to note that these attacks did not directly pose a threat to the privacy of users otherwise interacting with the Crescendo-targeted AI system, or the security of the AI system, itself. Rather, what Crescendo attacks bypass and defeat is content filtering regulating the LLM, helping to prevent an AI interface from behaving in undesirable ways. We are committed to continuously researching and addressing these, and other types of attacks, to help maintain the secure operation and performance of AI systems for all.

In the case of Crescendo, our teams made software updates to the LLM technology behind Microsoft’s AI offerings, including our Copilot AI assistants, to mitigate the impact of this multiturn AI guardrail bypass. It is important to note that as more researchers inside and outside Microsoft inevitably focus on finding and publicizing AI bypass techniques, Microsoft will continue taking action to update protections in our products, as major contributors to AI security research, bug bounties and collaboration.

To understand how we addressed the issue, let us first review how we mitigate a standard malicious prompt attack (single step, also known as a one-shot jailbreak):

  • Standard prompt filtering: Detect and reject inputs that contain harmful or malicious intent, which might circumvent the guardrails (causing a jailbreak attack).
  • System metaprompt: Prompt engineering in the system to clearly explain to the LLM how to behave and provide additional guardrails.
Diagram of malicious prompt mitigations.

Defending against Crescendo initially faced some practical problems. At first, we could not detect a “jailbreak intent” with standard prompt filtering, as each individual prompt is not, on its own, a threat, and keywords alone are insufficient to detect this type of harm. Only when combined is the threat pattern clear. Also, the LLM itself does not see anything out of the ordinary, since each successive step is well-rooted in what it had generated in a previous step, with just a small additional ask; this eliminates many of the more prominent signals that we could ordinarily use to prevent this kind of attack.

To solve the unique problems of multiturn LLM jailbreaks, we create additional layers of mitigations to the previous ones mentioned above: 

  • Multiturn prompt filter: We have adapted input filters to look at the entire pattern of the prior conversation, not just the immediate interaction. We found that even passing this larger context window to existing malicious intent detectors, without improving the detectors at all, significantly reduced the efficacy of Crescendo. 
  • AI Watchdog: Deploying an AI-driven detection system trained on adversarial examples, like a sniffer dog at the airport searching for contraband items in luggage. As a separate AI system, it avoids being influenced by malicious instructions. Microsoft Azure AI Content Safety is an example of this approach.
  • Advanced research: We invest in research for more complex mitigations, derived from better understanding of how LLM’s process requests and go astray. These have the potential to protect not only against Crescendo, but against the larger family of social engineering attacks against LLM’s. 
A diagram explaining how the AI watchdog applies to the user prompt and the AI generated content.

How Microsoft helps protect AI systems

AI has the potential to bring many benefits to our lives. But it is important to be aware of new attack vectors and take steps to address them. By working together and sharing vulnerability discoveries, we can continue to improve the safety and security of AI systems. With the right product protections in place, we continue to be cautiously optimistic for the future of generative AI, and embrace the possibilities safely, with confidence. To learn more about developing responsible AI solutions with Azure AI, visit our website.

To empower security professionals and machine learning engineers to proactively find risks in their own generative AI systems, Microsoft has released an open automation framework, PyRIT (Python Risk Identification Toolkit for generative AI). Read more about the release of PyRIT for generative AI Red teaming, and access the PyRIT toolkit on GitHub. If you discover new vulnerabilities in any AI platform, we encourage you to follow responsible disclosure practices for the platform owner. Microsoft’s own procedure is explained here: Microsoft AI Bounty.

The Crescendo Multi-Turn LLM Jailbreak Attack

Read about Crescendo’s results across a variety of LLMs and chat services, and more about how and why it works.

Photo of a male employee using a laptop in a small busines setting

To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and X (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

The post How Microsoft discovers and mitigates evolving attacks against AI guardrails appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

How Microsoft Incident Response and Microsoft Defender for Identity work together to detect and respond to cyberthreats Thu, 21 Mar 2024 16:00:00 +0000 Learn how Microsoft Incident Response works together with Microsoft Defender for Identity to give customers fast, flexible service—before, during, or after a cybersecurity incident occurs.

The post How Microsoft Incident Response and Microsoft Defender for Identity work together to detect and respond to cyberthreats appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Identity-based cyberthreats are on the rise. 2023 saw a tenfold increase in threats including phishing, ransomware, and more.1 And bad actors continue to evolve their techniques—making them more sophisticated, more overwhelming, and more believable. From an employee’s viewpoint, every ping, click, swipe, buzz, ding, text, and tap takes time and attention—which can add up to a loss of focus, alert fatigue, and increased risk. In this post, we’ll look at a human-operated ransomware attack that began with one malicious link in one user’s email. Then we’ll share how Microsoft Incident Response helped facilitate collaboration among security, identity, and incident response teams to help a customer evict the bad actor from their environment and build resilience for future threats.

Microsoft Incident Response

Strengthen your security with an end-to-end portfolio of proactive and reactive cybersecurity incident response services.

A man standing, pointing at a large monitor screen displaying a world map

One click opens the door to a threat actor

We know that 50% of Microsoft cybersecurity recovery engagements relate to ransomware,2 and 61% of all breaches involve credentials.3 Identity attacks continue to be a challenge for businesses because humans continue to be a central risk vector in social engineering identity attacks. People click links without thinking. Too often, users open attachments by habit, thereby opening the door to threat actors. Even when employees recognize credential harvesting attempts, they’re often still susceptible to drive-by URL attacks. And teams focused on incident response are often disconnected from teams that manage corporate identities. In this incident, one click on a malicious link led a large customer to reach out to Microsoft Incident Response for help.

Flow diagram illustrating lateral movement by a threat actor within a security ecosystem after collecting user information.

Figure 1. Diagram of a threat actor’s malware moving through the network.

The malicious link the employee clicked infected their device with Qakbot. Qakbot is a modular malware that has been evolving for more than a decade. It’s a multipurpose malware that unfortunately gives attackers a wide range of capabilities. Once the identity-focused threat actor had established multiple avenues of persistence in the network and seemed to be preparing to deploy ransomware, the customer’s administrators and security operations staff were overwhelmed with tactical recovery and containment. That’s when they called Microsoft.

Your first call before, during, and after a cybersecurity incident

Microsoft Incident Response stepped in and deployed Microsoft Defender for Identity—a cloud-based security solution that helps detect and respond to identity-related threats. Bringing identity monitoring into incident response early helped an overwhelmed security operations team regain control. This first step helped to identify the scope of the incident and impacted accounts, take action to protect critical infrastructure, and work on evicting the threat actor. Then, by leveraging Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alongside Defender for Identity, Microsoft Incident Response was able to trace the threat actor’s movements and disrupt their attempts to use compromised accounts to reenter the environment. And once the tactical containment was complete and full administrative control over the environment was restored, Microsoft Incident Response worked with the customer to move forward to build better resiliency to help prevent future cyberattacks. More information about the incident and remediation details can be found on our technical post titled “Follow the Breadcrumbs with Microsoft Incident Response and Microsoft Defender for Identity: Working Together to Fight Identity-Based Attacks.”

Strengthen your identity posture with defense in depth

We know protecting user identities can help prevent incidents before they happen. But that protection can take many forms. Multiple, collaborative layers of defense—or defense in depth—can help build up protection so no single control must shoulder the entire defense. These layers include multifactor authentication, conditional access rules, mobile device and endpoint protection policies, and even new tools—like Microsoft Copilot for Security. Defense in depth can help prevent many cyberattacks—or at least make them difficult to execute—through the implementation and maintenance of layers of basic security controls.

In a recent Cyberattack Series blog post and report, we go more in depth on how to protect credentials against social engineering attacks. The cyberattack series case involved Octo Tempest—a highly active cyberthreat actor group which utilizes varying social engineering campaigns with the goal of financial extortion across many business sectors through means of data exfiltration and ransomware. Octo Tempest compromised a customer with a targeted phishing and smishing (text-based phishing) attack. That customer then reached out to Microsoft Incident Response for help to contain, evict, and detect any further threats. By collaborating closely with the victim organization’s IT and security teams, the compromised systems were isolated and contained. Throughout the entire process, effective communication and coordination between the incident response team and the affected organization is crucial. The team provides regular updates on their progress, shares threat intelligence, and offers guidance on remediation and prevention strategies. By working together seamlessly, the incident response team and the affected organization can mitigate the immediate cyberthreat, eradicate the cyberattacker’s presence, and strengthen the organization’s defenses against future cyberattacks.

Honeytokens: A sweet way to defend against identity-based attacks

Another layer of protection for user identities is the decoy account. These accounts are set up expressly to lure attackers, diverting their attention away from real targets and harmful activities—like accessing sensitive resources or escalating privileges. The decoy accounts are called honeytokens, and they can provide security teams with a unique opportunity to detect, deflect, or study attempted identity attacks. The best honeytokens are existing accounts with histories that can help hide their true nature. Honeytokens can also be a great way to monitor in-progress attacks, helping to discover where attackers are coming from and where they may be positioned in the network. For more detailed instructions on how to tag an account as a honeytoken and best practices for honeytoken use, read our tech community post titled “Deceptive defense: best practices for identity based honeytokens in Microsoft Defender for Identity.”

Working together to build better resilience

Microsoft Incident Response is the first call for customers who want to access dedicated experts before, during, and after any cybersecurity incident. With on-site and remote assistance on a global scale, unprecedented access to product engineering, and the depth and breadth of Microsoft Threat Intelligence, it encompasses both proactive and reactive incident response services. Collaboration is key. Microsoft Incident Response works with the tools and teams available to support incident response—like Defender for Identity, Defender for Endpoint, and now Copilot for Security—to defend against identity-based attacks, together. And that collaboration helps ensure better outcomes for customers. Learn more about the Microsoft Incident Response proactive and reactive response services or see it in action in the fourth installment of our ongoing Cyberattack Series.

To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and X (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

1Microsoft Digital Defense Report, Microsoft. 2023.

2Microsoft Digital Defense Report, Microsoft. 2022.

32023 Data Breach Investigations Report, Verizon.

4Microsoft Entra: 5 identity priorities for 2023, Joy Chik. January 9, 2023.

The post How Microsoft Incident Response and Microsoft Defender for Identity work together to detect and respond to cyberthreats appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Microsoft Threat Intelligence unveils targets and innovative tactics amidst tax season Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Cybercriminals use social engineering during holidays and important events like tax season to steal user information. Our Microsoft Threat Intelligence tax season report outlines some of the various techniques that threat actors use to craft their campaigns and mislead taxpayers into revealing sensitive information, making payments to fake services, or installing malicious payloads.

The post Microsoft Threat Intelligence unveils targets and innovative tactics amidst tax season appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Cybercriminals use social engineering during holidays and important events like tax season to steal user information. Our new Microsoft Threat Intelligence tax season report outlines some of the various techniques that threat actors use to craft their campaigns and mislead taxpayers into revealing sensitive information, making payments to fake services, or installing malicious payloads. These include phishing emails, text message phishing (smishing), malicious advertising, and voice phishing (vishing). The Microsoft Threat Intelligence tax season report also shows how threat actors impersonate tax payment processors in phishing emails, what cybercriminals are looking for and who they are targeting, how they can get your data, and, most importantly, how you and your organization can stay safe. Although these are well-known, longstanding techniques, they’re still highly effective and are amplified even more during this time of year.  

Although everyone is susceptible to tax-season phishing, we have noted that certain groups of people are more vulnerable than others. Prime targets include individuals who may be less informed about government tax procedures and methods—green card holders, small business owners, new taxpayers under the age of 25, and older taxpayers over 60.  

At the end of January 2024, Microsoft Threat Intelligence observed a campaign using lures masquerading as tax-related documents provided by employers. The phishing email contained an HTML attachment that directed the user to a fake landing page. This page hosted malicious executables and once the target clicked on the “Download Documents” prompt, malware installed on their computer.  

Image of an email using lures masquerading as tax-related documents provided by employers.

Figure 1. Phishing email using tax lures.

The malicious executable file dropped on the target’s machine had information stealer capabilities. Once in the environment, it attempted to collect information including login credentials.

Be diligent around phishing emails 

Phishing email campaigns around tax season use a variety of tactics to trick users into believing they represent legitimate sources. These include spoofing the landing pages of genuine services or websites, using homoglyph domains, and customizing phishing links for each user. Threat actors typically impersonate employers and human resources personnel, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or taxation-related entities such as state tax organizations or tax preparation services.  

Phishing emails may contain malicious attachments like HTML files, PDF files, or ZIP archives. The cybercriminal tries to exploit the recipients’ trust in the perceived sender to trick them into opening these attachments. When they do, malware is automatically downloaded onto their machine. Threat actors also commonly send URLs that direct users to fraudulent websites that host malware. 

Tax season cybersecurity best practices 

The best defense against cybercriminals, both at tax season and throughout the year, is education and good cyber hygiene. Education means phishing awareness—knowing what phishing attempts look like and what to do when they’re encountered. Good cyber hygiene means implementing basic security measures like multifactor authentication for financial and email accounts. With multifactor authentication enabled, you can prevent 99.9% of attacks on your accounts.  

Ways to help protect yourself from phishing 

Falling for a phishing attack can lead to a number of unwanted outcomes including leaked confidential information, infected networks, financial demands, corrupted data, and more. Here are a few tips to help protect yourself:  

  • Inspect the sender’s email address. Is everything in order? A misplaced character or unusual spelling could signal a fake.  
  • Be wary of emails with generic greetings (“Dear customer,” for example) that ask you to act urgently. 
  • Look for verifiable sender contact information. If in doubt, do not reply. Start a new email to respond instead. 
  • Never send sensitive information by email. If you must convey private information, use the phone. 
  • Think twice about clicking unexpected links, especially if they direct you to sign into your account. To be safe, log in from the official website instead.  
  • Avoid opening email attachments from unknown senders or friends who do not usually send you attachments. 
  • Install a phishing filter for your email apps and enable the spam filter on your email accounts. 

To learn more about the latest observed tax season phishing campaigns, social engineering fraud, and tips on how to stay ahead of these types of attacks during tax season and other holidays, read the Microsoft Threat Intelligence tax season report. For a deeper look into social engineering fraud tactics, read Feeding from the trust economy: social engineering fraud, and watch the session from Microsoft Ignite 2023 called The risk of trust: Social engineering threats and cyber defense.

Keeping a pulse on today’s threats

The Microsoft Threat Intelligence team tracks hundreds of threat actor groups worldwide, with more than 10,000 security experts analyzing more than 78 trillion signals daily to uncover the latest insights. Microsoft Threat Intelligence’s global network of security and intelligence teams includes engineers, researchers, data scientists, cybersecurity experts, threat hunters, geopolitical analysts, investigators, and frontline responders across 77 countries. These experts come together to help share timely insights about the ever-expanding attack surface and provide actionable guidance through resources like the annual Microsoft Digital Defense Report, nation-state reports, the Microsoft Threat Intelligence podcast, Cyber Signals report, and digital briefings. To read the latest reports, threat briefs, or learn about the tactics and techniques from some of the more than 300 threat actors that we monitor and to get behind the scenes and watch interviews with threat intelligence experts, visit Security Insider.

Microsoft Threat Intelligence

Read the new tax season report to learn about the techniques that threat actors use to mislead taxpayers.

a group of people sitting at a desk in a room

To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and X (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

The post Microsoft Threat Intelligence unveils targets and innovative tactics amidst tax season appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

​​Secure SaaS applications with Valence Security and Microsoft Security​​ Tue, 05 Mar 2024 17:00:00 +0000 ​The rapid adoption of Software as a Service (SaaS) has revolutionized collaboration and innovation across industries. SaaS offerings now emphasize integration and advanced collaboration, blurring the line between application and platform. Decentralized administration models and minimal security oversight pose risks, leading to complex misconfigurations. Valence and Microsoft Security address these challenges, ensuring SaaS applications adhere to security best practices and improve the security postures of identities configured in each individual SaaS application. ​

The post ​​Secure SaaS applications with Valence Security and Microsoft Security​​ appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

This blog post is part of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association guest blog series. Learn more about MISA.  

Software as a service (SaaS) adoption has accelerated at a lightning speed, enabling collaboration, automation, and innovation for businesses large and small across every industry vertical—from government, education, financial service to tech companies. Every SaaS application is now expanding its offering to allow better integration with the enterprise ecosystem and advanced collaboration features, becoming more of a “platform” than an “application.” To further complicate the security landscape, business users are managing these SaaS applications with little to no security oversight, creating a decentralized administration model. All this is leading to a growing risk surface with complex misconfigurations that can expose organization’s identities, sensitive data, and business processes to malicious actors. 

To combat this challenge, Valence and Microsoft Security work together to ensure that SaaS applications are configured according to the best security practices and improve the security posture of identities configured in each individual SaaS application. Together, Valence and Microsoft:  

  • Centrally manage SaaS identities permissions and access.
  • Enforce strong authentication by ensuring proper MFA (multi-factor authentication) and SSO (single sign-on) enrollment and managing local SaaS users.
  • Detect and revoke unauthorized non-human SaaS identities such as APIs, service accounts, and tokens.
  • Incorporate SaaS threat detection capabilities to improve SaaS incident response.

As most of the sensitive corporate data shifted from on-prem devices to the cloud, security teams need to ensure they manage the risks of how this data is being accessed and managed. Integrating Valence’s SaaS Security with the Microsoft Security ecosystem now provides a winning solution. 

SaaS applications are prime targets  

Recent high profile breaches have shown that attackers are targeting SaaS applications and are leveraging misconfigurations and human errors to gain high privilege access to sensitive applications and data. While many organizations have implemented SSO and MFA as their main line of defense when it comes to SaaS, recent major breaches have proven otherwise. Attackers have identified that MFA fatigue, social engineering and targeting the SaaS providers themselves can bypass many of the existing mechanisms that security teams have put in place. These add to high-profile breaches where attackers leveraged legitimate third-party open authorization (OAuth) tokens to gain unauthorized access to SaaS applications, and many more attack examples. 

State of SaaS security risks 

According to our 2023 SaaS Security Report which analyzed real SaaS environments to measure their security posture before they implemented an effective SaaS security program. The results showed that every organization didn’t enforce MFA on 100% of their identities—there are some exceptions, such as service accounts, contractors, and shared accounts, or simply lack of effective monitoring of drift. In addition, one out of eight SaaS accounts are dormant and not actively used. Offboarding users is not only important to save costs, but attackers also like to target these accounts for account takeover attacks since they are typically less monitored. Other key stats were that 90% of externally shared files haven’t been used by external collaborators for at least 90 days and that every organization has granted multiple third-party vendors organization-wide access to their emails, files, and calendars. 

Figure 1. Top SaaS Security gaps identified in the 2023 State of SaaS Security Report.

Holistic SaaS security strategy 

Establishing a holistic SaaS security strategy requires to bring together many elements—from shadow SaaS discovery, through strong authentication, identity management of both humans and non-humans, managing and remediating SaaS misconfigurations, enforcing data leakage prevention policies, and finally, establishing scalable incident response. Valence and Microsoft take security teams one step further toward a more holistic approach. 

Valence joined the Microsoft Intelligence Security Association (MISA) and integrated with Microsoft security products—Microsoft Entra ID and ​​​​Microsoft Sentinel—to enhance customers’ capabilities to manage their SaaS risks, effectively remediate them, and respond to SaaS breaches. The Valence SaaS Security Platform provides insight and context on SaaS risks such as misconfigurations, identities, data shares, and SaaS-to-SaaS integrations. Extending existing controls with SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) capabilities and SaaS risk remediation capabilities. Valence is also a proud participant of the Partner Private Preview of Microsoft Copilot for Security. This involves working with Microsoft product teams to help shape Copilot for Security product development in several ways, including validation and refinement of new and upcoming scenarios, providing feedback on product development and operations to be incorporated into future product releases, and validation and feedback of APIs to assist with Copilot for Security’s extensibility. 

Figure 2. Illustrative data: The Valence Platform provides a single pane of glass to find and fix SaaS risk across four core use cases: data protection, SaaS to SaaS governance, identity security, and configuration management. 

Secure SaaS human and non-human identities

In the modern identity-first environment, most attackers focus on targeting high privilege users, dormant accounts, and other risks. Enforcing zero trust access has become a core strategy for many security teams. Security teams need to identify all the identities they need to secure. Microsoft Entra SSO management combined with Valence’s SaaS application monitoring—to detect accounts created—provides a holistic view into human identities and non-human (Enterprise Applications, service accounts, APIs, OAuth and 3rd party apps).  

Microsoft Entra ID centrally enforces strong authentication such as MFA and Valence discovers enforcement gaps or users that are not managed by the central SSO. Valence also monitors the SaaS applications themselves to discover the privileges granted to each identity and provides recommendations on how to enforce least privilege with minimal administrative access. To continuously validate verification based on risks, the final piece of zero trust strategy, Valence leverages the risky users and service principals signals from Microsoft Entra ID and combines them with signals from other SaaS applications for a holistic view into identity risks. 

Protect SaaS applications 

Microsoft has a wide SaaS offering that is fueling enterprise innovation. These services are central to core business functions and employee collaboration, cover many use cases, and are spread across multiple business units, but are tied together in many cases such as identity and access management, and therefore their security posture is often related as well. Managing the security posture of SaaS services can be complex because of the multiple configurations and the potential cross service effects that require security teams to build their expertise across a wide range of SaaS.  

Many security teams view SaaS apps as part of their more holistic view into SaaS security posture management and would like to create cross-SaaS security policies and enforce them. Valence’s platform integrates with Microsoft Entra ID and other SaaS services using Microsoft via Microsoft Graph to normalize the complex data sets and enable security teams to closely monitor the security posture of their SaaS applications in Microsoft alongside the rest of their SaaS environment. 

Enhance SaaS threat detection and incident response 

Improving SaaS security posture proactively reduces the chances of a breach, but unfortunately SaaS breaches can still occur, and organizations need to prepare their threat detection coverage and incident response plans. The built in human and non-human identity threat detection capabilities of Microsoft Entra ID, combined with Microsoft Sentinel log correlation and security automation, and Microsoft Copilot for Security’s advanced AI capabilities, create a powerful combination to detect and respond to threats. Valence expands existing detections from compromised endpoint and identity with important SaaS context—for example, did the compromise device belong to a SaaS admin user? Did the compromised identity perform suspicious activities in other SaaS applications? The expanded detections provide critical insights to prioritize and assess the blast radius of breaches. Additionally, Valence’s SaaS threat detection can trigger threat detection workflows in Microsoft products based on its unique indicator of compromise monitoring. 

Together, Valence and Microsoft combine the best of all worlds when it comes to SaaS security. From SaaS discovery, through SaaS security posture management, remediating risks, and detecting threats—Valence and Microsoft enable secure adoption of SaaS applications. Modern SaaS risks and security challenges require a holistic view into SaaS risk management and remediation. Get started today

About Valence Security 

Valence is a leading SaaS security company that combines SSPM and advanced remediation with business user collaboration to find and fix SaaS security risks. SaaS applications are becoming decentrally managed and more complex, which is introducing misconfiguration, identity, data, and SaaS-to-SaaS integration risks. The Valence SaaS Security Platform provides visibility and remediation capabilities for business-critical SaaS applications. With Valence, security teams can empower their business to securely adopt SaaS. Valence is backed by leading cybersecurity investors like Microsoft’s M12 and YL Ventures, and is trusted by leading organizations. Valence is available for purchase through Azure Marketplace. For more information, visit their website

Be among the first to hear about new products, capabilities, and offerings at Microsoft Secure digital event on March 13, 2024.​ Learn from industry luminaries and influencers. Register today.

Learn more

To learn more about the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA), visit our website where you can learn about the MISA program, product integrations, and find MISA members. Visit the video playlist to learn about the strength of member integrations with Microsoft products. 

​​To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and X (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity. 

The post ​​Secure SaaS applications with Valence Security and Microsoft Security​​ appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Announcing Microsoft’s open automation framework to red team generative AI Systems Thu, 22 Feb 2024 17:00:00 +0000 Today, we are releasing an open automation framework, PyRIT (Python Risk Identification Toolkit for generative AI) to empower security professionals and machine learning engineers to proactively find risks in their generative AI systems.

The post Announcing Microsoft’s open automation framework to red team generative AI Systems appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Today we are releasing an open automation framework, PyRIT (Python Risk Identification Toolkit for generative AI), to empower security professionals and machine learning engineers to proactively find risks in their generative AI systems.

At Microsoft, we believe that security practices and generative AI responsibilities need to be a collaborative effort. We are deeply committed to developing tools and resources that enable every organization across the globe to innovate responsibly with the latest artificial intelligence advances. This tool, and the previous investments we have made in red teaming AI since 2019, represents our ongoing commitment to democratize securing AI for our customers, partners, and peers.   

The need for automation in AI Red Teaming

Red teaming AI systems is a complex, multistep process. Microsoft’s AI Red Team leverages a dedicated interdisciplinary group of security, adversarial machine learning, and responsible AI experts. The Red Team also leverages resources from the entire Microsoft ecosystem, including the Fairness center in Microsoft Research; AETHER, Microsoft’s cross-company initiative on AI Ethics and Effects in Engineering and Research; and the Office of Responsible AI. Our red teaming is part of our larger strategy to map AI risks, measure the identified risks, and then build scoped mitigations to minimize them.

Over the past year, we have proactively red teamed several high-value generative AI systems and models before they were released to customers. Through this journey, we found that red teaming generative AI systems is markedly different from red teaming classical AI systems or traditional software in three prominent ways.

1. Probing both security and responsible AI risks simultaneously

We first learned that while red teaming traditional software or classical AI systems mainly focuses on identifying security failures, red teaming generative AI systems includes identifying both security risk as well as responsible AI risks. Responsible AI risks, like security risks, can vary widely, ranging from generating content that includes fairness issues to producing ungrounded or inaccurate content. AI red teaming needs to explore the potential risk space of security and responsible AI failures simultaneously.

A diagram of a generative AI system. The input prompt is processed by App Specific Logic and then passed to the Generative AI Model, which may use additional skills, functions, or plugins if needed. The Generative AI Model’s response is then processed by the App Specific Logic to provide the GenAI Created Content as the system’s response.

2. Generative AI is more probabilistic than traditional red teaming

Secondly, we found that red teaming generative AI systems is more probabilistic than traditional red teaming. Put differently, executing the same attack path multiple times on traditional software systems would likely yield similar results. However, generative AI systems have multiple layers of non-determinism; in other words, the same input can provide different outputs. This could be because of the app-specific logic; the generative AI model itself; the orchestrator that controls the output of the system can engage different extensibility or plugins; and even the input (which tends to be language), with small variations can provide different outputs. Unlike traditional software systems with well-defined APIs and parameters that can be examined using tools during red teaming, we learned that generative AI systems require a strategy that considers the probabilistic nature of their underlying elements.

3. Generative AI systems architecture varies widely 

Finally, the architecture of these generative AI systems varies widely: from standalone applications to integrations in existing applications to the input and output modalities, such as text, audio, images, and videos.

These three differences make a triple threat for manual red team probing. To surface just one type of risk (say, generating violent content) in one modality of the application (say, a chat interface on browser), red teams need to try different strategies multiple times to gather evidence of potential failures. Doing this manually for all types of harms, across all modalities across different strategies, can be exceedingly tedious and slow.

This does not mean automation is always the solution. Manual probing, though time-consuming, is often needed for identifying potential blind spots. Automation is needed for scaling but is not a replacement for manual probing. We use automation in two ways to help the AI red team: automating our routine tasks and identifying potentially risky areas that require more attention.

In 2021, Microsoft developed and released a red team automation framework for classical machine learning systems. Although Counterfit still delivers value for traditional machine learning systems, we found that for generative AI applications, Counterfit did not meet our needs, as the underlying principles and the threat surface had changed. Because of this, we re-imagined how to help security professionals to red team AI systems in the generative AI paradigm and our new toolkit was born.

We like to acknowledge out that there have been work in the academic space to automate red teaming such as PAIR and open source projects including garak.

PyRIT for generative AI Red teaming 

PyRIT is battle-tested by the Microsoft AI Red Team. It started off as a set of one-off scripts as we began red teaming generative AI systems in 2022. As we red teamed different varieties of generative AI systems and probed for different risks, we added features that we found useful. Today, PyRIT is a reliable tool in the Microsoft AI Red Team’s arsenal.

A diagram of interactions between three components, the PyRIT Agent, the Target Gen AI System, and the PyRIT Scoring Engine. The PyRIT Agent first communicates with the Target Gen AI System. Then, it scores the response with the PyRIT Scoring Engine. Finally, it sends a new prompt to the Target Gen AI System based on scoring feedback.

The biggest advantage we have found so far using PyRIT is our efficiency gain. For instance, in one of our red teaming exercises on a Copilot system, we were able to pick a harm category, generate several thousand malicious prompts, and use PyRIT’s scoring engine to evaluate the output from the Copilot system all in the matter of hours instead of weeks.

PyRIT is not a replacement for manual red teaming of generative AI systems. Instead, it augments an AI red teamer’s existing domain expertise and automates the tedious tasks for them. PyRIT shines light on the hot spots of where the risk could be, which the security professional than can incisively explore. The security professional is always in control of the strategy and execution of the AI red team operation, and PyRIT provides the automation code to take the initial dataset of harmful prompts provided by the security professional, then uses the LLM endpoint to generate more harmful prompts.

However, PyRIT is more than a prompt generation tool; it changes its tactics based on the response from the generative AI system and generates the next input to the generative AI system. This automation continues until the security professional’s intended goal is achieved.

PyRIT components

Abstraction and Extensibility is built into PyRIT. That’s because we always want to be able to extend and adapt PyRIT’s capabilities to new capabilities that generative AI models engender. We achieve this by five interfaces: target, datasets, scoring engine, the ability to support multiple attack strategies and providing the system with memory.

An overview of PyRIT components including local and remote targets, static and dynamic datasets, the scoring engine with PyRIT itself or via API, attack strategies for single or multi-turn conversations, and memory with storage and other utilities.
  • Targets: PyRIT supports a variety of generative AI target formulations—be it as a web service or embedded in application. PyRIT out of the box supports text-based input and can be extended for other modalities as well. ​PyRIT supports integrating with models from Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service, Hugging Face, and Azure Machine Learning Managed Online Endpoint, effectively acting as an adaptable bot for AI red team exercises on designated targets, supporting both single and multi-turn interactions. 
  • Datasets: This is where the security professional encodes what they want the system to be probed for. It could either be a static set of malicious prompts or a dynamic prompt template. Prompt templates allow the security professionals to automatically encode multiple harm categories—security and responsible AI failures—and leverage automation to pursue harm exploration in all categories simultaneously. To get users started, our initial release includes prompts that contain well-known, publicly available jailbreaks from popular sources.
  • Extensible scoring engine:The scoring engine behind PyRIT offers two options for scoring the outputs from the target AI system: using a classical machine learning classifier or using an LLM endpoint and leveraging it for self-evaluation. Users can also use Azure AI Content filters as an API directly.  
  • Extensible attack strategy: PyRIT supports two styles of attack strategy. The first is single-turn; in other words, PyRIT sends a combination of jailbreak and harmful prompts to the AI system and scores the response. It also supports multiturn strategy, in which the system sends a combination of jailbreak and harmful prompts to the AI system, scores the response, and then responds to the AI system based on the score. While single-turn attack strategies are faster in computation time, multiturn red teaming allows for more realistic adversarial behavior and more advanced attack strategies.
  • Memory: PyRIT’s tool enables the saving of intermediate input and output interactions providing users with the capability for in-depth analysis later on. The memory feature facilitates the ability to share the conversations explored by the PyRIT agent and increases the range explored by the agents to facilitate longer turn conversations.

Get started with PyRIT

PyRIT was created in response to our belief that the sharing of AI red teaming resources across the industry raises all boats. We encourage our peers across the industry to spend time with the toolkit and see how it can be adopted for red teaming your own generative AI application.

  1. Get started with the PyRIT project here. To get acquainted with the toolkit, our initial release has a list of demos including common scenarios notebooks, including how to use PyRIT to automatically jailbreak using Lakera’s popular Gandalf game.
  2. We are hosting a webinar on PyRIT to demonstrate how to use it in red teaming generative AI systems. If you would like to see PyRIT in action, please register for our webinar in partnership with the Cloud Security Alliance.
  3. Learn more about what Microsoft’s AI Red Team is doing and explore more resources on how you can better prepare your organization for securing AI.
  4. Watch Microsoft Secure online to explore more product innovations to help you take advantage of AI safely, responsibly, and securely. 


Project created by Gary Lopez; Engineering: Richard Lundeen, Roman Lutz, Raja Sekhar Rao Dheekonda, Dr. Amanda Minnich; Broader involvement from Shiven Chawla, Pete Bryan, Peter Greko, Tori Westerhoff, Martin Pouliot, Bolor-Erdene Jagdagdorj, Chang Kawaguchi, Charlotte Siska, Nina Chikanov, Steph Ballard, Andrew Berkley, Forough Poursabzi, Xavier Fernandes, Dean Carignan, Kyle Jackson, Federico Zarfati, Jiayuan Huang, Chad Atalla, Dan Vann, Emily Sheng, Blake Bullwinkel, Christiano Bianchet, Keegan Hines, eric douglas, Yonatan Zunger, Christian Seifert, Ram Shankar Siva Kumar. Grateful for comments from Jonathan Spring. 

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To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and X (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

The post Announcing Microsoft’s open automation framework to red team generative AI Systems appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

How Strata Identity and Microsoft Entra ID solve identity challenges in mergers and acquisitions Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:00:00 +0000 Along with every merger and acquisition between two companies comes the need to combine and strengthen their IT infrastructure. There is an immediate and profound impact on the identity and access management postures of both companies. Learn how to protect your organization with Strata Identity and Microsoft Entra ID.

The post How Strata Identity and Microsoft Entra ID solve identity challenges in mergers and acquisitions appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

This blog post is part of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association guest blog seriesLearn more about MISA. 

Along with every merger and acquisition between two companies comes the need to combine and strengthen their IT infrastructure. In particular, there is an immediate and profound impact on the identity and access management (IAM) postures of both companies. With a newly combined workforce, where does all the user information live? Where are the authentications going to be handled? What changes are going to be made for authorization to applications; will users have access to the apps of the other organization? All these problems must be solved quickly in order to provide continuous day-to-day operations in a secure way.

While most combined organizations aspire to eventually consolidate their identity systems, this is a challenging and time-consuming process. The untangling (and re-entangling) of dozens or hundreds of enterprise applications and their identity stacks takes time and deliberation. Meanwhile, there may be immense pressure from users and app owners for secure access to the appropriate apps, along with pressure from regulators and investors to unlock and demonstrate value from the combined organization. Not to mention the pressure from investors and the board to deliver immediate value after the transaction’s close.

As one of the most comprehensive and advanced IAM platforms available today, Microsoft Entra ID is often the choice to be the dominant set of identity services in the combined architecture. Microsoft strives to make the merger and acquisition process as easy as possible and works with Strata Identity for a seamless integration. Strata’s Maverics Identity Orchestration platform does this by acting as abstraction layer to accelerate and simplify the path to consolidation.

The identity challenges with mergers and acquisitions

Addressing IAM issues is one of the most pressing issues in a merger and acquisition scenario. Typically, other operational issues such as application workloads can continue to operate in their status quo indefinitely until such time as it makes sense to address them. The cybersecurity implications of user access, however, are immediate and need to be addressed quickly, whether this be through some sort of identity consolidation, or through a higher-level abstraction encompassing the existing systems.

One factor that makes a migration complex is the tendency for applications to be tightly coupled with their current identity provider (IdP). When creating an application, developers and app owners may end up writing code that is very specific to their current IdP. Switching that IdP is seldom trivial, especially for long-lived applications that may have been written against a now-legacy protocol, or may have “rolled their own” authentication and authorization. Very often this calls for a complete rewrite of the application; an onerous task that is particularly daunting years or decades after its inception, when the original app team may be long gone.

This makes the common natural approach of wholesale migration somewhat untenable, especially with the time constraints imposed by governance and regulation. Even disregarding those factors, the sheer expense of refactoring and rewriting a sizable portion of your application library—anything older than about five years is probably using an outdated security profile—is prohibitively expensive.

The end goal in a merger and acquisition scenario is to quickly (and cost effectively) transition to a unified and tractable IAM posture, despite having a mix of user pools, protocols, and applications tightly coupled. Such transitions often need to happen in weeks or months, whereas a wholesale rewrite-and-migration might take years.

A woman sitting in an office working at a computer near the window.

Microsoft Entra ID

Safeguard your organization with a cloud identity and access management solution that connects employees, customers, and partners to their apps, devices, and data.

Addressing your merger and acquisition challenges with Microsoft Entra ID and Strata Identity

Strata Identity takes a different approach to the challenges of managing disparate identity systems during a merger or acquisition. Instead of focusing on a migration of identities, Strata’s Maverics Identity Orchestration Platform provides an abstraction layer on top of your apps, IdPs, and services to enable you to create your own identity fabric.

An icon-based diagram of an abstraction layer created by the Maverics Identity Orchestration platform during merger and acquisition activities. It shows multiple Strata orchestrators enabling a single user to access disparate identity environments and applications.

The Maverics Platform is composed of individual Orchestrators distributed throughout the target environment. These lightweight Orchestrators can live anywhere within the infrastructure on any operating system within Kubernetes clusters or just on standalone virtual machines. They act as a distributed mesh of control, able to pull identity information from any system—whether that be through directing for authentication or just pulling additional user information for an existing session—and convert identity information into the formats needed and expected by applications.

Importantly, this approach means that existing applications do not need to be refactored or rewritten as part of the identity consolidation process. Any application that cannot be trivially swapped over to a new source of identity information—and, importantly, that isn’t up-to-date on the very latest security practices—is simply harnessed by Maverics. It continues to consume identity information in the way that it has always known and Maverics handles the rest. Sessions that are allowed to flow through to the application have had the Microsoft Entra identity controls applied for both authentication and authorization before the traffic is permitted to reach the application in the first place. Even app owners have their burdens reduced significantly, being needed only for some basic smoke testing during a changeover.

This also allows for a deliberate and calculated roll out of changes to your infrastructure. No more stressful projects with hard cutover dates, with those long all-or-nothing weekend cutovers and the associated frantic testing of every application to make sure everything transitioned smoothly. Using the Maverics platform from Strata allows for measured incremental changes. Cutover a single application, at a time—or even a subset of an application’s users—and test with leisure.

Better yet, if any issues are found the rollback is trivial. Since Maverics is acting as an abstraction layer over the identity process, the swapping between user stores or IdPs is handled in one simple interface. The user is unlikely to notice any impact at all as changes are made—either to migrate to the new identity source or to roll back to the old configuration.

Another benefit of this approach is that user impacting changes can be rolled out with deliberation, giving users a chance to acclimate to any new process. Let’s say, for instance, that as part of your migration you need to add multifactor authentication to a body of users that didn’t use it previously. The identity abstraction layer allows you to notify your users of impending changes, and can even assist in the enrollment of the new security factors.

This abstraction layer lets Maverics serve as the single pane of glass through which you can view the combined identity systems, securely controlling all access while, at the same time, making the incremental updates and changes to move the locus of control from these disparate systems into Microsoft Entra ID.

Strata Identity: The last mile in mergers and acquisitions with Microsoft Entra ID

With Strata’s Maverics Orchestration Platform, mergers and acquisitions don’t have to be a long, risky, and labor-intensive effort. By adding an abstraction layer over the existing identity stacks, Strata makes shifting control of authentication and authorization over to Microsoft Entra ID seamless and simple, regardless of how complex and disjointed the previous implementation might have been. Strata also prevents the nightmare of having to rewrite all your apps, using its ability to harness legacy apps with modern identity protocols to save your team immense time and effort.

About Strata Identity

Strata Identity is a pioneer in Identity Orchestration for multicloud and hybrid cloud. The orchestration recipe-powered Maverics platform enables organizations to integrate and control incompatible identity systems with an identity fabric that does not change the user experience or require rewriting apps. By decoupling applications from identity, Maverics makes it possible to implement modern authentication, like passwordless, and enforce consistent access policies without refactoring apps.

The Maverics platform is available on the Azure Marketplace and is an IP co-sell Benefits Eligible solution.

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Learn more about Microsoft Entra ID.

To learn more about the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA), visit our website where you can learn about the MISA program, product integrations, and find MISA members. Visit the video playlist to learn about the strength of member integrations with Microsoft products.   

To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and Twitter (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

The post How Strata Identity and Microsoft Entra ID solve identity challenges in mergers and acquisitions appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Starting your journey to become quantum-safe Wed, 01 Nov 2023 16:00:00 +0000 Thanks to our extensive experience in quantum engineering and expertise as a service and security provider, we can serve as a trusted partner to navigate this process across industry and government. 

The post Starting your journey to become quantum-safe appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

There’s no doubt we are living through a time of rapid technological change. Advances in ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence transform nearly every aspect of work and life. As the world moves forward with new advancements and distributed technologies, so too does the need to understand the potential security risks. At Microsoft, our mission has always been focused on keeping our customers’ and partners’ information and data safe and secure, and this is why we’re committed to advancing encryption solutions, in order to enable responsible use of new technologies such as AI and quantum computing. As one important example, while scaled quantum computing will help solve some of our toughest problems, like helping us discover new ways of addressing climate change and food scarcity, its development may also create a new set of security challenges and in turn require new encryption standards. As this future quickly approaches, how can we ensure that we reap the benefits of quantum computing while remaining safe in a post-quantum world?

a person standing in front of a computer

Start your journey with Microsoft towards quantum-safety.

We believe the first step every organization should take toward quantum safety is to be aware of the need to organize, plan, and begin an impact assessment. We recommend prioritizing symmetric encryption where applicable and subsequently adopting post-quantum cryptography (PQC) for asymmetric encryption once standardized and approved by relevant setting bodies and governments, as recommended by cybersecurity agencies globally. Furthermore, we are exploring and experimenting with additional classical and quantum security solution layers through internal experiments, POCs, and collaborations with partners. 

Given that preparing for such an objective will be a multi-year and iterative process that requires strategic foresight, it’s crucial for organizations to start investing time in their planning and execution efforts today. Thanks to our extensive experience in quantum engineering and expertise as a service and security provider, we can serve as a trusted partner to navigate this process across industry and government. 

Tomorrow’s quantum computers threaten today’s data 

In our previous blog post, we discussed the limitations of current quantum computers in terms of breaking today’s encryption technology. In parallel, the emergence of scaled quantum computers with specific algorithms—such as Shor’s algorithm—could put public key encryption at risk and compromise sensitive information. 

While it may take at least 1 million qubits for a quantum computer to break certain encryption algorithms using Shor’s algorithm, today’s long-term and sensitive data could already be at risk: bad actors could carry out a “Harvest Now, Decrypt Later” scenario by recording data today and decrypting it later when cryptographically relevant quantum computers become available. Therefore, knowing which data to secure now is a first step on the path to a quantum-safe future.  

Microsoft’s commitment to keeping our customers and partners secure 

Putting our recommendations into practice, we have taken a comprehensive approach to quantum safety. Because quantum will have a material impact on today’s classical encryption of both hardware and software, we’ve invested time and efforts to set cross-company goals and establish accountability at the most senior levels of our organization. This led to the establishment of the Microsoft Quantum Safe Program, which aims to accelerate and advance all quantum-safe efforts across Microsoft from both technical and business perspectives. The program focuses on Microsoft’s transition to quantum safety and the adoption of PQC algorithms across our products, services, and datacenters. Additionally, it aims to assist and empower our customers and partners on their own journey to quantum safety across their processes, priorities, and requirements.  

As the first step and highest priority, we are ensuring the compliance of our existing symmetric key encryption and hash function algorithms. Symmetric algorithms, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and hash functions, such as Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), are resilient to quantum attacks, and can therefore still be used in deployed systems. At Microsoft, we are already using protocols based on symmetric encryption, such as Media Access Control Security (MACsec) point-to-point protocol

On top of symmetric encryption, we will prioritize PQC algorithms—still in the process of being standardized by global bodies such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), International Standards Organization (ISO), and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)—to handle future threats where asymmetric encryption is currently used. Today, much of the internet’s data, from e-commerce to Wi-Fi access, is kept secure by public key, or asymmetric key cryptography. Currently used public key algorithms rely on complex mathematical problems considered infeasible for classical computers to break, but that are a perfect task for quantum computers running Shor’s algorithm. This undermines the effectiveness of public key algorithms like RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), and means that PQC algorithms will need to be deployed quickly once standardized, starting with hybrid encryption schemes in tandem with classical algorithms to accelerate adoption. 

Empowering and collaborating with the global community 

We see the effort to achieve quantum safety as a collaborative effort, and this is why we invest heavily in our ecosystems, global partnerships, and close collaborations with standards-setting bodies, academia, and industry partners alike to foster continuous innovation in the quantum security landscape. The standardization of PQC algorithms, driven by NIST’s efforts, is a key step to achieving PQC compliance.

Because we believe that PQC adoption is the ideal path to follow, we’re collaborating with standard-setting bodies while conducting experiments and assessments to facilitate the adoption of these algorithms across our services and products as needed.  As an example, we are participating in the NIST/NCCoE Migration to PQC to demonstrate vulnerable cryptography detection and drive PQC experiments and integration capabilities. Those efforts, along with our participation in the Open Quantum Safe project, will allow the members to implement and test PQC candidates together, so we can be ready for adoption once the final specs are out.  

Furthermore, as part of our investment to empower and collaborate with the global security community, we co-authored FrodoKEM, a quantum-safe key encapsulation mechanism that has been selected, together with Kyber and Classic McEliece, to be part of the first international ISO standard for PQC (in addition, we are participating as co-editors of the standard). We also recently submitted SQISign, a new quantum-safe signature scheme that we co-authored with several industry and academia partners, to NIST’s call for additional signature schemes. Lastly, we continue to actively participate as founding members of the new post-quantum cryptography coalition by MITRE and will help to drive progress toward a broader understanding of the public adoption of PQC and NIST’s recommendations. 

While we continue to conduct research to further develop state-of-the-art security solutions, we are also exploring the potential of other classical and quantum technologies, such as Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). Holistically, at the core of our mission is a commitment to achieving quantum-safety and ensuring the security of our customers.

Getting started with your PQC transition today  

To support our customers in preparing for and navigating their quantum-safe journey, we offer assistance and guidance: we invite you to start your path with us by filling out this questionnaire. Based on your responses, we can understand your status and priorities, and provide the necessary support, including access to experts.  

As a first step, we recommend starting with a comprehensive planning process and a definition of your organization’s criteria for what constitutes your critical areas and sensitive information, alongside a cryptography inventory and impact assessment of your essential data, code, cryptographic technologies, and the critical services of your organization. This will help you to identify any asymmetric encryption in use that will need to be replaced with the latest PQC standardized algorithms. This process is especially important to identify critical areas and systems that involve or protect sensitive data with a value that extends beyond 10 years and should be prioritized in migrating to PQC. 

By considering which data and code need to be secured now, and which may become less relevant over time, as well as uncovering specific instances where cryptography could be used inappropriately or not ideally, your organization will have a better understanding of where to best mitigate potential risks as a quantum future approaches. This will enable you to confidently make the switch to the latest PQC standardized algorithms and safeguard your sensitive data for years to come. 

Explore CodeQL  

To help, we are contributing to CodeQL: a next-generation program code analysis tool provided by GitHub in collaboration with organizations including NIST and NCCoE. With CodeQL, we are building out a comprehensive set of detections that can empower users to create a complete inventory of all encryption usage within the application layer, helping to produce a cryptographic bill of materials and identify legacy cryptography that requires remediation. This tool can thus help create a cryptography inventory and impact assessment that will drive operational planning and create understanding and clarity around the timeline, resources, and level of risk for which to account.

Try now the Crypto Experience for Resource Estimator  

Furthermore, we recently launched the Crypto Experience for Azure Quantum Resource Estimator. Drawing on published research from Microsoft, this new interactive cryptography experience will show you why a symmetric key could remain safe from quantum attacks, but the current public key is vulnerable. And because it is integrated with Copilot in Azure Quantum, you can use the universal user interface of natural language to ask, learn, and explore more topics within the intersection of quantum computing and cryptography.  

The opportunity to usher in a quantum, and quantum-safe, future is immense. We see how the collective genius of scientists and businesses will revolutionize the building blocks of everyday products to usher in a new era of innovation and growth in many fields. That’s what motivates us at Microsoft to drive new breakthroughs and empower every person and every organization on the planet. Our commitment to our customers, partners, and ecosystem to become quantum-safe and remain secure has never been stronger. We are accountable for having our products and services quantum-resistant and safe and will support and guide our customers through this journey to quantum safety. 

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To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and X (formerly known as “Twitter”) (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

The post Starting your journey to become quantum-safe appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Cyber Signals: Sporting events and venues draw cyberthreats at increasing rates Thu, 03 Aug 2023 10:00:00 +0000 Today we released the fifth edition of Cyber Signals spotlighting threats to large sporting events, based on our learnings and telemetry from delivering cybersecurity support to critical infrastructure facilities during the State of Qatar’s hosting of the FIFA World Cup 2022™.

The post Cyber Signals: Sporting events and venues draw cyberthreats at increasing rates appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Today we released the fifth edition of Cyber Signals, spotlighting threats to large venues, and sporting and entertainment events, based on our learnings and telemetry from delivering cybersecurity support to critical infrastructure facilities during the State of Qatar’s hosting of the FIFA World Cup 2022™.

Cybersecurity threats to large events and venues are diverse and complex. They require constant vigilance and collaboration among stakeholders to prevent and mitigate escalation. With the global sports market valued at more than USD600 billion, sports teams, major league and global sporting associations, and attendees house a trove of valuable information desirable to cyber criminals.1

Unfortunately, this information is made increasingly vulnerable by the growing number of connected venues, and with the number of devices and interconnected networks in these environments, sports teams as well as major league and global sporting associations and attendees house a trove of valuable information desirable to cybercriminals.

Venue IT systems and arenas contain hundreds of known and unknown vulnerabilities that allow threat actors to target critical business services such as point of sale, IT infrastructures, and visitor devices. Teams, coaches, and athletes themselves are also vulnerable to data loss on athletic performance, competitive advantage, and personal information. Attendee personal identifiable information can also be targeted through vulnerable event digital amenities, like companion mobile apps, wireless hotspots, and QR codes with malicious URLs.

Cyber Signals

The fifth edition of Cyber Signals looks at threats to large venues, and sporting and entertainment events.

Architectural textures and patterns.

Microsoft Defender Experts for Hunting developed comprehensive cybersecurity defenses for Qatari facilities and organizations supporting the soccer tournament. Defender Experts for Hunting conducted an initial risk assessment, factoring in threat actor profiles, adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures, and other global intelligence from our telemetry. We ultimately analyzed more than 634.4 million events while providing cybersecurity defenses for Qatari facilities and organizations throughout November and December of 2022.    

With sporting and entertainment events at large, there is a level of cyber risk and vulnerability that does not exist in other environments. Because some of these events come together quickly, often with new partners and vendors acquiring access to enterprise networks that are perceived as temporary, they are often not designed for evaluation and ongoing refinement of the security posture.

In addition to the pre-planning required to support this unique security apparatus, venues consider the privacy risk associated with temporary, ad-hoc, and permanent cyber infrastructure. That means understanding and acknowledging if configurations needed to support the event potentially add additional risk or vulnerability.

To safeguard against cybersecurity threats, sports, associations, teams, and venues must adopt robust protective measures. First and foremost, they should prioritize the implementation of a comprehensive and multilayered security framework. This includes deploying firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and strong encryption protocols to fortify the network against unauthorized access and data breaches. Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments should be conducted to identify and address any weaknesses within the network infrastructure.

Furthermore, user awareness and training programs are crucial to educating employees and stakeholders about cybersecurity best practices, such as recognizing phishing emails, using multifactor authentication or passwordless protection, and avoiding suspicious links or downloads. Additionally, it is essential to partner with reputable cybersecurity firms to continuously monitor network traffic, detect potential threats in real time, and respond swiftly to any security incidents. By adopting these proactive measures, sports associations, teams, and venues can significantly enhance their resilience against cyberattacks and protect both their own infrastructure and the sensitive information of their patrons.

Learn more in this fifth edition of Cyber Signals.

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Learn more about Microsoft Defender Experts for Hunting.

To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and Twitter (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

1Global Sports Market Forecast to 2032: Sector is Expected to Reach $623.63 Billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 5%, Globe Newswire. May 3, 2023.

The post Cyber Signals: Sporting events and venues draw cyberthreats at increasing rates appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Meet unprecedented security challenges by leveraging MXDR services Mon, 10 Jul 2023 16:00:00 +0000 Microsoft is excited to announce the general availability of Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR, a first-party MXDR offering that gives security teams air cover with end-to-end protection and expertise.

The post Meet unprecedented security challenges by leveraging MXDR services appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

We know customers of every size face ever-increasing security risks. In just the last 12 months the speed of attackers leveraging breaches is also increasing, as it only takes 72 minutes on average for an attacker to access private data from the time a user falls victim to a phishing email.1 Data breaches from insider threats have also risen 44 percent this last year.2 Organizations need to be prepared to not only monitor their entire environment but have the experts in place to quickly analyze and respond.

Endpoint-focused detection and response are insufficient to protect against evolving threats

Historically, many customers begin their security journey focusing on endpoint security products. But in today’s connected and dynamic world, organizations risk serious data breaches if they are not looking end-to-end. Specific pain points our customers often encounter include:

  • Inability to resource cybersecurity experts: Teams may lack the skill sets needed to thoroughly investigate incidents and do not have the capacity for round-the-clock coverage. And even if organizations have the budget to hire internally, a resource gap in the industry can make it very difficult to hire the right talent in a timely fashion.
  • Triaging vast amounts of security alerts and data: Many companies are dealing with alert fatigue, and they need to focus on the things that matter. They need help beyond just cleaning up minor incidents or false positive alerts. They need help enhancing their security posture to reduce the volume of alerts and incidents they see over time.
  • Ability to look end-to-end: Many organizations have made the jump to endpoint detection and response (EDR), but they’re not getting visibility into their environment beyond the endpoint. The advantage of Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) over endpoint-focused managed detection and response (MDR) solutions is the ability to go beyond the endpoint to visualize and correlate threat data across domains and have that human-led expertise delivered quickly to help organizations accelerate or augment their security operations center capabilities.

Managed Extended Detection and Response changes how security work gets done

Microsoft believes it’s critical that customers not only have their environments well protected using Zero Trust principles leveraging advanced security technologies but also have the expertise available to them to fully triage events and respond to incidents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Cybersecurity is a team sport. Too often, organizations play it outnumbered and outsmarted by the attacker. When your security team is challenged by a sophisticated adversary, an MXDR service provider can bring the power of best-in-class technologies and security know-how to tip the scales in your favor.

For most companies, cybersecurity is not their core business, and having the specialized resources to address these concerns can be a challenge. According to Gartner®, “by 2025, 60 percent of organizations will be actively using remote threat disruption and containment capabilities delivered directly by MDR providers, up from 30 percent today.”3

How an MXDR service can work for you

A Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR) service is an extension of your team, empowering you to have specialist resources available around the clock. Monitoring your environment and triaging incidents that need immediate attention in a timely manner is critical to maintaining a healthy security posture. In the event your organization is affected by a critical incident, you will want to ensure you have the resources to investigate the incident, correlate the threat data to determine the root cause, and implement step-by-step response actions to contain and remediate the threat.

Microsoft-verified MXDR partner services

Most customers rely on a trusted security provider in some capacity to help them on their security journey. To assist customers as they consider MXDR services to further protect their organization, Microsoft has provided our Microsoft Cloud Partner Program members a way to receive Microsoft-verified MXDR partner status. This status means Microsoft engineers have reviewed and audited a partner’s MXDR solution to meet the highest industry standards of round-the-clock security including proactive threat hunting, investigation, response, and prevention services. This verification can help you identify potential service partners who can help you secure your users and multicloud infrastructure.

Microsoft partners provide a full line of services and the ability to uniquely customize their offering to your needs. Service providers commonly protect across the breadth of your estate including Microsoft and other third-party security tools. Microsoft’s partners also routinely provide customized service level agreements, data regulatory and industry specialization, and other specialized services aligned with the specific needs you may have, ranging from remotely managed supplementary services to your in-house team through full outsourcing services as required.

Over the previous 12 months, more than 40 partners in the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program with Security designations have now received this engineering verification. If you are considering adding MXDR services, Microsoft recommends reviewing one of Microsoft’s verified MXDR service partners.

Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR

Microsoft is committed to ensuring customers have all the help they need. In addition to customizable partner offerings that work for the full range of global customer needs, for customers that require XDR products and managed services from a single platform provider, Microsoft is excited to announce the general availability of Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR, a first-party MXDR offering that gives security teams air cover with leading end-to-end protection and expertise. Powered by Microsoft’s best-in-class XDR suite, Defender Experts for XDR helps security teams triage, investigate, and respond to incidents related to email, cloud applications, endpoint, and identity to stop attackers in their tracks and prevent future compromise.

Capabilities include:

  • Managed detection and response—Let our expert analysts manage your Microsoft 365 Defender incident queue and guide your response to incidents or handle triage, investigation, and response on your behalf.
  • Proactive threat hunting—Extend your team’s threat-hunting capabilities and prioritize significant threats with Microsoft Defender Experts for Hunting built in.
  • Live dashboards and reports—Get a transparent view of our operations conducted on your behalf, along with a noise-free, actionable view of what matters for your organization, coupled with detailed analytics.
  • Proactive check-ins—Benefit from remote, periodic check-ins with your named service delivery manager to guide your MXDR experience and improve your security posture.
  • Fast and seamless onboarding—Get a guided baselining experience to ensure your Microsoft security products are correctly configured.

Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR

Meet the new first-party MXDR services from Microsoft with end-to-end protection and expertise.

Microsoft Cyber Defense Operations Center.

Learn more

To learn more about this service, visit the Defender Experts for XDR product page  and visit the Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR documentation page.  

To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and Twitter (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

1Anatomy of a modern attack surface: Six areas for organizations to manage, Microsoft. May 5, 2023.

22022 Cost of Insider Threats: Global Report, The Ponemon Institute. 2022.

3Gartner®, Market Guide for Managed Detection and Response Services, Pete Shoard, Al Price, Mitchell Schneider, Craig Lawson, Andrew Davies. February 14, 2023.

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

The post Meet unprecedented security challenges by leveraging MXDR services appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

XDR meets IAM: Comprehensive identity threat detection and response with Microsoft Wed, 31 May 2023 16:00:00 +0000 Identity-based attacks are on the rise, making identity protection more important than ever. Explore our blog post to learn how Microsoft’s Identity Threat Detection and Response can help.

The post XDR meets IAM: Comprehensive identity threat detection and response with Microsoft appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.

Identity has become the corporate security perimeter. The average organization used 130 different cloud applications in 2022. That’s up 18 percent from 2021 alone.1 And as organizations continue to embrace digital transformation and enable remote work, they look to identity and access management solutions to ensure that the right people have access to the files, data, and apps they need to do their job without putting those same resources at risk.

As you might imagine, the more identities become integral to how we work, the more they become a target. With just a single compromised account, attackers can quickly bypass existing security protocols and move laterally to increasingly sensitive accounts or resources. Privilege misuse and credential compromise have been two of the most common and damaging attack vectors organizations face, but identity threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Cybercriminals have evolved from brute force and password spray tactics to targeting the underlying identity infrastructure in an effort to slip through even the smallest gaps in protection.

Beyond the complexity of these attacks is their sheer volume. It’s estimated that more than 80 percent of breaches can be attributed to identity-based attacks, and as more and more cybercrime groups join nation-state actors in executing these types of attacks, that number is only going to grow.2 To counter these ever-growing identity threats, a new security category has emerged: identity threat detection and response (ITDR).

What is ITDR?

At Microsoft, we see ITDR as an integrated partnership between two historically separate, but critically important, disciplines: identity and access management (IAM) and extended detection and response (XDR).

IAM is a foundational element of any organization’s security strategy, providing a baseline for identity security and helping IT departments control what company resources users can and cannot access. By using IAM best practices such as strong authentication, Conditional Access, and identity governance, organizations can reduce their overall attack surface area while also providing the information and context needed to detect breaches.

XDR solutions are designed to deliver a holistic, simplified, and efficient approach to protect organizations against advanced attacks. These solutions correlate identity signals with telemetry from other domains like endpoints, cloud applications, and collaboration tools, giving security operations center (SOC) teams a more complete view of the cyberattack kill chain. With this enhanced visibility, they can more effectively investigate threats and provide automated remediation across multiple domains using vast sets of intelligence and built-in AI.

IAM and XDR each provide immense benefits to organizations, but when working together in concert, they provide a robust and comprehensive ITDR solution.

Diagram showing how the convergence of identity and access management and extended detection and response create identity threat detection and response.

Whether you are just starting on your ITDR journey or are already well on your way, Microsoft can help. In this blog post, we’ll talk through the critical areas of ITDR and bring insights from our leadership in both identity and security.

Microsoft Identity Threat Detection and Response

See how identity and access management and extended detection and response work together to improve your security strategy.

Person scanning badge to obtain physical access to building.

Prevent identity attacks before they happen with secure adaptive access

The best-case scenario in any attack is that the bad actors are stopped before they can breach your security. When working with customers, we recommend they implement granular Conditional Access policies as a powerful first step in thwarting cybercriminals and keeping their organization safe.

Multifactor authentication, for instance, has been shown to reduce the risk of compromise from identity attacks by 99.9 percent. This is one of the most important steps and organization can take. Attackers are constantly evolving their tactics, looking for the smallest crack they can exploit, whether that be a human or workload identity they can compromise or misconfigured policies and identity infrastructure that let them gain even more control. That’s why we recommend you also use Conditional Access policies to protect non-human identities, whether applications, services, or containers. It’s critical to create more secure access policies and manage the lifecycles of different workload identities to prevent an attack.  

IT and identity practitioners need to analyze relevant risk signals from across their unique landscape and enforce universal Conditional Access policies in real time. The deep integration of our IAM and XDR platforms helps organizations do just that. Leveraging insights from the more than 65 trillion signals daily across Microsoft’s ecosystem, our identity protection capabilities detect things like atypical travel, unfamiliar sign-in properties, and leaked credentials. These capabilities then assign each sign-in attempt a risk score, which in turn can trigger pre-defined remediation efforts or block access entirely until an administrator can review. 

Detect advanced attacks with threat-level intelligence.

A robust identity posture is the first step toward identity security, helping to thwart the majority of attacks. Effective breach detection and response completes the story. Ever-evolving attack strategies and the impact of human error from multifactor authentication fatigue or social engineering attacks mean we must always “assume breach.” A recent survey found that 76 percent of businesses expect a successful attack to be executed within the next 12 months, highlighting why it is imperative to detect a breach quickly and accurately.3 To do this, you need powerful detections both at the identity level and across the entire cyber kill chain.

Our customers benefit from robust identity detections out of the box, each prioritized by potential impact and augmented with additional signals and insights into the latest attack strategies. By ingesting signals from on-premises Active Directory, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, and other third-party identity providers as well as the underlying identity infrastructure, like Active Directory Federation Services and Active Directory Certificate Services, SOC teams gain a comprehensive view of their identity landscape, user activities, and risk.

We help you harness the power of our best-of-breed identity detections by integrating our identity security capabilities directly into our XDR platform so SOC teams can see identity alerts and data within the context of broader security incidents. By correlating identity data with signals from across other security domains, not only is each individual alert increasingly more accurate but analysts also gain unprecedented insight into the entirety of an attack and its progression. 

Learn more about how to empower your SOC team to spot even the most advanced identity attacks.

Respond and remediate attacks faster with automatic attack disruption

Detecting a breach and remediating an attack are two very different things. The final piece of a successful ITDR strategy is the ability to stop in-progress attacks and limit lateral movement. At Microsoft, we have infused AI and machine learning into our security capabilities to help empower the SOC with intelligent automation that can disrupt attacks at machine speed.  

Analysts can confidently automate workflows and remediation tactics thanks to the high level of accuracy our correlated incidents provide. This effectively shifts the response time from hours or days to minutes or seconds. When a breach occurs, every second matters, and costs can soar to 80 percent higher when security AI and automation aren’t fully deployed.4

Human efficiency is also critical, so we have designed our portals with the needs of each unique persona in mind while enabling a seamless flow of information and workflow processes. By prioritizing everything from alerts to configurations and posture management, users can focus better on what is most important to them.

Find out how to stop advanced attacks at machine speed.  

Get started today

As the sophistication and prevalence of identity-based attacks continue to grow, identity protection and ITDR are becoming increasingly critical to modern cybersecurity. Partner with a proven leader in both identity and security to streamline your identity protection and deploy a successful ITDR strategy.

Learn more about Microsoft’s Identity Threat Detection and Response solution.

To learn more about Microsoft Security solutions, visit our website. Bookmark the Security blog to keep up with our expert coverage on security matters. Also, follow us on LinkedIn (Microsoft Security) and Twitter (@MSFTSecurity) for the latest news and updates on cybersecurity.

12023 State of SaaSOps study, BetterCloud. 2023.

2Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, Verizon. 2022.

3Cyber Risk Index (CRI), Trend Micro. 2023.

4Cost of a Data Breach Report, Ponemon Institute. 2021.

The post XDR meets IAM: Comprehensive identity threat detection and response with Microsoft appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog.
