/* Minification failed. Returning unminified contents. (16,5): run-time error CSS1062: Expected semicolon or closing curly-brace, found '-' (17,5): run-time error CSS1062: Expected semicolon or closing curly-brace, found '-' (18,5): run-time error CSS1062: Expected semicolon or closing curly-brace, found '-' (21,26): run-time error CSS1039: Token not allowed after unary operator: '-imgTargetWidth' (30,32): run-time error CSS1039: Token not allowed after unary operator: '-imgContentAspectRatio' (31,30): run-time error CSS1039: Token not allowed after unary operator: '-imgWidthRatio' (37,35): run-time error CSS1039: Token not allowed after unary operator: '-imgContentAspectRatio' (42,26): run-time error CSS1039: Token not allowed after unary operator: '-imgWidthRatio' (46,26): run-time error CSS1039: Token not allowed after unary operator: '-imgWidthRatio' (53,28): run-time error CSS1039: Token not allowed after unary operator: '-imgContentAspectRatio' (60,31): run-time error CSS1039: Token not allowed after unary operator: '-imgContentAspectRatio' */ /*.animation-true .rounded-corners .c-button.f-primary::after, .rounded-corners .c-button.f-primary span::after { top: calc(var(--y, 0) * 1px - 50px); left: calc(var(--x, 0) * 1px - 50px); }*/ section .ccs-logo-windows11-content { /* * Image specific values coming from html. Values are: * imgBackgroundWidth: full image pixel width * imgBackgroundHeight: full image pixel height * imgContentWidth: width of the portion of the image that we want to keep in view (put ccs-logo-windows11-hotspots on) * imgContentHeight: height of the portion of the image that we want to keep in view (put ccs-logo-windows11-hotspots on) * imgTargetWidth: the sized width from the comps, i.e. max width for the content section to be displayed at * Note that this assumes the content area is in the middle of the background image */ --imgWidthRatio: calc(var(--imgBackgroundWidth) / var(--imgContentWidth)); --imgHeightRatio: calc(var(--imgBackgroundHeight) / var(--imgContentHeight)); --imgContentAspectRatio: calc(var(--imgContentHeight) / var(--imgContentWidth)); -webkit-box-flex: 1; -ms-flex-positive: 1; max-width: calc(var(--imgTargetWidth) * 1px); } @media screen and (max-width: 1083px) { section .ccs-logo-windows11-content img { -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); padding-top: calc(var(--imgContentAspectRatio)*100%); max-width: calc(var(--imgWidthRatio)*100%); /*max-height: calc(var(--imgHeightRatio)*100%);*/ -o-object-fit: fill; } section .ccs-logo-windows11-content .ccs-logo-windows11-hotspots { padding-bottom: calc(var(--imgContentAspectRatio)*100%); } } .ccs-logo-windows11-mobile section .ccs-logo-windows11-content img { max-width: calc(var(--imgWidthRatio)*96%); } .ccs-logo-windows11-mobile section .ccs-logo-windows11-content img { max-width: calc(var(--imgWidthRatio)*96%); } section .ccs-logo-windows11-content img { -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); padding-top: calc(var(--imgContentAspectRatio)*100%); /* max-width: calc(var(--imgWidthRatio)*100%);*/ /*max-height: calc(var(--imgHeightRatio)*100%);*/ -o-object-fit: fill; } section .ccs-logo-windows11-content .ccs-logo-windows11-hotspots { padding-bottom: calc(var(--imgContentAspectRatio)*100%); }