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Welcome to "Sort Cards Puzzle," an exciting and addictive card sorting game that will test your observation skills and strategic thinking. Dive into a vibrant world where your mission is to sort and organize cards into their respective colored stacks. Each level presents a new challenge, requiring quick reflexes and keen attention to detail to efficiently manage the cards and progress further. The game features a user-friendly interface with intuitive controls. Players can start the game by pressing the "DEAL" button, which initiates the card distribution. From there, it's a race against the clock to sort the cards into their correct stacks. In addition to the core gameplay, "Sort Cards Puzzle" offers a variety of settings and store options to enhance the player's experience. Are you ready to take on the challenge and become a master of card sorting? Download "Sort Cards Puzzle" now and start your journey!
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Published by
Jason BoydDeveloped by
Jason BoydRelease date
Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices.Language supported
English (United States)Additional terms
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