1,49 €
1,49 €


Casino Craps is a craps game based on commonly available tables and rules found in Las Vegas. Includes commonly available bets (Pass, Don't Pass, Come, Don't Come, Horn Bets, Hard-ways, Field, Place Bets, Buy Bets, Lay Bets, C and E, Craps, Any Seven and all Odds bets.). Also has a stick-man voice. Note: This game REQUIRES a Windows Media Player codec to view the Die Roll animation. Be sure your Windows Media Player is up to date or Download and install VLC Player. Alternatively you may disable the Die Roll animation in the settings menu. ======================================================================= To Play: -Left Click (or tap) the large chips to add to your next bet. -Right Click (or hold-tap) to subtract from your next bet.* -Click or Tap on the bet you want to make and then tap "Roll Dice". -To erase a bet, Click or tap on the "Erase Bet" button and Click or tap the bet to erase. -Certain bets can be called On or Off (Working or Not Working) by tapping the "Call Bets On\Off" button. -Bets are always working unless called off! If you run out of money simply tap or click anywhere on the layout to bring up the ATM to get another $1,000 *If you can't "Right Click" for some reason, use the + and - buttons next to the chips to add or subtract your next bet. ========================================================================

Capturas de pantalla

Novedades de esta versión

Update: - Added Settings menu. - Added ability to disable Dice Roll animation. - Added ability to disable Stick Man voice. Update: -WORK AROUND FOR THE ARM\RT DICE ROLL PROBLEM IMPLEMENTED. The game should no longer lock up if the die roll animation fails to play. Should work on the ARM devices as well. Please notify us by the support link if the issue persists. Permanent fix for the non playing animation is being developed and will be released soon. However, the few people experiencing the issue will now be able to play the game. The issue should only affect some ARM processor machines.


  • 10x Odds for Pass\Don't Pass and Come\Don't Come!
  • Learn to play Craps at home and win at the casino!

Información adicional

Publicado por

Perceptive Reality Studios


Copyright © 2015, Perceptive Reality Studios

Desarrollado por

Perceptive Reality Studios

Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

12,87 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado a partir de 12 años



Esta aplicación puede



Obtén esta aplicación cuando hayas iniciado sesión en tu cuenta Microsoft e instálala en hasta diez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Términos adicionales

Términos de la transacción
Términos de la licencia de Casino Craps
This program may not be copied, reverse engineered, disassembled or redistributed without written permission from Perceptive Reality Studios.

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