

Suppose! you are a pilot and flying airplane. Your job is to control its flight and keep in the real direction of journey. Because your aeroplane is over a sea. There is an sandy island in between the ocean. You have to keep on imaginary path that is assigned to you in space. For your ease the path is marked with air rings. Pass the plane through air rings to complete your job honestly. Save your airplane to be crashed. You have limited fuel that will be finished in calculated time. You have to reach the destination before the fuel finished. Fly the plane carefully for your successful travel. You have been already played many flight or simulation games but it’s a challenge to check your expertise. How to play: - Take care of altitude to avoid plane be crashed. - Keep an eye on timer. - You can change your camera view by camera icon. Play Via Touch Device: - Tilt your device left, right, up and down for controlling airplane. - Control speed by throttle on right bottom of screen. - Pass through air rings and don’t miss any ring. Play Via PC: - Use the arrows keys to control the Airplane - Use the Left Shift and Left Control key for Throttle control - Press C key to change the Camera view

Capturas de pantalla

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  • Different camera view
  • Speed throttle
  • Real 3D environment
  • Good UI

Información adicional

Publicado por




Desarrollado por


Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

23,12 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado a partir de 3 años



Esta aplicación puede

Tiene acceso a la conexión de Internet


Obtén esta aplicación cuando hayas iniciado sesión en tu cuenta Microsoft e instálala en hasta diez dispositivos Windows 10.


El desarrollador considera que el producto cumple los requisitos de accesibilidad, lo que facilita su uso por parte de todos los usuarios.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Información del anunciante

Soporte de Perfect Airplane Flight

Términos adicionales

Términos de la transacción

Informar sobre este producto

Iniciar sesión para informar a Microsoft de este juego
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