

Enjoy the puzzle game Slide Block : Wood Drop Blast ! Slide Block : Wood Drop Blast is free and has simple rules. It's friendly but it's a new way! It will also help you exercise your brain. How to play ▶ Slide Block : Wood Drop Blast 1. Slide 1 to 4 blocks horizontally and align them in a single line. 2. Blocks will keep coming up. If you get up to the 10th row, it'll be a game-over, so be careful! 3. If you play the game, you'll see some unusual blocks.  - TNT Block : Removing this block will also remove the surrounding blocks to help you!  - Stone Block : This block has to be removed twice, so be careful! (If you become proficient, you can use this block to do more combos.) 4. If the combo doesn't stop, you can score more high. 5. Set a high record, Be the best ranker about a Slide Block: Wood Drop Blast ! Depending on how skilled you are, your scores are very different. :) Match your puzzles together with the sound of a nice wood block, and have fun together!

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Block Puzzle Games

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Tamaño aproximado

69,66 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado a partir de 3 años


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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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