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Congkak, known elsewhere as mancala, is the version commonly played in Southeast Asia. This game version uses a wooden board and a shining marble as seeds. The objective of the Congkak game is to collect more seeds into a store-hole (home) than one's opponent. Store-hole located on the left side of the player's. Players select any one of seven holes at the player's side to start the move. Both players earn a turn to begin their move simultaneously. There was a standby hand to indicate which turn it belonged to. The round ends when one player has emptied all his holes. In 'Simple Rules', both players play concurrently only for the first round. In the next round, players turn, depending on which player emptied all their holes, last. In 'Classic Rules', both players begin simultaneously for all rounds. The player with the most Congkak seed in their store-hole wins in that round. If the player chooses to continue to the next round, all Congkak seeds in the store-hole will be redistributed back to the player's holes. If there are insufficient seeds, an empty hole is disabled and considered 'burnt'. In 'Classic Rules' this disabled hole will be permanent even if they manage to get enough seeds to fill it. But in 'Simple Rules', disabled hole or 'burnt' depends on total seeds collected. Game over when one player has all his holes burned or lost all his seeds.

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Tamaño aproximado

37,7 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado hasta 3 años


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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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