

Cross Locked is a strategic board game that’s fast, fun, and challenging. People who enjoy games, like UNO, Rubbikub, Canasta and Gin Rummy will really love this game because it has the best features of all and then some. The object is to complete lines and X’s of your color while preventing the opponent from doing the same. The game can be played by 1 to 4 players. 2 color groups. This way 4 players will play as two teams. A red team and a blue team. You can play against the computer or live against friends or strangers. We plan to have month tournaments and eventually league play. Each game consists of three rounds and the winner is the color with the most points at the end. Each play starts with a draw of three additional tiles. There are “scoring” tiles that will be placed on the board and “action” tiles that allow you additional “power” moves. Scoring tiles consist of 6 decks of Red of 2 through Ace, like playing cards and 6 desks of Blue. Action tiles consist of tiles that allow replacement of the opponent’s tiles with equal tiles of your color, draws of 4 additional tiles, “locks” that protect your completed lines and “un-locks” that will eliminate an opponent’s “lock” and allow you to break-up their completed lines. Each player completes their turn until the board is completely covered with tiles. At that point the round ends. High score wins!

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Información adicional

Publicado por

Cross Locked Softworks LLC

Desarrollado por

Cross Locked Softworks LLC

Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

151,11 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado hasta 3 años


Juegos de mesa

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Obtén esta aplicación cuando hayas iniciado sesión en tu cuenta Microsoft e instálala en hasta diez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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