

Adventure as a hand-drawn pencil character through the colourful but dangerous world of dimdis, as many villainous monsters try to eat you for looking different and lay obstacles to erase you from their world. This adventure game has a total of 21 extensive levels, whose difficulty is unmatched. There are three stages, with 8, 7, and 6, levels respectively. The levels in a stage can be completed in any order but a stage can only be progressed once all the levels are beaten. There are no defined controls and the controls change in every level, so the player will have to experiment to figure them out. Enjoy now for free.

Capturas de pantalla

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Developed on Unity

Desarrollado por


Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

307,25 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado hasta 3 años


Acción y aventura


Obtén esta aplicación cuando hayas iniciado sesión en tu cuenta Microsoft e instálala en hasta diez dispositivos Windows 10.

Idioma compatible

English (United States)

Términos adicionales

Términos de la transacción

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