

Friday night! What a good time to visit relatives! So, GF introduced BF to her uncle, Mr. Trololo. They began talking by funkin music in a FNF rap battle. That's a funkin time together. However, Trololo suddenly was controlled by a mystery man - Trollge. He then started attacking to GF and BF. What should you do to help them? Try your best to tap the arrow keys when they perfectly match to get the highest score. Feel Funkin rhythm! Dance with cg5! FEATURES: Play offline anywhere Tons of enemies: Tricky, Garcello, Matt, Tord, Bob,... Update new mods and new features frequently. Enjoy this FNF music battle!

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Tamaño aproximado

134,2 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado hasta 3 años



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English (United States)

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