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Trugs® is a structured phonics based English reading resource for school and home. Trugs Word Search is a structured word finder app to help read and identify words from the same Trugs phonics stage. This app is supplemental to the Trugs literacy card games and related activities, or can be used on its own. Trugs Word Search App 1 covers Trugs Stages 1-5, listed below in the chart. Trugs Word Search 2 and 3 are available and covers Trugs Stages 6-15. How to Use the Trugs WordSearch: 1. Choose the wordsearch grid size, Small 6x6 letters, Medium 8x8 letters or Large 12x12 letters. The Large grid is ideally suited to an iPad screen size. 2. Select the Phonics Stage for the group of words to appear. See the table below for details of each Stage. 3. Start the wordsearch. The words are shown on the left column. All words are show left to right, to assist with conventional reading. The challenge is to find the word. Ideally combine with reading and speaking the words from the left column before the search. 4. The word list can be refreshed or replaced any time by tapping the "Refresh" button. The search can be Paused, and a New search can be started at anytime 5. It is possible to see the highest score during the session. Score is linked to the time taken to complete the search. Stage 1 - three letter words, consonant-vowel-consonant, examples dog, hen Stage 2 - four or five letter words, consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant, examples - crab, shed Stage 3 - four or five letter words, consonant-vowel-consonant-consonants, examples - stung, fresh Stage 4 - words which contain the following sounds - ar, or, er, ur, ir, examples - first, park, hurt Stage 5 - words which can be split in half words with two syllables, examples - fabric, ticket Check 1 - contains a collection of additional words from the first 5 stages Tricky Words 1 - 66 tricky words (phonically irregular)Irregular words not always following rules For more information about Trugs card games and resources visit This app contains no adverts, no in-app purchases, no login required and no internet connection to run (after download). Email us at Search for Trugs Games on social media

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Publicado por

Sensory App House


Sensory App House Ltd. Word lists © Read Successfully Ltd

Desarrollado por

Sensory App House Ltd

Fecha de lanzamiento


Tamaño aproximado

1,62 MB

Clasificación por edades

Apropiado hasta 3 años


Juegos de palabras

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Idioma compatible

English (United States)

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