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Service: feamber@hotmail.com Tired of the real world racing? Bored with cars restricted to gravity? Let`s jump to the space, and say bye to earth! Our spaceships are equipped with ion engine and atomic weapons. We know what you want, let`s fly! * Super slim size, just 10M to download! * Stunning space and luxury graphics, created with reality and sci-fi styles. * Turn the tracks to battlefield, equipped your ships with guns and missiles! * Space station, Alien world, or union ship, all with master design! * Spaceships like nothing you have seen before! Racing with style! * Items to unleash your power! * 3 modes and up to 40+ races that you can challege! Young space racer, are you ready to go?


Teistele meeldivad

Mis on selles versioonis uut?

v1.6.3.0 updatelist: 1.Fix crash bug on windows 10. v1.6 updatelist: 1.Fix some crash bugs. v1.5.0.1 updatelist: 1.Fix Bugs. 2.Improved Payment Service. v1.5.0.0 update list: *Up to 20+ new levels. *2 New Cool Ships. *All new UI. *More level modes. *More Promotions. v1.0.0.8 update list: *Fixed bugs on lumia 630 and etc. v1.0.0.7 update list: *Up to 20+ new levels! *Improved UI! v1.0.0.6 update list: *Update physics system. v1.0.0.5 update list: *Fixed an issue that in some cases the game would not run. v1.0.0.4 update list: *Some bug fixes *Reduced items' price v1.0.0.3 update list: Improve GUI v1.0.0.1 update list: Fix an UI issue that in some devices the UI would not response.








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49,24 MB


Alates 7. eluaastast

Selle rakenduse abil saab

Juurdepääs Interneti-ühendusele
Programmeerimisjuurdepääs ruumilistele objektidele


Kui olete rakenduse hankimise ajal oma Microsofti kontosse sisse logitud, saate selle installida kuni kümnesse Windows 10 seadmesse.

Toetatud keeled

English (United States)


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