// This function replaces popover data-island tags insertd in RTE via the popover plugin (function () { if (!window || !window.ocrReimagine) { return; } window.ocrReimagine.PopoverRichTextPlugin = new class { popoverRichTextMountSelector = '.popover-rte-mount'; popoverMountSelector = '[data-mount="popover"]'; isPopoverComponentEnabled() { return !!(window.mwf?.Popover); } isIconComponentEnabled() { return !!(window.ocrReimagine?.Icon?.getInstances()); } /** * Initialize popover elements with the class 'popover-rte-mount' by looking up inside the target element or entire document. */ initializePopoverRichTextPlugin() { if (!this.isPopoverComponentEnabled()) { return; } // Get all popover rich text elements. const popoverRichTextElements = this.getPopoverRichTextElements(); if (!popoverRichTextElements) { return; } // Create a custom template for each popover rich text element. this.createPopoverRichTextTemplate(popoverRichTextElements); // Initialize popovers for elements with the attribute 'data-mount="popover"'. this.initializePopoverComponent(); // Remove popover instances that are no longer in the DOM. // this.cleanupInstances(); } /** * Initialize popovers for elements with the attribute 'data-mount="popover"'. * For each matching element, create a new Popover instance and add it to the list of instances. */ initializePopoverComponent() { // Get existing popover instances. const popoverInstances = window.mwf.Popover.getInstances() || []; // Get all popover mount elements. const popoverMounts = this.getPopoverMountElements(); if (!popoverMounts) { return; } // For each popover mount element, create a new Popover instance and add it to the list of instances. popoverMounts.forEach((popoverMount) => { const popoverId = popoverMount.id; const popoverInstance = popoverInstances.find((instance) => instance.el.id === popoverId); if (!popoverInstance) { new window.mwf.Popover({ el: popoverMount }); } }); } /** * Removes popover instances that are no longer in the DOM. */ cleanupInstances() { // Get existing popover instances. const popoverInstances = window.mwf.Popover.getInstances() || []; let instanceCount = popoverInstances.length; while (instanceCount--) { try { const instance = popoverInstances[instanceCount]; const popoverId = instance?.el?.id; // Skip if popover ID is not available. if (!popoverId) { continue; } const popoverMountedElement = document.getElementById(popoverId); // Remove the instance if the popover mount element is no longer in the DOM. if (!popoverMountedElement) { instance.remove(); } // Find duplicate instances within the list of instances. const duplicateInstances = popoverInstances.filter((item) => item.el.id === popoverId); // Remove the duplicate instances. if (duplicateInstances.length > 1) { duplicateInstances.forEach((item, index) => { if (index > 0) { item.remove(); } }); } } catch (e) { } } } /** * Gets all popover rich text elements. * * @returns {NodeListOf} List of all popover rich text elements. */ getPopoverRichTextElements() { return document.querySelectorAll(this.popoverRichTextMountSelector); } /** * Gets all popover mount elements. * * @returns {NodeListOf} List of all popover mount elements. */ getPopoverMountElements() { return document.querySelectorAll(this.popoverMountSelector); } /** * For each element, replaces it with a custom template and initialize an Icon object if enabled. * * @param {NodeListOf} popoverRichTextElements */ createPopoverRichTextTemplate(popoverRichTextElements) { popoverRichTextElements.forEach((element) => { const id = this.getUniqueId(); const text = element.getAttribute('data-text'); const description = element.getAttribute('data-description'); const screenReaderText = element.getAttribute('data-screenReaderText'); const template = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(this.getPopoverTemplate(text, description, screenReaderText, id)); // Replace the current popover element with the custom template. element.replaceWith(template); // Check if Icon is enabled and if there are Icon instances available. if (this.isIconComponentEnabled()) { this.initializeIconObjects(id); } }); } /** * Initializes an Icon object for a specified HTML element with the given ID and adds it to the list of instances. * @param {string} id - The ID of the HTML element to which the Icon object will be attached. * @returns {void} */ initializeIconObjects(id) { const element = document.getElementById(id); if (!element) { return; } // Create a new Icon instance. new window.ocrReimagine.Icon({ el: element }); } /** * Generates a version 4 UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). * @returns {string} A randomly generated version 4 UUID. */ getUniqueId() { return crypto.randomUUID() || ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16) ); } /** * Generates HTML for a popover element with optional text, description, and screen reader text. * * @param {string | null} text - The text content to display within the popover. * @param {string | null} description - The description of the popover. * @param {string | null} screenReaderText - The screen reader text for accessibility (optional). * @param {string} id - A unique identifier for the popover element. * @returns {string} The HTML markup for the popover element. */ getPopoverTemplate(text, description, screenReaderText, id) { let textElement = ''; if (text) { textElement = `${text}` } return ` ${textElement} `; } } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { try { window.ocrReimagine.PopoverRichTextPlugin.initializePopoverRichTextPlugin(); } catch (e) { } }); }());