var aniGlobal = aniGlobal || {}; "use strict"; (function () { // check if a JS file is already loaded var isFirstLoad = function isFirstLoad(nameSpace) { var isFirst = nameSpace.firstLoad === undefined; nameSpace.firstLoad = false; return isFirst; }; // if global.js is already loaded, don't run below code if (!isFirstLoad(aniGlobal)) return; /*! 3.2.4 */ //CodeQL [SM02383] The global flag will replace all occurrences of quotes with escaped quotes for background image url aniGlobal.objectFitImages = function () { "use strict"; function t(t, e) { return "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='" + t + "' height='" + e + "'%3E%3C/svg%3E"; } function e(t) { if (t.srcset && !p && window.picturefill) { var e = window.picturefill._; t[e.ns] && t[e.ns].evaled || e.fillImg(t, { reselect: !0 }), t[e.ns].curSrc || (t[e.ns].supported = !1, e.fillImg(t, { reselect: !0 })), t.currentSrc = t[e.ns].curSrc || t.src; } } function i(t) { for (var e, i = getComputedStyle(t).fontFamily, r = {}; null !== (e = u.exec(i));) { r[e[1]] = e[2]; } return r; } function r(e, i, r) { var n = t(i || 1, r || 0);, "src") !== n &&, "src", n); } function n(t, e) { t.naturalWidth ? e(t) : setTimeout(n, 100, t, e); } function c(t) { var c = i(t), o = t[l]; if (c["object-fit"] = c["object-fit"] || "fill", !o.img) { if ("fill" === c["object-fit"]) return; if (!o.skipTest && f && !c["object-position"]) return; } if (!o.img) { o.img = new Image(t.width, t.height), o.img.srcset =, "data-ofi-srcset") || t.srcset, o.img.src =, "data-ofi-src") || t.src,, "data-ofi-src", t.src), t.srcset &&, "data-ofi-srcset", t.srcset), r(t, t.naturalWidth || t.width, t.naturalHeight || t.height), t.srcset && (t.srcset = ""); try { s(t); } catch (t) { window.console && console.warn(""); } } e(o.img), = 'url("' + (o.img.currentSrc || o.img.src || '').toString().replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '")', = c["object-position"] || "center", = "no-repeat", = "content-box", /scale-down/.test(c["object-fit"]) ? n(o.img, function () { o.img.naturalWidth > t.width || o.img.naturalHeight > t.height ? = "contain" : = "auto"; }) : = c["object-fit"].replace("none", "auto").replace("fill", "100% 100%"), n(o.img, function (e) { r(t, e.naturalWidth, e.naturalHeight); }); } function s(t) { var e = { get: function get(e) { return t[l].img[e ? e : "src"]; }, set: function set(e, i) { return t[l].img[i ? i : "src"] = e,, "data-ofi-" + i, e), c(t), e; } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "src", e), Object.defineProperty(t, "currentSrc", { get: function get() { return e.get("currentSrc"); } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "srcset", { get: function get() { return e.get("srcset"); }, set: function set(t) { return e.set(t, "srcset"); } }); } function o() { function t(t, e) { return t[l] && t[l].img && ("src" === e || "srcset" === e) ? t[l].img : t; } d || (HTMLImageElement.prototype.getAttribute = function (e) { return, e), e); }, HTMLImageElement.prototype.setAttribute = function (e, i) { return, e), e, String(i)); }); } function a(t, e) { var i = !y && !t; if (e = e || {}, t = t || "img", d && !e.skipTest || !m) return !1; "img" === t ? t = document.getElementsByTagName("img") : "string" == typeof t ? t = document.querySelectorAll(t) : "length" in t || (t = [t]); for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { t[r][l] = t[r][l] || { skipTest: e.skipTest }, c(t[r]); } i && (document.body.addEventListener("load", function (t) { "IMG" === && a(, { skipTest: e.skipTest }); }, !0), y = !0, t = "img"), e.watchMQ && window.addEventListener("resize", a.bind(null, t, { skipTest: e.skipTest })); } var l = "bfred-it:object-fit-images", u = /(object-fit|object-position)\s*:\s*([-.\w\s%]+)/g, g = "undefined" == typeof Image ? { style: { "object-position": 1 } } : new Image(), f = "object-fit" in, d = "object-position" in, m = "background-size" in, p = "string" == typeof g.currentSrc, b = g.getAttribute, h = g.setAttribute, y = !1; return a.supportsObjectFit = f, a.supportsObjectPosition = d, o(), a; }(); aniGlobal.featureCard = function () { var cardAffect = function cardAffect(itemList, itemTextClassName, btn) { var delayTimeIcon = 0.1; var delayTimeForNextCard = 0.4; var delayTimeText = delayTimeIcon; for (var i = 0; i < itemList.length; i++) { itemList[i].classList.add('feature-card__text--effect'); itemList[i].style.animationDelay = "".concat(delayTimeIcon, "s"); var featureCardTextElements = $(".".concat(itemTextClassName))[i].children; for (var a = 0; a < featureCardTextElements.length; a++) { var contentEle = featureCardTextElements[a].querySelectorAll('.animate-text'); var contentEleTotalLines = 0; var n = 0; while (n < featureCardTextElements.length) { contentEleTotalLines += contentEle.length; n++; } for (var b = 0; b < contentEle.length; b++) { contentEle[b].classList.add('on-focus'); contentEle[b].style.animationDelay = "".concat(delayTimeText, "s"); var timeSpeed = delayTimeForNextCard / contentEleTotalLines; delayTimeText += timeSpeed; } } delayTimeIcon += delayTimeForNextCard; } if (btn !== undefined) { btn.classList.add('tech-specs__btn--effect'); = "".concat(delayTimeText, "s"); } }; return { cardAffect: cardAffect }; }(); aniGlobal.panelInView = function () { // check if scrolling to panel var scrollContent = function scrollContent(elm) { var position = document.querySelector(".".concat(elm)).getBoundingClientRect(); if ( > 0 && < window.innerHeight || position.bottom < window.innerHeight || < 0 && position.bottom > window.innerHeight) { return true; } }; // check is element is in view var checkElementInView = function checkElementInView(element) { var bounding = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( >= 0 && bounding.left >= 0 && bounding.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && bounding.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)); }; // check if panel partially/fully is visible // for fully visible we set offsetHeight to 0 var checkPanelInView = function checkPanelInView(sectionName, offsetHeight) { var position = document.querySelector(".".concat(sectionName)).getBoundingClientRect(); if (offsetHeight === undefined) { offsetHeight = 1; } if ( < 0) { return true; } return ( >= 0 && position.left >= 0 && position.bottom - position.height * offsetHeight <= ( window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && position.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)); }; return { scrollContent: scrollContent, checkElementInView: checkElementInView, checkPanelInView: checkPanelInView }; }(); aniGlobal.utility = function () { /** * @desc Utility Function to control the number of times a function is executes onEventHandler * @param {function, int, int} * @return {function} */ var debounce = function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function () { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function later() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callImmediate = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callImmediate) func.apply(context, args); }; }; return { debounce: debounce }; }(); aniGlobal.lineAnimation = function () { /** * @desc Checks the HTML tag and check the lang attribute to check if the lang is supporated or not * NOTE: Currently only ja-jp, zh-hk, zh-cn, zh-tw is not supported but this can be expanded to encompass more * languages that are not supported * @param {void} NONE * @return {boolean} * */ var langSupported = function langSupported() { var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); if (lang == 'ja-jp' || lang == 'zh-hk' || lang == 'zh-cn' || lang == 'zh-tw') { return false; } return true; }; /** * @desc Takes in Html Element containing text tags and seperates * each text tag into a seperate tag for each line break visable in the DOM * @param {Array } textElements * @return {void} */ var lineBreakText = function lineBreakText(textElements) { var numTextElements = textElements.length; for (var i = 0; i < numTextElements; i++) { var innerText = textElements[i].innerHTML.split(' '); var offSetHeight = 0; var wrappingSpan = document.createElement('SPAN'); /** * wrappingSpan is a container for the seperate text tags per line. * This is inserted after the current text tag to maintain order of tags in HTML. * The Original tag containing the text is then removed as the wrappingSpan will take the place of that */ wrappingSpan.classList.add('animate-text-group'); wrappingSpan.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); textElements[i].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', wrappingSpan); var newLineTag = document.createElement(textElements[i].tagName); // padding removed so new text tags will not have spaces inherited // from other classes when stacked on top of each other = '0'; = '0'; newLineTag.classList.add('animate-text'); if (textElements[i].classList.contains('currently-focused')) { newLineTag.classList.add('currently-focused'); } wrappingSpan.appendChild(newLineTag); // Check Regional Languages is supported var langSupported = aniGlobal.lineAnimation.langSupported(); //If text contains anchor tag, set up animation for entire text block if (textElements[i].innerHTML.includes(' offSetHeight) { // slice off last word that caused offsetHeight to increase (overflow) newLineTag.innerHTML = newLineTag.innerHTML.slice( 0, newLineTag.innerHTML.length - txtElement.length); newLineTag = document.createElement(textElements[i].tagName); // padding removed so new text tags will not have spaces inherited // from other classes when stacked on top of each other = '0'; = '0'; newLineTag.classList.add('animate-text'); if (textElements[i].classList.contains('currently-focused')) { newLineTag.classList.add('currently-focused'); } wrappingSpan.appendChild(newLineTag); newLineTag.innerHTML += txtElement; } } } var parentElement = textElements[i].parentElement; parentElement.removeChild(textElements[i]); } }; /** * @desc Reverts text elements that have been processed through function lineBreakText(). This * function is called for setting up another call for lineBreakText() after the window has been resized * @param {Array} animatedTextGroup * @return {void} */ var revertLineBreakText = function revertLineBreakText(animatedTextGroup) { /** * Recreates the original text tags in HTML in order be broken down again and * processed by lineBreakText() to new text aligned based on the new size * of the line breaks from resizing */ for (var i = 0; i < animatedTextGroup.length; i++) { var tagType = null; var innerText = ''; var numChildren = animatedTextGroup[i].children.length; var currentlyFocused = undefined; for (var j = 0; j < numChildren; j++) { if (tagType === null) { tagType = animatedTextGroup[i].children[j].tagName; } if ( currentlyFocused === undefined && ( animatedTextGroup[i].children[j].classList.contains('on-focus') || animatedTextGroup[i].children[j].classList.contains('currently-focused'))) { currentlyFocused = true; } innerText += animatedTextGroup[i].children[j].innerHTML.split(); } var textElement = document.createElement(tagType); textElement.classList.add('animate-text-group'); //remove any prev set animation classes textElement.classList.remove('on-focus'); textElement.classList.remove('off-focus'); if (currentlyFocused) { textElement.classList.add('currently-focused'); } textElement.innerHTML = innerText; animatedTextGroup[i].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', textElement); var parentElement = animatedTextGroup[i].parentElement; parentElement.removeChild(animatedTextGroup[i]); } }; /** * @desc Animates Selected Collection of Elements containing 'animate-text' class * @param {Array } animatedText * @return void */ var initTextAnimation = function initTextAnimation(animatedText, delayTime) { for (var i = 0; i < animatedText.length; i++) { if (animatedText[i].classList.contains('animate-text')) { animatedText[i].classList.add('on-focus'); animatedText[i].style.animationDelay = "".concat(delayTime, "s"); delayTime += 0.3; } } }; return { langSupported: langSupported, lineBreakText: lineBreakText, revertLineBreakText: revertLineBreakText, initTextAnimation: initTextAnimation }; }(); aniGlobal.panelHidden = function () { var isPanelHidden = function isPanelHidden(el) { if (getComputedStyle(el).display === "none") return true; if (el === document.body) return false; return isPanelHidden(el.parentElement); }; return { isPanelHidden: isPanelHidden }; }(); })(); var aniGlobal = aniGlobal || {}; "use strict"; (function () { // check if a JS file is already loaded var isFirstLoad = function isFirstLoad(nameSpace) { var isFirst = nameSpace.firstLoad === undefined; nameSpace.firstLoad = false; return isFirst; }; // if global.js is already loaded, don't run below code if (!isFirstLoad(aniGlobal)) return; /*! 3.2.4 */ //CodeQL [SM02383] The global flag will replace all occurrences of quotes with escaped quotes for background image url aniGlobal.objectFitImages = function () { "use strict"; function t(t, e) { return "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='" + t + "' height='" + e + "'%3E%3C/svg%3E"; } function e(t) { if (t.srcset && !p && window.picturefill) { var e = window.picturefill._; t[e.ns] && t[e.ns].evaled || e.fillImg(t, { reselect: !0 }), t[e.ns].curSrc || (t[e.ns].supported = !1, e.fillImg(t, { reselect: !0 })), t.currentSrc = t[e.ns].curSrc || t.src; } } function i(t) { for (var e, i = getComputedStyle(t).fontFamily, r = {}; null !== (e = u.exec(i));) { r[e[1]] = e[2]; } return r; } function r(e, i, r) { var n = t(i || 1, r || 0);, "src") !== n &&, "src", n); } function n(t, e) { t.naturalWidth ? e(t) : setTimeout(n, 100, t, e); } function c(t) { var c = i(t), o = t[l]; if (c["object-fit"] = c["object-fit"] || "fill", !o.img) { if ("fill" === c["object-fit"]) return; if (!o.skipTest && f && !c["object-position"]) return; } if (!o.img) { o.img = new Image(t.width, t.height), o.img.srcset =, "data-ofi-srcset") || t.srcset, o.img.src =, "data-ofi-src") || t.src,, "data-ofi-src", t.src), t.srcset &&, "data-ofi-srcset", t.srcset), r(t, t.naturalWidth || t.width, t.naturalHeight || t.height), t.srcset && (t.srcset = ""); try { s(t); } catch (t) { window.console && console.warn(""); } } e(o.img), = 'url("' + (o.img.currentSrc || o.img.src || '').toString().replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '")', = c["object-position"] || "center", = "no-repeat", = "content-box", /scale-down/.test(c["object-fit"]) ? n(o.img, function () { o.img.naturalWidth > t.width || o.img.naturalHeight > t.height ? = "contain" : = "auto"; }) : = c["object-fit"].replace("none", "auto").replace("fill", "100% 100%"), n(o.img, function (e) { r(t, e.naturalWidth, e.naturalHeight); }); } function s(t) { var e = { get: function get(e) { return t[l].img[e ? e : "src"]; }, set: function set(e, i) { return t[l].img[i ? i : "src"] = e,, "data-ofi-" + i, e), c(t), e; } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "src", e), Object.defineProperty(t, "currentSrc", { get: function get() { return e.get("currentSrc"); } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "srcset", { get: function get() { return e.get("srcset"); }, set: function set(t) { return e.set(t, "srcset"); } }); } function o() { function t(t, e) { return t[l] && t[l].img && ("src" === e || "srcset" === e) ? t[l].img : t; } d || (HTMLImageElement.prototype.getAttribute = function (e) { return, e), e); }, HTMLImageElement.prototype.setAttribute = function (e, i) { return, e), e, String(i)); }); } function a(t, e) { var i = !y && !t; if (e = e || {}, t = t || "img", d && !e.skipTest || !m) return !1; "img" === t ? t = document.getElementsByTagName("img") : "string" == typeof t ? t = document.querySelectorAll(t) : "length" in t || (t = [t]); for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { t[r][l] = t[r][l] || { skipTest: e.skipTest }, c(t[r]); } i && (document.body.addEventListener("load", function (t) { "IMG" === && a(, { skipTest: e.skipTest }); }, !0), y = !0, t = "img"), e.watchMQ && window.addEventListener("resize", a.bind(null, t, { skipTest: e.skipTest })); } var l = "bfred-it:object-fit-images", u = /(object-fit|object-position)\s*:\s*([-.\w\s%]+)/g, g = "undefined" == typeof Image ? { style: { "object-position": 1 } } : new Image(), f = "object-fit" in, d = "object-position" in, m = "background-size" in, p = "string" == typeof g.currentSrc, b = g.getAttribute, h = g.setAttribute, y = !1; return a.supportsObjectFit = f, a.supportsObjectPosition = d, o(), a; }(); aniGlobal.featureCard = function () { var cardAffect = function cardAffect(itemList, itemTextClassName, btn) { var delayTimeIcon = 0.1; var delayTimeForNextCard = 0.4; var delayTimeText = delayTimeIcon; for (var i = 0; i < itemList.length; i++) { itemList[i].classList.add('feature-card__text--effect'); itemList[i].style.animationDelay = "".concat(delayTimeIcon, "s"); var featureCardTextElements = $(".".concat(itemTextClassName))[i].children; for (var a = 0; a < featureCardTextElements.length; a++) { var contentEle = featureCardTextElements[a].querySelectorAll('.animate-text'); var contentEleTotalLines = 0; var n = 0; while (n < featureCardTextElements.length) { contentEleTotalLines += contentEle.length; n++; } for (var b = 0; b < contentEle.length; b++) { contentEle[b].classList.add('on-focus'); contentEle[b].style.animationDelay = "".concat(delayTimeText, "s"); var timeSpeed = delayTimeForNextCard / contentEleTotalLines; delayTimeText += timeSpeed; } } delayTimeIcon += delayTimeForNextCard; } if (btn !== undefined) { btn.classList.add('tech-specs__btn--effect'); = "".concat(delayTimeText, "s"); } }; return { cardAffect: cardAffect }; }(); aniGlobal.panelInView = function () { // check if scrolling to panel var scrollContent = function scrollContent(elm) { var position = document.querySelector(".".concat(elm)).getBoundingClientRect(); if ( > 0 && < window.innerHeight || position.bottom < window.innerHeight || < 0 && position.bottom > window.innerHeight) { return true; } }; // check is element is in view var checkElementInView = function checkElementInView(element) { var bounding = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( >= 0 && bounding.left >= 0 && bounding.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && bounding.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)); }; // check if panel partially/fully is visible // for fully visible we set offsetHeight to 0 var checkPanelInView = function checkPanelInView(sectionName, offsetHeight) { var position = document.querySelector(".".concat(sectionName)).getBoundingClientRect(); if (offsetHeight === undefined) { offsetHeight = 1; } if ( < 0) { return true; } return ( >= 0 && position.left >= 0 && position.bottom - position.height * offsetHeight <= ( window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && position.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth)); }; return { scrollContent: scrollContent, checkElementInView: checkElementInView, checkPanelInView: checkPanelInView }; }(); aniGlobal.utility = function () { /** * @desc Utility Function to control the number of times a function is executes onEventHandler * @param {function, int, int} * @return {function} */ var debounce = function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function () { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function later() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callImmediate = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callImmediate) func.apply(context, args); }; }; return { debounce: debounce }; }(); aniGlobal.lineAnimation = function () { /** * @desc Checks the HTML tag and check the lang attribute to check if the lang is supporated or not * NOTE: Currently only ja-jp, zh-hk, zh-cn, zh-tw is not supported but this can be expanded to encompass more * languages that are not supported * @param {void} NONE * @return {boolean} * */ var langSupported = function langSupported() { var lang = document.querySelector('html').getAttribute('lang'); if (lang == 'ja-jp' || lang == 'zh-hk' || lang == 'zh-cn' || lang == 'zh-tw') { return false; } return true; }; /** * @desc Takes in Html Element containing text tags and seperates * each text tag into a seperate tag for each line break visable in the DOM * @param {Array } textElements * @return {void} */ var lineBreakText = function lineBreakText(textElements) { var numTextElements = textElements.length; for (var i = 0; i < numTextElements; i++) { var innerText = textElements[i].innerHTML.split(' '); var offSetHeight = 0; var wrappingSpan = document.createElement('SPAN'); /** * wrappingSpan is a container for the seperate text tags per line. * This is inserted after the current text tag to maintain order of tags in HTML. * The Original tag containing the text is then removed as the wrappingSpan will take the place of that */ wrappingSpan.classList.add('animate-text-group'); wrappingSpan.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true); textElements[i].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', wrappingSpan); var newLineTag = document.createElement(textElements[i].tagName); // padding removed so new text tags will not have spaces inherited // from other classes when stacked on top of each other = '0'; = '0'; newLineTag.classList.add('animate-text'); if (textElements[i].classList.contains('currently-focused')) { newLineTag.classList.add('currently-focused'); } wrappingSpan.appendChild(newLineTag); // Check Regional Languages is supported var langSupported = aniGlobal.lineAnimation.langSupported(); //If text contains anchor tag, set up animation for entire text block if (textElements[i].innerHTML.includes(' offSetHeight) { // slice off last word that caused offsetHeight to increase (overflow) newLineTag.innerHTML = newLineTag.innerHTML.slice( 0, newLineTag.innerHTML.length - txtElement.length); newLineTag = document.createElement(textElements[i].tagName); // padding removed so new text tags will not have spaces inherited // from other classes when stacked on top of each other = '0'; = '0'; newLineTag.classList.add('animate-text'); if (textElements[i].classList.contains('currently-focused')) { newLineTag.classList.add('currently-focused'); } wrappingSpan.appendChild(newLineTag); newLineTag.innerHTML += txtElement; } } } var parentElement = textElements[i].parentElement; parentElement.removeChild(textElements[i]); } }; /** * @desc Reverts text elements that have been processed through function lineBreakText(). This * function is called for setting up another call for lineBreakText() after the window has been resized * @param {Array} animatedTextGroup * @return {void} */ var revertLineBreakText = function revertLineBreakText(animatedTextGroup) { /** * Recreates the original text tags in HTML in order be broken down again and * processed by lineBreakText() to new text aligned based on the new size * of the line breaks from resizing */ for (var i = 0; i < animatedTextGroup.length; i++) { var tagType = null; var innerText = ''; var numChildren = animatedTextGroup[i].children.length; var currentlyFocused = undefined; for (var j = 0; j < numChildren; j++) { if (tagType === null) { tagType = animatedTextGroup[i].children[j].tagName; } if ( currentlyFocused === undefined && ( animatedTextGroup[i].children[j].classList.contains('on-focus') || animatedTextGroup[i].children[j].classList.contains('currently-focused'))) { currentlyFocused = true; } innerText += animatedTextGroup[i].children[j].innerHTML.split(); } var textElement = document.createElement(tagType); textElement.classList.add('animate-text-group'); //remove any prev set animation classes textElement.classList.remove('on-focus'); textElement.classList.remove('off-focus'); if (currentlyFocused) { textElement.classList.add('currently-focused'); } textElement.innerHTML = innerText; animatedTextGroup[i].insertAdjacentElement('afterend', textElement); var parentElement = animatedTextGroup[i].parentElement; parentElement.removeChild(animatedTextGroup[i]); } }; /** * @desc Animates Selected Collection of Elements containing 'animate-text' class * @param {Array } animatedText * @return void */ var initTextAnimation = function initTextAnimation(animatedText, delayTime) { for (var i = 0; i < animatedText.length; i++) { if (animatedText[i].classList.contains('animate-text')) { animatedText[i].classList.add('on-focus'); animatedText[i].style.animationDelay = "".concat(delayTime, "s"); delayTime += 0.3; } } }; return { langSupported: langSupported, lineBreakText: lineBreakText, revertLineBreakText: revertLineBreakText, initTextAnimation: initTextAnimation }; }(); aniGlobal.panelHidden = function () { var isPanelHidden = function isPanelHidden(el) { if (getComputedStyle(el).display === "none") return true; if (el === document.body) return false; return isPanelHidden(el.parentElement); }; return { isPanelHidden: isPanelHidden }; }(); })(); var aniCommon = aniCommon || {}; "use strict"; (function () { // check if a JS file is already loaded var isFirstLoad = function isFirstLoad(nameSpace) { var isFirst = nameSpace.firstLoad === undefined; nameSpace.firstLoad = false; return isFirst; }; // if global.js is already loaded, don't run below code if (!isFirstLoad(aniCommon)) return; aniCommon.utility = function () { var delayCall = function delayCall(func, wait) { var anonyf = func; var period = wait; var timeOutFunctionId; return function () { clearTimeout(timeOutFunctionId); timeOutFunctionId = setTimeout(anonyf, period); }; }; var reducedAnimation = function reducedAnimation() { aniCommon.isReducedAnimation = window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion)").matches; if (aniCommon.isReducedAnimation === true) { $('body').addClass('animation-off'); } else { $('body').addClass('animation-on'); } return aniCommon.isReducedAnimation; }; return { delayCall: delayCall, reducedAnimation: reducedAnimation }; }(); aniCommon.isReducedAnimation = aniCommon.utility.reducedAnimation(); var mediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)'); mediaQuery.addEventListener('change', () => { aniCommon.isReducedAnimation = aniCommon.utility.reducedAnimation(); }); })(); "use strict"; (() => { const dispatchToggleEvent = (value) => { var animationToggleEvent = new CustomEvent('AEM_ANIMATION_ENABLED', { bubbles: true, detail: value }); document.dispatchEvent(animationToggleEvent); } var mediaQuery = window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)'); var offText = document.getElementById('c-state-label-1').getAttribute('data-off-string'); var onText = document.getElementById('c-state-label-1').getAttribute('data-on-string'); let bodyContent = document.querySelector("body"); if (mediaQuery.matches) { dispatchToggleEvent(false); $('.reduced-animation-toggle .c-toggle button').attr("aria-checked", false); $('.reduced-animation-toggle .c-toggle button+span').html(offText); bodyContent?.classList.remove("animation-toggle"); } else { dispatchToggleEvent(true); $('.reduced-animation-toggle .c-toggle button').attr("aria-checked", true); $('.reduced-animation-toggle .c-toggle button+span').html(onText); bodyContent.classList.add("animation-toggle"); } $('.reduced-animation-toggle .c-toggle button').click(function () { const animationEnabled = $(this).attr('aria-checked') === 'false' ? true : false; if(bodyContent && animationEnabled){ bodyContent.classList.add("animation-toggle"); bodyContent.classList.remove("animation-off"); } else{ bodyContent.classList.remove("animation-toggle"); bodyContent.classList.add("animation-off"); } aniCommon.utility.reducedAnimation(animationEnabled); dispatchToggleEvent(animationEnabled); $(this).attr('aria-checked', animationEnabled); $('.reduced-animation-toggle .c-toggle button+span').html(animationEnabled ? onText : offText); }); })()