/* Start Tech Specs component JS */ // Calling "techSpecsSetState" function to set state to sticky, toggle classes and set attibutes... function techSpecsSetState(element, techSpecsMain, techSpecsFootnote, toggleClass, btnExpand, btnCollapse) { let techSpecs = document.querySelector(".tech-specs"); techSpecsMain?.classList.toggle(toggleClass); techSpecsFootnote?.classList.toggle(toggleClass); if (element.classList.contains(btnCollapse)) { techSpecs.querySelector(".tech-specs-cta .btn").classList.remove("sticky-bottom"); techSpecsMain.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); techSpecsMain.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); var expandLabel = element.getAttribute("data-expand-label"); element.classList.remove(btnCollapse); element.classList.add(btnExpand); element.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false"); element.setAttribute("aria-label", expandLabel); techSpecs.scrollIntoView(true); } else { techSpecs.querySelector(".tech-specs-cta .btn").classList.add("sticky-bottom"); element.classList.add(btnCollapse); element.classList.remove(btnExpand); var collapseLabel = element.getAttribute("data-collapse-label"); element.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "true"); element.setAttribute("aria-label", collapseLabel); techSpecsMain.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); techSpecsMain.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"); techSpecsMain.focus(); } } // Calculate button position whether its exceeds window/component height function btnPosition(techSpecs, windowsHeight) { const bottom = techSpecs.getBoundingClientRect().bottom; const contentHeight = techSpecs.querySelector(".tech-specs-banner"); const top = techSpecs.getBoundingClientRect().top + (contentHeight.clientHeight + 30); let btnGrp = techSpecs.querySelector(".tech-specs-cta .btn"); if ((windowsHeight >= bottom) && (windowsHeight >= top)) { if (btnGrp.classList.contains("sticky-bottom")) { btnGrp.classList.remove("sticky-bottom"); } } else if(btnGrp.classList.contains("btn-show-less")) { if(windowsHeight >= top){ btnGrp.classList.add("sticky-bottom"); } else{ btnGrp.classList.remove("sticky-bottom"); } } } // Function to move focus in visible postion if its behind sticky button position function focusFunction(activelink) { let linkPosition = activelink.getBoundingClientRect().top; let windowHeight = window.innerHeight; if ((windowHeight - 100) < linkPosition) { window.scrollBy(0, 110); } } // Calling the function on DOM load document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Initializing parent class and its child elements let techSpecs = document.querySelector(".tech-specs"); let techSpecsMain = techSpecs.querySelector(".ts-main"); let techSpecsFootnote = techSpecs.querySelector(".ts-footnotes"); let techSpecsBtn = techSpecs.querySelector(".tech-specs-cta .btn"); const windowsHeight = window.innerHeight; // On scoll, get the bottom position and if exceeds the height of window or inside the window toggle "sticky-bottom" class document.addEventListener('scroll', () => { btnPosition(techSpecs, windowsHeight); }); // Calling the function on button click to change the expand and collapse state techSpecsBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { techSpecsSetState(this, techSpecsMain, techSpecsFootnote, "hide", "btn-expand", "btn-show-less"); }); // Calling the function on resize to check whether the button position is exceeds window/component height. window.addEventListener("resize", function () { btnPosition(techSpecs, windowsHeight); }); // Get focus element/active element in DOM document.addEventListener("focusin", () => { let activelink = document.activeElement; focusFunction(activelink); }); }); /* END Tech Specs component JS */ /* Creating anchor elements for each superscript in the body */ function changeSupToAnchor() { try { var getInnerTxt = ""; var convertedHtml = ""; var supItemsArray = []; $('sup:not(.no-link)').each(function () { getInnerTxt = $(this).clone().children('.sr-text').remove().end().text().trim(); getInnerTxt = getInnerTxt.replace('*(', ''); getInnerTxt = getInnerTxt.replace(')', ''); supItemsArray = getInnerTxt.split(', '); for (var itr = 0; itr < supItemsArray.length; itr++) { convertedHtml += "" + "" + supItemsArray[itr] + "" + ", "; } $(this).html(convertedHtml); convertedHtml = ""; }); $('sup').find('span:last').remove(); var getFootSup = $('.list-unstyled li a.superscript'); getFootSup.attr('href','javascript:void(0);'); getFootSup.addClass('supLink'); getFootSup.each(function() { var thisHasNoSupFn = $(this).find(".supFn").length == 0 ? true : false; if(thisHasNoSupFn) { $(this).wrapInner(""); } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; /* Hiding footnotes in footer, that are not available in the body */ function noSuperScript() { try { var scriptPageURL = window.location.href; var panelSuperScripts = []; var tooltipSuperScripts = []; $('sup .supText:visible').not('.ts-footnotes li sup').each(function () { var textSuperScript = $(this).text().trim(); panelSuperScripts.push(textSuperScript); }); panelSuperScripts = $.unique(panelSuperScripts); $('.c-tooltip sup').each(function () { var textSuperScript = $(this).text().trim(); tooltipSuperScripts.push(textSuperScript); }); tooltipSuperScripts = $.unique(tooltipSuperScripts); if (panelSuperScripts.length == 0) { $('.ts-footnotes').addClass('d-none'); } else { if ($('.ts-footnotes').hasClass('d-none')) { setTimeout(function () { $('.ts-footnotes').removeClass('d-none'); }, 500) } } $('.ts-footnotes li').each(function () { var footnoteText = $(this).find('.supLink .supFn').text().trim(); var footnoteScript = footnoteText.substring(1, footnoteText.length - 1); if ($.inArray(footnoteScript, panelSuperScripts) == -1) { $(this).addClass('d-none'); } else { if ($(this).hasClass('d-none')) { $(this).removeClass('d-none'); } } if ($(this).hasClass('context-glyph-tile')) { $(this).removeClass('d-none'); } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; /* Click functionality on the body superscript anchor elements */ $(document).on('click', '.supBLink', function (e) { try { $('li').blur(); var innerContent = $(this).find('.supText').html(); if ($('.lastClicked').length > 0) { $('.lastClicked').removeClass('lastClicked'); } $(this).addClass('lastClicked'); var referencedFnSup = ""; $('.supLink span').each(function () { var mySupString = $(this).text(); var mySupNumber = mySupString.substring(1, mySupString.length - 1); if (mySupNumber === innerContent) { referencedFnSup = $(this); referencedFnSup.parent().parent().attr('tabindex', '1'); /* Fixed Keyboard focus loss upon invoking Superscript present in the page and focus indicator should be clearly visible*/ referencedFnSup.parent().parent().find(".superscript.supLink").attr('tabindex', '1'); referencedFnSup.parent().parent().focus(); referencedFnSup.parent().parent().siblings().attr('tabindex', '-1'); } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); /* Click functionality on the footnote superscript anchor elements */ $(document).on('click', '.supLink', function (e) { try { var lastClickedSup = $('.lastClicked'); var innerContent = $(this).find('.supFn').html(); var innerSupContent = innerContent.substring(1, innerContent.length - 1); var referencedBdSup = ""; if (innerSupContent == $('.lastClicked .supText').html()) { lastClickedSup.trigger("focus"); lastClickedSup.removeClass('lastClicked'); } else { $('sup .supText').each(function () { if (innerSupContent === $(this).html()) { referencedBdSup = $(this); referencedBdSup.parent().trigger("focus"); } }); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); /* From your component invoke changeSupToAnchor(); noSuperScript(); It should be invoked on document ready and from the click event which loads more footnotes in the DOM. */