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Reel requires at least version 1.6.2 // and a make sure check is made at the very beginning. // if (!$) return; var version= $ && $().jquery.split(/\./) if (!version || +(twochar(version[0])+twochar(version[1])+twochar(version[2] || '')) < 10602) return error('Too old jQuery library. Please upgrade your jQuery to version 1.6.2 or higher'); // ---------------- // Global Namespace // ---------------- // // `$.reel` (or `jQuery.reel`) namespace is provided for storage of all Reel belongings. // It is locally referenced as just `reel` for speedier access. // var reel= $.reel= { // ### `$.reel.version` // // `String` (major.minor.patch), since 1.1 // version: '1.3.0', // Options // ------- // // When calling `.reel()` method you have plenty of options (far too many) available. // You collect them into one hash and supply them with your call. // // _**Example:** Initiate a non-looping Reel with 12 frames:_ // // .reel({ // frames: 12, // looping: false // }) // // // All options are optional and if omitted, default value is used instead. // Defaults are being housed as members of `$.reel.def` hash. // If you customize any default value therein, all subsequent `.reel()` calls // will use the new value as default. // // _**Example:** Change default initial frame to 5th:_ // // $.reel.def.frame = 5 // // --- // ### `$.reel.def` ###### // `Object`, since 1.1 // def: { // // ### Basic Definition ###### // // Reel is just fine with you not setting any options, however if you don't have // 36 frames or beginning at frame 1, you will want to set total number // of `frames` and pick a different starting `frame`. // // --- // #### `frame` Option #### // `Number` (frames), since 1.0 // frame: 1, // #### `frames` Option #### // `Number` (frames), since 1.0 // frames: 36, // ~~~ // // Another common characteristics of any Reel is whether it `loops` and covers // entire 360° or not. // // --- // #### `loops` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.0 // loops: true, // ### Interaction ###### // // Using boolean switches many user interaction aspects can be turned on and off. // You can disable the mouse wheel control with `wheelable`, the drag & throw // action with `throwable`, disallow the dragging completely with `draggable`, // on touch devices you can disable the browser's decision to scroll the page // instead of Reel script and you can of course disable the stepping of Reel by // clicking on either half of the image with `steppable`. // // You can even enable `clickfree` operation, // which will cause Reel to bind to mouse enter/leave events instead of mouse down/up, // thus allowing a click-free dragging. // // --- // #### `clickfree` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.1 // clickfree: false, // #### `draggable` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.1 // draggable: true, // #### `scrollable` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.2 // scrollable: true, // #### `steppable` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.2 // steppable: true, // #### `throwable` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.1; or `Number`, since 1.2.1 // throwable: true, // #### `wheelable` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.1 // wheelable: true, // ### [NEW] Gyroscope Support ###### // // When enabled allows gyro-enabled devices (iPad2 for example) to control rotational // position using the device's attitude in space. In this more, Reel directly maps the // 360° range of your gyro's primary (alpha) axis directly to the value of `fraction`. // // #### `orientable` Option #### // [NEW] `Boolean`, since 1.3 // orientable: false, // ### Order of Images ###### // // Reel presumes counter-clockwise order of the pictures taken. If the nearer facing // side doesn't follow your cursor/finger, you did clockwise. Use the `cw` option to // correct this. // // --- // #### `cw` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.1 // cw: false, // ### Sensitivity ###### // // In Reel sensitivity is set through the `revolution` parameter, which represents horizontal // dragging distance one must cover to perform one full revolution. By default this value // is calculated based on the setup you have - it is either twice the width of the image // or half the width of stitched panorama. You may also set your own. // // Optionally `revolution` can be set as an Object with `x` member for horizontal revolution // and/or `y` member for vertical revolution in multi-row movies. // // --- // #### `revolution` Option #### // `Number` (pixels) or `Object`, since 1.1, `Object` support since 1.2 // revolution: undefined, // ### Rectilinear Panorama ###### // // The easiest of all is the stitched panorama mode. For this mode, instead of the sprite, // a single seamlessly stitched stretched image is used and the view scrolls the image. // This mode is triggered by setting a pixel width of the `stitched` image. // // --- // #### `stitched` Option #### // `Number` (pixels), since 1.0 // stitched: 0, // ### Directional Mode ###### // // As you may have noticed on Reel's homepage or in [`example/object-movie-directional-sprite`][1] // when you drag the arrow will point to either direction. In such `directional` mode, the sprite // is actually 2 in 1 - one file contains two sprites one tightly following the other, one // for visually going one way (`A`) and one for the other (`B`). // // A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 // A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 // A13 A14 A15 B01 B02 B03 // B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 // B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 // // Switching between `A` and `B` frames is based on direction of the drag. Directional mode isn't // limited to sprites only, sequences also apply. The figure below shows the very same setup like // the above figure, only translated into actual frames of the sequence. // // 001 002 003 004 005 006 // 007 008 009 010 011 012 // 013 014 015 016 017 018 // 019 020 021 022 023 024 // 025 026 027 028 029 030 // // Frame `016` represents the `B01` so it actually is first frame of the other direction. // // [1]:../example/object-movie-directional-sprite/ // // --- // #### `directional` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.1 // directional: false, // ### Multi-Row Mode ###### // // As [`example/object-movie-multirow-sequence`][1] very nicely demonstrates, in multi-row arrangement // you can perform two-axis manipulation allowing you to add one or more vertical angles. Think of it as // a layered cake, each new elevation of the camera during shooting creates one layer of the cake - // - a _row_. One plain horizontal object movie full spin is one row: // // A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 // A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 // A13 A14 A15 // // Second row tightly follows after the first one: // // A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 // A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 // A13 A14 A15 B01 B02 B03 // B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 // B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 // C01... // // This way you stack up any number of __`rows`__ you wish and set the initial `row` to start with. // Again, not limited to sprites, sequences also apply. // // [1]:../example/object-movie-multirow-sequence/ // // --- // #### `row` Option #### // `Number` (rows), since 1.1 // row: 1, // #### `rows` Option #### // `Number` (rows), since 1.1 // rows: 0, // ### [NEW] Multi-Row Locks ###### // // Optionally you can apply a lock on either of the two axes with `rowlock` and/or `framelock`. // That will disable direct mouse interaction and will leave using of `.reel()` the only way // of changing position on the locked axis. // // --- // #### `rowlock` Option #### // [NEW] `Boolean`, since 1.3 // rowlock: false, // #### `framelock` Option #### // [NEW] `Boolean`, since 1.3 // framelock: false, // ### Dual-Orbit Mode ###### // // Special form of multi-axis movie is the dual-axis mode. In this mode the object offers two plain // spins - horizontal and vertical orbits combined together crossing each other at the `frame` // forming sort of a cross if envisioned. [`example/object-movie-dual-orbit-sequence`][1] demonstrates // this setup. When the phone in the example is facing you (marked in the example with green square // in the top right), you are at the center. That is within the distance (in frames) defined // by the `orbital` option. Translation from horizontal to vertical orbit can be achieved on this sweet-spot. // By default horizontal orbit is chosen first, unless `vertical` option is used against. // // In case the image doesn't follow the vertical drag, you may have your vertical orbit `inversed`. // // Technically it is just a two-layer movie: // // A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 // A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A12 // A13 A14 A15 B01 B02 B03 // B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 // B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 // // [1]:../example/object-movie-dual-orbit-sequence/ // // --- // #### `orbital` Option #### // `Number` (frames), since 1.1 // orbital: 0, // #### `vertical` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.1 // vertical: false, // #### `inversed` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.1 // inversed: false, // ### Sprite Layout ###### // // For both object movies and panoramas Reel presumes you use a combined _Sprite_ to hold all your // frames in a single file. This powerful technique of using a sheet of several individual images // has many advantages in terms of compactness, loading, caching, etc. However, know your enemy, // be also aware of the limitations, which stem from memory limits of mobile // (learn more in [FAQ](https://github.com/pisi/Reel/wiki/FAQ)). // // Inside the sprite, individual frames are laid down one by one, to the right of the previous one // in a straight _Line_: // // 01 02 03 04 05 06 // 07... // // Horizontal length of the line is reffered to as `footage`. Unless frames `spacing` in pixels // is set, edges of frames must touch. // // 01 02 03 04 05 06 // 07 08 09 10 11 12 // 13 14 15 16 17 18 // 19 20 21 22 23 24 // 25 26 27 28 29 30 // 31 32 33 34 35 36 // // This is what you'll get by calling `.reel()` without any options. All frames laid out 6 in line. // By default nicely even 6 x 6 grid like, which also inherits the aspect ratio of your frames. // // By setting `horizontal` to `false`, instead of forming lines, frames are expected to form // _Columns_. All starts at the top left corner in both cases. // // 01 07 13 19 25 31 // 02 08 14 20 26 32 // 03 09 15 21 27 33 // 04 10 16 22 28 34 // 05 11 17 23 29 35 // 06 12 18 24 30 36 // // URL for the sprite image file is being build from the name of the original `` `src` image // by adding a `suffix` to it. By default this results in `"object-reel.jpg"` for `"object.jpg"`. // You can also take full control over the sprite `image` URL that will be used. // // --- // #### `footage` Option #### // `Number` (frames), since 1.0 // footage: 6, // #### `spacing` Option #### // `Number` (pixels), since 1.0 // spacing: 0, // #### `horizontal` Option #### // `Boolean`, since 1.0 // horizontal: true, // #### `suffix` Option #### // `String`, since 1.0 // suffix: '-reel', // #### `image` Option #### // `String`, since 1.1 // image: undefined, // ### Sequence ###### // // Collection of individual frame images is called _Sequence_ and it this way one HTTP request per // frame is made carried out as opposed to sprite with one request per entire sprite. Define it with // string like: `"image_###.jpg"`. The `#` placeholders will be replaced with a numeric +1 counter // padded to the placeholders length. // Learn more about [sequences](Sequences). // // In case you work with hashed filenames like `64bc654d21cb.jpg`, where no counter element can // be indentified, or you prefer direct control, `images` can also accept array of plain URL strings. // // All images are retrieved from a specified `path`. // // --- // #### `images` Option #### // [IMPROVED] `String` or `Array`, since 1.1 // images: '', // #### `path` Option #### // `String` (URL path), since 1.1 // path: '', // ### Images Preload Order ###### // // Given sequence images can be additionally reordered to achieve a perceived faster preloading. // Value given to `preload` option must match a name of a pre-registered function within // `$.reel.preload` object. There are two functions built-in: // // - `"fidelity"` - non-linear way that ensures even spreading of preloaded images around the entire // revolution leaving the gaps in-between as small as possible. This results in a gradually // increasing fidelity of the image rather than having one large shrinking gap. This is the default // behavior. // - `"linear"` - linear order of preloading // // --- // #### `preload` Option #### // `String`, since 1.2 // preload: 'fidelity', // ### [NEW] Shy Initialization ###### // // Sometimes, on-demand activation is desirable in order to conserve device resources or bandwidth // especially with multiple instances on a single page. If so, enable _shy mode_, in which Reel will // hold up the initialization process until the image is clicked by the user. Alternativelly you can // initialize shy instance by triggering `"setup"` event. // // --- // #### `shy` Option #### // [NEW] `Boolean`, since 1.3 // shy: false, // ### Animation ###### // // Your object movie or a panorama can perform an autonomous sustained motion in one direction. // When `speed` is set in revolutions per second (Hz), after a given `delay` the instance will // animate and advance frames by itself. // // t // |-------›|-----------› // Delay Animation // // Start and resume of animation happens when given `timeout` has elapsed since user became idle. // // t // |-----------›|= == == = === = = | |-----------› // Animation User interaction Timeout Animation // // When a scene doesn't loop (see [`loops`](#loops-Option)) and the animation reaches one end, // it stays there for a while and then reversing the direction of the animation it bounces back // towards the other end. The time spent on the edge can be customized with `rebound`. // // --- // #### `speed` Option #### // `Number` (Hz), since 1.1 // speed: 0, // #### `delay` Option #### // `Number` (seconds), since 1.1 // delay: 0, // #### `timeout` Option #### // `Number` (seconds), since 1.1 // timeout: 2, // #### `duration` Option #### // `Number` (seconds), since 1.3 // duration: undefined, // #### `rebound` Option #### // `Number` (seconds), since 1.1 // rebound: 0.5, // ### Opening Animation ###### // // Chance is you want the object to spin a little to attract attention and then stop and wait // for the user to engage. This is called "opening animation" and it is performed for given number // of seconds (`opening`) at dedicated `entry` speed. The `entry` speed defaults to value of `speed` // option. After the opening animation has passed, regular animation procedure begins starting with // the delay (if any). // // t // |--------›|-------›|-----------› // Opening Delay Animation // // --- // #### `entry` Option #### // `Number` (Hz), since 1.1 // entry: undefined, // #### `opening` Option #### // `Number` (seconds), since 1.1 // opening: 0, // ### Momentum ###### // // Often also called inertial motion is a result of measuring a velocity of dragging. This velocity // builds up momentum, so when a drag is released, the image still retains the momentum and continues // to spin on itself. Naturally the momentum soon wears off as `brake` is being applied. // // One can utilize this momentum for a different kind of an opening animation. By setting initial // `velocity`, the instance gets artificial momentum and spins to slow down to stop. // // --- // #### `brake` Option #### // `Number`, since 1.1, where it also has a different default `0.5` // brake: 0.23, // #### `velocity` Option #### // `Number`, since 1.2 // velocity: 0, // ### Ticker ###### // // For purposes of animation, Reel starts and maintains a timer device which emits ticks timing all // animations. There is only one ticker running in the document and all instances subscribe to this // one ticker. Ticker is equipped with a mechanism, which compensates for the measured costs // of running Reels to ensure the ticker ticks on time. The `tempo` (in Hz) of the ticker can be // specified. // // Please note, that ticker is synchronized with a _leader_, the oldest living instance on page, // and adjusts to his tempo. // // --- // #### `tempo` Option #### // `Number` (Hz, ticks per second), since 1.1 // tempo: 36, // ~~~ // // Since many mobile devices are sometimes considerably underpowered in comparison with desktops, // they often can keep up with the 36 Hz rhythm. In Reel these are called __lazy devices__ // and everything mobile qualifies as lazy for the sake of the battery and interaction fluency. // The ticker is under-clocked for them by a `laziness` factor, which is used to divide the `tempo`. // Default `laziness` of `6` will effectively use 6 Hz instead (6 = 36 / 6) on lazy devices. // // --- // #### `laziness` Option #### // `Number`, since 1.1 // laziness: 6, // ### Customization ###### // // You can customize Reel on both functional and visual front. The most visible thing you can // customize is probably the `cursor`, size of the `preloader`, perhaps add visual `indicator`(s) // of Reel's position within the range. You can also set custom `hint` for the tooltip, which appears // when you mouse over the image area. Last but not least you can also add custom class name `klass` // to the instance. // // --- // #### `cursor` Option #### // `String`, since 1.2 // cursor: undefined, // #### `hint` Option #### // `String`, since 1.0 // hint: '', // #### `indicator` Option #### // `Number` (pixels), since 1.0 // indicator: 0, // #### `klass` Option #### // `String`, since 1.0 // klass: '', // #### `preloader` Option #### // `Number` (pixels), since 1.1 // preloader: 2, // ~~~ // // You can use custom attributes (`attr`) on the node - it accepts the same name-value pairs object // jQuery `.attr()` does. In case you want to delegate full interaction control over the instance // to some other DOM element(s) on page, you can with `area`. // // --- // #### `area` Option #### // `jQuery`, since 1.1 // area: undefined, // #### `attr` Option #### // `Object`, since 1.2 // attr: {}, // ### Annotations ###### // // To further visually describe your scene you can place all kinds of in-picture HTML annotations // by defining an `annotations` object. Learn more about [Annotations][1] in a dedicated article. // // [1]:https://github.com/pisi/Reel/wiki/Annotations // // --- // #### `annotations` Option #### // `Object`, since 1.2 // annotations: undefined, // ### [NEW] Responsiveness ###### // // By default, dimensions of Reel are fixed and pixel-match the dimensions of the original image // and the responsive mode is disabled. Using `responsive` option you can enable responsiveness. // In such a case Reel will adopt dimensions of its parent container element and scale all relevant // data store values accordingly. // The scale applied is stored in `"ratio"` data key, where `1.0` means 100% or no scale. // // To take full advantage of this, you can setup your URLs to contain actual dimensions and // serve images in appropriate detail. // Learn more about [data values in URLs](#Data-Values-in-URLs). // // --- // #### `responsive` Option #### // [NEW] `Boolean`, since 1.3 // responsive: false, // ### Mathematics ###### // // When reeling, instance conforms to a graph function, which defines whether it will loop // (`$.reel.math.hatch`) or it won't (`$.reel.math.envelope`). My math is far from flawless // and I'm sure there are much better ways how to handle things. the `graph` option is there for you // shall you need it. It accepts a function, which should process given criteria and return // a fraction of 1. // // function( x, start, revolution, lo, hi, cwness, y ){ // return fraction // 0.0 - 1.0 // } // // --- // #### `graph` Option #### // `Function`, since 1.1 // graph: undefined, // ### Monitor ###### // // Specify a string data key and you will see its real-time value dumped in the upper-left corner // of the viewport. Its visual can be customized by CSS using `.jquery-reel-monitor` selector. // // --- // #### `monitor` Option #### // `String` (data key), since 1.1 // monitor: undefined }, // ----------------- // [NEW] Quick Start // ----------------- // // For basic Reel initialization, you don't even need to write any Javascript! // All it takes is to add __class name__ `"reel"` to your `` HTML tag, // assign an unique __`id` attribute__ and decorate the tag with configuration __data attributes__. // Result of which will be interactive Reel projection. // // // // All otherwise Javascript [options](#Options) are made available as HTML `data-*` attributes. // // Only the `annotations` option doesn't work this way. To quickly create annotations, // simply have any HTML node (`
` prefferably) anywhere in the DOM, // assign it __class name__ `"reel-annotation"`, an unique __`id` attribute__ // and add configuration __data attributes__. // //
// Whatever HTML I'd like to have in the annotation //
// // Most important is the `data-for` attribute, which references target Reel instance by `id`. // // --- // // Responsible for discovery and subsequent conversion of data-configured Reel images is // `$.reel.scan()` method, which is being called automagically when the DOM becomes ready. // Under normal circumstances you don't need to scan by yourself. // // It however comes in handy to re-scan when you happen to inject a data-configured Reel `` // into already ready DOM. // // --- // ### `$.reel.scan()` Method ###### // [NEW] returns `jQuery`, since 1.3 // scan: function(){ return $(dot(klass)+':not('+dot(overlay_klass)+' > '+dot(klass)+')').each(function(ix, image){ var $image= $(image), options= $image.data(), images= options.images= soft_array(options.images), annotations= {} $(dot(annotation_klass)+'[data-for='+$image.attr(_id_)+']').each(function(ix, annotation){ var $annotation= $(annotation), def= $annotation.data(), x= def.x= numerize_array(soft_array(def.x)), y= def.y= numerize_array(soft_array(def.y)), id= $annotation.attr(_id_), node= def.node= $annotation.removeData() annotations[id] = def; }); options.annotations = annotations; $image.removeData().reel(options); }); }, // ------- // Methods // ------- // // Reel's methods extend jQuery core functions with members of its `$.reel.fn` object. Despite Reel // being a typical one-method plug-in with its `.reel()` function, for convenience it also offers // its bipolar twin `.unreel()`. // // --- // ### `$.reel.fn` ###### // returns `Object`, since 1.1 // fn: { // ------------ // Construction // ------------ // // `.reel()` method is the core of Reel and similar to some jQuery functions, it has adaptive interface. // It either builds, [reads & writes data](#Data) or [causes events](#Control-Events). // // --- // ### `.reel( [options] )` Method ###### // returns `jQuery`, since 1.0 // reel: function(){ var args= arguments, t= $(this), data= t.data(), name= args[0] || {}, value= args[1] // The main [core of this procedure](#Construction-Core) is rather bulky, so let's skip it for now // and instead let me introduce the other uses first. // -------------------- // [NEW] Control Events // -------------------- // // [Event][1] messages are what ties and binds all Reel's internal working components together. // Besides being able to binding to any of these events from your script and react on Reel status changes // (e.g. position), you can also trigger some of them in order to control Reel's attitude. // // You can: // // * control the playback of animated Reels with [`play`](#play-Event), [`pause`](#pause-Event) // or [`stop`](#stop-Event) // * step the Reel in any direction with [`stepRight`](#stepRight-Event), [`stepLeft`](#stepLeft-Event), // [`stepUp`](#stepUp-Event), [`stepDown`](#stepDown-Event), // * reach certain frame with [`reach`](#reach-Event) // // Triggering Reel's control event is as simple as passing the desired event name to `.reel()`. // // _**Example:** Stop the animation in progress:_ // // .reel(':stop') // // Think of `.reel()` as a convenient shortcut to and synonym for [`.trigger()`][2], only prefix // the event name with `:`. Of course you can use simple `.trigger()` instead and without the colon. // // // [1]:http://api.jquery.com/category/events/event-object/ // [2]:http://api.jquery.com/trigger // // --- // #### `.reel( event, [arguments] )` ###### // returns `jQuery`, since 1.3 // if (typeof name != 'object'){ if (name.slice(0, 1) == ':'){ return t.trigger(name.slice(1), value); } // ---- // Data // ---- // // Reel stores all its inner state values with the standard DOM [data interface][1] interface // while adding an additional change-detecting event layer, which makes Reel entirely data-driven. // // [1]:http://api.jquery.com/data // // _**Example:** Find out on what frame a Reel instance currently is:_ // // .reel('frame') // Returns the frame number // // This time think of `.reel(data)` as a synonym for `.data()`. Note, that you can therefore easily // inspect the entire datastore with `.data()` (without arguments). Use it for debugging only. // For real-time data watch use [`monitor`](#Monitor) option instead of manually hooking into // the data. // // --- // #### `.reel( data )` ###### // can return anything, since 1.2 // else{ if (args.length == 1){ return data[name] } // ### Write Access ### // // You can store any value the very same way by passing the value as the second function // argument. // // _**Example:** Jump to frame 12:_ // // .reel('frame', 12) // // Only a handful of data keys is suitable for external manipulation. These include `area`, // `backwards`, `brake`, __`fraction`__, __`frame`__, `playing`, `reeling`, __`row`__, `speed`, // `stopped`, `velocity` and `vertical`. Use the rest of the keys for reading only, you can // mess up easily changing them. // // --- // #### `.reel( data, value )` ###### // returns `jQuery`, since 1.2 // else{ if (value !== undefined){ reel.normal[name] && (value= reel.normal[name](value, data)); // ### Changes ###### // // Any value that does not equal (`===`) the old value is considered _new value_ and // in such a case Reel will trigger a _change event_ to announce the change. The event // type takes form of _`key`_`Change`, where _`key`_ will be the data key/name you've // just assigned. // // _**Example:** Setting `"frame"` to `12` in the above example will trigger // `"frameChange"`._ // // Some of these _change events_ (like `frame` or `fraction`) have a // default handler attached. // // You can easily bind to any of the data key change with standard event // binding methods. // // _**Example:** React on instance being manipulated or not:_ // // .bind('reelingChange', function(evnt, nothing, reeling){ // if (reeling) console.log('Rock & reel!') // else console.log('Not reeling...') // }) // // --- // The handler function will be executed every time the value changes and // it will be supplied with three arguments. First one is the event object // as usual, second is `undefined` and the third will be the actual value. // In this case it was a boolean type value. // If the second argument is not `undefined` it is the backward compatible // "before" event triggered from outside Reel. // if (data[name] === undefined) data[name]= value else if (data[name] !== value) t.trigger(name+'Change', [ undefined, data[name]= value ]); } return t } } } // // ----------------- // Construction Core // ----------------- // // Now, back to the procedure of [constructing](#Construction) a Reel instance // and binding its event handlers. // // Establish local `opt` object made by extending the defaults. // else{ var opt= $.extend({}, reel.def, name), // Limit the given jQuery collection to just `` tags with `src` attribute // and dimensions defined. applicable= t.filter(_img_).unreel().filter(function(){ var $this= $(this), attr= opt.attr, src= attr.src || $this.attr(_src_), width= attr.width || $this.attr(_height_) || $this.width(), height= attr.height || $this.attr(_width_) || $this.height() if (!src) return error('`src` attribute missing on target image'); if (!width || !height) return error('Dimension(s) of the target image unknown'); return true; }), instances= [] applicable.each(function(){ var t= $(this), // Quick data interface set= function(name, value){ return t.reel(name, value) && get(name) }, get= function(name){ return t.data(name) }, on= { // -------------- // Initialization // -------------- // // This internally called private pseudo-handler: // // - initiates all data store keys, // - binds to ticker // - and triggers `"setup"` Event when finished. // setup: function(e){ if (t.hasClass(klass) && t.parent().hasClass(overlay_klass)) return; set(_options_, opt); var attr= { src: t.attr(_src_), width: t.attr(_width_) || null, height: t.attr(_height_) || null, style: t.attr(_style_) || null, 'class': t.attr(_class_) || null }, src= t.attr(opt.attr).attr(_src_), id= set(_id_, t.attr(_id_) || t.attr(_id_, klass+'-'+(+new Date())).attr(_id_)), data= $.extend({}, t.data()), images= set(_images_, opt.images || []), stitched= set(_stitched_, opt.stitched), is_sprite= !images.length || stitched, responsive= set(_responsive_, opt.responsive && (knows_background_size ? true : !is_sprite)), truescale= set(_truescale_, {}), loops= opt.loops, orbital= opt.orbital, revolution= opt.revolution, rows= opt.rows, footage= set(_footage_, min(opt.footage, opt.frames)), spacing= set(_spacing_, opt.spacing), width= set(_width_, +t.attr(_width_) || t.width()), height= set(_height_, +t.attr(_height_) || t.height()), shy= set(_shy_, opt.shy), frames= set(_frames_, orbital && footage || rows <= 1 && images.length || opt.frames), multirow= rows > 1 || orbital, revolution_x= set(_revolution_, axis('x', revolution) || stitched / 2 || width * 2), revolution_y= set(_revolution_y_, !multirow ? 0 : (axis('y', revolution) || (rows > 3 ? height : height / (5 - rows)))), rows= stitched ? 1 : ceil(frames / footage), stitched_travel= set(_stitched_travel_, stitched - (loops ? 0 : width)), stitched_shift= set(_stitched_shift_, 0), stage_id= hash(id+opt.suffix), img_class= t.attr(_class_), classes= !img_class ? __ : img_class+___, $overlay= $(tag(_div_), { id: stage_id.substr(1), 'class': classes+___+overlay_klass+___+frame_klass+'0' }), $instance= t.wrap($overlay.addClass(opt.klass)).addClass(klass), instances_count= instances.push(add_instance($instance)[0]), $overlay= $instance.parent().bind(on.instance) set(_image_, images.length ? __ : opt.image || src.replace(reel.re.image, '$1' + opt.suffix + '.$2')); set(_cache_, $(tag(_div_), { 'class': cache_klass }).appendTo('body')); set(_area_, $()), set(_cached_, []); set(_frame_, null); set(_fraction_, null); set(_row_, opt.row); set(_tier_, 0); set(_rows_, rows); set(_rowlock_, opt.rowlock); set(_framelock_, opt.framelock); set(_departure_, set(_destination_, set(_distance_, 0))); set(_bit_, 1 / frames); set(_stage_, stage_id); set(_backwards_, set(_speed_, opt.speed) < 0); set(_loading_, false); set(_velocity_, 0); set(_vertical_, opt.vertical); set(_preloaded_, 0); set(_cwish_, negative_when(1, !opt.cw && !stitched)); set(_clicked_location_, {}); set(_clicked_, false); set(_clicked_on_, set(_clicked_tier_, 0)); set(_lo_, set(_hi_, 0)); set(_reeling_, false); set(_reeled_, false); set(_opening_, false); set(_brake_, opt.brake); set(_center_, !!orbital); set(_tempo_, opt.tempo / (reel.lazy? opt.laziness : 1)); set(_opening_ticks_, -1); set(_ticks_, -1); set(_annotations_, opt.annotations || $overlay.unbind(dot(_annotations_)) && {}); set(_ratio_, 1); set(_backup_, { attr: attr, data: data }); opt.steppable || $overlay.unbind('up.steppable'); opt.indicator || $overlay.unbind('.indicator'); css(__, { overflow: _hidden_, position: 'relative' }); responsive || css(__, { width: width, height: height }); responsive && $.each(responsive_keys, function(i, key){ truescale[key]= get(key) }); css(____+___+dot(klass), { display: _block_ }); css(dot(cache_klass), { position: 'fixed', left: px(-100), top: px(-100) }, true); css(dot(cache_klass)+___+_img_, { position: _absolute_, width: 10, height: 10 }, true); pool.bind(on.pool); t.trigger(shy ? 'prepare' : 'setup') }, // ------ // Events // ------ // // Reel is completely event-driven meaning there are many events, which can be called // (triggered). By binding event handler to any of the events you can easily hook on to any // event to inject your custom behavior where and when this event was triggered. // // _**Example:** Make `#image` element reel and execute some code right after the newly // created instance is initialized and completely loaded:_ // // $("#image") // .reel() // .bind("loaded", function(ev){ // // Your code // }) // // Events bound to all individual instances. // instance: { // ### `teardown` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // This event does do how it sounds like. It will teardown an instance with all its // belongings leaving no trace. // // - It reconstructs the original `` element, // - wipes out the data store, // - removes instance stylesheet // - and unbinds all its events. // teardown: function(e){ var backup= t.data(_backup_) t.parent().unbind(on.instance); if (get(_shy_)) t.parent().unbind(_click_, shy_setup) else get(_style_).remove() && get(_area_).unbind(ns); get(_cache_).empty(); clearTimeout(delay); clearTimeout(gauge_delay); $(window).unbind(_resize_, slow_gauge); $(window).unbind(ns); pool.unbind(on.pool); pools.unbind(pns); t.siblings().unbind(ns).remove(); no_bias(); t.removeAttr('onloaded'); remove_instance(t.unbind(ns).removeData().unwrap().attr(backup.attr).data(backup.data)); t.attr(_style_) == __ && t.removeAttr(_style_); }, // ### `setup` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.0 // // `"setup"` Event continues with what has been started by the private `on.setup()` // handler. // // - It prepares all additional on-stage DOM elements // - and cursors for the instance stylesheet. // setup: function(e){ var $overlay= t.parent().append(preloader()), $area= set(_area_, $(opt.area || $overlay )), multirow= opt.rows > 1, cursor= opt.cursor, cursor_up= cursor == _hand_ ? drag_cursor : cursor || reel_cursor, cursor_down= cursor == _hand_ ? drag_cursor_down+___+'!important' : undefined css(___+dot(klass), { MozUserSelect: _none_, WebkitUserSelect: _none_, MozTransform: 'translateZ(0)' }); t.unbind(_click_, shy_setup); $area .bind(_touchstart_, press) .bind(opt.clickfree ? _mouseenter_ : _mousedown_, press) .bind(opt.wheelable ? _mousewheel_ : null, wheel) .bind(_dragstart_, function(){ return false }) css(__, { cursor: cdn(cursor_up) }); css(dot(loading_klass), { cursor: 'wait' }); css(dot(panning_klass)+____+dot(panning_klass)+' *', { cursor: cdn(cursor_down || cursor_up) }, true); if (get(_responsive_)){ css(___+dot(klass), { width: '100%', height: _auto_ }); $(window).bind(_resize_, slow_gauge); } function press(e){ return t.trigger('down', [pointer(e).clientX, pointer(e).clientY, e]) && e.give } function wheel(e, delta){ return !delta || t.trigger('wheel', [delta, e]) && e.give } opt.hint && $area.attr('title', opt.hint); opt.indicator && $overlay.append(indicator('x')); multirow && opt.indicator && $overlay.append(indicator('y')); opt.monitor && $overlay.append($monitor= $(tag(_div_), { 'class': monitor_klass })) && css(___+dot(monitor_klass), { position: _absolute_, left: 0, top: 0 }); }, // ### `preload` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // Reel keeps a cache of all images it needs for its operation. Either a sprite or all // sequence images. It first determines the order of requesting the images and then // asynchronously loads all of them. // // - It preloads all frames and sprites. // preload: function(e){ var $overlay= t.parent(), images= get(_images_), is_sprite= !images.length, order= reel.preload[opt.preload] || reel.preload[reel.def.preload], preload= is_sprite ? [get(_image_)] : order(images.slice(0), opt, get), to_load= preload.length, preloaded= set(_preloaded_, is_sprite ? 0.5 : 0), simultaneous= 0, $cache= get(_cache_).empty(), uris= [] $overlay.addClass(loading_klass); // It also finalizes the instance stylesheet and prepends it to the head. set(_style_, get(_style_) || $('<'+_style_+' type="text/css">'+css.rules.join('\n')+'').prependTo(_head_)); set(_loading_, true); t.trigger('stop'); opt.responsive && gauge(); t.trigger('resize', true); while(preload.length){ var uri= reel.substitute(opt.path+preload.shift(), get), $img= $(tag(_img_)).data(_src_, uri).appendTo($cache) // Each image, which finishes the load triggers `"preloaded"` Event. $img.bind('load error abort', function(e){ e.type != 'load' && t.trigger(e.type); return !detached($overlay) && t.trigger('preloaded') && load() && false; }); uris.push(uri); } setTimeout(function(){ while (++simultaneous < reel.concurrent_requests) load(); }, 0); set(_cached_, uris); set(_shy_, false); function load(){ var $img= $cache.children(':not([src]):first') return $img.attr(_src_, $img.data(_src_)) } }, // ### `preloaded` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // This event is fired by every preloaded image and adjusts the preloader indicator's // target position. Once all images are preloaded, `"loaded"` Event is triggered. // preloaded: function(e){ var images= get(_images_).length || 1, preloaded= set(_preloaded_, min(get(_preloaded_) + 1, images)) if (preloaded === 1) var frame= t.trigger('frameChange', [undefined, get(_frame_)]) if (preloaded === images){ t.parent().removeClass(loading_klass); t.trigger('loaded'); } }, // ### `loaded` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // `"loaded"` Event is the one announcing when the instance is "locked and loaded". // At this time, all is prepared, preloaded and configured for user interaction // or animation. // loaded: function(e){ get(_images_).length > 1 || t.css({ backgroundImage: url(reel.substitute(opt.path+get(_image_), get)) }).attr({ src: cdn(transparent) }); get(_stitched_) && t.attr({ src: cdn(transparent) }); get(_reeled_) || set(_velocity_, opt.velocity || 0); set(_loading_, false); loaded= true; }, // ### `prepare` Event ###### // [NEW] `Event`, since 1.3 // // In case of `shy` activation, `"prepare"` event is called instead of the full `"setup"`. // It lefts the target image untouched waiting to be clicked to actually setup. // prepare: function(e){ t.css('display', _block_).parent().one(_click_, shy_setup); }, // ---------------- // Animation Events // ---------------- // // ### `opening` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // When [opening animation](#Opening-Animation) is configured for the instance, `"opening"` // event engages the animation by pre-calculating some of its properties, which will make // the tick handler // opening: function(e){ /* - initiates opening animation - or simply plays the reel when without opening */ if (!opt.opening) return t.trigger('openingDone'); var opening= set(_opening_, true), stopped= set(_stopped_, !get(_speed_)), speed= opt.entry || opt.speed, end= get(_fraction_), duration= opt.opening, start= set(_fraction_, end - speed * duration), ticks= set(_opening_ticks_, ceil(duration * leader(_tempo_))) }, // ### `openingDone` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // `"openingDone"` is fired onceWhen [opening animation](#Opening-Animation) is configured for the instance, `"opening"` // event engages the animation by pre-calculating some of its properties, which will make // the tick handler // openingDone: function(e){ var playing= set(_playing_, false), opening= set(_opening_, false), evnt= _tick_+dot(_opening_) pool.unbind(evnt, on.pool[evnt]); opt.orientable && $(window).bind(_deviceorientation_, orient); if (opt.delay > 0) delay= setTimeout(function(){ t.trigger('play') }, opt.delay * 1000) else t.trigger('play'); function orient(e){ return t.trigger('orient', [gyro(e).alpha, gyro(e).beta, gyro(e).gamma, e]) && e.give } }, // ----------------------- // Playback Control Events // ----------------------- // // ### `play` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // `"play"` event can optionally accept a `speed` parameter (in Hz) to change the animation // speed on the fly. // play: function(e, speed){ var speed= speed ? set(_speed_, speed) : (get(_speed_) * negative_when(1, get(_backwards_))), duration= opt.duration, ticks= duration && set(_ticks_, ceil(duration * leader(_tempo_))), backwards= set(_backwards_, speed < 0), playing= set(_playing_, !!speed), stopped= set(_stopped_, !playing) idle(); }, // ### `reach` Event ###### // [NEW] `Event`, since 1.3 // // Use this event to instruct Reel to play and reach a given frame. `"reach"` event requires // `target` parameter, which is the frame to which Reel should animate to and stop. // Optional `speed` parameter allows for custom speed independent on the regular speed. // reach: function(e, target, speed){ if (target == get(_frame_)) return; var frames= get(_frames_), row= set(_row_, ceil(target / frames)), departure= set(_departure_, get(_frame_)), target= set(_destination_, target), shortest = set(_distance_, reel.math.distance(departure, target, frames)), speed= abs(speed || get(_speed_)) * negative_when(1, shortest < 0) t.trigger('play', speed); }, // ### `pause` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // Triggering `"pause"` event will halt the playback for a time period designated // by the `timeout` option. After this timenout, the playback is resumed again. // pause: function(e){ unidle(); }, // ### `stop` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // After `"stop"` event is triggered, the playback stops and stays still until `"play"`ed again. // stop: function(e){ var stopped= set(_stopped_, true), playing= set(_playing_, !stopped) }, // ------------------------ // Human Interaction Events // ------------------------ // // ### `down` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // Marks the very beginning of touch or mouse interaction. It receives `x` and `y` // coordinates in arguments. // // - It calibrates the center point (origin), // - considers user active not idle, // - flags the `` tag with `.reel-panning` class name // - and binds dragging events for move and lift. These // are usually bound to the pool (document itself) to get a consistent treating regardless // the event target element. However in click-free mode, it binds directly to the instance. // down: function(e, x, y, ev){ if (!opt.clickfree && ev && ev.button !== undefined && ev.button != DRAG_BUTTON) return; if (opt.draggable){ var clicked= set(_clicked_, get(_frame_)), clickfree= opt.clickfree, velocity= set(_velocity_, 0), $area= clickfree ? get(_area_) : pools, origin= last= recenter_mouse(get(_revolution_), x, y) unidle(); no_bias(); panned= 0; $(_html_, pools).addClass(panning_klass); $area .bind(_touchmove_+___+_mousemove_, drag) .bind(_touchend_+___+_touchcancel_, lift) .bind(clickfree ? _mouseleave_ : _mouseup_, lift) } function drag(e){ return t.trigger('pan', [pointer(e).clientX, pointer(e).clientY, e]) && e.give } function lift(e){ return t.trigger('up', [e]) && e.give } }, // ### `up` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // This marks the termination of user's interaction. She either released the mouse button // or lift the finger of the touch screen. This event handler: // // - calculates the velocity of the drag at that very moment, // - removes the `.reel-panning` class from `` // - and unbinds dragging events from the pool. // up: function(e, ev){ var clicked= set(_clicked_, false), reeling= set(_reeling_, false), throwable = opt.throwable, biases= abs(bias[0] + bias[1]) / 60, velocity= set(_velocity_, !throwable ? 0 : throwable === true ? biases : min(throwable, biases)), brakes= braking= velocity ? 1 : 0 unidle(); no_bias(); $(_html_, pools).removeClass(panning_klass); (opt.clickfree ? get(_area_) : pools).unbind(pns); }, // ### `pan` Event ###### // [RENAMED] `Event`, since 1.2 // // Regardles the actual source of movement (mouse or touch), this event is always triggered // in response and similar to the `"down"` Event it receives `x` and `y` coordinates // in arguments and in addition it is passed a reference to the original browser event. // This handler: // // - syncs with timer to achieve good performance, // - calculates the distance from drag center and applies graph on it to get `fraction`, // - recenters the drag when dragged over limits, // - detects the direction of the motion // - and builds up inertial motion bias. // // Historically `pan` was once called `slide` (conflicted with Mootools - [GH-51][1]) // or `drag` (that conflicted with MSIE). // // [1]:https://github.com/pisi/Reel/issues/51 // pan: function(e, x, y, ev){ if (opt.draggable && slidable){ slidable= false; unidle(); var rows= opt.rows, orbital= opt.orbital, scrollable= !get(_reeling_) && rows <= 1 && !orbital && opt.scrollable, delta= { x: x - last.x, y: y - last.y }, abs_delta= { x: abs(delta.x), y: abs(delta.y) } if (ev && scrollable && abs_delta.x < abs_delta.y) return ev.give = true; if (abs_delta.x > 0 || abs_delta.y > 0){ ev && (ev.give = false); panned= max(abs_delta.x, abs_delta.y); last= { x: x, y: y }; var revolution= get(_revolution_), origin= get(_clicked_location_), vertical= get(_vertical_) if (!get(_framelock_)) var fraction= set(_fraction_, graph(vertical ? y - origin.y : x - origin.x, get(_clicked_on_), revolution, get(_lo_), get(_hi_), get(_cwish_), vertical ? y - origin.y : x - origin.x)), reeling= set(_reeling_, get(_reeling_) || get(_frame_) != get(_clicked_)), motion= to_bias(vertical ? delta.y : delta.x || 0), backwards= motion && set(_backwards_, motion < 0) if (orbital && get(_center_)) var vertical= set(_vertical_, abs(y - origin.y) > abs(x - origin.x)), origin= recenter_mouse(revolution, x, y) if (rows > 1 && !get(_rowlock_)) var revolution_y= get(_revolution_y_), start= get(_clicked_tier_), lo= - start * revolution_y, tier= set(_tier_, reel.math.envelope(y - origin.y, start, revolution_y, lo, lo + revolution_y, -1)) if (!(fraction % 1) && !opt.loops) var origin= recenter_mouse(revolution, x, y) } } }, // ### `wheel` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.0 // // Maps Reel to mouse wheel position change event which is provided by a nifty plug-in // written by Brandon Aaron - the [Mousewheel plug-in][1], which you will need to enable // the mousewheel wheel for reeling. You can also choose to use [Wheel Special Event // plug-in][2] by Three Dub Media instead. Either way `"wheel"` Event handler receives // the positive or negative wheeled distance in arguments. This event: // // - calculates wheel input delta and adjusts the `fraction` using the graph, // - recenters the "drag" each and every time, // - detects motion direction // - and nullifies the velocity. // // [1]:https://github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-mousewheel // [2]:http://blog.threedubmedia.com/2008/08/eventspecialwheel.html // wheel: function(e, distance, ev){ if (!distance) return; wheeled= true; var delta= ceil(math.sqrt(abs(distance)) / 2), delta= negative_when(delta, distance > 0), revolution= 0.0833 * get(_revolution_), // Wheel's revolution is 1/12 of full revolution origin= recenter_mouse(revolution), backwards= delta && set(_backwards_, delta < 0), velocity= set(_velocity_, 0), fraction= set(_fraction_, graph(delta, get(_clicked_on_), revolution, get(_lo_), get(_hi_), get(_cwish_))) ev && ev.preventDefault(); ev && (ev.give = false); unidle(); t.trigger('up', [ev]); }, // ### `orient` Event ###### // [NEW] `Event`, since 1.3 // // Maps Reel to device orientation event which is provided by some touch enabled devices // with gyroscope inside. Event handler receives all three device orientation angles // in arguments. This event: // // - maps alpha angle directly to `fraction` // orient: function(e, alpha, beta, gamma, ev){ if (!slidable || operated) return; oriented= true; var alpha_fraction= alpha / 360 fraction= set(_fraction_, +((opt.stitched || opt.cw ? 1 - alpha_fraction : alpha_fraction)).toFixed(2)) slidable = false; }, // ------------------ // Data Change Events // ------------------ // // Besides Reel being event-driven, it also is data-driven respectively data-change-driven // meaning that there is a mechanism in place, which detects real changes in data being // stored with `.reel(name, value)`. Learn more about [data changes](#Changes). // // These data change bindings are for internal use only and you don't ever trigger them // per se, you change data and that will trigger respective change event. If the value // being stored is the same as the one already stored, nothing will be triggered. // // _**Example:** Change Reel's current `frame`:_ // // .reel("frame", 15) // // Change events always receive the actual data key value in the third argument. // // _**Example:** Log each viewed frame number into the developers console:_ // // .bind("frameChange", function(e, d, frame){ // console.log(frame) // }) // // --- // ### `fractionChange` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.0 // // Internally Reel doesn't really work with the frames you set it up with. It uses // __fraction__, which is a numeric value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. When `fraction` changes // this handler basically calculates and sets new value of `frame`. // fractionChange: function(e, nil, fraction){ if (nil !== undefined) return; var frame= 1 + floor(fraction / get(_bit_)), multirow= opt.rows > 1, orbital= opt.orbital, center= set(_center_, !!orbital && (frame <= orbital || frame >= get(_footage_) - orbital + 2)) if (multirow) var frame= frame + (get(_row_) - 1) * get(_frames_) var frame= set(_frame_, frame) }, // ### `tierChange` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.2 // // The situation of `tier` is very much similar to the one of `fraction`. In multi-row // movies, __tier__ is an internal value for the vertical axis. Its value also ranges from // 0.0 to 1.0. Handler calculates and sets new value of `frame`. // tierChange: function(e, nil, tier){ if (nil === undefined) var row= set(_row_, round(interpolate(tier, 1, opt.rows))), frames= get(_frames_), frame= get(_frame_) % frames || frames, frame= set(_frame_, frame + row * frames - frames) }, // ### `rowChange` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.1 // // The physical vertical position of Reel is expressed in __rows__ and ranges // from 1 to the total number of rows defined with [`rows`](#rows-Option). This handler // only converts `row` value to `tier` and sets it. // rowChange: function(e, nil, row){ if (nil === undefined) var tier= may_set(_tier_, undefined, row, opt.rows) }, // ### `frameChange` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.0 // // The physical horizontal position of Reel is expressed in __frames__ and ranges // from 1 to the total number of frames configured with [`frames`](#frames-Option). // This handler converts `row` value to `tier` and sets it. This default handler: // // - flags the instance's outter wrapper with `.frame-X` class name // (where `X` is the actual frame number), // - calculates and eventually sets `fraction` (and `tier` for multi-rows) from given frame, // - for sequences, it switches the ``'s `src` to the right frame // - and for sprites it recalculates sprite's 'background position shift and applies it. // frameChange: function(e, nil, frame){ if (nil !== undefined) return; this.className= this.className.replace(reel.re.frame_klass, frame_klass + frame); var frames= get(_frames_), rows= opt.rows, path= opt.path, base= frame % frames || frames, frame_row= (frame - base) / frames + 1, frame_tier= (frame_row - 1) / (rows - 1), row= get(_row_), tier= !rows ? get(_tier_) : may_set(_tier_, frame_tier, row, rows), fraction= may_set(_fraction_, undefined, base, frames), footage= get(_footage_) if (opt.orbital && get(_vertical_)) var frame= opt.inversed ? footage + 1 - frame : frame, frame= frame + footage var stitched= get(_stitched_), images= get(_images_), is_sprite= !images.length || stitched if (!is_sprite){ get(_responsive_) && gauge(); get(_preloaded_) && t.attr({ src: reen(reel.substitute(path + images[frame - 1], get)) }); }else{ var spacing= get(_spacing_), width= get(_width_), height= get(_height_) if (!stitched) var horizontal= opt.horizontal, minor= (frame % footage) - 1, minor= minor < 0 ? footage - 1 : minor, major= floor((frame - 0.1) / footage), major= major + (rows > 1 ? 0 : (get(_backwards_) ? 0 : !opt.directional ? 0 : get(_rows_))), a= major * ((horizontal ? height : width) + spacing), b= minor * ((horizontal ? width : height) + spacing), shift= images.length ? [0, 0] : horizontal ? [px(-b), px(-a)] : [px(-a), px(-b)] else{ var x= set(_stitched_shift_, round(interpolate(fraction, 0, get(_stitched_travel_))) % stitched), y= rows <= 1 ? 0 : (height + spacing) * (rows - row), shift= [px(-x), px(-y)], image= images.length > 1 && images[row - 1], fullpath= reel.substitute(path + image, get) image && t.css('backgroundImage').search(fullpath) < 0 && t.css({ backgroundImage: url(fullpath) }) } t.css({ backgroundPosition: shift.join(___) }) } }, // This extra binding takes care of watching frame position while animating the `"reach"` event. // 'frameChange.reach': function(e, nil, frame){ if (!get(_destination_) || nil !== undefined) return; var travelled= reel.math.distance(get(_departure_), frame, get(_frames_)), onorover= abs(travelled) >= abs(get(_distance_)) if (!onorover) return; set(_frame_, set(_destination_)); set(_destination_, set(_distance_, set(_departure_, 0))); t.trigger('stop'); }, // ~~~ // // When `image` or `images` is changed on the fly, this handler resets the loading cache and triggers // new preload sequence. Images are actually switched only after the new image is fully loaded. // 'imageChange imagesChange': function(e, nil, image){ t.trigger('preload'); }, // --------- // Indicator // --------- // // When configured with the [`indicator`](#indicator-Option) option, Reel adds to the scene // a visual indicator in a form of a black rectangle traveling along the bottom edge // of the image. It bears two distinct messages: // // - its horizontal position accurately reflects actual `fraction` // - and its width reflect one frame's share on the whole (more frames mean narrower // indicator). // 'fractionChange.indicator': function(e, nil, fraction){ if (opt.indicator && nil === undefined) var size= opt.indicator, orbital= opt.orbital, travel= orbital && get(_vertical_) ? get(_height_) : get(_width_), slots= orbital ? get(_footage_) : opt.images.length || get(_frames_), weight= ceil(travel / slots), travel= travel - weight, indicate= round(interpolate(fraction, 0, travel)), indicate= !opt.cw || get(_stitched_) ? indicate : travel - indicate, $indicator= indicator.$x.css(get(_vertical_) ? { left: 0, top: px(indicate), bottom: _auto_, width: size, height: weight } : { bottom: 0, left: px(indicate), top: _auto_, width: weight, height: size }) }, // For multi-row object movies, there's a second indicator sticked to the left edge // and communicates: // // - its vertical position accurately reflects actual `tier` // - and its height reflect one row's share on the whole (more rows mean narrower // indicator). // 'tierChange.indicator': function(e, nil, tier){ if (opt.rows > 1 && opt.indicator && nil === undefined) var travel= get(_height_), size= opt.indicator, weight= ceil(travel / opt.rows), travel= travel - weight, indicate= round(tier * travel), $yindicator= indicator.$y.css({ left: 0, top: indicate, width: size, height: weight }) }, // Indicators are bound to `fraction` or `row` changes, meaning they alone can consume // more CPU resources than the entire Reel scene. Use them for development only. // // ----------- // Annotations // ----------- // // If you want to annotate features of your scene to better describe the subject, // there's annotations for you. Annotations feature allows you to place virtually any // HTML content over or into the image and have its position and visibility synchronized // with the position of Reel. These two easy looking handlers do a lot more than to fit // in here. // // Learn more about [Annotations][1] in the wiki, where a great care has been taken // to in-depth explain this new exciting functionality. // // [1]:https://github.com/pisi/Reel/wiki/Annotations // 'setup.annotations': function(e){ var $overlay= t.parent() $.each(get(_annotations_), function(ida, note){ var $note= typeof note.node == _string_ ? $(note.node) : note.node || {}, $note= $note.jquery ? $note : $(tag(_div_), $note), $note= $note.attr({ id: ida }).addClass(annotation_klass), $image= note.image ? $(tag(_img_), note.image) : $(), $link= note.link ? $(tag('a'), note.link).click(function(){ t.trigger('up.annotations', { target: $link }); }) : $() css(hash(ida), { display: _none_, position: _absolute_ }, true); note.image || note.link && $note.append($link); note.link || note.image && $note.append($image); note.link && note.image && $note.append($link.append($image)); $note.appendTo($overlay); }); }, 'prepare.annotations': function(e){ $.each(get(_annotations_), function(ida, note){ $(hash(ida)).hide(); }); }, 'frameChange.annotations': function(e, nil, frame){ if (!get(_preloaded_) || nil !== undefined) return; var width= get(_width_), stitched= get(_stitched_), ss= get(_stitched_shift_) $.each(get(_annotations_), function(ida, note){ var $note= $(hash(ida)), start= note.start || 1, end= note.end, frame= frame || get(_frame_), offset= frame - 1, at= note.at ? (note.at[offset] == '+') : false, offset= note.at ? offset : offset - start + 1, x= typeof note.x!=_object_ ? note.x : note.x[offset], y= typeof note.y!=_object_ ? note.y : note.y[offset], placed= x !== undefined && y !== undefined, visible= placed && (note.at ? at : (offset >= 0 && (!end || offset <= end - start))) if (stitched) var on_edge= x < width && ss > stitched - width, after_edge= x > stitched - width && ss >= 0 && ss < width, x= !on_edge ? x : x + stitched, x= !after_edge ? x : x - stitched, x= x - ss if (get(_responsive_)) var ratio= get(_ratio_), x= x && x * ratio, y= y && y * ratio var style= { display: visible ? _block_:_none_, left: px(x), top: px(y) } $note.css(style); }); }, 'up.annotations': function(e, ev){ if (panned > 10 || wheeled) return; var $target= $(ev.target), $link= ($target.is('a') ? $target : $target.parents('a')), href= $link.attr('href') href && (panned= 10); }, // --------------------- // Click Stepping Events // --------------------- // // For devices without drag support or for developers, who want to use some sort // of left & right buttons on their site to control your instance from outside, Reel // supports ordinary click with added detection of left half or right half and resulting // triggering of `stepLeft` and `stepRight` events respectively. // // This behavior can be disabled by the [`steppable`](#steppable-Option) option. // 'up.steppable': function(e, ev){ if (panned || wheeled) return; t.trigger(get(_clicked_location_).x - t.offset().left > 0.5 * get(_width_) ? 'stepRight' : 'stepLeft') }, 'stepLeft stepRight': function(e){ unidle(); }, // ### `stepLeft` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.2 // stepLeft: function(e){ set(_backwards_, false); set(_fraction_, get(_fraction_) - get(_bit_) * get(_cwish_)); }, // ### `stepRight` Event ###### // `Event`, since 1.2 // stepRight: function(e){ set(_backwards_, true); set(_fraction_, get(_fraction_) + get(_bit_) * get(_cwish_)); }, // ### `stepUp` Event ###### // [NEW] `Event`, since 1.3 // stepUp: function(e){ set(_row_, get(_row_) - 1); }, // ### `stepDown` Event ###### // [NEW] `Event`, since 1.3 // stepDown: function(e){ set(_row_, get(_row_) + 1); }, // ----------------------- // [NEW] Responsive Events // ----------------------- // // In responsive mode in case of parent's size change, in addition to actual recalculations, // the instance starts to emit throttled `resize` events. This handler in turn emulates // images changes event leading to reload of frames. // // --- // // ### `resize` Event ###### // [NEW] `Event`, since 1.3 // resize: function(e, force){ if (get(_loading_) && !force) return; var stitched= get(_stitched_), spacing= get(_spacing_), height= get(_height_), is_sprite= !get(_images_).length || stitched, rows= opt.rows || 1, size= get(_images_).length ? !stitched ? undefined : px(stitched)+___+px(height) : stitched && px(stitched)+___+px((height + spacing) * rows - spacing) || px((get(_width_) + spacing) * get(_footage_) - spacing)+___+px((height + spacing) * get(_rows_) * rows * (opt.directional? 2:1) - spacing) t.css({ height: is_sprite ? px(height) : null, backgroundSize: size || null }); force || t.trigger('imagesChange'); }, // ---------------- // Follow-up Events // ---------------- // // When some event as a result triggers another event, it preferably is not triggered // directly, because it would disallow preventing the event propagation / chaining // to happen. Instead a followup handler is bound to the first event and it triggers the // second one. // 'setup.fu': function(e){ var frame= set(_frame_, opt.frame + (get(_row_) - 1) * get(_frames_)) t.trigger('preload') }, 'wheel.fu': function(){ wheeled= false }, 'clean.fu': function(){ t.trigger('teardown') }, 'loaded.fu': function(){ t.trigger('opening') } }, // ------------- // Tick Handlers // ------------- // // As opposed to the events bound to the instance itself, there is a [ticker](#Ticker) // in place, which emits `tick.reel` event on the document level by default every 1/36 // of a second and drives all the animations. Three handlers currently bind each instance // to the tick. // pool: { // This handler has a responsibility of continuously updating the preloading indicator // until all images are loaded and to unbind itself then. // 'tick.reel.preload': function(e){ if (!(loaded || get(_loading_)) || get(_shy_)) return; var width= get(_width_), current= number(preloader.$.css(_width_)), images= get(_images_).length || 1, target= round(1 / images * get(_preloaded_) * width) preloader.$.css({ width: current + (target - current) / 3 + 1 }) if (get(_preloaded_) === images && current > width - 1){ loaded= false; preloader.$.fadeOut(300, function(){ preloader.$.css({ opacity: 1, width: 0 }) }); } }, // This handler binds to the document's ticks at all times, regardless the situation. // It serves several tasks: // // - keeps track of how long the instance is being operated by the user, // - or for how long it is braking the velocity inertia, // - decreases gained velocity by applying power of the [`brake`](#brake-Option) option, // - flags the instance as `slidable` again, so that `pan` event handler can be executed // again, // - updates the [`monitor`](#monitor-Option) value, // - bounces off the edges for non-looping panoramas, // - and most importantly it animates the Reel if [`speed`](#speed-Option) is configured. // 'tick.reel': function(e){ if (get(_shy_)) return; var velocity= get(_velocity_), leader_tempo= leader(_tempo_), monitor= opt.monitor if (!reel.intense && offscreen()) return; if (braking) var braked= velocity - (get(_brake_) / leader_tempo * braking), velocity= set(_velocity_, braked > 0.1 ? braked : (braking= operated= 0)) monitor && $monitor.text(get(monitor)); velocity && braking++; operated && operated++; to_bias(0); slidable= true; if (operated && !velocity) return mute(e); if (get(_clicked_)) return mute(e, unidle()); if (get(_opening_ticks_) > 0) return; if (!opt.loops && opt.rebound) var edgy= !operated && !(get(_fraction_) % 1) ? on_edge++ : (on_edge= 0), bounce= on_edge >= opt.rebound * 1000 / leader_tempo, backwards= bounce && set(_backwards_, !get(_backwards_)) var direction= get(_cwish_) * negative_when(1, get(_backwards_)), ticks= get(_ticks_), step= (!get(_playing_) || oriented || !ticks ? velocity : abs(get(_speed_)) + velocity) / leader(_tempo_), fraction= set(_fraction_, get(_fraction_) - step * direction), ticks= !opt.duration ? ticks : ticks > 0 && set(_ticks_, ticks - 1) !ticks && get(_playing_) && t.trigger('stop'); }, // This handler performs the opening animation duty when during it the normal animation // is halted until the opening finishes. // 'tick.reel.opening': function(e){ if (!get(_opening_)) return; var speed= opt.entry || opt.speed, step= speed / leader(_tempo_) * (opt.cw? -1:1), ticks= set(_opening_ticks_, get(_opening_ticks_) - 1), fraction= set(_fraction_, get(_fraction_) + step) ticks || t.trigger('openingDone'); } } }, loaded= false, // ------------------------ // Instance Private Helpers // ------------------------ // // - Events propagation stopper / muter // mute= function(e, result){ return e.stopImmediatePropagation() || result }, // - Shy initialization helper // shy_setup= function(){ t.trigger('setup') }, // - User idle control // operated, braking= 0, idle= function(){ return operated= 0 }, unidle= function(){ clearTimeout(delay); pool.unbind(_tick_+dot(_opening_), on.pool[_tick_+dot(_opening_)]); set(_opening_ticks_, 0); set(_reeled_, true); return operated= -opt.timeout * leader(_tempo_) }, panned= 0, wheeled= false, oriented= false, // - Constructors of UI elements // $monitor= $(), preloader= function(){ css(___+dot(preloader_klass), { position: _absolute_, left: 0, bottom: 0, height: opt.preloader, overflow: _hidden_, backgroundColor: '#000' }); return preloader.$= $(tag(_div_), { 'class': preloader_klass }) }, indicator= function(axis){ css(___+dot(indicator_klass)+dot(axis), { position: _absolute_, width: 0, height: 0, overflow: _hidden_, backgroundColor: '#000' }); return indicator['$'+axis]= $(tag(_div_), { 'class': indicator_klass+___+axis }) }, // - CSS rules & stylesheet // css= function(selector, definition, global){ var stage= global ? __ : get(_stage_), selector= selector.replace(/^/, stage).replace(____, ____+stage) return css.rules.push(selector+cssize(definition)) && definition function cssize(values){ var rules= []; $.each(values, function(key, value){ rules.push(key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()+':'+px(value)+';') }); return '{'+rules.join(__)+'}' } }, $style, // - Off screen detection (vertical only for performance) // offscreen= function(){ var height= get(_height_), width= get(_width_), rect= t[0].getBoundingClientRect() return rect.top < -height || rect.left < -width || rect.right > width + $(window).width() || rect.bottom > height + $(window).height() }, // - Inertia rotation control // on_edge= 0, last= { x: 0, y: 0 }, to_bias= function(value){ return bias.push(value) && bias.shift() && value }, no_bias= function(){ return bias= [0,0] }, bias= no_bias(), // - Graph function to be used // graph= opt.graph || reel.math[opt.loops ? 'hatch' : 'envelope'], normal= reel.normal, // - Response to the size changes in responsive mode // slow_gauge= function(){ clearTimeout(gauge_delay); gauge_delay= setTimeout(gauge, reel.resize_gauge); }, gauge= function(){ if (t.width() == get(_width_)) return; var truescale= get(_truescale_), ratio= set(_ratio_, t.width() / truescale.width) $.each(truescale, function(key, value){ set(key, round(value * ratio)) }) t.trigger('resize'); }, // - Delay timer pointers // delay, // openingDone's delayed play gauge_delay, // slow_gauge's throttle // - Interaction graph's zero point reset // recenter_mouse= function(revolution, x, y){ var fraction= set(_clicked_on_, get(_fraction_)), tier= set(_clicked_tier_, get(_tier_)), loops= opt.loops, lo= set(_lo_, loops ? 0 : - fraction * revolution), hi= set(_hi_, loops ? revolution : revolution - fraction * revolution) return x !== undefined && set(_clicked_location_, { x: x, y: y }) || undefined }, slidable= true, // ~~~ // // Data interface used to set `fraction` and `tier` with the value recalculated through their // _cousin_ keys (`frame` for `fraction` and `row` for `tier`). This value is actually set // only if it does make a difference in the cousin value. // may_set= function(key, value, cousin, maximum){ if (!maximum) return; var current= get(key) || 0, recalculated= value !== undefined ? value : (cousin - 1) / (maximum - 1), recalculated= key != _fraction_ ? recalculated : min( recalculated, 0.9999), worthy= +abs(current - recalculated).toFixed(8) >= +(1 / (maximum - 1)).toFixed(8), value= worthy ? set(key, recalculated) : value || current return value }, // ~~~ // // Global events are bound to the pool (`document`), but to make it work inside an `