/** * This function is to add source parameter through JS in the hyperlink. */ $(document).ready(function () { const appendReferrerLinks = document.querySelectorAll('[data-isautoappendreferrer="true"]'); if (appendReferrerLinks.length) { const lang = "/" + document.documentElement.lang?.toLowerCase(); let currentUrl = window.location.href.toLowerCase().replace(window.location.search, "").replace(lang, ""); if (currentUrl.endsWith("/")) { currentUrl = currentUrl.slice(0, -1); } const sourceLink = "srcurl=" + encodeURIComponent(currentUrl); appendReferrerLinks.forEach(link => { if (!link.href.includes("srcurl=")) { const separator = link.href.includes("?") ? "&" : "?"; link.href = link.href + separator + sourceLink; } }); } }); /** * Query Parameter Passthrough Utility * * This utility updates anchor tags in a web page by modifying the * 'href' attributes with the value of the query parameters from the current page URL * based on the authoring of "Query parameter passthru" field in component dialog. * It updates the anchor tags having the data attribute 'data-queryparam-passthru'. */ (function (document) { /** * Parses query parameters from the current page URL. * @returns {Object} Parsed query parameters. */ const parseQueryParams = () => { let queryParams = {}; const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); urlParams.forEach((value, key) => { queryParams[key.toLowerCase()] = value; }); return queryParams; }; /** * Processes anchor tags to update the href attribute with the query parameters * identified by the data attribute('data-queryparam-passthru'). * @param {NodeList} links - A collection of anchor tags with the data attribute. */ const processAnchorTags = (links) => { const queryParams = parseQueryParams(); links.forEach((link) => { const passthruParams = link.dataset.queryparamPassthru.split(","); const [ urlBase, urlParams ] = link.getAttribute("href").toLowerCase().split("?"); let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(urlParams); passthruParams.forEach((param) => { param = param.trim().toLowerCase(); if (queryParams[param]) { searchParams.set(param, queryParams[param]); } }); if (searchParams.toString().length > 0) { link.href = `${urlBase}?${searchParams.toString()}`; } }); }; document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const links = document.querySelectorAll("a[data-queryparam-passthru]"); if (links.length > 0) { processAnchorTags(links); } }); })(document); /** * This function is to open the respective trial scenario modal for the new-trial element. */ (function (document) { // Create custom new-trial element and bind try for free buttons. const trialBindingAttr = 'new-trial-web-component-trigger'; // Add event listener to fire modal const bindBizappsNewTrialEvents = () => { const newTrialElements = document.querySelectorAll("new-trial"); const trialScenarioAttr = 'triggerpopup'; const uniqueValues = {}; newTrialElements.forEach(nte => { const currentAttributeName = nte.getAttribute(trialScenarioAttr); if (!uniqueValues[currentAttributeName]) { uniqueValues[currentAttributeName] = true; } else { nte.removeAttribute(trialScenarioAttr) } nte.getUserInfo = getUserInfo; nte.getProteanToken = getProteanToken; }); const newTrialTriggers = document.querySelectorAll(`[${trialBindingAttr}]`); newTrialTriggers.forEach(el => { el.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const target = e.currentTarget; document.querySelector(`#${target.getAttribute(trialBindingAttr)}`).openDialogOnClick(e); }); }); // Load web component if (newTrialTriggers.length > 0) { const script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = newTrialElements[0].dataset.newtrialjs; script.type = 'module'; script.onload = () => { console.log('Script loaded successfully'); }; script.onerror = ()=>{ console.log('Error occurred while loading script'); }; document.body.appendChild(script); } }; const getUserInfo = () => { return window.msauth ? { firstName: window.msauth.FirstName, lastName: window.msauth.LastName, emailAddress: window.msauth.EmailAddress, tenantId: window.msauth.TenantId } : null }; const getProteanToken = () => { return window.msauth ? { token: window.msauth.AuthTicket } : null }; // Initialize new trial elements on page load document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", bindBizappsNewTrialEvents); // Add event listener to rebind new trial events when the market selector is refreshed document .querySelector("[data-mount='market-selector']") ?.addEventListener("onRefreshed", () => setTimeout(bindBizappsNewTrialEvents, 1000) ); })(document); (function(document) { let partnerDetailPageLinks; let profilerFormData; /** * Initializes the local storage utility based on the partner detail page type. */ const initializeLocalStorageUtil = () => { const trialType = partnerDetailPageLinks[0].dataset.trialtype; const storageKey = `${trialType}-profiler`; const localStorageUtil = new LocalStorageUtil({ storageKey }); profilerFormData = getLocalStorageData(localStorageUtil); } /** * Retrieves profiler form data from local storage. * @param {LocalStorageUtil} localStorageUtil - The local storage utility instance. */ const getLocalStorageData = (localStorageUtil) => { return localStorageUtil.getItem('profilerFormData') || []; } /** * Processes the start trial link by updating its URL with profiler data. */ const processStartTrialLink = (partnerDetailPageLink) => { const startTrialUrl = partnerDetailPageLink.href; const startTrialUrlDecoded = decodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(startTrialUrl)); const signupContext = extractSignupContext(startTrialUrlDecoded); const profilerData = Object.values(profilerFormData).reduce((profilerDataAccumulator, question) => { const questionLabel = question.questionLabel.toLowerCase(); profilerDataAccumulator[questionLabel] = readProfilerSelection(questionLabel); return profilerDataAccumulator; }, {}); Object.assign(signupContext, profilerData); const updatedStartTrial = buildUpdatedStartTrialUrl(startTrialUrlDecoded, signupContext); partnerDetailPageLink.href = updatedStartTrial; } /** * Reads the profiler selection for a given question label. * @param {string} questionLabel - The label of the profiler question. * @returns {string} The selected profiler options joined by commas. */ const readProfilerSelection = (questionLabel) => { const matchingQuestion = Object.values(profilerFormData).find( question => question.questionLabel.toLowerCase() === questionLabel.toLowerCase() ); return matchingQuestion?.answer.map(ans => ans.value).join(', ') || ''; }; /** * Extracts signup context from the decoded start trial URL. * @param {string} startTrialUrlDecoded - The decoded start trial URL. * @returns {object} The parsed signup context object. */ const extractSignupContext = (startTrialUrlDecoded) => { return JSON.parse(startTrialUrlDecoded.split('signupContext=')[1]); }; /** * Builds an updated start trial URL with the encoded signup context. * @param {string} startTrialUrlDecoded - The decoded start trial URL. * @param {object} signupContext - The signup context object. * @returns {string} The updated start trial URL. */ const buildUpdatedStartTrialUrl = (startTrialUrlDecoded, signupContext) => { const encodedSignupContext = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(signupContext)); const returnUrl = startTrialUrlDecoded.split('ru=')[1]; if (returnUrl) { const ruParam = encodeURIComponent(`${returnUrl.split('signupContext=')[0]}signupContext=`) + encodeURIComponent(encodedSignupContext); return `${startTrialUrlDecoded.split('ru=')[0]}ru=${ruParam}`; } else { return `${startTrialUrlDecoded.split('signupContext=')[0]}signupContext=${encodedSignupContext}`; } }; /** * Event listener for the DOMContentLoaded event. */ document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { partnerDetailPageLinks = document.querySelectorAll('[data-partner-page="partner-details-page"]'); if (partnerDetailPageLinks.length > 0) { initializeLocalStorageUtil(); partnerDetailPageLinks.forEach((partnerDetailPageLink) => { processStartTrialLink(partnerDetailPageLink); }); } }); })(document);