/** * Send telemetry data when a Click Group is clicked, if the clicked element * is not the target/anchor/button itself. */ (() => { const ACTION_TYPES = { LEFT_CLICK: 'CL' }; const EventName = { CLICK: 'click' }; let analytics = null; /** * Get dataBi attributes from an element's dataset * @param {HTMLElement} element - The element to get dataBi attributes from * @returns {Object} - An object containing the dataBi attributes */ const getDataBi = (element) => { if (!element || !element.dataset) { return {}; } return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(element.dataset) .filter(([key]) => key.startsWith('bi') && key.charAt(2) === key.charAt(2).toUpperCase()) .map(([key, value]) => [ key.charAt(2).toLowerCase() + key.slice(3), value ]) ); }; /** * Send telemetry data to the analytics plugin * @param {string} behaviorId - The behavior ID * @param {string} actionType - The action type * @param {Object} contentTags - The content tags */ const sendTelemetry = (behaviorId, actionType, contentTags) => { const overrides = { behavior: behaviorId, actionType: actionType, contentTags: contentTags }; analytics.capturePageAction(null, overrides); }; /** * Run the script. */ const run = () => { if (!window.telemetry?.webAnalyticsPlugin || !window.mwf?.ClickGroup) { return; } analytics = telemetry.webAnalyticsPlugin; const clickGroupInstances = window.mwf.ClickGroup.getInstances(); if (!clickGroupInstances?.length) { return; } clickGroupInstances.forEach(clickGroup => { const target = clickGroup.target; if (!target) { return; } const dataBiObj = getDataBi(target); if (Object.keys(dataBiObj).length === 0) { return; } const actionType = ACTION_TYPES.LEFT_CLICK; const { bhvr = '0', ...dataBiObjWithoutBhvr } = dataBiObj; const handleClickGroupClick = (event) => { if (event.target === target) { return; } sendTelemetry(bhvr, actionType, dataBiObjWithoutBhvr); }; clickGroup.el.addEventListener(EventName.CLICK, handleClickGroupClick); }); }; if (document.readyState !== 'loading') { run(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', run); } })();