(function () { /** Check if OneCloud Reimagine namespace exists */ if (!window.ocReimagine) { window.ocReimagine = {}; } /** Create product price module namespace */ if (!window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule) { window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule = {}; } /** Initializes the reimagine product pricing manager and services */ function initializeProductPriceModule() { try { // Check if product pricing manager instance exists if (window.ocReimagine && window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule && window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.PricingManagerInstance) { // If it exists, that means it has already been initialized so no need to re-initialize return; } window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.PricingManagerInstance = new window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingManager(); } catch (error) { } } /** * By default the reimagine pricing-scripts are initialized on page load complete */ (document).addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { initializeProductPriceModule(); }); /** * Initialize the reimagine pricing-scripts with market-selector init event * @summary since there is a race condition on page load event between market-selector's init event and pricing-module's init event, * try to initialize the pricing scripts after the market-selector is initialized and dispatches the init event */ (document).addEventListener("onInit", () => { initializeProductPriceModule(); }); }()); /** * Constants for the product pricing configuration options and services. * @class {ProductPricingConstants} - configuration parameters for the product pricing module. */ window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingConstants = class ProductPricingConstants { /** * Default values for the product pricing module. * @readonly */ static Defaults = Object.freeze({ Locale: "en-us" }) /** * Cache policy for the product pricing module. * @readonly */ static CachePolicy = Object.freeze({ IsCachingEnabled: true, StorageLocation: "memory" }) /** * Request settings for the product pricing module. * @readonly */ static Request = Object.freeze({ Method: "GET", RelativeUri: "/m365/product/price", Headers: Object.freeze({ "Content-Type": "applicationhttps://www.microsoft.com/json" }), QueryParameters: Object.freeze({ "v": "4", "r": "json" }), MaxQueryCount: 5 }) /** * Pricing component template names for the product pricing module. */ static Templates = Object.freeze({ Sku: "sku" }); /** * HTML Selectors for the product pricing module. * @readonly */ static Selectors = Object.freeze({ Dataset: Object.freeze({ Component: "[data-ocr-pricing-component]", RenderSection: "[data-ocr-pricing-section='render']", TemplateContent: "[data-ocr-pricing-content]", PricingConfig: "[data-ocr-pricing-config]", MarketSelector: "[data-mount='market-selector']", }), }); /** * Enumerables for the product pricing module. * @readonly */ static Enumerables = Object.freeze({ Response: Object.freeze({ Undefined: "Undefined", Success: "Success", NotFound: "NotFound", NoAvailableSku: "NoAvailableSku", DisabledMarket: "DisabledMarket" }), TitleType: Object.freeze({ SKU: "SKU", PRODUCT: "PRODUCT", OVERRIDE: "OVERRIDE" }) }); /** * Parameters for the product pricing module. */ static Parameters = Object.freeze({ ScreenReader: Object.freeze({ ListPriceKey: "%{listPrice}", MsrpKey: "%{msrpPrice}" }), MarketSelector: Object.freeze({ Query: Object.freeze({ Market: "market" }), RefreshMode: Object.freeze({ AJAX: "ajax" }) }) }); /** * Constants for custom event listener names * @readonly */ static Events = Object.freeze({ MarketSelector: Object.freeze({ OnRefreshed: "onRefreshed", OnInit: "onInit" }) }) } //#region Reimagine Product Pricing Templates Class /** * @class ProductPricingTemplates - Helper Class for getting product pricing component templates. */ window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingTemplates = class ProductPricingTemplates { /** * Gets the constants for the product pricing module. */ static pricingConstants = window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingConstants; /** * Gets the template markup for the given template name. * @param {HTMLTemplateElement} pricingTemplateElement pricing component element * @param {string} templateName template name * @param {PricingConfig} pricingConfig config object * @param {ProductPricingResponse} pricingResponse pricing response object. * @returns {DocumentFragment} The template markup for the given template name. */ static getAvailableTemplate(pricingTemplateElement, templateName, pricingConfig, pricingResponse) { // Get the template markup for the given template name. let templateMarkup; switch (templateName) { case this.pricingConstants.Templates.Sku: templateMarkup = getSkuMarkup(pricingConfig, pricingResponse); break; default: templateMarkup = ""; } return this.replaceConfigContent(templateMarkup, pricingTemplateElement); } /** * Replaces the config content from the pricing component element in the template markup. * @param {string} templateMarkup template markup. * @param {HTMLTemplateElement} pricingTemplateElement authored pricing template element. * @returns {DocumentFragment} The template markup for the given template name. */ static replaceConfigContent(templateMarkup, pricingTemplateElement) { const authoredTemplateFragment = pricingTemplateElement.content.cloneNode(true); const templateFragment = document.createRange().createContextualFragment(templateMarkup); // Iterate over configured template fragment content elements. const templateContentElements = templateFragment.querySelectorAll(this.pricingConstants.Selectors.Dataset.TemplateContent); templateContentElements.forEach((templateContentElement) => { const attributeValue = templateContentElement.dataset.ocrPricingContent; const configElement = authoredTemplateFragment.querySelector(`[data-ocr-pricing-content="${attributeValue}"]`); // Remove the content from template if match does not exist in authored template. if (!configElement) { templateContentElement.remove(); return; } // Replace the config content from the pricing component element in the template markup. templateContentElement.replaceWith(configElement); }); return templateFragment; } /** * Gets unavailable pricing component markup. * @param {PricingConfig} pricingConfig config object. * @param {HTMLTemplateElement} pricingTemplateElement authored pricing component element * @returns HTML string for unavailable pricing component. */ static getUnavailableTemplate(pricingConfig, pricingTemplateElement) { const markup = `
${pricingConfig.renderTitle ? `


` : ''}
`; return this.replaceConfigContent(markup, pricingTemplateElement); } /** * Gets disabled pricing component markup. * @param {PricingConfig} pricingConfig config object. * @param {HTMLTemplateElement} pricingTemplateElement authored pricing component element * @returns HTML string for disabled pricing component. */ static getDisabledMarketTemplate(pricingConfig, pricingTemplateElement) { const markup = `
${pricingConfig.renderTitle ? `


` : ''}
`; return this.replaceConfigContent(markup, pricingTemplateElement); } /*============================ Component Templates ============================*/ } //#endregion Reimagine Product Pricing Template Class /** * @class ProductPricingRequest - Helper Class for making product pricing requests. */ window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingRequest = class ProductPricingRequest { /** * Gets the constants for the product pricing module. */ pricingConstants = window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingConstants; /** * Gets or sets the current locale for the page. * @type {string} */ locale; /** * Gets or sets the country for the page. * @type {string} */ country; /** * Gets or sets the market for the page. * @type {string | null} */ #market; /** * Gets the current selected market for the page. */ get market() { return this.#market; } /** * Sets the current selected market for the page. */ set market(value) { this.#market = value; } /** * Gets or sets the flag to indicate if caching is enabled for product pricing requests. * @type {boolean} */ isCachingEnabled; /** * Gets or sets the instances of rendered pricing component instances for the current page. * @type {ProductPricingRendering[]} */ renderedInstances; /** * Gets or sets the query from each instance of rendered pricing component for the current page. * @type {Set} */ uniqueQuerySet; /** * Gets or sets the map of pricing component request and response for the current page. * @description * Key - request query string, * Value - product pricing response for the request query * @summary this map is used to cache in-memory the product pricing response for the current page and avoid duplicate requests for the same request query. * @type {Map} */ responseCacheMap; /** * Gets or sets the instances of XHR request controllers for each in-progress requests. * @type {Array} */ xhrRequestControllers; /** * Initializes instance of the product pricing request helper class. * @param {string} locale - The locale 'll-cc' of the page. * @param {string} country - Current country of the page. * @param {string | null} market - Current selected market of the page. */ constructor(locale, country, market) { this.locale = locale; this.country = country; this.market = market; this.renderedInstances = []; this.uniqueQuerySet = new Set(); this.responseCacheMap = new Map(); this.xhrRequestControllers = []; this.isCachingEnabled = this.pricingConstants.CachePolicy.IsCachingEnabled; } /** * Clears the render instances queue for the current page. */ clearRequestManager() { this.abortPendingRequests(); this.renderedInstances = []; this.uniqueQuerySet.clear(); this.responseCacheMap.clear(); } /** * Enqueues the rendering instance the requests queue for the current page. * @param {ProductPricingRendering} renderInstance - The pricing component rendering instance to enqueue. */ enqueueRequest(renderInstance) { // Set the request query key map for the current instance of the rendering pricing component product price manager class // Store the render instance in the queue this.renderedInstances.push(renderInstance); // Adds the request query to the queue if it does not exist this.uniqueQuerySet.add(renderInstance.pricingConfig.requestQuery); } /** * Gets the unique cache key for the current request query. * @param {string} requestQuery - The request query string. * @returns {string} requestQueryKey - The unique key for the request query, llcc and market. */ getRequestCacheKey(requestQuery) { // Create unique key for the request query by combining the locale, product ID, recurrence and payment cadence. const keyParameters = new URLSearchParams(); keyParameters.set("q", requestQuery); // Append llcc to the request query with market as cc if available. if (this.market) { keyParameters.set("llcc", `${this.country}-${this.market}`); } else { keyParameters.set("llcc", this.locale); } // Sort the query parameters to create the unique cache key for the request query keyParameters.sort(); // Create the unique cache key for the request query const requestQueryKey = keyParameters.toString(); return requestQueryKey; } /** * Updates the pricing request manager for the current page. * @param {string} market - The current selected market for the page. */ updateRequestManager(market) { if (this.market !== market) { this.market = market; } } /** * Combines each request query into group of maximum allowed requests per call. * @see {@link ProductPricingConstants.Request.MaxQueryCount} * @param {string[]} fetchQueries - The request queries to combine. * @returns {string[]} combinedQueries - The combined request queries. */ combineRequestQueries(fetchQueries) { // Return empty array if no fetch queries are available if (!fetchQueries.length) { return []; } /** * @example ["query1,query2,query3,query4,query5", "query6,query7,query8,query9", ...] * @type {string[]} */ const combinedQueries = []; // Split the request queries into batches of maximum allowed requests per call // Since the product pricing API only allows only certain number of queries per request for (let i = 0; i < fetchQueries.length; i += this.pricingConstants.Request.MaxQueryCount) { const requestQueries = fetchQueries.slice(i, i + this.pricingConstants.Request.MaxQueryCount); const combinedRequestQuery = requestQueries.join(","); combinedQueries.push(combinedRequestQuery); } return combinedQueries; } /** * Starts processing the pricing component requests from queue for the current page. * @param {(productsResponse: ProductPricingResponse[], relatedRenderedInstances: ProductPricingRendering[]) => void} onFulfilledCallback - The callback function to execute when the fetch request promise is fulfilled. * @param {(error: Error, relatedRenderedInstances: ProductPricingRendering[]) => void} onRejectedCallback - The callback function to execute when the fetch request promise is rejected. * @param {((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: Event, relatedRenderedInstances: ProductPricingRendering[]) => void) | null} onStatusChangeCallback - Optional - callback function to execute when the ready state changes. * @param {() => void} onRequestsProcessedCallback - Optional - callback function to execute when all the XHR requests are complete and processed. */ processRequests(onFulfilledCallback, onRejectedCallback, onStatusChangeCallback, onRequestsProcessedCallback) { /** * Pending request queries to be fetched * @type {string[]} */ const fetchQueries = []; // Send the product pricing requests for each unique request key i.e., query, llcc and market this.uniqueQuerySet.forEach((requestQuery) => { // Get the render pricing component instances for the current group of request queries const renderingManagerInstances = this.renderedInstances.filter(renderInstance => requestQuery === renderInstance.pricingConfig.requestQuery); /** * Get the cached product pricing response data * @type {ProductPricingResponse[]} */ let cachedResponse = []; // Check if the current request query is already cached if (this.isCachingEnabled) { // Get the cached response for the current request query // Get the cache key const requestQueryKey = this.getRequestCacheKey(requestQuery); // Get the cached response by the current request query key if (this.responseCacheMap.has(requestQueryKey)) { cachedResponse = this.responseCacheMap.get(requestQueryKey); } } if (cachedResponse.length) { // Return the cached product pricing response to each associated rendering manager instance onFulfilledCallback(cachedResponse, renderingManagerInstances); } else { // Add the current request query to the pending request queries fetchQueries.push(requestQuery); } }); // Combine the pending request queries into batches of maximum allowed requests per call const combinedQueries = this.combineRequestQueries(fetchQueries); // Fetch pending requests if any if (combinedQueries.length) { // Send the product pricing request for the current request query this.fetchRequest(combinedQueries, onFulfilledCallback, onRejectedCallback, onStatusChangeCallback, onRequestsProcessedCallback); } else if (onRequestsProcessedCallback) { // Execute the callback function when all the requests are processed and completed onRequestsProcessedCallback(); } } /** * Fetches the product pricing requests for the provided queries. * @param {string[]} combinedQueries - Array of combined request queries to be fetched using pricing service. * @param {ProductPricingRendering[]} relatedPricingInstances - The associated instances of the SKU rendering manager for the current request query. * @param {(productsResponse: ProductPricingResponse[], relatedPricingInstances: ProductPricingRendering[]) => void} onFulfilledCallback - The callback function to execute when the fetch request promise is fulfilled. * @param {(error: Error, relatedPricingInstances: ProductPricingRendering[]) => void} onRejectedCallback - The callback function to execute when the fetch request promise is rejected. * @param {((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: Event, relatedPricingInstances: ProductPricingRendering[]) => void) | null} onStatusChangeCallback - Optional - callback function to execute when the ready state changes. * @param {() => void} onRequestsProcessedCallback - Optional - callback function to execute when all the XHR requests are complete and processed. */ fetchRequest(combinedQueries, onFulfilledCallback, onRejectedCallback, onStatusChangeCallback, onRequestsProcessedCallback) { combinedQueries.forEach((combinedRequestQuery) => { // Get the render pricing component instances for the current group of request queries const relatedPricingInstances = this.renderedInstances.filter(renderInstance => combinedRequestQuery.includes(renderInstance.pricingConfig.requestQuery)); const requestResponse = this.sendRequest( this.pricingConstants.Request.Method, combinedRequestQuery, null, function (event) { if (onStatusChangeCallback) { onStatusChangeCallback(this, event, relatedPricingInstances); } } ); // Create the product pricing request for the current request query requestResponse.then((productsResponse) => { this.processSuccessResponse(combinedRequestQuery, productsResponse, onFulfilledCallback); this.manageRequestsProgress(onRequestsProcessedCallback); }).catch((errorResponse) => { onRejectedCallback(errorResponse, relatedPricingInstances); this.manageRequestsProgress(onRequestsProcessedCallback); }); }); } /** * Manages and tracks the progress status of the product pricing requests. * * @param {() => void} onRequestsProcessedCallback - Optional - callback function to execute when all the XHR requests are complete and processed. */ manageRequestsProgress(onRequestsProcessedCallback) { // Check if all product-price requests are complete and processed. const areAllRequestsComplete = this.xhrRequestControllers.every((xhrRequestController) => xhrRequestController.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE); if (areAllRequestsComplete && onRequestsProcessedCallback) { // Execute the callback function when all the requests are processed and completed onRequestsProcessedCallback(); } // If all the requests are complete, clear the XHR requests controllers if (areAllRequestsComplete) { // Clear the XHR requests controller this.xhrRequestControllers = []; } } /** * Processes the product pricing response for the current combined request query. * @param {string} combinedQueries - Combined request queries grouped by comma separated values. * @param {ProductPricingResponse[]} productsResponse - The product pricing response for the associated SKU instances. * @param {(productsResponse: ProductPricingResponse[], relatedPricingInstances: ProductPricingRendering[]) => void} onFulfilledCallback - The callback function to execute when the fetch request promise is fulfilled. */ processSuccessResponse(combinedQueries, productsResponse, onFulfilledCallback) { // Separate the combined queries into individual request queries const requestQueries = combinedQueries.split(","); requestQueries.forEach((requestQuery) => { // Get the product pricing response for the current request query // Filter the product pricing response data by component request query and PUID from response const responseData = productsResponse.filter(productResponse => requestQuery === productResponse.puid); // Get the render pricing component instances for the current request query const relatedPricingInstances = this.renderedInstances.filter(renderInstance => requestQuery === renderInstance.pricingConfig.requestQuery); // Cache the product pricing response for the current request query if caching is enabled if (this.isCachingEnabled) { // Get the cache key const requestQueryKey = this.getRequestCacheKey(requestQuery); // Cache the product pricing response for the current request query this.responseCacheMap.set(requestQueryKey, responseData); } // Return the product pricing response data to each associated rendering manager instance onFulfilledCallback(responseData, relatedPricingInstances); }); } /** * Gets the request URI for the product pricing request. * @param {string} query - The query string for the request. * @returns {string} requestUri - The request URI for the product pricing request. */ getRequestUri(query) { // Get catalog product price relative URI const relativeUri = this.pricingConstants.Request.RelativeUri; // Set query parameters const queryParameters = new URLSearchParams(); queryParameters.set("q", query); // Append llcc to the request query with market as cc if available. if (this.market) { queryParameters.set("llcc", `${this.country}-${this.market}`); } else { queryParameters.set("llcc", this.locale) } // Add default query parameters for (const parameterKey in this.pricingConstants.Request.QueryParameters) { queryParameters.set(parameterKey, this.pricingConstants.Request.QueryParameters[parameterKey]); } return OneCloudUtil.getMsocapiurl(relativeUri, queryParameters.toString()); } /** * Aborts any pending or in-progress XHR requests. */ abortPendingRequests() { // Abort any pending or in-progress XHR requests this.xhrRequestControllers.forEach((xhr) => { xhr.abort(); }); // Clear the XHR requests controller this.xhrRequestControllers = []; } /** * Sends the product pricing request. * @param {string} method - The HTTP request method type. * @param {string} query - The query string for the request. * @param {Record | null} requestHeaders - Optional - additional request headers to add to the xhr request. * @param {((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: Event) => void) | null} onReadyStateChange - Optional - callback function to execute when the ready state changes. * @returns {Promise | Promise} requestResult - Either the promise resolve or reject for the product pricing request. */ sendRequest(method, query, requestHeaders = null, onReadyStateChange = null) { const requestResult = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Set the xhr request controller for the current request query this.xhrRequestControllers.push(xhr); const requestUri = this.getRequestUri(query); xhr.onreadystatechange = onReadyStateChange; xhr.open(method, requestUri); this.addRequestHeaders(xhr, requestHeaders); xhr.onload = function (ev) { if (this.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (this.status === 200) { const parsedResponse = JSON.parse(this.response); resolve(parsedResponse); } else { const errorResponse = window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingRequest.createRejectResponse(this, ev); reject(errorResponse); } } }; xhr.onerror = function (ev) { const errorResponse = window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingRequest.createRejectResponse(this, ev); reject(errorResponse); }; xhr.send(); }); return requestResult; } /** * Adds request headers to the xhr request. * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr - The xhr request instance. * @param {Record | null} requestHeaders - Optional - additional request headers to add to the xhr request. */ addRequestHeaders(xhr, requestHeaders = null) { const defaultHeaders = this.pricingConstants.Request.Headers; for (const defaultHeader in defaultHeaders) { xhr.setRequestHeader(defaultHeader, defaultHeaders[defaultHeader]); } if (requestHeaders) { for (const additionalHeader in requestHeaders) { xhr.setRequestHeader(additionalHeader, requestHeaders[additionalHeader]); } } } /** * Creates the error response for the product pricing request. * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr - The instance of current XMLHttpRequest request. * @param {ProgressEvent} ev - The progress event for the current XMLHttpRequest request. * @returns {Error} errorResponse - The error response for the product pricing request. */ static createRejectResponse(xhr, ev) { const errorMessage = xhr.response ? xhr.response : xhr.responseText ? xhr.responseText : xhr.statusText ? xhr.statusText : "Unknown error"; const errorResponse = new Error(errorMessage); errorResponse.name = xhr.status.toString(); return errorResponse; } } new (function (document, $) { "use strict"; const SUCCESS_RESPONSE_CODE = "Success"; const SHARED_DATA_SELECTOR = ".oc-shared-pricing-data"; const PURCHASE_MAIN_SELECTOR = "[data-oc-product~='purchase']"; const NOT_AVAILABLE_SELECTOR = "[data-oc-product~='not-available'] p" const COMMERCIAL_TAX_DISCLAIMER_SELECTOR = "[data-oc-shared-data='oc-tax-disclaimer'] p"; const CONSUMER_TAX_DISCLAIMER_SELECTOR = "[data-oc-shared-data='oc-consumer-tax-disclmr'] p"; const DATA_OC_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE = "data-oc-product"; const OC_COMMERCIAL_TAX_DISCLAIMER_ATTRIBUTE = "oc-tax-disclaimer"; const OC_CONSUMER_TAX_DISCLAIMER_ATTRIBUTE = "oc-consumer-tax-disclmr"; /** * On page load. */ $(document).on("DOMContentLoaded", () => { replaceSharedData(); updateAccessibilityAttributes(); }); /** * On market selector complete. */ $(document).on("onComplete", () => { updateTokenTextMainResponseCode(); updateAccessibilityAttributes(); replaceSharedData(); }); /** * Replaces the shared data elements inner html with the data from the shared data element depending on key. * @returns {void} */ function replaceSharedData() { const PURCHASE_MAIN_ELEMENTS = document.querySelectorAll(PURCHASE_MAIN_SELECTOR); if (!PURCHASE_MAIN_ELEMENTS) return; PURCHASE_MAIN_ELEMENTS.forEach((elem) => { const RESPONSE_CODE = elem.getAttribute(DATA_OC_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE).split(" ")[2]; const SHARED_DATA_ELEM = document.querySelector(SHARED_DATA_SELECTOR); let commercialTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder = elem.querySelector(COMMERCIAL_TAX_DISCLAIMER_SELECTOR); let consumerTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder = elem.querySelector(CONSUMER_TAX_DISCLAIMER_SELECTOR); let notAvailablePlaceholder = elem.querySelector(NOT_AVAILABLE_SELECTOR); if (!SHARED_DATA_ELEM) return; if (notAvailablePlaceholder && RESPONSE_CODE) { notAvailablePlaceholder.innerHTML = SHARED_DATA_ELEM.getAttribute(RESPONSE_CODE); } if (commercialTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder) { commercialTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder.innerHTML = SHARED_DATA_ELEM.getAttribute(OC_COMMERCIAL_TAX_DISCLAIMER_ATTRIBUTE); } if (consumerTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder) { consumerTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder.innerHTML = SHARED_DATA_ELEM.getAttribute(OC_CONSUMER_TAX_DISCLAIMER_ATTRIBUTE); } }); } /** * Updates the accessibility attributes for the product pricing hidden and visible elements. */ function updateAccessibilityAttributes() { const PURCHASE_MAIN_ELEMENTS = document.querySelectorAll(PURCHASE_MAIN_SELECTOR); if (!PURCHASE_MAIN_ELEMENTS) return; PURCHASE_MAIN_ELEMENTS.forEach((elem) => { const RESPONSE_CODE = elem.getAttribute(DATA_OC_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE).split(" ")[2]; let commercialTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder = elem.querySelector(COMMERCIAL_TAX_DISCLAIMER_SELECTOR); let consumerTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder = elem.querySelector(CONSUMER_TAX_DISCLAIMER_SELECTOR); let notAvailablePlaceholder = elem.querySelector(NOT_AVAILABLE_SELECTOR); if (RESPONSE_CODE === SUCCESS_RESPONSE_CODE) { if (commercialTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder) { commercialTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"); } if (consumerTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder) { consumerTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"); } if (notAvailablePlaceholder) { notAvailablePlaceholder.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); } } else { if (commercialTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder) { commercialTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); } if (consumerTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder) { consumerTaxDisclaimerPlaceholder.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); } if (notAvailablePlaceholder) { notAvailablePlaceholder.removeAttribute("aria-hidden"); } } }); } /** * Iterates through all token text elements and updates the main response code to the first non-success response code. */ function updateTokenTextMainResponseCode() { const TOKEN_TEXT_ELEMENTS = document.querySelectorAll("[data-token-text]"); TOKEN_TEXT_ELEMENTS.forEach((tokenTextElem) => { const purchaseMainElement = tokenTextElem.querySelector("[data-oc-product*=purchase][data-oc-product*=main]"); if (!purchaseMainElement) return; const PRICING_TOKEN_ELEMENTS = tokenTextElem.querySelectorAll("[data-oc-product*=purchase]:not([data-oc-product*=main])[data-token=m365ProductPrice]"); if (!PRICING_TOKEN_ELEMENTS || !PRICING_TOKEN_ELEMENTS.length) return; let responseCode = SUCCESS_RESPONSE_CODE; for (const pricingTokenElem of PRICING_TOKEN_ELEMENTS) { let curResponseCode = pricingTokenElem.getAttribute(DATA_OC_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE).split(" ")[1]; if (curResponseCode !== SUCCESS_RESPONSE_CODE) { responseCode = curResponseCode; break; } } let currentMainProductAttribute = purchaseMainElement.getAttribute(DATA_OC_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE); let currentMainResponseCode = currentMainProductAttribute.split(" ")[2]; purchaseMainElement.setAttribute(DATA_OC_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE, currentMainProductAttribute.replace(currentMainResponseCode, responseCode)); }); } })(document, $); //#region Reimagine Product Pricing Rendering class. /** * Manages rendering of product pricing component. * @note This class is not related with above script and is managed by product-pricing-manager script. */ window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingRendering = class ProductPricingRendering { /** * Gets the constants for the product pricing module. */ pricingConstants = window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingConstants; /** * Gets the pricing component templates. */ pricingTemplates = window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingTemplates; /** * Gets or sets the target pricing component element. * @type {HTMLDivElement} */ pricingComponentElement; /** * Gets or sets the render section element. * @type {HTMLDivElement} */ renderSectionElement; /** * Gets or sets the pricing template fragment. * @type {HTMLTemplateElement} */ pricingTemplateElement; /** * Gets or sets the pricing config attributes for the current product sku request. * @type {PricingConfig} */ pricingConfig; /** * Gets or sets the product pricing response for the current product sku request. * @type {ProductPricingResponse[]} */ #productPriceResponse; /** * Gets the product pricing response data for the current product pricing config. * @returns {ProductPricingResponse[]} product pricing response data */ get productPriceResponse() { return this.#productPriceResponse; } /** * Sets the product pricing response data for the current product pricing request. * @param {ProductPricingResponse[]} value product pricing response data */ set productPriceResponse(value) { this.#productPriceResponse = value; } /** * Initializes new instance of the product pricing rendering handler class. * @param {HTMLDivElement} pricingComponentElement target pricing component element */ constructor(pricingComponentElement) { if (!pricingComponentElement) { return; } // Get pricing component element. this.pricingComponentElement = pricingComponentElement; // Get render section element. this.renderSectionElement = this.pricingComponentElement.querySelector(this.pricingConstants.Selectors.Dataset.RenderSection); // Get pricing component server-side config-template. this.pricingTemplateElement = this.pricingComponentElement.querySelector(this.pricingConstants.Selectors.Dataset.PricingConfig); const configData = this.pricingTemplateElement?.dataset.ocrPricingConfig; if (configData) { this.pricingConfig = JSON.parse(configData); } } /** * Handles the product pricing request response for the current reiamgine SKU request. * @param {HTMLDivElement} skuElement - The SKU element on the page. * @param {ProductPricingResponse[]} pricingResponse - The pricing data for the sku element. */ handleProductPricingResponse() { if (!this.productPriceResponse || !this.productPriceResponse.length) { this.displayUnavailable(); return; } const pricingResponse = this.productPriceResponse[0]; // Update the pricing config. this.updatePricingConfig(pricingResponse); switch (pricingResponse.responseCode) { case this.pricingConstants.Enumerables.Response.Success: this.displayAvailableTemplate(pricingResponse); break; case this.pricingConstants.Enumerables.Response.DisabledMarket: this.displayDisabledMarket(); break; default: this.displayUnavailable(); break; } } /** * Updates the config for the current product pricing rendering instance. * @param {ProductPricingResponse} pricingResponse pricing response object. */ updatePricingConfig(pricingResponse) { // Assign product title from override this.pricingConfig.renderTitle = this.pricingConfig.titleOverride; // Update edit mode flag this.pricingConfig.isEdit = this.pricingTemplateElement.hasAttribute("data-editor"); if (!pricingResponse || !pricingResponse.sku) { return; } // Get product price has discount or not. this.pricingConfig.isDiscounted = pricingResponse.sku.discountPrice > 0; // Get the render title if (this.pricingConfig.titleOverride) { this.pricingConfig.renderTitle = this.pricingConfig.titleOverride; } else if (this.pricingConfig.isUsingProductTitle) { this.pricingConfig.renderTitle = pricingResponse.title; } else { this.pricingConfig.renderTitle = pricingResponse.sku.title; } } /** * Renders the template fragment for the current pricing component instance. * @param {DocumentFragment} templateFragment template fragment to be rendered. */ renderTemplateFragment(templateFragment) { if (this.pricingConfig.isEdit) { // Keep the authored content in the rendered content section and only replace configured sections from template fragment. this.replaceRenderedContent(templateFragment); } else { // Replace entire render section element with content from template fragment. this.renderSectionElement.replaceChildren(templateFragment); } } /** * Saves the authored content for the current product pricing rendering instance. * @param {DocumentFragment} templateFragment configured template fragment to be used for rendered. */ replaceRenderedContent(templateFragment) { // Replace the placeholder sections within rendered content element by replacing with content from configured template. for (const renderedElement of this.renderSectionElement.children) { const attributeValue = renderedElement.dataset.ocrPricingRender; const templateElement = templateFragment.querySelector(`[data-ocr-pricing-render="${attributeValue}"]`); if (templateElement) { renderedElement.replaceWith(templateElement); } } } /** * Prepares and displays available template in the current product sku element on the page. * @param {ProductPricingResponse} pricingResponse pricing response object. */ displayAvailableTemplate(pricingResponse) { const templateName = this.pricingComponentElement.dataset.ocrPricingComponent; const templateFragment = this.pricingTemplates.getAvailableTemplate( this.pricingTemplateElement, templateName, this.pricingConfig, pricingResponse); this.renderTemplateFragment(templateFragment); } /** * Hides the pricing section and displays the unavailable section. * @param {HTMLDivElement} skuElement target pricing component element */ displayUnavailable() { const templateFragment = this.pricingTemplates.getUnavailableTemplate(this.pricingConfig, this.pricingTemplateElement); this.renderTemplateFragment(templateFragment); } /** * Hides the pricing section and displays the disabled market section. * @param {HTMLDivElement} skuElement target pricing component element */ displayDisabledMarket() { const templateFragment = this.pricingTemplates.getDisabledMarketTemplate(this.pricingConfig, this.pricingTemplateElement); this.renderTemplateFragment(templateFragment); } } //#endregion Reimagine Product Pricing Rendered Instance Manager /** * @class ProductPricingManager - Manages the product pricing data and updates the UI */ window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingManager = class ProductPricingManager { /** * Gets the constants for the product pricing module. * @type {ProductPricingConstants} */ pricingConstants = window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingConstants; /** * Gets or sets the pricing component elements on the current page. * @type {NodeListOf} */ pricingComponentElements; /** * Gets or sets the market selector element on the current page. * @type {HTMLDivElement} */ marketSelector; /** * Gets or sets the current locale for the page. * @type {string} */ locale; /** * Gets or sets the country for the page. * @type {string} */ country; /** * Gets or sets the market for the page. * @type {string | null} */ market = null; /** * Gets or sets the market selector config options from data-layer attributes. * @type {MarketSelectorConfig} */ marketSelectorOptions; /** * Gets or sets the instance of product pricing request manager class. * @type {ProductPricingRequest} */ productPricingRequestManager; /** * Gets or sets the instances of product pricing rendering class for each pricing component on page. * @type {Array} */ pricingComponentRenderInstances; /** * Gets or sets the flag to indicate if the pricing request mode is ajax. * @type {boolean} */ isPricingRequestModeAjax; /** * Gets or sets the flag indicating whether the product pricing manager is initialized. * @type {boolean} */ isPricingManagerInitialized = false; /** * Creates instance of the product pricing manager and associated services */ constructor() { // Initialize product pricing manager this.initializePricingManager(); } /** * Initializes the pricing manager and request manager * Creates list of product price rendering instances of all elements with data-ocr-pricing-component * Request collection is managed by pricing request script, contains all the unique queries from data-sku-request */ initializePricingManager() { // Get current locale, country and selected market from the URL const documentLang = document.documentElement.lang || this.pricingConstants.Defaults.Locale; this.locale = documentLang; this.country = documentLang.split("-")[0]; // Initial market value must be set after the on refreshed event is dispatched by market-selector script // this.market property is set during onMarketSelectorChange // Get pricing components. this.pricingComponentElements = this.getPricingComponents(); // Initialize instance of product pricing request manager class this.productPricingRequestManager = new window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingRequest(documentLang, this.country, this.market); // Creates and enqueues requests for all the reimagine pricing component instances on the current page this.createProductPricingRequests(); this.marketSelector = this.getMarketSelector(); if (this.isPricingManagerInitialized) { // if market selector is available on the page, set the market selector config and bind events if (this.marketSelector) { // Set the market selector config options from data-layer attributes this.setMarketSelectorConfig(); // Bind the market selector events this.bindEvents(); // Reset the pricing request mode to false as market selector on refreshed event will initialize the content // This is to avoid calling the processRequests twice since on page load market selector's on refreshed will do the same. this.isPricingRequestModeAjax = false; } // if request-mode ajax feature-switch is enabled then send client-side product pricing requests on page load // otherwise on initial page load, the product pricing requests are made from the server-side by OSGi/ESI service if (this.isPricingRequestModeAjax) { // Start processing the requests this.productPricingRequestManager.processRequests( (productsResponse, relatedRenderedInstances) => this.handleRequestSuccess(productsResponse, relatedRenderedInstances), (error, relatedRenderedInstances) => this.handleRequestFailure(error, relatedRenderedInstances), this.handleRequestStatusChange, () => this.handleRequestsComplete() ); } } } /** * Gets the pricing component elements on the current page. * Finds the pricing component elements by the [data-ocr-pricing-component] attribute selector. * @returns {NodeListOf} The pricing component elements on the current page. */ getPricingComponents() { return document.querySelectorAll(this.pricingConstants.Selectors.Dataset.Component); } /** * Gets the market selector element on the current page. * @returns {HTMLDivElement} marketSelector - The market selector element on the current page. */ getMarketSelector() { return document.querySelector(this.pricingConstants.Selectors.Dataset.MarketSelector); } /** * Sets the market selector configuration options from data-layer attributes. */ setMarketSelectorConfig() { this.marketSelectorOptions = { refreshMode: this.marketSelector.dataset.refreshMode, isRefreshModeAjax: this.marketSelector.dataset.refreshMode === this.pricingConstants.Parameters.MarketSelector.RefreshMode.AJAX } } /** * Binds the market selector events for the product pricing manager. */ bindEvents() { if (this.marketSelectorOptions.isRefreshModeAjax && oc.event.marketSelector) { // This runs on first/initial page load event on document ready state and sub-sequent market selection changes document.body.addEventListener(this.pricingConstants.Events.MarketSelector.OnRefreshed, (ev) => { this.onMarketSelectorChange(ev); }); } } /** * Handles the market selector change event. * @param {CustomEvent} event the on select event of market selector dropdown. */ onMarketSelectorChange(event) { if (event.detail.value && event.detail.value !== this.market) { this.market = event.detail.value; this.productPricingRequestManager.market = event.detail.value; // Update the product pricing request manager request-response queue map this.productPricingRequestManager.updateRequestManager(event.detail.value); // Cancel all existing pending or in-progress requests this.productPricingRequestManager.abortPendingRequests(); // Start processing the requests this.productPricingRequestManager.processRequests( (productsResponse, relatedRenderedInstances) => this.handleRequestSuccess(productsResponse, relatedRenderedInstances), (error, relatedRenderedInstances) => this.handleRequestFailure(error, relatedRenderedInstances), this.handleRequestStatusChange, () => this.handleRequestsComplete() ); } } /** * Creates and enqueues product pricing requests for all the reimagine pricing components on the current page. */ createProductPricingRequests() { if (this.pricingComponentElements?.length) { try { // Create the product pricing requests for each pricing component element for (const pricingComponentElement of this.pricingComponentElements) { // Initialize instance of product price rendering class for the pricing component. // This rendering class is what updates the UI for the pricing component depending on the product pricing response. const productPricingRender = new window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.ProductPricingRendering(pricingComponentElement); const requestQuery = productPricingRender.pricingConfig.requestQuery; const isProductPriceOverridden = productPricingRender.pricingConfig.isProductPriceOverridden; // Get pricing request mode from the pricing component element this.isPricingRequestModeAjax = productPricingRender.pricingConfig.isRequestModeAjax; // if sku request query is available and product price is not overridden, only then send the product pricing request // otherwise we ignore the current instance of reimagine pricing component if (requestQuery && !isProductPriceOverridden) { this.productPricingRequestManager.enqueueRequest(productPricingRender); } } // Get the instances of product pricing rendering class for each SKU component on page this.pricingComponentRenderInstances = this.productPricingRequestManager.renderedInstances; this.isPricingManagerInitialized = this.pricingComponentRenderInstances.length > 0; } catch (e) { this.isPricingManagerInitialized = false; } } } /** * Updates the product pricing request instances on page edit when dialog is submitted. */ updateProductPricingRequests() { // TODO: for now, the page is reloaded on authoring dialog submit. // In future, we can update the product pricing request instances on authoring changes. } /** * Handles the product pricing request status change for provided pricing component instances. * @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr - The XMLHttpRequest object for the product pricing request. * @param {Event} event - The event object for the product pricing request. * @param {ProductPricingRendering[]} renderManagerInstances - Grouped instances of product pricing rendering class associated with same requests. */ handleRequestStatusChange(xhr, event, renderManagerInstances) { // TODO: add in-progress status handling - loading animation or spinner } /** * Manages the product pricing request success for provided pricing component instances. * @param {ProductPricingResponse[]} productsResponse - The product pricing response for the associated SKU instances. * @param {ProductPricingRendering[]} renderManagerInstances - Grouped instances of product pricing rendering class associated with same requests. */ handleRequestSuccess(productsResponse, renderManagerInstances) { // Assign and hanlde the product pricing response to each pricing component rendering class instance renderManagerInstances.forEach(renderingClassInstance => { renderingClassInstance.productPriceResponse = productsResponse; renderingClassInstance.handleProductPricingResponse(); }); } /** * Handles the product pricing request failure for provided pricing component instances. * @param {Error} error - The error object for the failed product pricing request. * @param {Array} renderManagerInstances - Grouped instances of product pricing rendering class associated with same requests. */ handleRequestFailure(error, renderManagerInstances) { // Display the product pricing unavailable for each SKU rendering class instance renderManagerInstances.forEach(renderingClassInstance => renderingClassInstance.displayUnavailable()); } /** * Handles the callback when all the product pricing requests are complete and processed. */ handleRequestsComplete() { if (!window.ocrReimagine) { return; } // Re-initialize popover component and/or pricing-tokens inside rich-text after rendering the template content. this.reinitializeComponents(); // Regenerates FWLinks after the product pricing is rendered from a 'static' template. this.regenerateFWLinkParams(); } /** * Re-initializes the popover component and/or pricing-tokens inside rich-text for the all the product pricing instances. * * @summary Since the product pricing component content is rendered dynamically from authored template and configured template, * the popover component and/or pricing-tokens inside rich-text will not be initialized as they are within the template section * and not actually rendered on the page. This method re-initializes the popover component and/or pricing-tokens inside rich-text. */ reinitializeComponents() { // Try to re-initialize popover content and/or pricing-tokens scripts to update content functionality after it is rendered from template. try { if (window.ocrReimagine.PopoverRichTextPlugin) { // Re-initialize popover rich text plugin script. window.ocrReimagine.PopoverRichTextPlugin.initializePopoverRichTextPlugin(); } } catch (e) { } } /* * Regenerates FWLinks by calling the Market Selector's function that handles setting the FWLinkParams. */ regenerateFWLinkParams() { if (!window.ocrReimagine.MarketSelector) { return; } try { // Regenerate the FWLinkParams after the product pricing is rendered. window.ocrReimagine.MarketSelector.setFWLinksQueryParams(window.ocrReimagine.MarketSelector.instance.fwlinkParams); } catch (e) { // No error handling. } } } new (function () { // Check if edit mode is enabled and page is loaded const isEditing = window.Granite && window.CQ && document.querySelector("[data-editor]") && document.readyState === "complete"; if (isEditing) { // Update the product pricing module updateProductPriceModule(); } /** * Updates the reimagine product pricing manager and services on page edit when dialog is submitted. * * @returns void */ function updateProductPriceModule() { try { // Check if product pricing manager instance exists if (window.ocReimagine && window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule && window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.PricingManagerInstance) { return; } // TODO: on page edit mode update product pricing manager instance on SKU component cq dialog submit event // window.ocReimagine.ProductPriceModule.PricingManagerInstance.updatePricingInstances(); } catch (error) { } } });