if (!window.CardGridCarousel) { window.CardGridCarousel = class CardGridCarousel { constructor(opts) { this.SELECTORS = { carousel: ".carousel", carouselCardsContainer: ".carousel-product-card .appsource-cards-container", gridCardsContainer: ".card-grid__cards .appsource-cards-container", carouselSpinner: ".appsource-spinner-container", prevBtn: ".carousel__arrow-prev", nextBtn: ".carousel__arrow-next", }; this.STRINGS = { combobox: "COMBOBOX", tab: "TAB", appSourceFeatured: "appSourceFeatured", GRID: "GRID", CAROUSEL: "CAROUSEL", LEARN_MORE: "Learn More", FREE: "Free", }; this.ELEMENTS = {}; this.CONFIG = { payloadProxy: {}, compId: opts.compId, locale: document.documentElement.lang }; this.MAPS = { tabFilters: window.appsource.tabFiltersMap, productType: window.appsource.productTypeMap, cardGridType: { appSourceTrendingApps: this.STRINGS.GRID, appSourceWhatsNew: this.STRINGS.GRID, appSourceMostViewed: this.STRINGS.CAROUSEL }, pricingTextVariants: ["Free", "FreeTrial"], allSnapCarousels: [] }; this._getCardTmplFromDOM = () => { const tmplDOMSelector = `${this.CONFIG.cardConfig.tmplDOMSelector}_${this.CONFIG.compUUID}`; return document.querySelector(tmplDOMSelector).innerHTML.toString().trim(); }; this._getCarouselType = (wrapper) => { return wrapper.dataset.carouseltype; }; this._readConfigObject = (carouselType) => { return carouselConfig.find((configObject) => configObject.carouselType == carouselType); }; this._setupElements = (wrapper) => { this.ELEMENTS = { ...this.ELEMENTS, carousel: wrapper.querySelector(this.SELECTORS.carousel), cardsContainer: wrapper.querySelector(this.SELECTORS.carouselCardsContainer), }; this.CONFIG.carouselType = this._getCarouselType(wrapper); this.CONFIG.cardConfig = this._readConfigObject(this.CONFIG.carouselType); this.CONFIG.compUUID = wrapper.dataset.compid; this.CONFIG.cardTmpl = this._getCardTmplFromDOM(); this.CONFIG.apiEndpoint= wrapper.dataset.apiendpoint; this.CONFIG.spinnerElement = wrapper.querySelector(this.SELECTORS.carouselSpinner); }; // read params from url this._readURLParams = () => { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search); const requiredURLParams = {}; this.CONFIG.cardConfig.requiredURLParams.forEach((param) => { requiredURLParams[param.urlKey] = (urlParams.get(param.urlKey) || "").trim(); }); return requiredURLParams; }; this._getFilterKeyFromMap = (urlKey) => { const mapObj = this.MAPS.tabFilters.find((obj) => obj.urlKey == urlKey); return mapObj.apiKey || ""; }; // clear endpoint data before building filter query params this._cleanEndpointData = () => { const epData = this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.data; epData.categories && delete epData.categories; epData.industries && delete epData.industries; epData.productTypes && delete epData.productTypes; epData.filter && delete epData.filter; }; this._buildFilterQueryParams = (carouselCardsParam) => { const urlParams = this._readURLParams(); const tabFilterObj = urlParams.filterTab == "" ? carouselCardsParam : this._readURLParams(); let queryParams = {}; this._cleanEndpointData(); queryParams.categories && delete queryParams.categories; queryParams.industries && delete queryParams.industries; queryParams.productTypes && delete queryParams.productTypes; queryParams.filter && delete queryParams.filter; this.CONFIG.cardConfig.requiredURLParams.forEach((param) => { if (param.urlKey != 'filterTab' && !!tabFilterObj[param.urlKey]) { queryParams[param.apiKey] = this._getFilterKeyFromMap(tabFilterObj[param.urlKey]) } }); return queryParams; }; this._updateNumberOfCarouselCards = (wrapper) => { const definedTop = this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.data.top; const numberOfAppCards = wrapper.dataset.numberofappcards; return (!numberOfAppCards || numberOfAppCards == "") ? definedTop : numberOfAppCards; }; this._buildPayloadData = (wrapper, carouselCardsParam) => { this._cleanEndpointData(); const configPayload = {...this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.data}; let queryParams = {}; if (this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.isFilterable) { queryParams = this._buildFilterQueryParams(carouselCardsParam); } const numberOfAppCards = this._updateNumberOfCarouselCards(wrapper); this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.data = { ...configPayload, ...queryParams, top: numberOfAppCards }; }; this._getProductTypeFromMap = (productType) => { const foundType = this.MAPS.productType.find((type) => { return type.offerType.toLowerCase() === productType.toLowerCase(); }); if (foundType) { return foundType.urlKey; } }; this._getPageOrigin = () => { return (location.hostname === "localhost" || location.hostname === "") ? `https://appsource.microsoft.com` : `${window.location.origin}`; } this._buildProductURL = (item) => { const renderApiKey = this.CONFIG.cardConfig.renderAttributes.find ((attr) => attr.renderKey == "appType").apiKey; const appType = this._getProductTypeFromMap(item[renderApiKey]); const appId = item[this.CONFIG.cardConfig.renderAttributes.find((attr) => attr.renderKey == "appId").apiKey]; const origin = this._getPageOrigin(); return `${origin}/${this.CONFIG.locale}/product/${appType}/${appId}?tab=Overview`; }; this._buildSeeAllURL = () => { const urlParams = this._readURLParams(); const filterKeyObj = this.MAPS.tabFilters.find((each) => each.tabKey == urlParams.filterTab); const origin = this._getPageOrigin(); let seeAllURL = `${origin}/${this.CONFIG.locale}/marketplace/apps`; if (!!filterKeyObj) { const { urlKey, pdpKey } = this.CONFIG.cardConfig.requiredURLParams.find((param) => param.tabKey == filterKeyObj.tabKey); if (pdpKey && urlParams[urlKey]) { seeAllURL += `?${pdpKey}=${urlParams[urlKey]}`; } } return seeAllURL; }; this._updateSeeAllURL = () => { if (!this.ELEMENTS.headingContainer) return; const seeAllLink = this.ELEMENTS.headingContainer.querySelector(".link-group a"); if (!seeAllLink) return; const seeAllURL = new URL(this._buildSeeAllURL()).toString(); seeAllLink.setAttribute("href", seeAllURL); }; this._buildRenderObject = (apiResponse) => { const attributeMap = this.CONFIG.cardConfig.renderAttributes; return apiResponse[this.CONFIG.cardConfig.resultsObject].map((item) => { const renderTmp = {}; attributeMap.forEach((attr) => { let attrValue = ""; switch (attr.renderKey.toLowerCase()) { case "apppageurl": attrValue = this._buildProductURL(item); break; case "averagerating": attrValue = this._buildRatingValue(item); break; case "apppricingtext": attrValue = this._buildPricingText(item); break; default: attrValue = item[attr.apiKey]; } renderTmp[attr.renderKey] = attrValue; }); return renderTmp; }); }; this._buildRatingValue = (item) => { const averageRatingValue = item[this.CONFIG.cardConfig.renderAttributes.find((attr) => attr.renderKey == "averageRating").apiKey]; return !!averageRatingValue ? averageRatingValue.toFixed(1) : ""; }; this._buildPricingText = (item) => { let defaultPricingLabel = this.STRINGS.LEARN_MORE; if (!item.pricingTypes || item.pricingTypes.length === 0) { return defaultPricingLabel; } if (this.MAPS.pricingTextVariants.some(text => item.pricingTypes.includes(text))) { defaultPricingLabel = this.STRINGS.FREE; } return defaultPricingLabel; }; this._evaluateCardTmpl = (cardObj) => { const keys = Object.keys(cardObj); let $evaluatedTmpl = $(this.CONFIG.cardTmpl); // modify the template by removing the elements for which the card object does not have a valid value. keys.forEach((key) => { const keyValue = cardObj[key]; if (!keyValue || keyValue == "" || keyValue.length == 0 ){ $evaluatedTmpl.find(`[data-elementmarker="${key}"]`).remove(); } else if (key == "appIcon") { $evaluatedTmpl.find("img").prop("src", keyValue); } else if (key == "appPageURL") { $evaluatedTmpl.find("a[data-elementmarker=appPageURL]").attr("href", keyValue); } }); // populate the modified template with the values from card object. let evaluatedTmpl = $evaluatedTmpl.prop("outerHTML"); keys.forEach((key) => { evaluatedTmpl = evaluatedTmpl.replaceAll(`(#=${key}#)`, cardObj[key] || ""); }); return evaluatedTmpl; }; this._renderCardItems = (rendererObject) => { return rendererObject .map((item) => { return this._evaluateCardTmpl(item); }) .join(" "); }; this._renderCardCarousel = (wrapper, rendererObject) => { const numberOfCardsInGrid = this.CONFIG.cardConfig.numberOfCardsInGrid; const numOfSlides = Math.ceil(rendererObject.length / numberOfCardsInGrid); const controlBtns = $(wrapper).find(`${this.SELECTORS.nextBtn},${this.SELECTORS.prevBtn}`); let cardGridMarkup = []; for (let i=0; i
${this._renderCardItems(rendererObject.slice(i * numberOfCardsInGrid, (i+1) * numberOfCardsInGrid))}
`); } if(numOfSlides <= 1){ controlBtns.addClass('d-none'); }else{ controlBtns.removeClass('d-none'); } $(wrapper).find(this.SELECTORS.carouselCardsContainer).html(cardGridMarkup.join("")); this._initializeMWFCarousel(wrapper); this._initializeMWFClickGroup(wrapper); }; this._renderCardGrid = (wrapper, rendererObject) => { $(wrapper).find(this.SELECTORS.gridCardsContainer).html(this._renderCardItems(rendererObject)); this._initializeMWFClickGroup(wrapper); }; this._initializeMWFCarousel = (wrapper) => { // find and remove any existing carousel instance with the same compid this.MAPS.allSnapCarousels = window.ocrReimagine.ScrollSnapCarousel.getInstances(); const instanceToRemove = this.MAPS.allSnapCarousels.find((instance) => instance.carouselWindow.dataset.compid == this.CONFIG.compId); instanceToRemove?.remove(); // creates a new instance of carousel and the code above takes care of avoiding duplication this.Carousel = new window.ocrReimagine.ScrollSnapCarousel({ el: wrapper.querySelector(this.SELECTORS.carousel), }); }; this._initializeMWFClickGroup = (wrapper) => { this.ELEMENTS.cgElements = []; wrapper.querySelectorAll(`[data-mount="click-group"]`).forEach((cgEl) => { this.ELEMENTS.cgElements.push(new mwf.ClickGroup({ el: cgEl })); }); }; this._updateLocale = () => { const [pageLang, pageRegion] = this.CONFIG.locale.split("-"); this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.data.Language = pageLang; }; this._getEnvUrl = () => { return this.CONFIG.apiEndpoint; } this._isFilterApplicable = () => { const urlParams = this._readURLParams(); return (this.CONFIG.cardConfig.applicableFilters.includes(urlParams.filterTab)); }; this._isAnyFilterSelected = () => { const urlParams = this._readURLParams(); const keys = Object.keys(urlParams); return keys.some((key) => { return (key != 'filterTab' && urlParams[key] != "") }); }; this._sortObject = (object) => { return Object.keys(object) .sort() .reduce((acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: object[key], }), {}); }; this._isPayloadUpdated = () => { return ( JSON.stringify(this._sortObject(this.CONFIG.payloadProxy)) !== JSON.stringify(this._sortObject(this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.data)) ); }; this._checkSendHeaders = (wrapper) => {return $(wrapper).data("isenvppe") == true;}; this._shouldRenderCarousel = () => { return (this.MAPS.cardGridType[this.CONFIG.cardConfig.carouselType] == this.STRINGS.CAROUSEL); } this._toggleSpinner = (show) => { if (this.CONFIG.spinnerElement) { this.CONFIG.spinnerElement.classList.toggle('d-none', !show); } }; this._beginCardRender = (wrapper, carouselCardsParam) => { this._toggleSpinner(true); if (!this._isFilterApplicable() && this._isAnyFilterSelected()) { this._toggleSpinner(false); } else { this._buildPayloadData(wrapper, carouselCardsParam); this._updateSeeAllURL(); const payload = {...this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.data}; this.CONFIG.payloadProxy = {...payload}; let headers = {}; const sendHeaders = this._checkSendHeaders(wrapper); if (!!this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.checkEnv) { headers = (!!sendHeaders) ? {...this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.headers} : {}; } else { headers = {...this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.headers} } const envUrl = this._getEnvUrl(wrapper); const request = $.ajax({ url: envUrl, data: this.CONFIG.cardConfig.endpointPayload.data, headers: headers, }); request .done((response) => { if (response && response[this.CONFIG.cardConfig.resultsObject].length > 0) { const rendererObject = this._buildRenderObject(response); if (!this._shouldRenderCarousel()) { this._renderCardGrid(wrapper, rendererObject); } else { this._renderCardCarousel(wrapper, rendererObject); } } this._toggleSpinner(false); }) .fail(() => { this._toggleSpinner(false); }) .always(() => { }); } }; this._init = (wrapper) => { this._setupElements(wrapper); this._updateSeeAllURL(); !this._shouldRenderCarousel() && this._beginCardRender(wrapper); }; this.wrapper = opts.element; this._init(this.wrapper); } init() { this._init(); } } } // Stores all the Card carousel instances CardGridCarouselInstances = []; carouselConfig = [ { carouselType: "appSourceMostViewed", requiredURLParams: [ { urlKey: "filterTab", apiKey: "filterTab", }, { tabKey: "categories", urlKey: "categories", apiKey: "categories", pdpKey: "category" }, { tabKey: "industries", urlKey: "industries", apiKey: "industries", pdpKey: "industry" }, { tabKey: "products", urlKey: "product", apiKey: "productTypes", pdpKey: "product" }, ], tmplDOMSelector: "#appSourceCardStyleTmpl", endpointPayload: { data: { language: "en", gallery: "AppsourceApps", market: "ALL", orderBy: "Popularity desc", publishingStage: "Public", select: "uniqueProductId,displayName,smallIconUri,summary,ratingAverage,ratingCount,longSummary,productType,publisherDisplayName,pricingTypes", top: "15", }, headers: { "x-api-key": "685bc61b5e081ee301e403f1396258c9c0177744361c23870d0f30c21ef48301", "x-ms-app": "appsource" }, checkEnv: false, isFilterable: true, }, renderAttributes: [ { renderKey: "id", apiKey: "uniqueProductId" }, { renderKey: "appTitle", apiKey: "displayName" }, { renderKey: "averageRating", apiKey: "ratingAverage" }, { renderKey: "ratingCount", apiKey: "ratingCount" }, { renderKey: "appDesc", apiKey: "longSummary" }, { renderKey: "appType", apiKey: "productType" }, { renderKey: "appId", apiKey: "uniqueProductId" }, { renderKey: "appIcon", apiKey: "smallIconUri" }, { renderKey: "appPageURL", apiKey: "" }, { renderKey: "appDisplayName", apiKey: "publisherDisplayName" }, { renderKey: "appPricingText", apiKey: "pricingTypes" }, { renderKey: "appCategory", apiKey: "category" }, ], resultsObject: "results", applicableFilters: ["categories", "industries", "products"], numberOfCardsInGrid: 6, }, { carouselType: "appSourceNewApps", requiredURLParams: [ { urlKey: "filterTab", apiKey: "filterTab", }, { tabKey: "categories", urlKey: "categories", apiKey: "categories", pdpKey: "category" }, { tabKey: "industries", urlKey: "industries", apiKey: "industries", pdpKey: "industry" }, { tabKey: "products", urlKey: "product", apiKey: "productTypes", pdpKey: "product" }, ], tmplDOMSelector: "#appSourceCardStyleTmpl", endpointPayload: { data: { language: "en", gallery: "AppsourceApps", market: "ALL", orderBy: "LastModifiedDateTime desc", publishingStage: "Public", select: "uniqueProductId,displayName,smallIconUri,summary,longSummary,productType,publisherDisplayName,pricingTypes", top: "6", }, headers: { "x-api-key": "685bc61b5e081ee301e403f1396258c9c0177744361c23870d0f30c21ef48301", "x-ms-app": "appsource" }, checkEnv: false, isFilterable: false, }, renderAttributes: [ { renderKey: "id", apiKey: "uniqueProductId" }, { renderKey: "appTitle", apiKey: "displayName" }, { renderKey: "appDesc", apiKey: "longSummary" }, { renderKey: "appType", apiKey: "productType" }, { renderKey: "appId", apiKey: "uniqueProductId" }, { renderKey: "appIcon", apiKey: "smallIconUri" }, { renderKey: "appPageURL", apiKey: "" }, { renderKey: "appDisplayName", apiKey: "publisherDisplayName" }, { renderKey: "appPricingText", apiKey: "pricingTypes" }, { renderKey: "appCategory", apiKey: "category" }, ], resultsObject: "results", applicableFilters: ["categories", "industries", "products"], numberOfCardsInGrid: 6, }, { carouselType: "appSourceTrendingApps", requiredURLParams: [ { urlKey: "filterTab", apiKey: "filterTab", }, { tabKey: "categories", urlKey: "categories", apiKey: "categories", pdpKey: "category" }, { tabKey: "industries", urlKey: "industries", apiKey: "industries", pdpKey: "industry" }, { tabKey: "products", urlKey: "product", apiKey: "productTypes", pdpKey: "product" }, ], tmplDOMSelector: "#appSourceCardStyleTmpl", endpointPayload: { data: { language: "en", gallery: "AppsourceApps", market: "ALL", orderBy: "LastModifiedDateTime desc", publishingStage: "Public", select: "uniqueProductId,displayName,smallIconUri,summary,longSummary,productType,publisherDisplayName,pricingTypes", top: "6", }, headers: { "x-api-key": "685bc61b5e081ee301e403f1396258c9c0177744361c23870d0f30c21ef48301", "x-ms-app": "appsource" }, checkEnv: false, isFilterable: false, }, renderAttributes: [ { renderKey: "id", apiKey: "uniqueProductId" }, { renderKey: "appTitle", apiKey: "displayName" }, { renderKey: "appDesc", apiKey: "longSummary" }, { renderKey: "appType", apiKey: "productType" }, { renderKey: "appId", apiKey: "uniqueProductId" }, { renderKey: "appIcon", apiKey: "smallIconUri" }, { renderKey: "appPageURL", apiKey: "" }, { renderKey: "appDisplayName", apiKey: "publisherDisplayName" }, { renderKey: "appPricingText", apiKey: "pricingTypes" }, { renderKey: "appCategory", apiKey: "category" }, ], resultsObject: "results", applicableFilters: ["categories", "industries", "products"], numberOfCardsInGrid: 6, }, ] if(!window.appsource) { window.appsource = {}; } if(!window.appsource.tabFiltersMap) { window.appsource.tabFiltersMap = [ { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "AI + Machine Learning", urlKey: "ai-machine-learning", apiKey: "ai-plus-machine-learning", }, { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "Analytics", urlKey: "analytics", apiKey: "big-data", }, { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "Collaboration", urlKey: "collaboration", apiKey: "chat", }, { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "Commerce", urlKey: "commerce", apiKey: "e-commerce", }, { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "Compliance & Legal", urlKey: "compliance-legals", apiKey: "data-governance-and-privacy", }, { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "Customer Service", urlKey: "customer-service", apiKey: "back-office-and-employee-service", }, { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "Finance", urlKey: "finance", apiKey: "accounting", }, { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "Geolocation", urlKey: "geolocation", apiKey: "address-validation", }, { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "Human Resources", urlKey: "human-resources", apiKey: "hr-operations", }, { tabKey: "categories", filterLabel: "Internet of Things", urlKey: 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