

Follow the high and low pitches in a melody to win! Sharpen your ear by listening the melodies! The one with the best ear sense wins. Grab the rhythm and advance to the sound your finger indicates. Listen, watch and slide between classic melodies and popular Mexican music. Melodines is: + An educational video game of Arts. + About Music. + Suitable for children from 1st to 6th grade of elementary school (from 6 to 12 years old). + Available to play in: Spanish and English. Pedagogical content + This educational video game of Music, look for the child know the concept of melody as an organized sequence of sounds that has a certain rhythm and height, which is a fundamental element of music. + Concepts: Melody, high pitch, low pitch and rhythm. + If you want to know more about the pedagogical content of video games visit our website: LabTak ( *** Inoma is a Mexican non-governmental organization that supports education through TAK-TAK-TAK free educational video games. All of them are aligned with the basic education curricula of the Ministry of Public Education of Mexico. These video games are also available to play in using the same user and password as in the app. Melodines was funded by the Philharmonic Orchestra of UNAM (OFUNAM) and Roberto Hernández Foundation, and was developed by Caldera Estudios, Básica Asesores Educativos and Inoma.

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Innova y Moderniza tu Aprendizaje AC

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90,83 Mo

Classification par âge

Tous les âges


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Langue prise en charge

Español (México)

Informations sur l’éditeur

Site web de Melodines
Support pour Melodines

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