2,49 $ CAD
2,49 $ CAD


This typing game collection makes you learn touch typing with fun. It now contains two games: Bomb Dropper——Bombs with letters on it drop from the top one by one and all you need to do is pressing the relative key to remove it. Once a bomb hit the ground or you pressed a key which has no relative bombs on the screen, you gain a fault. 10 faults will end the game. Air War——Control the flight of your aircraft and fire missiles by typing different groups of letters: Type the bottom-left letters to move your aircraft to the left, or type the bottom-right letters to move it to the right; Type the top letters to fire missiles and attack enemies; Cancel input by pressing the Backspace key; Pause game, change settings, or retry by pressing the Spacebar.

Captures d’écran

Informations supplémentaires

Édité par

Pig Star

Date de sortie


Taille approximative

33,5 Mo

Classification par âge

Tous les âges


Famille et enfants

Cette application peut

Accéder à votre connexion Internet


Obtenez cette application tandis que vous êtes connecté à votre compte Microsoft et installez-la sur dix appareils Windows 10 ou moins.

Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

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