

Have fun across the full spectrum of mixed reality! This first-of-its-kind app takes advantage of the unique aspects of each device type in the Windows Mixed Reality family. Grab a Microsoft HoloLens, at least one Windows Mixed Reality immersive headset, and some friends to explore and solve challenges together on an island with a few tricks in the sand. With this app, you can: • Choose your adventure as a HoloLens guide or immersive headset explorer (this multiplayer experience supports up to 3 players in immersive headsets, plus several HoloLens guides). • Experience the full spectrum of mixed reality, from holograms in your real world to full digital immersion. • Learn the power of UWP - a single binary recognizes your device type and delivers a unique experience for each. This game is the open-source project taught at Mixed Reality Academy sessions during Microsoft Build 2017. You can learn how to create this app and find the source code at

Captures d’écran

Nouveautés de cette version

v1.2.19.0 - Updated to support Windows Mixed Reality motion controllers on PC.


  • Choose your adventure as a HoloLens guide or immersive headset explorer (this multiplayer experience supports up to 3 players in immersive headsets, plus several HoloLens guides).
  • Experience the full spectrum of mixed reality, from holograms in your real world to full digital immersion.
  • Learn the power of UWP - a single binary recognizes your device type and delivers a unique experience for each.

Informations supplémentaires

Édité par

Microsoft Corporation


© 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Date de sortie


Taille approximative

86,82 Mo

Classification par âge

3 ans et plus

Cette application peut

Utiliser un microphone
Accéder à votre connexion Internet et agir comme serveur
Accéder à votre réseau domestique ou votre réseau de travail
See your current and past surroundings


Obtenez cette application tandis que vous êtes connecté à votre compte Microsoft et installez-la sur dix appareils Windows 10 ou moins.

Langue prise en charge

English (United States)

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