
Workspaces in Microsoft Edge provide an incredible way for you to separate your browsing tasks into dedicated windows so you can stay focused and organized across your tasks. Each workspace has its own set of tabs and favorites, all created and curated by you and your collaborators. Edge Workspaces are automatically saved and kept up to date. To get started with Workspaces, select the Workspaces menu icon on the top-left corner of your browser window.



Workspaces in Microsoft Edge provide an incredible way for you to separate your browsing tasks into dedicated windows so you can stay focused and organized across your tasks. Each workspace has its own set of tabs and favorites, all created and curated by you and your collaborators. Edge Workspaces are automatically saved and kept up to date. To get started with Workspaces, select the Workspaces menu icon on the top-left corner of your browser window.

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