FastTrack Archives - Microsoft 365 Blog Tue, 28 Jun 2022 18:07:46 +0000 hr hourly 1 Restore and maintain personal connections with new Microsoft Teams Calling features Tue, 01 Dec 2020 17:00:00 +0000 Earlier this year, IT leaders around the globe were forced to reprioritize their roadmaps, resources, and budgets to equip employees for remote work practically overnight. Suddenly, the use of video communications skyrocketed. People adjusted quickly to moving meetings online, but one of the most notable challenges driven by the shift to remote work has been

The post Restore and maintain personal connections with new Microsoft Teams Calling features appeared first on Microsoft 365 Blog.


Earlier this year, IT leaders around the globe were forced to reprioritize their roadmaps, resources, and budgets to equip employees for remote work practically overnight. Suddenly, the use of video communications skyrocketed. People adjusted quickly to moving meetings online, but one of the most notable challenges driven by the shift to remote work has been to maintain the personal connections that come from the ad hoc and serendipitous conversations that happen in the physical office. 

In fact, studies show1 that a person’s voice is the signal that builds personal connections and creates clarity, which is why actually speaking with colleagues and customers is more important now than ever. The use of Teams Calling has skyrocketed as well, with Teams users making over 650 million calls in October, up 11 fold over March of this year. And on average, calls are just one-fourth the length of a typical meeting, making calling a quick and efficient way to reconnect and collaborate. 

Today, we’re announcing several enhancements to Teams Calling that make it easier for organizations and their employees to strengthen connections and create new ones with just a quick call.

Get more out of every call, with a rich calling experience


Calling alone is a great way to reconnect and quickly share information. However, when you integrate calls with different modes of communication, they can act as a productivity force multiplier. We’re introducing several ways to create a more powerful and streamlined calling experience.

  • Streamlined calling experience: Teams is the hub for chat, collaboration, meetings, apps, and workflows, and the enhanced Calls app brings the most important calling elements—the dial pad, call history, voicemail, contacts, and settings—into a single location, making it easier to stay connected in the flow of your work.
  • Save call recordings in OneDrive and SharePoint: Call recordings are a great way to keep track of the ad hoc brainstorming that often happens on a call. Now, Teams Admins can take advantage of the tight Teams and OneDrive or SharePoint integration and elect to make OneDrive or SharePoint the default recording storage location, in lieu of Stream. This new capability provides powerful capabilities such as sharing with external guests, quicker access to transcripts, and greater storage capacity. Learn more.
  • CarPlay support: Placing and receiving calls in the car will soon be easier than ever, thanks to CarPlay support for Teams Calling. With CarPlay, you can use your vehicle’s built-in controls to operate Teams, including using Siri to place and answer calls.
  • Spam identification: Spam calls are frustrating, disturb the flow of work, and make you less likely to answer calls from unfamiliar phone numbers. Using advanced industry techniques, Teams will identify potential spam calls so you can feel confident answering incoming calls. Additionally, Teams will digitally attest outgoing calls to prevent these calls from being rejected by external recipients. 
  • Transfer calls between mobile and desktop: Teams makes it easy to place and receive calls from several different endpoints, including desktop and mobile devices, but sometimes you need to move locations or devices to finish your call. Starting in early 2021, you will be able to shift your calls between your mobile and desktop endpoints with an easy-to-use interface on the Teams app.
  • Call merge: Calling users can bring multiple different one to one calls together to combine conversations and simplify multiple conversations. Call merge is now available for both PSTN calls and VoIP calls.
  • Low-data mode: Whether you want to preserve data or are just in a location with a poor or limited network connection, sometimes it’s helpful to limit the amount of data you’re using during a video call or meeting. Starting in early 2021, users will be able to adjust their settings in Teams to cap the amount of data that will be used during video calls and establish different settings based on network availability (cellular, wifi, or always).
  • Enhanced reverse number look-up: With automatic reverse number look-up, you’ll see the name of the caller at the time they’re calling and in your activity feed and voicemail.

Provide advanced calling needs for your business


Some parts of the business require additional calling capabilities and workflows. Whether that’s keeping mission-critical operations running or resolving key customer issues, Teams supports a broad range of needs across your business with help from these new capabilities.

  • Voice enabled channels: A new collaborative calling capability enables teams to integrate call queues into a specific channel, allowing for collaboration and information sharing before, during, and after the call. For example, IT or HR help desks can now be managed from a channel so available team members can answer the call, and easily share information about service tickets. Starting in early 2021, Teams users will have the option to create new channels that are voice-enabled, to start using this feature in preview.
  • Certified Contact Center solutions: Resolving a customer call in contact centers is often a team sport, so it’s important to quickly identify and reach the right colleague. Contact center solutions can use presence and user APIs to seamlessly integrate with Teams, allowing agents to find the right colleagues to assist. Now, contact center providers can apply for Microsoft certification of their solutions, to provide customers with the confidence needed to manage important customer interactions. Learn more about the certification program and specific solutions that are undergoing certification, many of which will be complete in early 2021.
  • Resilient calling: To support the most critical conversations in the event of an outage, the new Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA) allows users to place and receive PSTN calls even in the event of a network outage. This SBA will be available in preview this month to certified Session Border Controllers (SBC) vendors, allowing SBCs to link with the Teams client in the event the client cannot reach the Microsoft Calling network. 
  • Call transfer ring-back: While call transfers can be useful to connect the right people, making sure that calls remain connected during the process is critical for a great caller experience. Now Teams users can rest assured that when you transfer an important call, it will not disconnect just because someone on the other end is unavailable. If the transfer recipient does not answer the call, the call will ring back to the person making the transfer.

Stay connected with a portfolio of high-quality devices

Teams provides a great integrated softphone experience on both mobile and desktop, and a robust lineup of hardware options allow you to choose the right physical endpoints for your needs. From low-cost phones, to traditional desk and video phones, to Teams displays, there are options to fit every user and calling need. We’re excited to share a few new ways this device ecosystem can help you stay connected, no matter where you’re working.

  • Teams displays: Whether you are working remotely or returning to the office, adding an intelligent companion device like the Teams display can revolutionize the way you work. A new experience now available on the Lenovo Thinksmart view, Teams displays integrate Cortana for hands-free productivity, use AI to help you stay productive and organized, and provide a dedicated device for your Teams collaboration needs. Learn more.
  • Low-cost phones: To empower organizations to bring the best of Teams Calling to as many users as possible, we’re excited to bring low-cost phones to market with trusted partners Yealink and AudioCodes in early 2021. These devices integrate natively with the Teams phone app, bringing core Teams capabilities to life.
  • Device as a Service: The new Teams Device as a Service offering provides flexible monthly payments, making it easier and more affordable than ever to get your users the devices they need. Simply navigate to the Device as a Service site where you can add devices to your cart and place an order in a matter of minutes. This service is currently available in the U.S., and availability for additional regions will be coming in 2021.

Do more with the power of partners

We have seen strong growth across our Teams partner ecosystem and have more than 300 specialized partners with calling solutions for Microsoft Teams, a 100% increase over the last year. These partners assist our customers with a wide variety of services and solutions including Direct Routing as a Service, deployment, adoption, devices, managed services, and network monitoring and reporting. Examples include our Partner of the Year award winner Continuant, and finalists Enabling Technologies, Communicativ, and Orange Business Services.

Continued commitment to Calling

These innovations are examples of our ongoing commitment to support spontaneous collaboration and personal connections that voice enables. We are honored and humbled to be recognized as a Leader in the 2020 Gartner Unified Communications as a Service Magic Quadrant. We will continue working hard to make Teams the most trusted and reliable voice solution available. Now more than ever, we all need a seamless way to stay connected with colleagues and customers, and with these capabilities, you can restore personal connections and manage the most critical calls for every part of your organization. Learn more about how Accenture, Australia Catholic University, ENGIE, and Tony’s Chocolonely are using Teams Calling to stay connected.

Lastly, with all these great capabilities coming to Teams Calling, it’s important to keep in mind that Teams Calling can be rolled out in weeks—not months or years—as Lumen (formerly CenturyLink) showed by rolling out Calling globally to over 40,000 users in 4 weeks. You can always reach out to your account team for more information, and the links below provide additional information and guidance.

1 Harvard Business Review, “Type Less, Talk More ” (October 5, 2020)

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Ubrzajte implementaciju sustava Windows 10 uz nove smjernice servisa FastTrack Mon, 12 Aug 2019 16:00:00 +0000 Nadogradnja i ažuriranje složenih tehnoloških okruženja nije jednostavan zadatak. Da bismo vam pružili podršku prilikom svakog koraka implementacije sustava Windows 10, uložili smo sredstva da bismo vam pojednostavnili procjenu kompatibilnosti, donošenje informiranih odluka te smanjivanje troškova i složenosti. Premda vas je većina već započela nadogradnju na Windows 10, znamo da može biti nepredviđenih izazova. Stvorili

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Nadogradnja i ažuriranje složenih tehnoloških okruženja nije jednostavan zadatak. Da bismo vam pružili podršku prilikom svakog koraka implementacije sustava Windows 10, uložili smo sredstva da bismo vam pojednostavnili procjenu kompatibilnosti, donošenje informiranih odluka te smanjivanje troškova i složenosti. Premda vas je većina već započela nadogradnju na Windows 10, znamo da može biti nepredviđenih izazova. Stvorili smo FastTrack sa smjernicama za implementaciju sustava Windows 10 da bismo vam pomogli.

Ulaganja radi jednostavnije implementacije sustava Windows 10

Budući da se 14. siječnja 2020. ukida podrška za Windows 7, uložili smo sredstva da bismo vam pojednostavnili svaki korak ostvarivanja i održavanja ažurnosti sustava Windows 10.

Za početak, stvorili smo Windows 10 i Office 365 s kompatibilnošću kao ključnim načelom dizajna te smo uložili sredstva u aplikacije, dodatke i makronaredbe u sustavima Windows 10 i Office 365 da bismo zajamčili da će vaše okruženje nastaviti funkcionirati na očekivani način nakon nadogradnje.

Alati kao što je Windows Autopilot omogućuju smanjivanje troškova i složenosti povezanih sa stvaranjem, održavanjem i učitavanjem prilagođenih slika sustava. Desktop Analytics (trenutno je u fazi javnog pretpregleda) nudi inteligenciju koja pojednostavnjuje donošenje informiranih odluka o spremnosti klijenata sa sustavom Windows za ažuriranje. Office Readiness Toolkit pojednostavnjuje procjenu kompatibilnosti prilikom prelaska na Office 365 ProPlus. Program Desktop App Assure servisa Microsoft FastTrack nudi specijalizirane inženjerske resurse za jednostavnije rješavanje bio kakvih problema s kompatibilnošću aplikacija na koje možete naići u sustavima Windows 10 i Office 365.

Nove smjernice za implementaciju servisa FastTrack za Windows 10

Katkad imate složen scenarij i ne znate odakle početi ili ste naišli na problem koji je zaustavio migraciju. Katkad morate razgovarati sa stručnjakom da biste dobili smjernice o tome što učiniti sljedeće. Danas sa zadovoljstvom najavljujem novi FastTrack za smjernice za implementaciju sustava Windows 10 koji omogućuje upravo to.

Uz FastTrack omogućujemo vam da razvijete tehnički plan, odredite kako uvesti i implementirati nove servise i/ili korisnike te ćemo surađivati s vama tijekom implementacije da biste izvukli maksimalnu vrijednost iz svojih ulaganja u tehnologiju. Ta je pomoć dostupna bez dodatne naknade za sve sa 150 ili više licenci za servis ili plan koji ispunjavaju uvjete.

Saznajte više i počnite s radom

Microsoft 365 – koji obuhvaća Windows 10 i Office 365 – najsigurnije je okruženje za povećavanje produktivnosti. Cilj nam je surađivati s vama na svakom koraku cijelog procesa. Da biste saznali više, pogledajte videozapis s portala Microsoft Mechanics, a zatim se prijavite na da biste zatražili pomoć i počeli s radom.

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Novosti na platformi Microsoft 365 za veljaču – unaprjeđenja sigurnosti i promicanje modernog radnog okruženja Thu, 28 Feb 2019 17:00:16 +0000 Ovog mjeseca objavili smo nekoliko novih mogućnosti koje će vam pomoći da pratite prijetnje, stvorite produktivnije radno okruženje i budete u tijeku s poslom. Pogledajte novosti za veljaču. Pratite prijetnje i sigurno surađujte Nove značajke i servisi pomažu vam da bolje upravljate složenim prostorom sigurnosnih prijetnji i sigurno komunicirate i surađujete. Proširite sposobnosti svog sigurnosnog

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Ovog mjeseca objavili smo nekoliko novih mogućnosti koje će vam pomoći da pratite prijetnje, stvorite produktivnije radno okruženje i budete u tijeku s poslom.

Pogledajte novosti za veljaču.

Pratite prijetnje i sigurno surađujte

Nove značajke i servisi pomažu vam da bolje upravljate složenim prostorom sigurnosnih prijetnji i sigurno komunicirate i surađujete.

Proširite sposobnosti svog sigurnosnog tima pomoću proizvoda Microsoftovi stručnjaci za prijetnje. Naš novi servis za upravljani lov na prijetnje pod nazivom Microsoftovi stručnjaci za prijetnje pomaže vam da proaktivno lovite prijetnje i određujete njihove prioritete da biste maksimalno iskoristili Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (ATP). Taj servis nudi pristup renomiranim svjetskim stručnjacima koji vam mogu pomoći s težim izazovima u istragama putem novog gumba Pitajte stručnjaka za prijetnje. Idite na postavke programa Windows Defender ATP da biste se prijavili za javni pretpregled.

Slika PC-ja koja pokazuje Windows Defender Security Center.

Omogućite profesionalcima iz područja zdravstva da sigurno komuniciraju i surađuju – ovog mjeseca najavili smo nove mogućnosti aplikacije Microsoft Teams koje omogućuju sigurnu razmjenu poruka i tijekove suradnje za zdravstvene tvrtke ili ustanove. Prioritetne obavijesti omogućuju bolničkim liječnicima da se usredotoče na hitne poruke u upravljanju brigom o pacijentima. Uz to, mogućnost integriranja podataka iz elektroničkih zdravstvenih kartona (EHR-ova) u kojima je omogućen FHIR s aplikacijom Teams omogućuje bolničkim liječnicima da sigurno pristupaju zdravstvenim kartonima pacijenata, čavrljaju s drugim članovima tima, pa čak i pokrenu videosastanak – sve putem jednog središta za timski rad. Te su mogućnosti sada u fazi privatnog pretpregleda; posjetite stranicu Microsoft 365 i zdravlje i partnersko web-mjesto da biste saznali više o tome kako Teams i Microsoft 365 mogu unaprijediti vaše zdravstvene timove.

Slika triju telefona sa zdravstvenim djelatnikom koji prima poruku u aplikaciji Teams.

Bezbrižno prijeđite na moderno računalo i u oblak uz Desktop App Assure i Microsoft FastTrack. Naš novi servis u sklopu linije Microsoft FastTrack, Desktop App Assure, nudi usluge kompatibilnosti aplikacija za Windows 10 i Office 365 ProPlus. FastTrack sada nudi i vodiče za konfiguraciju servisa Exchange Online Protection, Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection, šifriranje poruka sustava Office 365 i pravilnika za sprječavanje gubitka podataka. Ti su servisi sada globalno dostupni kvalificiranim korisnicima s više od 150 mjesta bez dodatnog troška. Prijavite se u Microsoft FastTrack i za početak ispunite obrazac zahtjeva za pomoć.

Primajte sigurnosna upozorenja za svoj Microsoftov račun na mobitelu – sada možete primati sigurnosne obavijesti o važnim događajima na osobnom Microsoftovom računu putem aplikacije Microsoft Authenticator. Kad primite proslijeđenu obavijest, možete brzo prikazati aktivnosti na svom računu i poduzeti radnje za njegovu zaštitu ako je to potrebno. Microsoft Authenticator može se koristiti i za dodavanje dvorazinske provjere valjanosti računu radi dodatne sigurnosti. Da biste započeli, preuzmite aplikaciju Microsoft Authenticator i dodajte osobni račun.

Slika dvaju mobitela koja pokazuje promjenu lozinke u aplikaciji Microsoft Authenticator.

Lako upravljanje zadacima i prikupljanje podataka

Nove značajke proširuju mogućnosti radi lakog pristupa svim vašim aplikacijama i datotekama, prikupljanja i pretvaranja podataka i dodavanja konteksta zadacima.

Brzo se bacite na posao pomoću nove aplikacije sustava Office za Windows 10. Nova besplatna aplikacija sustava Office nudi jednostavno okruženje za početak rada sa sustavom Office i njegovo maksimalno iskorištavanje. Svatko tko se prijavi pomoću računa dobivenog na poslu, u školi ili osobnog Microsoftova računa može koristiti to okruženje za brz pristup svim aplikacijama koje su im dostupne i najrelevantnijim datotekama i dokumentima. Tvrtke ili ustanove mogu iskoristiti i mogućnost integracije aplikacija trećih strana, omogućiti korisnicima pretraživanje dokumenata i osoba u cijeloj tvrtki ili ustanovi i prilagodbu okruženja vlastitoj robnoj marki. Aplikacija sustava Office može se preuzeti iz trgovine Microsoft Store, zahtijeva aktualnu verziju sustava Windows 10 i funkcionira s bilo kojom pretplatom na Office 365 te sustavima Office 2019, Office 2016 i Office.

Slika tableta koja pokazuje novu aplikaciju sustava Office za Windows 10.

Dodajte podatke u Excel izravno s fotografije – pomoću aplikacije Excel možete pomoću uređaja s Androidom napraviti fotografiju ispisane tablice s podacima i automatski pretvoriti sliku u tablicu koja se može posve uređivati u aplikaciji Excel. Ta nova funkcija prepoznavanja slika uklanja potrebu za ručnim unosom tiskanih podataka. Ta se mogućnost počinje uvoditi u aplikaciju Excel za Android, a podrška za iOS planira se uskoro.

Slika mobitela s Androidom koji radi fotografiju i prikuplja podatke za Excel sa slike.

Brzo dodajte fotografije i datoteke zadacima u aplikaciji Microsoft To-Do – prilažite datoteke i fotografije da biste zadatke učinili razumljivijim pomoću dodanog konteksta. Ta iznimno tražena značajka sada je dostupna na svim platformama i sinkronizirat će se na svim uređajima, pa nove zadatke s priloženim datotekama možete ponijeti sa sobom.

Slika mobitela na kojem se koristi Microsoft To-Do za zakazivanje vremena pripreme za prezentaciju.

Ostala ažuriranja

  • Nove jednokratne pristupne šifre (OTP) iz komponente Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) olakšavaju zajedničko korištenje i suradnju svakom korisniku s računom.
  • Azure AD sada podržava automatsku dodjelu resursa korisnicima iz komponente Workday, omogućujući tako brzo i učinkovito stvaranje identiteta kako bi zaposlenici mogli pristupati aplikacijama platforme Microsoft 365 i svim drugim važnim resursima od prvog dana.
  • Počevši od ovog mjeseca, aplikacija Teams za računala instalirat će se s ostatkom aplikacija sustava Office 365 ProPlus prilikom svih novih instalacija.
  • Ažuriranja za alat sustava SharePoint za migriranje dodatno pojednostavnjuje prijenos informacija u oblak zahvaljujući unaprjeđenjima kao što su mogućnost migriranja web-dijelova, stranica i navigacija web-mjesta.

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