Duck Run (Windows)
Duck Run (Windows)
5,49 €

Za instalaciju je potrebno odobrenje administratora. Minimalni potrebni OS: Ažuriranje sustava Windows 10 za svibanj 2019.Pogledajte sistemske preduvjete

5,49 €


Join the Daring Duck in 'Duck Run' - A Thrilling Adventure Through Traps and Challenges! Welcome to the world of Duck Run! In "Duck Run," you’ll embark on an exciting adventure with a brave little duck determined to make it through countless obstacles. Your mission is to guide the duck through a series of dangerous traps across 40 action-packed levels, all while keeping track of the time it takes to complete each challenge. Avoid traps and reach the exit! Help the duck navigate through tricky traps and hazards. Jump, dash, and outsmart obstacles to make it to the next level. Timing is key! Each stage offers new challenges and a faster pace, pushing your reflexes and strategy to the limit. Easy-to-learn controls for an intense experience. With simple and intuitive controls, "Duck Run" is easy to pick up but hard to master. Anyone can start playing, but only the sharpest players will survive all 40 levels! Track your progress with the in-game timer. The timer isn’t a race but a way to track how long it takes you to finish each level. Challenge yourself to improve your times as you guide the duck to safety. Can you complete the game in record time? 40 thrilling levels of fast-paced action. Each level in "Duck Run" brings fresh challenges and tougher traps. As you progress, you’ll need to sharpen your skills and react quickly to stay ahead of the danger. It’s a high-stakes adventure you won’t want to miss!

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Afil Games

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© 2024. Developed by Dudeeki Studios. Published by Afil Games. All Rights Reserved.


Dudeeki Studios

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Za starije od 3 godine


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Ne može se instalirati na uređaj sa sustavom Windows 10 u S načinu rada


Instalirajte u sustavu Windows 10 PC i dobijte pristup dok ste povezani s Microsoftovim računom. Za instalaciju je potrebna dozvola administratora

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