

This is my own game, in steam word of mouth is okay, now on the Windows Store! This game is in the university happened, was an ordinary college student, but after the event of this pass class, will be involved in the paranormal events, can not escape. In these paranormal events, you will reveal the hidden secrets of the university. How to play the game 1. The game uses 2D horizontal board design, the game player can move left and right and can not move up and down. The items in the game can be interacted with if there are hints. 2. 2. The plot of the game will change according to the extent of your exploration and the different companions you meet. The game's release format The game will be free of charge for the prologue, and the subsequent chapters will be charged in the form of one-time payment. The game contains a total of 6 chapters of the prologue, and the price will be adjusted according to the length of the chapters

Snimke zaslona

Korisnicima se sviđa i ovo


  • 2D

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Datum izdavanja


Približna veličina

313,39 MB

Prikladnost za određenu dob

Za starije od 12 godina


Akcija i avantura


Dohvatite aplikaciju dok ste prijavljeni na Microsoftov račun i instalirajte je na najviše deset uređaja sa sustavom Windows 10.

Podržani jezik

English (United States)

Informacije o izdavaču

Web-mjesto za GhostCollege

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Uvjeti transakcije

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Prijava da biste igru prijavili Microsoftu
Prijavite ovaj proizvod za nedopušteni sadržaj

Odricanje od pravne odgovornosti

Prodavač je potvrdio da će nuditi samo proizvode ili usluge koje su u skladu sa svim važećim zakonima