Magical Girls vs Cat Aliens (Windows)
Magical Girls vs Cat Aliens (Windows)
5,49 €

Za instalaciju je potrebno odobrenje administratora. Minimalni potrebni OS: Ažuriranje sustava Windows 10 za svibanj 2019.Pogledajte sistemske preduvjete

5,49 €

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The city has been invaded by cat aliens and the only one who can stop them is an ordinary highschool girl! But wait, this girl have a secret. When no one is looking she can transform into a Magical Girl and protect the city! Can the heroine defeat all the enemies in the name of hope and justice and save the city? Magical Girls vs Cat Aliens is a casual run and shoot game where you control a highschool girl fighting against the cat alien invasion. By charging her magical brooch she can transform into a powerful magical girl! Use your wand to shoot magical blasts on the enemies and dash to avoid being hit, because once attack can undo the transformation and you will have to survive on your own, without powers, until you can transform again! Can the magical girl bring the city's public safety to the maximum? Defeat alien cats and collect crystals to increase the public safety and the crystals can also be used to unlock new powerful wands!

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Synnergy Circle Games


Synnergy Circle Games

Datum izdavanja


Prikladnost za određenu dob

Za starije od 3 godine


Akcija i avantura

Aplikacija ima dozvolu za sljedeće

Pristupa vašim datotekama, perifernim uređajima, aplikacijama, programima i registru
Pristup internetskoj vezi
Ne može se instalirati na uređaj sa sustavom Windows 10 u S načinu rada


Instalirajte u sustavu Windows 10 PC i dobijte pristup dok ste povezani s Microsoftovim računom. Za instalaciju je potrebna dozvola administratora

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Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
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Русский (Россия)

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