Say Cheese! (Windows)
Say Cheese! (Windows)
Izvorna cijena iznosila je 5,49 €, a trenutna cijena iznosi 3,84 €
Popust od 30% • Preostalo: 2 dana

Za instalaciju je potrebno odobrenje administratora. Minimalni potrebni OS: Ažuriranje sustava Windows 10 za svibanj 2019.Pogledajte sistemske preduvjete



Say Cheese! is a delightful puzzle adventure where strategic thinking meets fun challenges. Help our mischievous mouse reach the cheese while navigating tricky mazes and collecting trophies! Welcome to the whimsical world of Say Cheese! In a land filled with traps, blocks, and obstacles, only the sharpest minds will guide our hungry hero to the ultimate prize – a mouthwatering piece of cheese! Join the adventure across 40 handcrafted levels, packed with surprises, trophies, and puzzles that will test your wits and patience. Can you help the mouse overcome each challenge? Featuring: 40 handcrafted levels with increasing difficulty. A variety of obstacles to solve and overcome. Collectible trophies scattered throughout the mazes. Charming Sokoban-style mechanics that are easy to learn but hard to master. Hop, push, and think fast in this cheese-filled quest!

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Dodatne informacije


Afil Games

Autorska prava

© 2024. Developed by Dudeeki Studios. Published by Afil Games. All Rights Reserved.


Dudeeki Studios

Datum izdavanja


Prikladnost za određenu dob

Za starije od 3 godine


Puzzle i kvizovi

Aplikacija ima dozvolu za sljedeće

Pristupa vašim datotekama, perifernim uređajima, aplikacijama, programima i registru
Pristup internetskoj vezi
Ne može se instalirati na uređaj sa sustavom Windows 10 u S načinu rada


Instalirajte u sustavu Windows 10 PC i dobijte pristup dok ste povezani s Microsoftovim računom. Za instalaciju je potrebna dozvola administratora

Podržani jezik

English (United States)

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Prijava da biste igru prijavili Microsoftu
Prijavite ovaj proizvod za nedopušteni sadržaj

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