

Terminate Genisys: Evolution is an action FREE 3D game. Commando over military vehicle equipped with heavy turrets and guns killing and shooting the attacking enemies, F16, and helicopters. Attackers needs to be destroyed. They are in favour of war. Jump into enemy base take perfect shots. You are wearing a bullet proof jacket. Do not be afraid. You have been sent to kill the enemies and leave no survivals. Aim fast strike hard complete the mission. The rival will try to escape. Shoot them down. You will see multiple incoming F16 jet fighters and helicopters during game. The enemy commander have sent them to destroy you. You must not be destroyed. Destroy and eliminate the war enemies and survive. Do not let them escape. Complete your duty and end the terror. The game features snowy environment surrounded by mountains and snowfall. Weather is cold. You have come out with your heavy metal turrets and gunners to end this mission. Kill the enemies leave no survivals. End this terror bring peace in he region. Note: PC users can play with MOUSE only. HOW TO PLAY: Use mouse to aim and shoot Use right half screen to aim Use left half screen to shoot

Snimke zaslona

Korisnicima se sviđa i ovo

Novo u ovoj verziji

*** Bugs Fixed *** Memory Optimized


  • Elegant advanced radar
  • Heavy metal turrets and guns
  • Military vehicles, F16, Helicopters
  • Snowy Environment
  • Easy and excellent controls

Dodatne informacije


Uk Arts Games

Autorska prava

UK Arts Games


Uk Arts Games

Datum izdavanja


Približna veličina

17,94 MB

Prikladnost za određenu dob

Za starije od 16 godina



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English (United States)

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