A játék ingyenes próbaverzióval rendelkezik

3 500,00 HUF
3 500,00 HUF


Seize control of your destiny in a grim dystopian world over which the State has absolute authority. Privacy is dead in this forbidding new age but you still have to make a living. As the manager of a government-run apartment building, you must keep your residents comfortable and well-fed while fulfilling the directives of your superiors, who insist on knowing everything that's going on between your dilapidated walls. Set up surveillance equipment, spy on your tenants, and conduct clandestine searches that reveal who your neighbors are and what they're doing. With branching quests that bend to your choices, every decision you make will affect the outcome of the game. Will you secretly help a troubled tenant, or blackmail them for your person gain? Being a slave to your neighbors will bring down the hammer of the government and could cost you and your family dearly, but becoming an iron-fisted dictator could damage your reputation and cost you your job. Can you strike a balance and survive to the end? Featuring beautifully bleak visuals and rich strategic gameplay, Beholder will hold you in its grip until you have mastered its many challenges.



  • Grim dystopian world
  • Total surveillance
  • State control
  • Writing of accusations
  • Multiple endings

További információ


Alawar Entertainment Inc.

Szerzői jogok

© Alawar, 2003–2017. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Megjelenés dátuma

2017. 04. 20.

Hozzávetőleges méret

1,47 GB


12 éves kortól



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Az alkalmazás Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve szerezhető be és telepíthető legfeljebb tíz Windows 10-es eszközre.

Támogatott nyelv

English (United States)

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