

The world war has broken out and the enemy is breaching your territory.This means serious battle! You have to crush them before they approach any closer to your airbase-aircraft carrier so the plan is to go behind the enemy lines and beat them on their own field. Time for you to fight for glory and incinerate these enemies so they never try to cast an evil glance upon your people again. Be the heroic fighter pilot in these tough times of war and combat and destroy your rivals through an aerial strike. Launch a brute and aggressive ground attack mission upon them in your gunner war plane and burn them to the ground. All hopes are pinned on you to defend your people’s honor and pride and save them from enemy invasion in this newest action simulation F16 jet Fighter rivals assault . All eyes are on you so get ready for the ultimate skywars in this F16 jet fighter jet game. Your F16 jet fighter plane is the most advanced and sophisticated military war craft combat air force plane with no match in supersonic speed and maneuverability and it’s equipped with assault gunner machines , missile and powerful weapons for your mission. Fly high in the sky like a professional and rain down destruction upon your enemies with your amazing gun strike shoots in this action adventure air fight attack game. F-16 Air Attack is an amazing airplane flight simulator game. Witness the amazing controls with extraordinary HD Graphics and 3D Environments in the game. In this game you are armed with powerful weapons to shoot the enemy bases to destroy them. Your target is to destroy almost 20 buildings to complete the mission. KEY FEATURE - Spectacular views, graphics and 3D special sound and visual effects - Bomb fire - Missile firing - Offline mode to play without an internet connection GAME PLAY Use up down arrow to move up and down and left and right arrow to move left and right keyboard button "F" used for fire missile and space for fire bomb



  • - Spectacular views, graphics and 3D special sound and visual effects - Bomb fire - Missile firing -
  • Offline mode to play without an internet connection

További információ


Game Canvas

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Game Canvas

Megjelenés dátuma

2015. 10. 08.

Hozzávetőleges méret

28,1 MB


12 éves kortól


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English (United States)

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