3 500,00 HUF
3 500,00 HUF


LaCantina is an app that uses your computer's bluetooth hardware and connects simultaneously to the Star Wars Droid toys, making them interact with the environment and with each other. For more detailed and disclaimer information, please visit https://titanets.com/lacantina Depot Edition connects with the following Droid Depot Units: * R-Series * C-Series * BB-Series * BD-Series * D-O The app is a DOS game with no more graphics than ascii characters that simulate a bar with sounds, effects and music. Your toys will react differently to various situations, environments, and rooms. LaCantina is distributed in 5 different floors: * The Basement Chamber where you can win credits answering trivia questions. * The Secret Stakes room where you can play Blackjack with your Units. They will be making jokes and eventually revealing secrets about the game and features. * The Lobby distributed as following: - A reception area divided in two places (Talking Area & Processing Area). - Two celebration holiday rooms (Christmas & Halloween). - Two different stores where you can acquire memberships to specific rooms. - A bartender saloon where you can order drinks for your Units. * The Art Gallery where you can enjoy ancient art made with ascii characters. * The Starlight Theater where you can enjoy a movie with the company of your units. You have goals you need to achieve as well as rewards. Enjoy and good luck! IMPORTANT: This edition will receive updates related with Droid Depot devices only.


A vásárlók további kedvencei

A verzió újdonságai

- Bug fixes.


  • Bring your Droid Depot Units to life.

További információ





Megjelenés dátuma

2023. 09. 11.

Hozzávetőleges méret

174,12 MB


3 éves kortól

Az alkalmazás ezeket a műveleteket végezheti el:

Hozzáfér az összes fájlhoz, perifériás eszközhöz, alkalmazáshoz, programhoz és a beállításjegyzékhez
Kommunikáció a már párosított Bluetooth-eszközökkel
Hozzáférés az internetkapcsolathoz


Az alkalmazás Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve szerezhető be és telepíthető legfeljebb tíz Windows 10-es eszközre.

Támogatott nyelv

English (United States)

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