Ehhez az alkalmazáshoz a Microsoft Edge legújabb verziójára van szükség.


Music Quiz AI: The Ultimate Gaming Experience for Music Lovers Unleash your inner music enthusiast with Music Quiz AI, an innovative game that combines the thrill of gaming and a passion for music in an exhilarating way. Crafted for both casual gamers and music aficionados, this game is bound to keep you hooked. Music Quiz AI offers a unique twist to your regular music trivia games by challenging you to guess songs across various genres and eras, using fascinating AI-generated artwork inspired by the song, AI-generated hints, and creative emoji sequences close to the song lyrics. The gameplay is dynamic and exciting, sure to ignite your competitive spirit and love for music in equal measures. Here are some of the exciting features that make Music Quiz AI a must-play: Daily Challenges: Fresh set of challenges greet you every day. Keep up with new content, accumulate points, and ascend on the global leaderboard! AI-Driven Gameplay: Our game is powered by cutting-edge artificial intelligence that generates song-related clues, abstract art and emojis making each round intriguing and unpredictable. Adaptive Difficulty: No two players are the same, and neither are two games. The AI-adapts to your skill level, making the game increasingly challenging as you get better. Competitive Leaderboards: Prove your mettle by rising up the ranks on our global leaderboard. Showcase your prowess and become the envy of your friends! Interactive Achievements: Unlock a range of achievements as you progress in the game. From lightning-fast guesses to scoring the highest points, each achievement increases the fun quotient and gives you unique bragging rights. Community Interaction: Be a part of a lively community of music lovers. Challenge your friends, compare scores, and share your love for music and gaming. Music Quiz AI is more than just a game; it's a thrilling journey through the world of music. Whether you're a hardcore gamer, a music trivia expert, or someone looking for an exciting way to pass the time, Music Quiz AI has something in store for you. Let the games begin!



  • Unique AI-Powered Gameplay
  • Dynamic Difficulty Scaling
  • Daily Challenges
  • Interactive Achievements
  • Competitive Leaderboards
  • Engaging Community

További információ


Bit Expert

Megjelenés dátuma

2023. 06. 07.

Hozzávetőleges méret

1,35 MB


3 éves kortól

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Az alkalmazás Microsoft-fiókkal bejelentkezve szerezhető be és telepíthető legfeljebb tíz Windows 10-es eszközre.

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