

*[ The application needs to rely on Microsoft .NET (.net7.0/ .net8.0) to run ] *[ Java runtime is required to launch Minecraft ] Fluent Launcher - Minecraft launcher customized for Windows 11 Striving for the best launcher experience in Windows 11


A verzió újdonságai

## September Update ### Functional Update + Supports canceling the game launch task #207 + Supports canceling the download task and game installation task #234 ### Bug Fixes + Fixed the error caused by the non-existence of the Saves folder #276 + Fixed the error of multiple navigation pages #267 + Fixed the problem that the process could not be forced to exit after launching the game with some special Java + Fixed the problem that the version was not backward compatible when Java was automatically selected + Fixed some crash problems ### Appearance Modification + Added narrow margin mode, which automatically applies narrow margins when the window width is small + Added sliding animations for some pages + Redrawn the progress report and status UI of the launch task, download task, and installation task ### Technical Update + FluentCore game dependency parsing, game body parsing, and startup parameter generation code are all refactored @gaviny82 + The game launch process and game installation process are all asynchronous @gaviny82 @natsurainko + Setting service refactoring, using C# New Features @gaviny82 ### Function Adjustment + The core nickname function is temporarily unavailable


  • Provides convenient management and startup of Minecraft, file completion, etc.
  • Supports launching the all version of Minecraft
  • Support Microsoft login, offline login
  • Support for downloading mods from CurseForge
  • Supports automatic installation of third-party loaders such as Fabric, Forge, and OptiFine

További információ


Xcube Studio

Szerzői jogok

Copyright © Xcube Studio 2022-2024


natsurianko & gaviny82

Megjelenés dátuma

2022. 08. 29.

Hozzávetőleges méret

92 MB


3 éves kortól



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