IngyenesAlkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál
+ Alkalmazáson belüli vásárlást kínál


"An online version of a classic, complete with massive sieges and politics" - GamesRadar "Stronghold Kingdoms is probably one of my favourite MMORTS titles" - Engadget "A rich massively multiplayer strategy game" - GameWatcher Stronghold Kingdoms is a massively multiplayer grand strategy game and the first ever online Stronghold! Kingdoms is about forging alliances, political mind games, city-building and castle sieges with thousands of other players. Cast as a feudal lord or lady, players begin with a single village and keep. They must design and defend their castle before turning their eye to the rest of the country, Europe and the world! Whatever path they choose players will find strength in numbers as they band together, uniting with local Factions and player-led Houses. Besiege the castle that’s never been taken, overthrow ruthless tyrants, bankroll your faction’s war efforts, pillage your neighbor’s resources, peacefully raise cattle or do it all! Factions, elections, liege lords and their vassals come together to form a feudal community of real players with whom to discuss strategies and build allegiances. While an impregnable castle should be at the heart of any kingdom, you can also specialize with a vast research tree. Starting as a humble peasant each promotion provides valuable research points to spend on trading, diplomacy, warfare, farming or religion. Beware as your power grows so does your responsibility. Your vassals will look to you for leadership and you may find yourself fighting for the crown itself!



  • 🏰 BUILD Your Stronghold – Crush the invading hordes with impenetrable castle defenses.
  • ⚔️ BESIEGE Rival Lords – Engage in political mind games or lay siege to sworn enemies.
  • ️🏹 RESEARCH New Technology – Are you a farmer, trader, diplomat or warlord? You decide!
  • ⚜️ LEAD Your House – Join a faction, attack its enemies and rule over entire countries.
  • 🌍 PLAY Anywhere – Wage war with thousands of other Lords playing together on PC and mobile.

További információ


Firefly Studios

Szerzői jogok

© 2018 FIREFLY HOLDINGS LIMITED. All rights reserved.


Firefly Studios

Megjelenés dátuma

2018. 03. 27.

Hozzávetőleges méret

607,83 MB


7 éves kortól



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Italiano (Italia)
Polski (Polska)
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Русский (Россия)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Türkçe (Türkiye)

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