A játék ingyenes próbaverzióval rendelkezik

3 500,00 HUF
3 500,00 HUF


A good magician never gives away his secrets! Magicians often take staggering risks while on stage just to capture the undivided attention and admiration of their audiences. In fact, if a magician dies during a performance, it gets more media coverage than if one of them achieves worldwide fame! So when the press announces the deaths of two prominent figures in the world of magic in the space of a week, the voice in your head starts telling you this is not an accident. If it weren't so tragic, the circumstances of the victims' deaths would be almost comical – Neptune drowned, and Golden Dragon's armor was pierced by his own arrow. But whatever is the case - It is up to you to find out what really happened. This Collector's Edition includes: Dynamic Duo! Play as the renowned twin detectives, each with unique skills that complement the other. Leverage their distinct abilities to solve complex puzzles, find hidden objects and crack the criminal case! Investigate Mysterious Deaths! Investigate the bizarre and tragic deaths of magicians Neptune, who drowned on stage, and Golden Dragon, whose armor was pierced by his own arrow. Uncover the truth behind these seemingly accidental deaths! Intricate Puzzles! Engage in a variety of challenging puzzles and mini-games that will test your logic and problem-solving skills. Each completed puzzle brings you closer to uncovering the truth! Collectible Items! Explore detailed environments from opulent dressing rooms to hidden backstage areas, and gather clues that will aid your investigation. Keep an eye out for numerous collectible items scattered throughout the game. Collecting these items can provide deeper insights into the world of magic and show business!


A vásárlók további kedvencei

További információ


Do Games Limited

Szerzői jogok

© 2024 Do Games Limited, Ltd


Do Games Limited

Megjelenés dátuma

2024. 09. 03.

Hozzávetőleges méret

1,36 GB


3 éves kortól


Akció és kaland


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Támogatott nyelv

English (United States)

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