GratisMenawarkan pembelian dalam aplikasi
+ Menawarkan pembelian dalam aplikasi


Plunge into the magical world of Sleeping Beauty's dreams! We all know that she had been sleeping for years and was awakened by the kiss of true love. But have you ever wondered what she was dreaming about all this time? Embark on a journey across Princess Aurora's dreams! Explore colorful sceneries as if taken from masterpieces in an art gallery. Collect the pieces of Sleeping Beauty's memories and discover the most hidden secrets. Colorful scenery, animation, and 3D visual effects will make your adventure vivid and fun. Those with a competitive streak can collect bonuses for speed and repeat the quest with new puzzles. The game is TRULY FREE, the whole adventure is open to you without any additional purchases - it's entirely up to you to buy optional tools. Game features: - Diverse locations: experience regular landscapes alongside 360-degree panoramas and 3D views! - Complete tasks and get chests containing reward awaiting you in each of them! - Bonus content for the most attentive searchers! - Use free hints! - Fabulous atmosphere of classical history, and magical music!

Tangkapan layar


  • Diverse locations: experience regular landscapes alongside 360-degree panoramas and 3D views!
  • Complete tasks and get chests containing reward awaiting you in each of them!
  • Bonus content for the most attentive searchers!
  • Fabulous atmosphere of classical history, and magical music!

Informasi tambahan

Diterbitkan oleh

CrispApp Studio

Hak cipta

2021 CrispApp Studio

Dikembangkan oleh

Crisp App Studio

Tanggal rilis


Perkiraan ukuran

577,52 MB

Peringkat umur

Untuk 3 tahun ke atas

Aplikasi ini dapat

Akses koneksi internet Anda


Dapatkan perangkat ini ketika masuk ke akun Microsoft Anda dan instal di lebih dari 10 perangkat Windows 10.

Bahasa yang didukung

English (United States)
Čeština (Česko)
Dansk (Danmark)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Français (France)
Magyar (Magyarország)
Italiano (Italia)
日本語 (日本)
Nederlands (Nederland)
Polski (Polska)
Português (Brasil)
Română (România)
Русский (Россия)
ไทย (ไทย)
Українська (Україна)

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