{"id":10725,"date":"2019-08-20T16:19:05","date_gmt":"2019-08-20T23:19:05","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/insidetrack\/blog\/?p=10725"},"modified":"2023-06-15T13:47:07","modified_gmt":"2023-06-15T20:47:07","slug":"microsoft-dynamics-365-and-ai-automate-complex-business-processes-and-transactions","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.microsoft.com\/insidetrack\/blog\/microsoft-dynamics-365-and-ai-automate-complex-business-processes-and-transactions\/","title":{"rendered":"Microsoft Dynamics 365 and AI automate complex business processes and transactions"},"content":{"rendered":"

This content has been archived, and while it was correct at time of publication, it may no longer be accurate or reflect the current situation at Microsoft.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Dynamics 365 and AI are at the center of Microsoft\u2019s complex business contracts and transactions worldwide. They automate business processes and accommodate customized workflow management for all their globally distributed business units. Moving Microsoft contracts and transactions through a structured process helps them coordinate people and work efficiently.<\/p>\n

At Microsoft Digital, we\u2019re using Microsoft Dynamics 365 to manage and automate our complex business processes and workflows. We track thousands of messages, orders, agreements, and amendments each day and we require a robust management system to efficiently process and manage our contract and transaction landscape. Therefore, Microsoft Digital developed COSMIC, or Customer Obsessed Solution Management and Incident Care, which is a contract and transaction-case management solution built on Microsoft Dynamics 365 with Microsoft Cognitive Services and Microsoft Bot Framework. COSMIC streamlines the tasks required to complete a transaction and call a case with a structured, system-guided workflow. It provides a clear end-to-end view of case progress and helps Microsoft track vendor performance and manage outsourced operations more efficiently.<\/p>\n

Understanding the transaction landscape at Microsoft<\/h2>\n

The 100,000-person Microsoft partner and customer network generates more than $100 billion of revenue each year. Contract and transaction-case management and administration spans 13 internal business units, such as Channel\u00a0Incentives, Microsoft\u00a0Business\u00a0Services, Volume Licensing, and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), as Figure 1 depicts.<\/p>\n

Microsoft largely outsources contract operations to vendors in multiple Regional Operations Centers (ROCs) worldwide, as the following data points illustrate, including that ROCs:<\/p>\n