

Blitzkrieg is a shooting game in which you face tough enemies. You have the ability to shoot enemies, but they cannot shoot you. In the game there are 5 levels. To pass a level, you must kill enough enemies without them being able to reach you. When an enemy hits you, then you have lost, you must restart the game. You will be considered the grand champion when you have completed all the levels.


Informazioni aggiuntive

Pubblicato da

Mohamed Chérif Haidara

Sviluppato da

Mohamed Chérif Haidara

Data di uscita


Dimensioni approssimative

800,62 MB

Fascia d'età

Contenuto rivolto a persone di almeno 7 anni



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Lingua supportata

English (United States)
English (United Kingdom)

Informazioni editore

Supporto per Blitzkrieg.

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