Бөлек сатылмайды


Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare delivers three unique game modes: Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies. Campaign is a return to the gritty, military roots of the franchise, while boldly looking ahead, delivering a rich and engaging narrative. Players play as Captain Reyes, a pilot turned Commander, who must lead the remaining coalition forces against a relentless enemy, while trying to overcome the deadly, extreme environments of space. Multiplayer combines a fluid momentum based movement system, player focused map design, deep customization, and a brand new combat system to create an intense gameplay experience where every second counts. Zombies brings a fun, fresh take to Call of Duty zombies. Zombies in Spaceland will transport players back in time to a 1980’s amusement park complete with rides, an arcade, and a functioning rollercoaster. Embrace previously beloved aspects of the mode like easter eggs, power ups, and novel weapons while experiencing innovations like brand-new team mechanics, the After Life Arcade, and Fate and Fortune Cards. Supports Xbox Live features including earning achievements and sharing game clips. Challenge your friends online on Windows 10 for Windows Store. © 2016 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, and CALL OF DUTY INFINITE WARFARE are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc.


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Қосымша ақпарат


Activision Publishing Inc.

Болжалды өлшемі

124,35 Гбайт

Жас бойынша бағалау

18 және одан жоғары жастағыларға

Бұл бағдарламаның мүмкіндігі

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Кодты динамикалық түрде жасаңыз

Ішкі сатып алулар

Баға ауқымы: Тегін және 33 500,00 ₸ аралығында


Windows 10 компьютеріне орнатыңыз және оған Microsoft тіркелгісіне қосулы болған кезде қатынасыңыз

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