+ Ішкі сатып алу ұсыныстары


● Country Management Game: Planet Fights is an MMO social game, where we join a giant world simulator. There are hundreds of US citizens cooperating together and fighting against other countries. Okay, the world may not be mirrored at all. The force balance may look different than in the real world. ● Strategy Game: Planet Fights is a gigantic online sandbox, in which USA can be conquered by Russia and Russia can be conquered by the USA... unless the USA elects a smart President and good politicians. Countries also have their own space colony territory where other citizens from around the world create and manage their own colonies which brings them more profit and let them earn special items that help in the game. ● Economy Game: The economy is in citizens' hands - you can buy or sell your products on market. Planet Fights is a massive trade game in real-time, you can make money transactions, put your products on the market, help upgrade the capital city by donating resources or help with money your other fellow citizens. ● Online Politics Game: Planet Fights is a gigantic geopolitical game. The government can earn money from all the fights happening around the world, and you can trade money on the market with thousands of citizens who are already online. If you want you can even become the President and lead other citizens, establish your own properties empire, or maybe grow your space colony in your country space territory and find the perfect balance between military, economy or political career. ● War Game: Countries are part of huge global alliances that fight for world domination. While part of your alliance have your say over which fight to take part on, you can choose between Agent Fights, Battlefields, Space Colonies or Races. Each alliance is formed by countries that decide which alliance should be part of and fights happen between rival alliances. The exception is for space colonies, since space is an unforgivable place, fights happen no matter what alliance or country territory you are in. Only time will tell if you and your alliance could dominate the world in Planet Fights. ● Gameplay key features: ☆ Country management game ☆ War game ☆ Country theme ☆ Country war simulator ☆ Conquering territories ☆ Multiplayer ☆ President simulator ☆ Online and real-time strategy ☆ World simulation ☆ War sandbox game ☆ Space colonies strategy ☆ Races simulator ☆ World alliances game ☆ Economy simulator


Адамдарға әрі ұнайды


  • Country Management Game
  • Strategy Game
  • Economy Game
  • Online Politics Game
  • War Game
  • Country War Simulator
  • Conqueri Territories
  • Online Multiplayer
  • World Simulation
  • Space Colonies Strategy
  • World Alliances
  • Economy Simulator
  • President Simulator
  • Online and Real-Time Strategy
  • Manage Your Resources
  • Online Sandbox
  • Citizens Game
  • Market & Trade Game
  • Geopolitical Game
  • Government Game

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English (United States)

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Planet Fights веб-торабы
Planet Fights қолдауы

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Кіру арқылы осы ойын туралы Microsoft компаниясына хабарлаңыз
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