

"Sometimes you can fail in an experiment. But if you fail, you still don't stop observing that thing, looking for a better way." ~ William Kamkwamba In Akirao, you step into the shoes of a disoriented researcher who awakens on a mysterious train with no memory of how he got there. Your head throbs, and a sense of unease grips you as you struggle to piece together the events that led you to this unsettling place. Dive into the depths of mystery as you navigate through the eerie experiments conducted on you. Can you complete your missions, uncover the truth, and find your way to freedom? Warning: This game contains intense sequences of flashing lights, unsettling sounds, and psychological stress. It may not be suitable for players with epilepsy, anxiety disorders, or other conditions sensitive to these elements. Player discretion is advised. Note: The settings function is not yet fully implemented, so it is currently unclickable. Note: You may be prompted to install UE Prerequisites to continue the installation. If prompted, follow the instructions to install these prerequisites. Game Controls - Movement: Use the W, A, S, D keys to move your character. Flashlight: Press the F key to toggle the flashlight on and off. Mission Display: Press the M key to view the mission display. Pause Menu: Press the P key to open the pause menu. Minimum Hardware Requirements - Operating System: Windows 10/11 - Processor (CPU): Intel Core™ i5-11400F or better - Memory (RAM): 8GB of system memory - Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti or better - Storage: At least 2GB of available space Enjoy playing Akirao!



  • Immersive Atmosphere: Deeply atmospheric environments with eerie soundscapes and dynamic lighting.
  • Detailed Environments: Highly detailed and interactive environments that encourage exploration and discovery.
  • Visual Storytelling: Use of visual cues and environmental details to convey the story and build the world.
  • Atmospheric Sound Design: Haunting soundtracks and ambient sounds that enhance the sense of immersion and tension.
  • Psychological Horror: Emphasis on psychological horror, creating a sense of dread and unease rather than relying solely on jump scares.
  • Engaging Missions: Varied and challenging missions that drive the narrative forward and keep players on edge.

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