

Bingo Caller App Host and Play Bingo in the same convenient app, Host and Play bingo will revolutionize how you host and play bingo games. For the Host - Inbuilt Random Number Generator, Bingo Machine, Bingo Caller (Turn on or off, if you want to call the bingo yourself) Both UK and US Versions, UK version is 90 Number bingo which gives players the appropriate ticketsx4 for this game, while US bingo is 75 numbers and the player receives a 5x5 gridx2. Host 4-step entry, Authentication, UK/US Game, Do you want the Bingo Caller (Yes/No) and simply click next and the app will do the work for you. Host gives players a gameID to log into their game, players tickets are automatic based upon the selections the host makes, Players have a 2-step entry, authentication, gameID and that's it, they are in your game, players touch their screen, to mark tickets, and when they shout BINGO, check their cards against your Bingo Called, numbers to validate the win. If you want to "print tickets" for a traditional game play, we've built the page for that https://hostagameshow.com/bingo-card-generator THATS IT. Simple, easy, fun.


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Hashtag HQ Limited





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