무료앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공
+ 앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공


Balloon Bomber is a very interesting game. Both sides can step on each other's balloons to drop each other. You can also use a large number of weapons and props to attack opponents. Can also be used to blow up obstacles. You can definitely have fun with it. There is also a strategy to let the enemy hit their own people. It's still a smart game. It is now possible to carry rocks or other objects so that you can jump to higher obstacles. You need to use your wits to challenge various tough challenges. Warriors, explore the games we designed for you. Some of our good friends are locked in the underground castle. You need to use the weapons in your hand, including knives, swords, bows and arrows, cannons, and bombs, to destroy the enemy and save our little friends, including our little pigs and little tigers. On the way, you will also collect various items, including gold coins, keys, treasures, gems, etc., to open various organs. You need to pass many levels, go through various tests, and encounter various enemies, including monkey monsters, and other monsters to start an interesting adventure game. More characters, fire dragons, alligator in water, elephant pets, and more organs will be added in the future. Including magma, water flow, etc. You can also use bombs for blasting, which can be used to mine, find treasures, or rescue trapped partners. If you have some interesting ideas, you can also leave a message to let us know. Stay tuned


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이 버전의 새로운 기능

New Release


  • Balloon Bomber is a very interesting game. Both sides can step on each other's balloons to drop each other. You can also use a large number of weapons and props to attack opponents.

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