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The classic card game Cribbage also known as Crib, Cribble, and Noddy. A card game traditionally for two players, that involves playing and grouping cards in combinations which gain points. Cribbage has several distinctive features: the cribbage board used for score keeping, the crib, box, or kitty, a separate hand counting for the dealer, two distinct scoring stages (the play and the show), aces low, and a unique scoring system including points for groups of cards that total fifteen (15). This Cribbage mobile app lets you play the classic card game Cribage anywhere without needing your wooden Cribbage pegging board. You can play online or even offline. The playing cards are large so Grandpa will have no trouble playing his favorite board game. All the scoring is automatic using the built-in calculator including a breakdown of the point details, so no need for Muggins or Shotgun Cribbage. Are you ready to skunk your family in one of the most popular card games created in the 17th century? The rules of Cribbage are built in making it easy to learn how to play Cribbage / Cribble. This app track all your statistic including your hand, crib, pegging average, max, and life time point totals. Never get board with the plethora of achievements to master the perfect hand with a flush, pairs, three of a kind, 15, and super combos. Play at any difficultly: Easy, Medium, Hard, or Crazy Ninja. This multiplayer game classically plays 2 players in a head to head battle like Speed, Nertz, Canasta, Pinochle, Solitaire Showdown, Backgammon, and Gin Rummy, but only Cribbage is played with a cribbage pegboard.



  • Cribbage Card Game
  • Cribbage pegging board
  • Large cards
  • Auto Scoring
  • Achievements
  • Online multiplayer

추가 정보


Jimmy Dickinson


Copyright © 2018, JD Software LLC


JD Software LLC



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