무료앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공
+ 앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공


Hey kids, parents, and educators! Let’s learn to play the soprano recorder without noisy and crazy music notes that would even make any octopus deaf! With the Flute Master App, YOU will see the first successful played notes in minutes, unless you are under 5+ years old! After learning the first music note on your instrument, you will start a super fun adventure helping a little dragon protect his tower of strawberries from greedy bats. Learn step-by-step by following the amusing story in the World of Music, and the app will detect in real-time if you are playing the right notes. Play along with 30 awesome-sounding tacks, learn the common music notes on your recorder, and impress your family and friends with your new music skills, showing that a soprano recorder can sound great! You don’t need to hang in front of your screen for hours! We recommend playing with the worldwide awarded app for 10-15 minutes weekly. Also, share your outcomes with your music teacher and let him know that he can also use them in the classroom! What is so cool about Flute Master? ♩ You will start to play the soprano recorder right away! Fun! ♩ As you need to help our little dragon you will stay motivated ♩ Learn at your own pace, track your progress, and collect medals ♩ After 15 minutes, impress your parents with what you have learned ♩ You will have access to all possible fingerings, showing you all notes on the soprano recorder ♩ Learn at home or anywhere you want! You only need your instrument and your device ♩ You can play together with your friends and parents ♩ Have fun making high scores in a beautiful environment with interactive gameplay ♩ Resulting App of the worldwide recognized music program for children. ♩ Get real-time feedback and feel good while playing ♩ The music list follows a learning path designed by awarded educators. ♩ The app supports German and Baroque fingerings. ♩ Maybe your music teacher is using it already in the classroom Become the next soprano recorder superstar! ♩ Learn and master your recorder & music skills ♩ Play the soprano recorder like your favorite games ♩ The app listens to you playing, giving you hints ♩ Earn stars, unlock more songs, and learn easily ♩ Learn to read music with the colorful sheet music ♩ Play along with sheet music and awesome-sounding tracks ♩ Encourage and improve yourself with the scoring system ♩ Kids proofed content What do you get with the subscription? ♩ Unlock all available songs! Unlimited fun playing the soprano recorder. ♩ Fair and transparent pricing to support our passion – Onetime Purchase! ♩ Test for FREE! Only if it matches your parent's expectations consider purchasing it. ♩ Prices can be different from country to country. Please write us if you feel that our pricing is not fair. ♩ Attention Music Teachers: Get the best conditions for you and your school. Feel free to get in contact with us! About us We are an enthusiastic young team passionately creating meaningful music apps and games for kids, children, and music teachers. Our dream is to introduce kids to music, reading, and performing an instrument, game-based, in a fun way, together with the use of elementary music educators worldwide. All our awarded educational apps are part of the app suite called "World of Music Apps" The innovative educational approach brought Classplash worldwide recognition at Microsoft Educational Forums. Our other World of Music Apps: 𝄞 Harmony City 𝄞 Rhythmic Village 𝄞 Cornelius Composer Do you have any suggestions? Do you want to share some passion? We are happy to find your e-mail! support@classplash.com Now, are you ready to become the next soprano recorder superstar? Let’s install the app! May Classplash be with you! Hug from The Magic Flute Castle, The founder


피플 추천

이 버전의 새로운 기능

Dear Flute Master friends, we improved the App Store presentation to get more soprano recorder fans excited about our musical adventures.


  • Game-based learning to introduce you to the soprano recorder
  • Fast results - Practise only 10min a week | Less screentime for kids!
  • Real-time sound detection of the instrument, using your microphone
  • 30 original music tracks (+ extra albums) composed with a background in music education
  • Innovative learning system for recorder fingering and sheet music reading
  • Sheet music play along for each track
  • Support for German and Baroque recorders
  • A scoring system that encourages self-improvement
  • Notes associated with colors for easier sight-reading
  • Ready for classroom use. Used in classrooms worldwide
  • Part of the World of Music series - Check out the "World of Music Launcher"

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English (United States)

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